Seeing what Jiang Ruoshui said, Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie felt relieved and said with smiles: "In this case, we will wait for you at home. I will let the family prepare well and receive you well when the time comes."

Seeing Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie leaving happily, Jiang Ruoshui felt empty in his heart. Family love, is this family love? Why does she feel so cold?

A warm big hand patted her shoulder gently, Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, you still have me."

Although he couldn't empathize with her, he could understand a little bit that it must be very uncomfortable to be treated like this by his relatives.

At this time, Ye Xixi and Lin Xiaomeng came over, stood on both sides of her and held her arms, saying: "Yes, sister Ruoshui, don't worry about them, you have us too."

Hua Yuzhen also nodded and walked over and said, "Yes, what do people like this care about? As long as you have us."

Vivian, who came out with her, still figured out what was going on. Seeing everyone saying this, she also hugged Jiang Ruoshui's arm and shouted: "There's me, there's me, don't leave me out."

"Yes, we are your relatives!" Ji Wufeng affirmed.

Looking at the group of people in front of her, Jiang Ruoshui smiled and felt warm in her heart. She had only known each other for a few days, but these people gave her a warmth she had never felt before.

Jiang family! .??.

Let him be, what he owes them has been paid!

"Would you blame me if I do this?" Jiang Ruoshui asked Ji Wufeng.

Jiang Ruoshui had said that the Ruoshui Group would be merged into Tianxiang as a condition, but now she could not fulfill it.

"I said, it's your thing, no matter how you deal with it, I won't have any problem with it."

Ji Wufeng said helplessly: "But it was your hard work. They took it away like this. I just feel it's not worth it for you."

While investigating the Jiang family, he learned that Jiang Ruoshui had suffered too much to establish the Ruoshui Group, and it was just gone, and he felt that it was not worth it for her.

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and shook his head, saying: "There is nothing unworthy. I owed them these things. Now that I have paid them back, you should be happy for me."

For the Jiang family, in addition to the expectation of family affection, Jiang Ruoshui also had the so-called debt. Now that the debt was gone, Jiang Ruoshui felt as if he had thrown away a big burden and was very relaxed.

"What? Now that I have become a pauper, it seems that I can only work for you in the future." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Seeing Jiang Ruoshui laughing, his anger also changed and he became much more relaxed.

There was a hint of coldness in Ji Wufeng's smiling eyes, hum, since Jiang Ruoshui said that he wanted to give Ruoshui Group to him, then it belongs to him. If you want to take my things casually, you have to get my permission. .

The next day, Lin Yuantu and his wife came back from work early and prepared a sumptuous dinner. Lin Weilong and Lin Yuantang, who had recovered their health, came.

At the dinner table, Lin Weilong said excitedly: "I'm here today to announce a happy event."

"Uncle, what happy event is this?" Lin Yuantu asked.

"It's the Lin family in Huajing who found me. They hope your dad and I can return to Huajing. It's great. After so many years away from Huajing, we can finally recognize our ancestors and return to our clan." Lin Weilong said excitedly.

It is understood that the ancestors of the Lin family

His native place is not in Yuzhou, but originates from Huajing.

About fifty years ago, Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo were just teenagers. They were born into the wealthy Lin family in Huajing. The specific reason is unclear. We only know that the Lin family drove Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo's father, Mr. Lin, out of the Lin family.

As a last resort, Mr. Lin brought his family to Yuzhou to make a living.

Ji Wufeng knew that the Lin family in Huajing was considered a wealthy family, but it seemed to be in decline now, and its situation was similar to that of the Jiang family.

At that time, Mr. Lin could not let go until his death. He thought in his heart that he could return to the Lin family and recognize his ancestors. But unfortunately, this became a regret that he could not complete in his life.

The Lin Weilong brothers still vividly recall their father's reluctance before his death. How can they not be excited now that they can finally recognize their ancestors and return to their clan?

Lin Yuantu was also very happy when he heard this. After all, it was grandpa's regret, and now he can finally get his wish.

But Lin Yuantang snorted coldly and said unhappily: "Seeing that our lineage is now more developed, you want to take advantage of our family?"

"No nonsense!" Lin Weilong scolded.

Lin Yuantang said with a cold face: "Originally, do you remember when the Lin Group was at its most glorious? They also looked for us, but after the collapse of the Lin Group, they disappeared. Now that the Lin Group has risen again, it happens that To come to us again at this time clearly shows that he has no good intentions."

Although his words are unpleasant, they are the truth. Their lineage has been driven out for fifty years. Lin Weiguo appeared once when he was at his most glorious. I hope they can return to the Lin family.

But when Qin Yi disappeared and the Lin Group fell into decline, they disappeared. Now that the Lin family has risen again, they appear again, and their motives are indeed very questionable.

"Shut up!" Lin Weilong was furious.

Lin Yuantu still wanted to talk back, but was stopped by Lin Yuantu, saying: "Okay, brother, we can actually understand what uncle is thinking. No matter what, for grandpa, it is his home and his root." ,do you understand?"

When they were kicked out and suffered so much, it was impossible for the Lin Weilong brothers not to complain in their hearts, but as Ji Wufeng said, after all, it was their home, and no matter what, they were their relatives there.

"Xiao Feng, what do you think about this matter?" Lin Weilong suddenly asked Ji Wufeng.

Although Lin Weilong was excited, he was not overly excited. How could he not know that there was something fishy in this matter.

"I think, since this is my great-grandfather's last wish, we should go and have a look. But there is no need to do something hot and cold. Let's go there after the year." Ji Wufeng said.

It is almost certain that the Hua Jinglin family has a crooked idea. In this case, there is no need to be too attentive.

Lin Weilong nodded and said: "I will listen to you, we will go there after the new year."

That night, Ji Wufeng received a call from a woman's voice.

"The things you told us have been completed, and now there is only an empty shell left of the Ruoshui Group." said the other side of the phone.

"Well done, I saw you right." Ji Wufeng smiled.

"All resources are yours, I just use them properly, but you have to remember that everything I do has only one purpose."

"I know that as long as you can prove yourself, I will give you a chance for revenge." Seeing Jiang Ruoshui say this, Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie relaxed and said with a smile: "In this case, we will wait for you at home. Now, I’ll let my family prepare well and receive you well when the time comes.”

Seeing Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie leaving happily, Jiang Ruoshui felt empty in his heart. Family love, is this family love? Why does she feel so cold?

A warm big hand patted her shoulder gently, Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, you still have me."

Although he couldn't empathize with her, he could understand a little bit that it must be very uncomfortable to be treated like this by his relatives.

At this time, Ye Xixi and Lin Xiaomeng came over, stood on both sides of her and held her arms, saying: "Yes, sister Ruoshui, don't worry about them, you have us too."

Hua Yuzhen also nodded and walked over and said, "Yes, what do people like this care about? As long as you have us."

Vivian, who came out with her, had not yet figured out what was going on. Seeing everyone saying this, she also hugged Jiang Ruoshui's arm and shouted, "There's me, there's me, don't leave me out." ??.

"Yes, we are your relatives!" Ji Wufeng affirmed.

Looking at the group of people in front of her, Jiang Ruoshui smiled and felt warm in her heart. She had only known each other for a few days, but these people gave her a warmth she had never felt before.

Jiang family!

Let him be, what he owes them has been paid!

"Would you blame me if I do this?" Jiang Ruoshui asked Ji Wufeng.

Jiang Ruoshui had said that the Ruoshui Group would be merged into Tianxiang as a condition, but now she could not fulfill it.

"I said, it's your thing, no matter how you deal with it, I won't have any problem with it."

Ji Wufeng said helplessly: "But it was your hard work. They took it away like this. I just feel it's not worth it for you."

While investigating the Jiang family, he learned that Jiang Ruoshui had suffered too much to establish the Ruoshui Group, and it was just gone, and he felt that it was not worth it for her.

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and shook his head, saying: "There is nothing unworthy. I owed them these things. Now that I have paid them back, you should be happy for me."

For the Jiang family, in addition to the expectation of family affection, Jiang Ruoshui also had the so-called debt. Now that the debt was gone, Jiang Ruoshui felt as if he had thrown away a big burden and was very relaxed.

"What? Now that I have become a pauper, it seems that I can only work for you in the future." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Seeing Jiang Ruoshui laughing, his anger also changed and he became much more relaxed.

There was a hint of coldness in Ji Wufeng's smiling eyes, hum, since Jiang Ruoshui said that he wanted to give Ruoshui Group to him, then it belongs to him. If you want to take my things casually, you have to get my permission. .

The next day, Lin Yuantu and his wife came back from work early and prepared a sumptuous dinner. Lin Weilong and Lin Yuantang, who had recovered their health, came.

At the dinner table, Lin Weilong said excitedly: "I'm here today to announce a happy event."

"Uncle, what happy event is this?" Lin Yuantu asked.

"It's the Lin family in Huajing who found me. They hope your dad and I can return to Huajing. It's great. After so many years away from Huajing, we can finally recognize our ancestors and return to our clan." Lin Weilong said excitedly.

It is understood that the ancestors of the Lin family

His native place is not in Yuzhou, but originates from Huajing.

About fifty years ago, Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo were just teenagers. They were born into the wealthy Lin family in Huajing. The specific reason is unclear. We only know that the Lin family drove Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo's father, Mr. Lin, out of the Lin family.

As a last resort, Mr. Lin brought his family to Yuzhou to make a living.

Ji Wufeng knew that the Lin family in Huajing was considered a wealthy family, but it seemed to be in decline now, and its situation was similar to that of the Jiang family.

At that time, Mr. Lin could not let go until his death. He thought in his heart that he could return to the Lin family and recognize his ancestors. But unfortunately, this became a regret that he could not complete in his life.

The Lin Weilong brothers still vividly recall their father's reluctance before his death. How can they not be excited now that they can finally recognize their ancestors and return to their clan?

Lin Yuantu was also very happy when he heard this. After all, it was grandpa's regret, and now he can finally get his wish.

But Lin Yuantang snorted coldly and said unhappily: "Seeing that our lineage is now more developed, you want to take advantage of our family?"

"No nonsense!" Lin Weilong scolded.

Lin Yuantang said with a cold face: "Originally, do you remember when the Lin Group was at its most glorious? They also looked for us, but after the collapse of the Lin Group, they disappeared. Now that the Lin Group has risen again, it happens that To come to us again at this time clearly shows that he has no good intentions."

Although his words are unpleasant, they are the truth. Their lineage has been driven out for fifty years. Lin Weiguo appeared once when he was at his most glorious. I hope they can return to the Lin family.

But when Qin Yi disappeared and the Lin Group fell into decline, they disappeared. Now that the Lin family has risen again, they appear again, and their motives are indeed very questionable.

"Shut up!" Lin Weilong was furious.

Lin Yuantu still wanted to talk back, but was stopped by Lin Yuantu, saying: "Okay, brother, we can actually understand what uncle is thinking. No matter what, for grandpa, it is his home and his root." ,do you understand?"

When they were kicked out and suffered so much, it was impossible for the Lin Weilong brothers not to complain in their hearts, but as Ji Wufeng said, after all, it was their home, and no matter what, they were their relatives there.

"Xiao Feng, what do you think about this matter?" Lin Weilong suddenly asked Ji Wufeng.

Although Lin Weilong was excited, he was not overly excited. How could he not know that there was something fishy in this matter.

"I think, since this is my great-grandfather's last wish, we should go and have a look. But there is no need to do something hot and cold. Let's go there after the year." Ji Wufeng said.

It is almost certain that the Hua Jinglin family has a crooked idea. In this case, there is no need to be too attentive.

Lin Weilong nodded and said: "I will listen to you, we will go there after the new year."

That night, Ji Wufeng received a call from a woman's voice.

"The things you told us have been completed, and now there is only an empty shell left of the Ruoshui Group." said the other side of the phone.

"Well done, I saw you right." Ji Wufeng smiled.

"All resources are yours, I just use them properly, but you have to remember that everything I do has only one purpose."

"I know that as long as you can prove yourself, I will give you a chance for revenge."

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