Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 920 The Regret of the Immortal King

Because he found that the girl seemed to be full of curiosity about everything and especially liked the excitement. She probably kept herself at home and seldom came out to see the world.

Ji Wufeng didn't understand why he paid special attention to this girl. He seemed to care about her feelings very much and felt an inexplicable love in his heart.

After ordering, Ji Wufeng finally asked a very important question: "Sister, you haven't told me your name yet?"

Chen Tienan and the beautiful store manager both had dirty looks on their faces. They were so affectionate and said she was their sister. After doing this for a long time, they didn't even know her name.

"My name is Gu Mingyue." The girl said her name with a smile.

Gu Mingyue is such a nice name. It matches the fresh and refined girl very well, just like the bright moon in the sky! ??

Bright moon?

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but trembled in his heart. He remembered that when the two met for the first time, the beautiful girl's big eyes twinkled and she said with admiration: "Are you the Hunyuan Immortal King? My name is Mingyue!"

At this time, Ji Wufeng finally understood why he fell in love with Gu Mingyue so much. It was because Gu Mingyue made him feel so much like Mingyue.

Ji Wufeng looked sad for a while, with a hint of bitterness on his face, and shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Mingyue asked.

"It's okay." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

At the beginning, he was the enemy of everyone in the world, and everyone wanted to kill him, but Mingyue never left him, and even blocked a blow for him in the end and died in his arms.

This is his lifelong regret!

He swore that if there was an afterlife, he would never let such a regret happen.

But is there really a past life and an afterlife?

Ji Wufeng believed that there was, otherwise how could he go back to a thousand years ago?

Ancient Mingyue may be the past and present life of Mingyue.

After thousands of years of life, the two met again, but Ji Wufeng would never let that scene happen again.

At this moment, a tall figure walked over and said: "Mingyue."

Gu Mingyue turned around to look at the person and shouted: "Brother."

Gu Tianyang glanced at Ji Wufeng, then touched Gu Mingyue's head and said, "Where did you go? It turns out you came here to eat and drink."

"That's not true. Just now, this heroine helped the strong and supported the weak. These people are all my good friends. Let me introduce them to you."

Gu Mingyue pointed at Ji Wufeng and others and said that although she had just met them, she felt very happy getting along with these people.

But when she was about to introduce Ji Wufeng, she found that a cold and violent aura suddenly erupted from Ji Wufeng's body, and his eyes turned red, which made people feel terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

The teacups on the table seemed unable to withstand the pressure from Ji Wufeng and actually burst open.

"Gu Tianyang, are you here to die?" Ji Wufeng stared at Gu Tianyang and asked.

Chen Tienan's expression changed, he hugged Luo Luo hurriedly, and then pulled the beautiful store manager aside. She knew that Ji Wufeng was really angry.

Yes, Ji Wufeng was indeed very angry at this time, and this anger was boundless.

He owes Mingyue so much. The appearance of Gu Mingyue may allow him to make up for his regrets. This is God's gift to him!

However, Gu Mingyue turned out to be Gu Tianyang's sister!

"Brother Ji, I don't understand what you mean." Gu Tianyang said with a look on his face

Said innocently.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Gu Mingyue looked angry and felt very strange when she saw that Ji Wufeng was so hostile to Gu Tianyang, but in the end she still chose to side with Gu Tianyang.

What's more, in the Gu family, only Gu Tianyang truly loved her. In her mind, Gu Tianyang's status was irreplaceable, and she would not allow anyone to be hostile to him.

"Haha, it's nothing. It seems that your friend doesn't like me very much. Mingyue, it's time for us to leave." Gu Tianyang said with a faint smile.

Feeling Ji Wufeng's anger, his purpose of coming to Yuzhou had been achieved.

Gu Mingyue stood up and followed Gu Tianyang to the door, but she couldn't help but look back at Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng made her feel very friendly, but unfortunately, Ji Wufeng seemed to have a problem with his brother. In her heart, Gu Tianyang was the most important, and she would never become friends with someone who was hostile to her brother.

After leaving Yuehai Restaurant and sitting in the car, Gu Mingyue couldn't help but ask: "Brother, do you know Ji Wufeng?"

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "We know each other. We are old friends. We had some misunderstandings before."

"Oh, there's just some misunderstanding?"

When Gu Mingyue heard this, he felt relieved and his eyes lit up. Since it was just a misunderstanding, could this misunderstanding be solved and everyone turn enemies into friends?

But just when she was trying to figure out the misunderstanding between them and find a way to resolve it, the car stopped, and Ji Wufeng stood in front with a cold aura all over his body.

"Ji Wufeng, what are you doing? I don't know what happened between you, but since it's just a misunderstanding, can't we just clear it up?"

When Gu Mingyue saw that Ji Wufeng was chasing him again, he hurriedly

Get out of the car and persuade.


Ji Wufeng took a deep look at Gu Mingyue, with a hint of desolation and a hint of love in his eyes.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared in front of Gu Mingyue, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Gu Tianyang.

A violent aura rose into the sky, and an unrivaled fist struck Gu Tianyang fiercely.

A smile appeared on Gu Tianyang's lips, his body rose up from the ground, and he met him with the same domineering fist.


The fists collided together, and Gu Tianyang flew backwards, hitting the car behind him, directly knocking the car out of a human-shaped dent, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"elder brother!"

Seeing that Gu Tianyang was injured, Gu Mingyue panicked and rushed over.

However, Ji Wufeng's mood became even more violent. He roared and rushed over again.

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming again, Gu Tianyang's expression changed drastically and he said: "Mingyue, be careful, it's dangerous, get out of the way!"

Gu Mingyue turned around and saw Ji Wufeng coming again, and quickly stood in front of Gu Tianyang.

Seeing Gu Mingyue standing in front of Gu Tianyang, Ji Wufeng, who had already rushed over, had no choice but to give up his attack and looked at Gu Mingyue with a painful look on his face.


However, he didn't expect that Gu Mingyue suddenly punched Ji Wufeng in the chest.

Ji Wufeng stumbled and took several steps back before he regained his balance. With Gu Mingyue's strength, it would be impossible for him to take a step back even if it were a hundred times stronger, but Gu Mingyue's punch seemed to hit his most vulnerable place. Make him irresistible.

"Don't come here again. If you hurt my brother again, I will kill you!" Gu Mingyue said angrily.

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