She had no intention of hurting Ji Wufeng, but she would never allow Ji Wufeng to hurt Gu Tianyang.


Ji Wufeng spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face became as pale as a piece of white paper, and his eyes were full of pain when he looked at Gu Mingyue.


Ji Wufeng suddenly burst out laughing, but the laughter was full of grief, anger, despair, and helplessness... It seemed like it was hurting to the bone!

After returning from rebirth, he changed his own destiny and the destiny of his family, but he still had regrets that he could never let go of.

And this regret is Mingyue!

The whole world is full of enemies, but only Mingyue is by his side. His life hangs on a thread, and Mingyue blocks the fatal blow for him!

However, from beginning to end, Ji Wufeng never gave her anything, never gave her any promise!

Ji Wufeng owed her this!

Ji Wufeng wanted to return the favor. Gu Mingyue's appearance made him think that he finally had a chance to make up for his lifelong regrets, but he never thought that Gu Mingyue would be Gu Tianyang's sister, so he was angry.

For Gu Mingyue, he was willing to give everything he had, but he was fighting to the death with Gu Tianyang.

He and Gu Mingyue have an insurmountable gap!

Because in the same way, if Gu Mingyue wanted to hurt his family, he would not forgive her either!


Ji Wufeng's eyes made Gu Mingyue's heart tremble violently. When she saw Ji Wufeng's painful expression, she actually felt a heartbreaking pain.

Why is this happening?

Ji Wufeng suddenly smiled at Gu Mingyue, turned around slowly, and left Gu Mingyue's sight step by step.

It hurts!

Gu Mingyue almost collapsed to the ground. The pain in her heart made her lose all her strength. Looking at Ji Wufeng's lonely back, she

It felt like a very important person in her life was moving away from her step by step.

"Mingyue, let's go." Gu Tianyang stepped forward and said.

"Brother, why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Gu Mingyue hugged Gu Tianyang tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"Maybe it's hard for you to make friends, so you care a lot about losing friends," Gu Tianyang said.

is it really like this? Did he really just regard Ji Wufeng as his good friend?

In the early morning, there was no one on the cold street. Ji Wufeng was alone, twisting a bottle of wine, walking unsteadily under the street lamp, which stretched his shadow.

He had forgotten how many streets or dozens of streets he had walked. He picked up the bottle, only to find that it was already empty.


The wine bottle was thrown to the ground and shattered into pieces. When he saw the neon lights flashing in front of him, he strode in. This was a small bar.


A large amount of banknotes were thrown on the table, and Ji Wufeng said: "I want wine, I want all the good wine you have here."

The other customers were shocked when they saw that Ji Wufeng's table was filled with empty wine bottles and he still poured the wine in his hand into his mouth like mineral water.

Damn it, could this bar be selling fake bars? Otherwise, he would drink so much wine that he would drink himself to death.

A woman dressed coquettishly and scantily clad walked over with her waist twisted, put one hand on Ji Wufeng's shoulder, and touched Ji Wufeng's thigh with the other, and cooed: "Handsome man, are you unhappy with something? Why don't you? How about you, sister, have some fun with me?"

I have to say Ji

Wu Feng was indeed quite handsome, and he immediately attracted some women who came to look for him, wanting to seduce him into bed.

The woman's hands were stroking her body. Normal men would usually be unable to hold it back. But unfortunately, at this time, Ji Wufeng's face was filled with coldness and he said, "Take your hands away."

"Handsome guy, don't be like this. My sister will accompany you for free. If you make her happy, how about she give you a big red envelope?"

While the woman was playing with Ji Wufeng, she pressed her body against Ji Wufeng's arm.

Ji Wufeng pushed the woman away and said coldly: "Get out!"

Perhaps due to excessive force, the woman was pushed directly to the ground. She fell very awkwardly, which immediately caused a burst of snickering in the bar.

After making a fool of herself in public, the woman immediately became angry. She got up and cursed: "Damn, you little bastard, how dare you push me?"

"Get out!" Ji Wufeng spat out one word again.

He was really afraid that if this woman didn't leave, he would not be able to help but kill someone!

"Okay, okay, if you have the guts, just wait for me!" The woman left angrily.

However, in less than two minutes, the woman led a group of big men with painted dragons and tigers on their bodies, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said with an aggrieved face: "Brother Tiger, that's him. He wants to molest me. If I don't want to, he will hit me!"

A group of people immediately became angry. Damn it, you dare to touch my horse, don’t you want to live?

"Damn it, go ahead and destroy this kid!"

A group of big men immediately rushed up and punched Ji Wufeng in the face. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He was kicked to the ground. A group of people rushed forward, punching and kicking Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng lay motionless on the ground. There was no trace of pain on his face, instead a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

Hit me, hit me to death!

Compared with the pain in his heart, the pain in his body actually gave him a sense of pleasure!

Seeing Ji Wufeng's face covered with blood, but instead of begging for mercy, he was still laughing. The bar owner became frightened. What if he beat someone to death? He hurriedly came up to persuade me.

Those big men were also afraid of causing trouble and said: "Damn it, I think you are lucky today. Even if I spare you, don't you like drinking? I will treat you to the wine I brewed for free now. It's still hot. Yes, hahaha..."

After saying that, a group of big men untied their belts in public and pointed at Ji Wufeng.

At this moment, a figure rushed over, and with a few bangs, the big men fell to the ground and started wailing.


Chen Tienan looked at Ji Wufeng like this, his heart was cut like a knife, he slapped him hard, grabbed his collar, and said sternly: "Asshole, stand up!"


Ji Wufeng looked at Chen Tienan with blank eyes, and suddenly laughed. Chen Tienan slapped him again, but Ji Wufeng didn't feel it at all, and instead laughed even crazier: "Giggle, hehe, haha..."

At this moment, Ji Wufeng was just like a lunatic, laughing crazily, crying while laughing.

"Don't do this, I beg you, don't do this, please wake up, okay? I'm so scared, wuwu..."

Chen Tienan couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Ji Wufeng tightly in his arms and cried loudly.

She had seen Ji Wufeng act hooligan and see Ji Wufeng go crazy, but this was the first time she saw Ji Wufeng in such pain. She didn't understand why Ji Wufeng was in pain, but seeing this big boy in pain, Chen Tienan felt that his heart was broken.

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