After Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie returned to Huajing, they immediately reported the good news to Old Man Jiang as if they were asking for credit.

When he learned that Jiang Ruoshui gave up the Ruoshui Group without any resistance at all, he was shocked and said: "You said she let go so easily?"

"Yes, dad, this is your order, how dare Xiao Nizi disobey?" Huang Lingjie said with a smile.

She is a big contributor to getting the Ruoshui Group this time. She should be given more shares by then, right? You must know that the market value of Ruoshui Group now exceeds hundreds of millions, and even a 5% stake is worth several million.

"Didn't Ji Wufeng intervene?" Old Man Jiang asked with doubts.

It was because he had known about Ji Wufeng's existence for a long time and knew that he would stop him that he sent Huang Lingjie, a shrew who didn't know the heights of the world, to go there.

Jiang Donghai shook his head and said: "He wants to intervene, but that girl Ruoshui made her own decision, and there is nothing he can do about it."

Old Man Jiang had a headache and said, "This is what I'm worried about. As far as I know, that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he messes up afterwards, the situation may be even worse."

The fight between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang has long been no secret. Old Man Jiang took a big risk by rashly sending Jiang Donghai to Yuzhou this time.

"Dad, what are you afraid of? No matter how powerful he is, how can he do anything to the Jiang family? Don't forget, this matter is the prince's wish. If he dares to go against the Jiang family, he will go against the prince. He has How brave are you?" Huang Lingjie said with disdain.

Ignorance is sometimes a good thing, just like Huang Lingjie, if she knew about the fight between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang, she would probably be scared to death on the spot instead of being so arrogant.

But these words reminded Old Jiang that yes, the Jiang family now has Gu Tianyang's backing, so do they still need to be afraid of Ji Wufeng?

Gu family, after learning the news brought back by Jiang Donghai, Gu Tianyang was not excited at all. Seeing Han Chong's puzzled face, he said: "Do you think Ji Wufeng let the Jiang family take away the Ruoshui Group so easily? I can't I don’t think he is a generous and generous person.”

Han Chong also frowned. Ji Wufeng was definitely not a generous and magnanimous person. It was indeed a bit strange that the Jiang family members unreasonably took away the Weak Water Group but he did not stop them.

"If I'm not wrong, what the Jiang family got in the end was just an empty shell with no value at all." Gu Tianyang asserted.

At this moment, someone came to report: "Prince, someone has taken action against the Weushui Group. The current Weushui Group has almost no value."

Han Chong was stunned and said, "Who did it?"

"Tang Xinyu."

"Tang Xinyu?"

Han Chong looked confused. Although the Ruoshui Group was nothing, but it was captured in such a short period of time, this person must have a very powerful background, but why haven't he heard of this person's name?

"The eldest lady of the Tang family in Yuzhou." Gu Tianyang said.

Han Chong looked stunned and said, "Is it her?"

He didn't remember Tang Xinyu, but he knew about the Tang family in Yuzhou.

Gu Tianyang smiled slightly and said, "It's getting more and more interesting. This is the first time he has reached out to Huajing."

Han Chong said disdainfully: "So what? Can a mere Tang Xinyu be of much value?"

Indeed, let alone the current Tang Xinyu, even if the Tang family is still there, it is not worth mentioning. What big role can Ji Wufeng put her in Huajing?

"Tang Xinyu is nothing to worry about, but what if Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen are added to the mix?" Gu Tianyang asked.

"I don't understand what the prince means. With the current situation, neither Nalan Tianxin nor Ji Qingchen will get too close to Ji Wufeng." Han Chong said.

"Yes, they won't get too close to Ji Wufeng, but don't forget that Tang Huanxin is still a member of the Tang family after all. The Tang family has been destroyed, and now they are the only two women left. I'm afraid they have no grudges. "

Gu Tianyang said: "But both Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen have a close relationship with Tang Huanxin."

To put it bluntly, Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen were unable to have direct contact, but Tang Xinyu's aunt and nephew successfully became the intermediary between them and Ji Wufeng.

Han Chong's expression changed and he said, "Damn it, what should we do now?"

"They have not violated the wishes of their superiors, so we cannot act rashly. How is your contact with the Lin family?" Gu Tianyang asked.

"It has been arranged, just waiting for Lin Weiguo and his family to return to Huajing."

"very good."

Gu Tianyang nodded with satisfaction and said: "Inform Xiao Mingxing and let Ji Wufeng have a good year this year."

The winter vacation is finally here, and the huge campus has become very deserted overnight. It has been half a year since I came out. No matter how wild my temper is, I will inevitably miss my relatives and friends at this time. One by one, I feel like returning home, leaving the campus and rushing home.

Ji Wufeng is also going back to Guangzhou. After all, it is the place where he was born and raised and his roots. At the same time, Lin Weiguo and his wife also like Guangzhou better, so they decided to spend the New Year in Guangzhou this year.

He planned to return to Guangzhou first. Lin Yuantu and his wife still had things to do at the company, and Lin Xiaomeng still had classes, so he would arrive later.

In the dormitory, Yuan Dongdong said to Ji Wufeng sarcastically: "Fengzi, let's discuss something?"

"Let it go!" Ji Wufeng said angrily. One look showed that this bastard didn't hold in any good farts.

"Haha, that's it. You don't need your car anyway. Why don't you lend it to me and let me drive it back for two days? After all, you also know that my dad is the big leader of our village and he loves face. If I make such a famous person I drove my car back, and he was so happy..." Yuan Dongdong said.

He has been out for half a year, and he is a little bit vain. He probably wants to show off when meeting old classmates and friends. Yuan Dongdong is a typical reality treasure, and he wants to drive the car back to show off.

Although he felt childish, he understood that Yuan Dongdong was just a teenager. Ji Wufeng waved his hands and said: "Go away, but I'm warning you, if I bump into you, I'll skin you!"

"Oh, Fengzi, you are really my half-brother, come on, Bo'er..."

Yuan Dongdong was immediately overjoyed. He jumped up, hugged Ji Wufeng and kissed him hard on the face.

"Nima, you damn glass, get out of here..." Ji Wufeng kicked Yuan Dongdong eight feet away.

Zhao Jiaolong and Moo Zi were also very excited. Zhao Jiaolong's girlfriend's family was not very far away, and they had made an appointment to go out during the Chinese New Year this year.

As for Mouse, he is even more impatient. He still has a girlfriend in Gwangju. He hasn't seen her for half a year, and it can be said that he is eager to see her. After Jiang Donghai and Huang Lingjie returned to Huajing, they immediately reported the good news to Old Man Jiang as if they were asking for credit.

When he learned that Jiang Ruoshui gave up the Ruoshui Group without any resistance at all, he was shocked and said: "You said she let go so easily?"

"Yes, dad, this is your order, how dare Xiao Nizi disobey?" Huang Lingjie said with a smile.

She is a big contributor to getting the Ruoshui Group this time. She should be given more shares by then, right? You must know that the market value of Ruoshui Group now exceeds hundreds of millions, and even a 5% stake is worth several million.

"Didn't Ji Wufeng intervene?" Old Man Jiang asked with doubts.

It was because he had known about Ji Wufeng's existence for a long time and knew that he would stop him that he sent Huang Lingjie, a shrew who didn't know the heights of the world, to go there.

Jiang Donghai shook his head and said: "He wants to intervene, but that girl Ruoshui made her own decision, and there is nothing he can do about it."

Old Man Jiang felt a headache and said, "This is what I'm worried about. As far as I know, that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he messes up afterwards, the situation may be even worse."

The fight between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang has long been no secret. Old Man Jiang took a big risk by rashly sending Jiang Donghai to Yuzhou this time.

"Dad, what are you afraid of? No matter how powerful he is, how can he do anything to the Jiang family? Don't forget, this matter is the prince's wish. If he dares to go against the Jiang family, he will go against the prince. He has How brave are you?" Huang Lingjie said with disdain.

Ignorance is sometimes a good thing, just like Huang Lingjie, if she knew about the fight between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang, she would probably be scared to death on the spot instead of being so arrogant.

But these words reminded Old Jiang that yes, the Jiang family now has Gu Tianyang's backing, so do they still need to be afraid of Ji Wufeng?

Gu family, after learning the news brought back by Jiang Donghai, Gu Tianyang was not excited at all. Seeing Han Chong's confusion, he said: "Do you think Ji Wufeng let the Jiang family take away the Ruoshui Group so easily? I can't I don’t think he is a generous and generous person.”

Han Chong also frowned. Ji Wufeng was definitely not a generous and magnanimous person. It was indeed a bit strange that he did not stop the Jiang family members from taking away the Weak Water Group unreasonably.

"If I'm not wrong, what the Jiang family got in the end was just an empty shell with no value at all." Gu Tianyang asserted.

At this moment, someone came to report: "Prince, someone has taken action against the Weushui Group. The current Weushui Group has almost no value."

Han Chong was stunned and said, "Who did it?"

"Tang Xinyu."

"Tang Xinyu?"

Han Chong looked confused. Although the Ruoshui Group was nothing, but it was captured in such a short period of time, then this person must have a very powerful background, but why haven't he heard of this person's name?

"The eldest lady of the Tang family in Yuzhou." Gu Tianyang said.

Han Chong looked stunned and said, "Is it her?"

He didn't remember Tang Xinyu, but he knew about the Tang family in Yuzhou.

Gu Tianyang smiled slightly and said, "It's getting more and more interesting. This is the first time he has reached out to Huajing."

Han Chong said disdainfully: "So what? Can a mere Tang Xinyu be of much value?"

Indeed, let alone the current Tang Xinyu, even if the Tang family is still there, it is not worth mentioning. What big role can Ji Wufeng put her in Huajing?

"Tang Xinyu is nothing to worry about, but what if Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen are added to the mix?" Gu Tianyang asked.

"I don't understand what the prince means. With the current situation, neither Nalan Tianxin nor Ji Qingchen will get too close to Ji Wufeng." Han Chong said.

"Yes, they won't get too close to Ji Wufeng, but don't forget that Tang Huanxin is still a member of the Tang family after all. The Tang family has been destroyed, and now they are the only two women left. I'm afraid they have no grudges. "

Gu Tianyang said: "But both Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen have a close relationship with Tang Huanxin."

To put it bluntly, Nalan Tianxin and Ji Qingchen were unable to have direct contact, but Tang Xinyu's aunt and nephew successfully became the intermediary between them and Ji Wufeng.

Han Chong's expression changed and he said, "Damn it, what should we do now?"

"They have not violated the wishes of their superiors, so we cannot act rashly. How is your contact with the Lin family?" Gu Tianyang asked.

"It has been arranged, just waiting for Lin Weiguo and his family to return to Huajing."

"very good."

Gu Tianyang nodded with satisfaction and said: "Inform Xiao Mingxing and let Ji Wufeng have a good year this year."

The winter vacation is finally here, and the huge campus has become very deserted overnight. It has been half a year since I came out. No matter how wild my temper is, I will inevitably miss my relatives and friends at this time. One by one, I feel like returning home, leaving the campus and rushing home.

Ji Wufeng is also going back to Guangzhou. After all, it is the place where he was born and raised and his roots. At the same time, Lin Weiguo and his wife also like Guangzhou better, so they decided to spend the New Year in Guangzhou this year.

He planned to return to Guangzhou first. Lin Yuantu and his wife still had things to do at the company, and Lin Xiaomeng still had classes, so he would arrive later.

In the dormitory, Yuan Dongdong said to Ji Wufeng sarcastically: "Fengzi, let's discuss something?"

"Let it go!" Ji Wufeng said angrily. One look showed that this bastard didn't hold in any good farts.

"Haha, that's it. You don't need your car anyway. Why don't you lend it to me and let me drive it back for two days? After all, you also know that my dad is the big leader of our village and he loves face. If I make such a famous person I drove his car back, and he was so happy..." Yuan Dongdong said.

He has been out for half a year, and he is a little bit vain. He probably wants to show off when meeting old classmates and friends. Yuan Dongdong is a typical reality treasure, and he wants to drive the car back to show off.

Although he felt childish, he understood that Yuan Dongdong was just a teenager. Ji Wufeng waved his hands and said: "Go away, but I have to warn you, if I bump into you, I will skin you!"

"Oh, Fengzi, you are really my half-brother, come on, Bo'er..."

Yuan Dongdong was immediately overjoyed. He jumped up, hugged Ji Wufeng and kissed him hard on the face.

"Nima, you damn glass, get out of here..." Ji Wufeng kicked Yuan Dongdong eight feet away.

Zhao Jiaolong and Moazi were also very excited. Zhao Jiaolong's girlfriend's family was not very far away, and they had made an appointment to go out during the Chinese New Year this year.

As for Mouse, he is even more impatient. He still has a girlfriend in Gwangju. He hasn't seen her for half a year, and it can be said that he is eager to see her.

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