Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 943 People from the Nie family

Looking at Duan Qingxun's back, Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Aunt Hua, you have suffered so much injustice just now, can you just be so generous and forget it?"

But Hua Yuzhen knocked him hard on the forehead and said, "You little bastard, I'm not the one who got involved by you. Can you blame this little girl? Tell me, how do you want to compensate me this time?" "

Indeed, this is not the first time Hua Yuzhen has encountered this kind of situation. Every time, she was scared to death, but every time after it was over, she didn't feel any lingering fear.

The man carrying him was very small, no, he was even just a big boy according to his grade.

But Hua Yuzhen felt very safe, as if she would not be harmed even if the sky fell.

"Aunt Hua, if you tell me, as long as I can do it, I won't give you a second thought," Ji Wufeng said boldly.

And Hua Yuzhen held Ji Wufeng's arms with a sudden burst of force, and said leisurely: "Can you really give me what I want?"

Yes, Ji Wufeng was indeed just a big boy, but Hua Yuzhen was deeply fascinated by this big boy.

Because she knew that apart from Ji Wufeng, there might never be a man in the world who could make her feel so safe, even so safe that she was fearless.

Maybe, but how long would it take for her to find it?

One year? ten years? Or a lifetime?

However, what Hua Yuzhen is sure of is that even if she meets him in the next second, she doesn't want to look for him anymore.

During this time, more and more girls came to Longtan Township, each one so young and so beautiful, which made Hua Yuzhen feel a sense of crisis.

However, she didn't feel any jealousy at all. She sincerely hoped that every girl could stay by Ji Wufeng's side.

But this is against common sense. Women are stingy. How could she not be jealous of so many love rivals?

If there is an explanation, there is only one. She has really fallen in love with Ji Wufeng, and it has nothing to do with security, and it has nothing to do with gratitude.

A wry smile appeared on Ji Wufeng's face. After being silent for a while, he said: "Aunt Hua, summer vacation is about to begin. My mother said she misses me, so I will go back to Guangzhou soon. Shall we go together?"

Hua Yuzhen suddenly trembled, and her arms that tightly hugged Ji Wufeng relaxed.

She can choose to be with Ji Wufeng regardless of everything, but can Ji Wufeng?

Qin Yi is his good sister. If she knows that she is with her son, will she accept him?

I'm afraid not, because no one would accept their sister suddenly becoming their daughter-in-law.

"The market in Yuzhou is already saturated, and Tiangongfang plans to enter the Shanghai and Shanghai markets." Hua Yuzhen said.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "This is a good thing."

Indeed, Tiangongfang now dominates the world in Yuzhou. If it wants greater development, it can only go out of Yuzhou.

"Without delay, I plan to leave tomorrow." Hua Yuzhen said.

Ji Wufeng was suddenly stunned. He knew that although he had a plan, leaving in such a hurry and Hua Yuzhen had to go there in person must have been a decision he had just made.

Yes, this is indeed the decision Hua Yuzhen just made.

Ji Wufeng's words reminded her and let her know that there may be no results between the two of them in this life. In this case, just keep their distance.

Being close in front of her but out of reach, Hua Yuzhen couldn't bear such torture.


What do I do? "Ji Wufeng let out a long breath and said.

"Can you just carry me home like this?" Hua Yuzhen said.


Ji Wufeng was walking under the moonlight with Hua Yuzhen on his back. It was a very beautiful scenery. Everyone thought it was a romantic couple.

Hua Yuzhen thought so too. Holding her beloved little man in her arms and smelling his scent, Ji Wufeng completely belonged to her at this moment.

Although, she will lose this person soon, but she is already satisfied.

Finally, Longtan Township was in front of him, Ji Wufeng put Hua Yuzhen down, and suddenly Hua Yuzhen came around to him and kissed his mouth fiercely.

Such a wild kiss instantly made Ji Wufeng unable to control himself and responded fiercely.

But Hua Yuzhen suddenly pushed him away and glared: "You little bastard, you dare to treat me lightly. I am your elder. This is a crime of great disrespect!"

Ji Wufeng was so mad that he had been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, so what? He has had too little contact with women. In this regard, he is absolutely the first brother, and he finally understands the wisdom of a woman's heart, the needle in the sea, which has been passed down through the ages.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's deflated look, Hua Yuzhen smiled and turned around and left.

When the two arrived at the door of the villa, they found two cars parked at the door and two guys in black suits standing at the door, like bodyguards.

Are there any guests?

Ji Wufeng and Hua Yuzhen were about to enter, but they were stopped by the two bodyguards, who said coldly: "Who are you?"

"This is my home, who do you think I am!" Ji Wufeng said somewhat unhappily.

A bodyguard looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Wait here. You can't go in until your identity is confirmed."

Is the guest some big shot? Need to be so cautious?

Ji Wufeng would have tolerated it if the two bodyguards had been more polite, but these two guys were so arrogant that they were inevitably a little angry. Just when they were about to get angry, Ye Xixi walked out.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping him?" Ye Xixi said coldly.

A bodyguard said: "Miss Ye, I just want to confirm his identity and ensure his safety."

"What qualifications do you have to do this? This is my home, get out of here!" Ye Xixi seemed very angry.

Seeing that Ye Xixi was angry, the two bodyguards were obviously very afraid, so they had no choice but to step aside.

Entering the door, Ji Wufeng asked: "Who is here?"

Ye Xixi said unhappily: "I'm here to see Sister Ruoshui, but she's not a good person anyway."

Those who came to find Jiang Ruoshui were from the Nie family, but seeing Ye Xixi's unkind tone, it seemed that the person who came was not a good person.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jiang Ruoshui sitting in the living room, with a very ugly face, and a trace of helplessness and fear in his eyes, just like a little girl who was bullied.

Opposite her sat a middle-aged man and woman. The man was thin and sickly.

That woman has a voluptuous figure and a pair of peach blossom eyes. She looks like she is seducing people no matter how she looks at her. It is no wonder that the man is not in good spirits. With such a temptress beside him, it is good that he is not sucked dry.

Seeing Ji Wufeng come in, Jiang Ruoshui's eyes immediately lit up and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Ji Wufeng didn't have a good impression of the couple, so he said angrily when he entered the door: "Hey, are there guests at home?" Looking at Duan Qingxun's back, Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly and said: "Aunt Hua, you have been so wronged just now. Is it enough to be so generous?"

But Hua Yuzhen knocked him hard on the forehead and said, "You little bastard, I'm not the one who got involved by you. Can you blame this little girl? Tell me, how do you want to compensate me this time?" "

Indeed, this is not the first time Hua Yuzhen has encountered this kind of situation. Every time, she was scared to death, but every time after it was over, she didn't feel any lingering fear.

The man carrying him was very small, no, he was even just a big boy according to his grade.

But Hua Yuzhen felt very safe, as if she would not be harmed even if the sky fell.

"Aunt Hua, if you tell me, as long as I can do it, I won't give you a second thought," Ji Wufeng said boldly.

And Hua Yuzhen held Ji Wufeng's arms with a sudden burst of force, and said leisurely: "Can you really give me what I want?"

Yes, Ji Wufeng was indeed just a big boy, but Hua Yuzhen was deeply fascinated by this big boy.

Because she knew that apart from Ji Wufeng, there might never be a man in the world who could make her feel so safe, even so safe that she was fearless.

Maybe, but how long would it take for her to find it?

One year? ten years? Or a lifetime?

However, what Hua Yuzhen is sure of is that even if she meets him in the next second, she doesn't want to look for him anymore.

During this time, more and more girls came to Longtan Township, each one so young and so beautiful, which made Hua Yuzhen feel a sense of crisis.

However, she didn't feel any jealousy at all. She sincerely hoped that every girl could stay by Ji Wufeng's side.

But this is against common sense. Women are stingy. How could she not be jealous of so many love rivals?

If there is an explanation, there is only one. She has really fallen in love with Ji Wufeng, and it has nothing to do with security, and it has nothing to do with gratitude.

A wry smile appeared on Ji Wufeng's face. After being silent for a while, he said: "Aunt Hua, summer vacation is about to begin. My mother said she misses me, so I will go back to Guangzhou soon. Shall we go together?"

Hua Yuzhen suddenly trembled, and her arms that tightly hugged Ji Wufeng relaxed.

She can choose to be with Ji Wufeng regardless of everything, but can Ji Wufeng?

Qin Yi is his good sister. If she knows that she is with her son, will she accept him?

I'm afraid not, because no one would accept their sister suddenly becoming their daughter-in-law.

"The market in Yuzhou is already saturated, and Tiangongfang plans to enter the Shanghai and Shanghai markets." Hua Yuzhen said.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "This is a good thing."

Indeed, Tiangongfang now dominates the world in Yuzhou. If it wants greater development, it can only go out of Yuzhou.

"Without delay, I plan to leave tomorrow." Hua Yuzhen said.

Ji Wufeng was suddenly stunned. He knew that although he had a plan, leaving in such a hurry and Hua Yuzhen had to go there in person must have been a decision he had just made.

Yes, this is indeed the decision Hua Yuzhen just made.

Ji Wufeng's words reminded her and let her know that there may be no results between the two of them in this life. In this case, just keep their distance.

Being close in front of her but out of reach, Hua Yuzhen couldn't bear such torture.


What do I do? "Ji Wufeng let out a long breath and said.

"Can you just carry me home like this?" Hua Yuzhen said.


Ji Wufeng was walking under the moonlight with Hua Yuzhen on his back. It was a very beautiful scenery. Everyone thought it was a romantic couple.

Hua Yuzhen thought so too. Holding her beloved little man in her arms and smelling his scent, Ji Wufeng completely belonged to her at this moment.

Although, she will lose this person soon, but she is already satisfied.

Finally, Longtan Township was in front of him, Ji Wufeng put Hua Yuzhen down, and suddenly Hua Yuzhen came around to him and kissed his mouth fiercely.

Such a wild kiss instantly made Ji Wufeng unable to control himself and responded fiercely.

But Hua Yuzhen suddenly pushed him away and glared: "You little bastard, you dare to treat me lightly. I am your elder. This is a crime of great disrespect!"

Ji Wufeng was so mad that he had been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, so what? He has had too little contact with women. In this regard, he is absolutely the first brother, and he finally understands the wisdom of a woman's heart, the needle in the sea, which has been passed down through the ages.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's deflated look, Hua Yuzhen smiled and turned around and left.

When the two arrived at the door of the villa, they found two cars parked at the door and two guys in black suits standing at the door, like bodyguards.

Are there any guests?

Ji Wufeng and Hua Yuzhen were about to enter, but they were stopped by the two bodyguards, who said coldly: "Who are you?"

"This is my home, who do you think I am!" Ji Wufeng said somewhat unhappily.

A bodyguard looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Wait here. You can't go in until your identity is confirmed."

Is the guest some big shot? Need to be so cautious?

Ji Wufeng would have tolerated it if the two bodyguards had been more polite, but these two guys were so arrogant that they were inevitably a little angry. Just when they were about to get angry, Ye Xixi walked out.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping him?" Ye Xixi said coldly.

A bodyguard said: "Miss Ye, I just want to confirm his identity and ensure his safety."

"What qualifications do you have to do this? This is my home, get out of here!" Ye Xixi seemed very angry.

Seeing that Ye Xixi was angry, the two bodyguards were obviously very afraid, so they had no choice but to step aside.

Entering the door, Ji Wufeng asked: "Who is here?"

Ye Xixi said unhappily: "I'm here to see Sister Ruoshui, but she's not a good person anyway."

Those who came to find Jiang Ruoshui were from the Nie family, but seeing Ye Xixi's unkind tone, it seemed that the person who came was not a good person.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jiang Ruoshui sitting in the living room, with a very ugly face, and a trace of helplessness and fear in his eyes, just like a little girl who was bullied.

Opposite her sat a middle-aged man and woman. The man was thin and sickly.

That woman has a voluptuous figure and a pair of peach blossom eyes. She looks like she is seducing people no matter how she looks at her. It is no wonder that the man is not in good spirits. With such a temptress beside him, it is good that he is not sucked dry.

Seeing Ji Wufeng come in, Jiang Ruoshui's eyes immediately lit up and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Ji Wufeng didn't have a good impression of the couple, so he said in a weird voice when he entered the door: "Hey, are there guests at home?"

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