After saying that, he sat down next to Jiang Ruoshui and put his arms on Jiang Ruushui's shoulders. Jiang Ruoshui's body instinctively wanted to resist, but he hesitated for a moment and made no next move. It's slightly red.

The man and woman opposite him immediately became angry. The man immediately jumped up, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said angrily: "Bastard, what are you doing? Get your dirty hands off quickly."

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "I'll take it away if I tell you to?"

After saying that, he stretched his arms and hugged Jiang Ruoshui tighter. ??

The woman also became angry and said: "Boy, do you believe that I am suing you for indecent assault?"

"Okay, you go ahead and file a lawsuit. I don't believe it's indecent if I hug my girlfriend. There are a lot of people today, so I just hugged her. When no one was around, we even kissed."

Ji Wufeng had already determined that this couple was not a good deal. If that was the case, there was no need to be polite to them.


Jiang Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood what Ji Wufeng meant. It was now a family matter of the Jiang family. If Ji Wufeng wanted to get involved, he had to have an identity, and that only identity was that of Jiang Ruoshui's boyfriend.

Jiang Ruoshui blushed, pushed Ji Wufeng away, and said, "Don't be like this, they are my third uncle and third aunt."

The man was indeed Jiang Ruoshui's third uncle, named Jiang Donghai, and the woman was his wife, named Huang Lingjie.

"Oh, it turns out to be Third Uncle and Third Aunt." Ji Wufeng greeted with a smile, but anyone could see that he was very unfriendly.

"Who do you think you are? Third uncle, can you call me third aunt?" Huang Lingjie sneered.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly turned cold. Jiang Ruoshui knew that he was going to get angry, so he quickly said: "Third uncle, third aunt, his name is Ji Wufeng, he is mine... he is mine..."

She wanted to introduce him as her boyfriend, but she couldn't say it.

"What? Are you Ji Wufeng?" Jiang Donghai's expression suddenly changed.


br\u003e Although I have never met Ji Wufeng, who doesn’t know who has some identity?

Ji Wufeng has been to Huajing twice, but which time did he not make Huajing a mess? Moreover, there are two great gods, Gu Tianyang and Nalan Tianyu, who have been suffocated in his hands.

You can slander things you can't see, but how can you not feel frightened when you see them face to face?

There was a trace of fear in Jiang Donghai's eyes. Not to mention the current Jiang family, even the Jiang family in the glorious period that he knew before was not qualified to provoke someone of Ji Wufeng's level.

Not sure whether Huang Lingjie was ignorant or too aggressive, she said, "I don't care who he is. Your grandfather asked you to go back to Huajing. Will you go back or not?"

Yes, Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie came to Yuzhou this time to ask Jiang Ruoshui to return to Huajing, but they did not want to take her back to Huajing's home for the New Year, but to take her back to the Jiang family to prosecute her crimes, and they also Ask her to hand over the Weak Water Group.

However, Ji Wufeng's investigation has revealed that the entire Jiang family is actually in decline, and all its companies are either unable to make ends meet or are facing bankruptcy.

Although Jiang Ruoshui controls the Weushui Group, all profits are handed over to the Jiang family. To put it bluntly, the entire Jiang family is supported by Jiang Ruushui's Weushui Group.

To the Jiang family, the Ruoshui Group is like a golden rooster that lays eggs, and Jiang Ruoshui is the person responsible for raising this golden rooster.

Jiang Ruoshui came to Yuzhou this time, which made the Jiang family suddenly anxious. Jiang Ruoshui not only ran away, but also took the Ruushui Group away. Doesn't this make the Jiang family drink from the northwest wind in the future?

So they forced Jiang Ruoshui to hand over the Weushui Group, so that not only would they have peace of mind in the future, but Jiang Ruoshui, who had lost the Weushui Group, would no longer be able to escape their control and be at their willful mercy.

"What do you think?" Ji Wufeng asked.

After all, the Ruoshui Group belongs to Jiang Ruoshui, and Ji Wufeng only cares about her thoughts.

Jiang Ruoshui shook his head with a somewhat painful expression and said, "I don't know."

Of course she knew what the Jiang family was up to, and she also felt angry, but when she established the Ruoshui Group, she wanted to achieve success, and then she could gain some status in the Jiang family, and she could proudly say that she was not from the Jiang family. Sinners, but heroes.

To put it bluntly, in her heart, everything she owned actually belonged to the Jiang family.

However, what the Jiang family did was so chilling. She didn't know if it was worth giving everything she had to the Jiang family.

"I don't agree with you returning to Huajing." Ji Wufeng said.

The Jiang family is so useless. According to the results of his investigation, he learned that if Jiang Ruoshui hadn't founded the Ruoshui Group and was valuable to the Jiang family, they would have been forced to death long ago.

Forget it, after all, they are his family members, Jiang Ruoshui can not bear grudges.

However, seeing that Jiang Ruoshui had achieved something now, they turned around and tried to steal her hard work.

Ji Wufeng can guarantee that when Jiang Ruoshui hands over the Ruushui Group to the Jiang family, Jiang Ruoshui will immediately have nothing, and it is absolutely impossible to gain the affection of his family.

"You don't agree? What qualifications do you have to disagree? Who do you think you are?" Huang Lingjie said angrily.

In order to take care of Jiang Ruoshui's feelings, Ji Wufeng resisted the urge to go up and slap Huang Lingjie, and said coldly: "I don't care who you are, these have nothing to do with me, but I can guarantee one thing, I won't allow it." Anyone force her!"

Jiang Ruoshui is not his woman, but he has recognized this friend. No one can force his friend to do something he doesn't want to do, not even the King of Heaven!

As soon as Ji Wufeng finished speaking, a terrifying aura suddenly rose up from his body, and he suppressed it forcefully. Huang Lingjie was immediately frightened and turned pale, and she did not dare to say anything anymore.

Jiang Donghai was a little afraid at first, but seeing Ji Wufeng being so domineering, he got angry and said, "This is our family matter, why do you interfere?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He had seen the fear in Jiang Donghai's eyes just now, which meant that he knew his identity and dared to talk back at this time. Wasn't he afraid that he would destroy the Jiang family?

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng's eyes became sharp. He became really angry and stood up with a sneer on his face.

"No!" Jiang Ruoshui hurriedly stood up and grabbed him.

She had seen Ji Wufeng's temper, and even Xue Qingming didn't take it seriously. Once he really got angry, he would definitely make trouble, and after all, he was her family over there.

"I promise you, you can take the Ruoshui Group away." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Ji Wufeng was stunned, but he saw Jiang Ruoshui just smiled at him and shook his head, but his eyes were cold.

Jiang Ruoshui was completely desperate and no longer had any hope for the Jiang family. Since they wanted it, he would give it to them and regard it as repaying the favor of having children.

The Ruoshui Group was founded by herself and can be given to the Jiang family.

When Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie heard this, their eyes immediately burst with ecstasy. They had already thought that Jiang Ruoshui would not be willing to come this time, but they did not expect that she would agree so easily.

"Look, I knew Ruoshui was sensible." Huang Lingjie said with a cheerful smile.

Jiang Ruoshui waved his hand and said, "I will go back to Huajing in two days to discuss this matter with grandpa in person."

Jiang Donghai asked worriedly: " won't regret it when the time comes, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui smiled miserably and said, "If I would regret it, I wouldn't agree to you today."

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