After Lin Yuanming and his daughter left, Lin Yuantu asked: "Xiao Feng, are you really sure?"

While he was worried that Old Man Lin had really been poisoned to death, he was also worried about Ji Wufeng, fearing that he could not cure the poison and would be held accountable by the Lin family.

"Don't worry, I've never done anything I'm not sure about. Come on, help him up."

Ji Wufeng asked Lin Yuantu to help Old Lin up and slapped him down. True energy poured into his body continuously, suppressing the poison.

Sure enough, soon, there was a trace of blood on Old Lin's face, his breathing became stronger, and his eyelids trembled, as if he was about to wake up.

Lin Yuantu was overjoyed. Old Lin's eyes opened slowly. Lin Yuantu shouted excitedly: "Uncle, uncle, wake up quickly, I am Yuantu!"

I don't know if Old Lin has been unconscious for too long. He stared at Lin Yuantu for a long time and then said as if he was dreaming: "Are you Yuantu? Is it really you? Am I already dead? Otherwise, how could I see you?" Woolen cloth?"

"Uncle, you are not dead, I am back."

Seeing that old man Lin had woken up, Ji Wufeng opened the door. The Lin family members gathered around outside and rushed in when they heard the sounds inside.

"Master!" Lin Qiang shouted excitedly.

"Grandpa." Lin Tianning also rushed over.

Lin Yuanming and Lin Xiaoyu also looked very excited, but Ji Wufeng felt that Lin Yuanming's expression was a bit awkward, because he saw fear in his eyes.

The family was reunited, and Ji Wufeng was too lazy to join in. He took Jiang Ruoshui and ran to the living room to drink tea.

Jiang Ruoshui said with worry: "Isn't it too strange that Old Man Lin was poisoned?"

"Did you see it too?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Jiang Ruoshui nodded and said: "I didn't see anything, I'm just surprised that you can't even cure the poison he was poisoned."

She knew what Ji Wufeng was capable of, and the poison that even he couldn't detoxify must be something serious, and the real poison was not something that could be taken out casually like rat poison in three steps.

"It's not that I can't detoxify him, but if I try to help him detoxify me, it will seriously damage my vitality," Ji Wufeng said.

Jiang Ruoshui looked startled, and suddenly stood up, pulled Ji Wufeng up, and said, "Let's go back to Yuzhou right away!"

Jiang Ruoshui was definitely a very intelligent person, and he immediately guessed that this was most likely a conspiracy against Ji Wufeng.

"Don't worry, it's not certain yet that they are coming for me. Even if they are really coming for me, do you think I can get away easily? If I leave, what will uncle and the others do?" Ji Wufeng said.

Jiang Ruoshui fell silent immediately. Yes, it was absolutely impossible for Ji Wufeng to leave Lin Yuantu and his family alone.

"But, are we just waiting for others to deal with us?" Jiang Ruoshui asked anxiously.

"Who said I have to sit still and wait for death? There are so many people who want to deal with me. Which one of them hasn't paid the price?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Ji Wufeng's mouth.

At this moment, a servant of the Lin family walked in, handed an exquisite post to Ji Wufeng's hands, and said, "Master Feng, Miss Jiang, someone sent this."


Ji Wufeng opened the post in his hand and saw that it was an invitation letter, inviting Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui to attend the event together. The signature was very strange, and the tone was quite loud, with only two domineering words: Zongheng!

r\u003e “Zongheng?” Jiang Ruoshui looked surprised.

"What Zongheng?" Ji Wufeng asked strangely.

"You don't even know about Zongheng Club?"

"I really don't know."

Ji Wufeng was indeed not very interested in any club. The "famous" club founded by Tang Huanxin was famous, but he had never been to it once.

Jiang Ruoshui said with a somewhat excited expression: "Although Zongheng is a club, it is definitely not an ordinary club."

Zongheng Club is not one of those ordinary clubs. As long as you have money and status, you can enter to eat, drink and have fun. To become a member, you must be a powerful person.

What kind of powerful person is qualified to dominate the club?

A number can explain it, that is, the Zongheng Club is known as the first club in Zongheng, but it has less than a hundred members. This means that there are less than 100 people in Huajing who are qualified to become Zongheng members. This shows that the conditions require Very high.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose. If a club can show off like this, then he should go and see it.

Old Lin woke up, and the Lin family was overjoyed. Old Lin was pushed out by Lin Tianning, held Ji Wufeng's hand, and said gratefully: "Young man, I really don't know how to thank you."

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "No need to thank me, I did this all for grandpa."

He didn't have much affection for Old Man Lin, so his tone of voice wasn't particularly friendly.

Old man Lin immediately felt embarrassed. He had cruelly kicked the Lin Weiguo brothers out of the house, but he didn't expect that he would ask them to save him now. As the patriarch of the Lin family, how could he not feel ashamed?

"No matter what, I still want to thank you, Lin Qiang. Prepare a dinner immediately to entertain my savior." Old Man Lin said.

Lin Yuantu was overjoyed. It seemed that Old Man Lin had accepted Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng said: "No, someone is inviting us to dinner tonight. If you want to entertain me, just next time."

He didn't say he was going to any Zongheng Club. He must have taken care of his dinner since he invited him there, right?

"In that case, let's wait until next time."

Old man Lin didn't feel any dissatisfaction with Ji Wufeng's rejection. He might have sensed Ji Wufeng's unfriendly attitude towards him.

Although Ji Wufeng is leaving, it is a happy event for Old Lin to wake up, and it is even more joyful to have Lin Yuantu's family back. There will be a banquet to celebrate today, and Old Lin asks all Lin family members to come back.

"Grandpa, I may not be able to eat at home today." Lin Xiaoyu said.

Old Lin immediately turned cold. Lin Yuanming said hurriedly: "Dad, Xiao Yu is really in trouble. Xiao Fei is taking Xiao Yu to the Zongheng Club today."

"What? Going to the Zongheng Club?"

When Old Man Lin heard this, he immediately looked ecstatic and said, "That's great, Xiaoyu, you have to dress up beautifully today, and you must not lose face to Xiaofei, do you understand?"

Others don't know about the Zongheng Club, but Old Man Lin knows it very well. Being qualified to enter the Zongheng Club means that he can have contact with the most powerful people in Huajing.

"I know, Grandpa."

Hearing that Lin Xiaoyu was also going to the Zongheng Club, Ji Wufeng smiled slightly, pulled Jiang Ruoshui and said, "Then let's go first." After Lin Yuanming and his daughter left, Lin Yuantu asked: "Xiaofeng, are you really sure?"

While he was worried that Old Man Lin had really been poisoned to death, he was also worried about Ji Wufeng, fearing that he could not cure the poison and would be held accountable by the Lin family.

"Don't worry, I've never done anything I'm not sure about. Come on, help him up."

Ji Wufeng asked Lin Yuantu to help Old Lin up and slapped him down. True energy poured into his body continuously, suppressing the poison.

Sure enough, soon, there was a trace of blood on Old Lin's face, his breathing became stronger, and his eyelids trembled, as if he was about to wake up.

Lin Yuantu was overjoyed. Old Lin's eyes opened slowly. Lin Yuantu shouted excitedly: "Uncle, uncle, wake up quickly, I am Yuantu!"

I don't know if Old Lin has been unconscious for too long. He stared at Lin Yuantu for a long time and then said as if he was dreaming: "Are you Yuantu? Is it really you? Am I already dead? Otherwise, how could I see you?" Woolen cloth?"

"Uncle, you are not dead, I am back."

Seeing that old man Lin had woken up, Ji Wufeng opened the door. The Lin family members gathered around outside and rushed in when they heard the sounds inside.

"Master!" Lin Qiang shouted excitedly.

"Grandpa." Lin Tianning also rushed over.

Lin Yuanming and Lin Xiaoyu also looked very excited, but Ji Wufeng felt that Lin Yuanming's expression was a bit awkward, because he saw fear in his eyes.

The family was reunited, and Ji Wufeng was too lazy to join in. He took Jiang Ruoshui and ran to the living room to drink tea.

Jiang Ruoshui said with worry: "Isn't it too strange that Old Man Lin was poisoned?"

"Did you see it too?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Jiang Ruoshui nodded and said: "I didn't see anything, I'm just surprised that you can't even cure the poison he was poisoned."

She knew what Ji Wufeng was capable of, and the poison that even he couldn't detoxify must be something serious, and the real poison was not something that could be taken out casually like rat poison in three steps.

"It's not that I can't detoxify him, but if I try to help him detoxify me, it will seriously damage my vitality," Ji Wufeng said.

Jiang Ruoshui looked startled, and suddenly stood up, pulled Ji Wufeng up, and said, "Let's go back to Yuzhou right away!"

Jiang Ruoshui was definitely a very intelligent person, and he immediately guessed that this was most likely a conspiracy against Ji Wufeng.

"Don't worry, it's not certain yet that they are coming for me. Even if they are really coming for me, do you think I can get away easily? If I leave, what will uncle and the others do?" Ji Wufeng said.

Jiang Ruoshui fell silent immediately. Yes, it was absolutely impossible for Ji Wufeng to leave Lin Yuantu and his family alone.

"But, are we just waiting for others to deal with us?" Jiang Ruoshui asked anxiously.

"Who said I have to sit still and wait for death? There are so many people who want to deal with me. Which one of them hasn't paid the price?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Ji Wufeng's mouth.

At this moment, a servant of the Lin family walked in, handed an exquisite post to Ji Wufeng's hands, and said, "Master Feng, Miss Jiang, someone sent this."


Ji Wufeng opened the post in his hand and saw that it was an invitation letter, inviting Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui to attend the event together. The signature was very strange, and the tone was quite loud, with only two domineering words: Zongheng!

r\u003e “Zongheng?” Jiang Ruoshui looked surprised.

"What Zongheng?" Ji Wufeng asked strangely.

"You don't even know about Zongheng Club?"

"I really don't know."

Ji Wufeng was indeed not very interested in any club. The "famous" club founded by Tang Huanxin was famous, but he had never been to it once.

Jiang Ruoshui said with a somewhat excited expression: "Although Zongheng is a club, it is definitely not an ordinary club."

Zongheng Club is not one of those ordinary clubs. As long as you have money and status, you can enter to eat, drink and have fun. To become a member, you must be a powerful person.

What kind of powerful person is qualified to dominate the club?

A number can explain it, that is, the Zongheng Club is known as the first club in Zongheng, but it has less than a hundred members. This means that there are less than 100 people in Huajing who are qualified to become Zongheng members. This shows that the conditions require Very high.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose. If a club can show off like this, then he should go and see it.

Old Lin woke up, and the Lin family was overjoyed. Old Lin was pushed out by Lin Tianning, held Ji Wufeng's hand, and said gratefully: "Young man, I really don't know how to thank you."

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "No need to thank me, I did this all for grandpa."

He didn't have much affection for Old Man Lin, so his tone of voice wasn't particularly friendly.

Old man Lin immediately felt embarrassed. He had cruelly kicked the Lin Weiguo brothers out of the house, but he didn't expect that he would ask them to save him now. As the patriarch of the Lin family, how could he not feel ashamed?

"No matter what, I still want to thank you, Lin Qiang. Prepare a dinner immediately to entertain my savior." Old Man Lin said.

Lin Yuantu was overjoyed. It seemed that Old Man Lin had accepted Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng said: "No, someone is inviting us to dinner tonight. If you want to entertain me, just next time."

He didn't say he was going to any Zongheng Club. He must have taken care of his dinner since he invited him there, right?

"In that case, let's wait until next time."

Old man Lin didn't feel any dissatisfaction with Ji Wufeng's rejection. He might have sensed Ji Wufeng's unfriendly attitude towards him.

Although Ji Wufeng is leaving, it is a happy event for Old Lin to wake up, and it is even more joyful to have Lin Yuantu's family back. There will be a banquet to celebrate today, and Old Lin asks all Lin family members to come back.

"Grandpa, I may not be able to eat at home today." Lin Xiaoyu said.

Old Lin immediately turned cold. Lin Yuanming said hurriedly: "Dad, Xiao Yu is really in trouble. Xiao Fei is taking Xiao Yu to the Zongheng Club today."

"What? Going to the Zongheng Club?"

When Old Man Lin heard this, he immediately looked ecstatic and said, "That's great, Xiaoyu, you have to dress up beautifully today, and you must not lose face to Xiaofei, do you understand?"

Others don't know about the Zongheng Club, but Old Man Lin knows it very well. Being qualified to enter the Zongheng Club means that he can have contact with the most powerful people in Huajing.

"I know, Grandpa."

Hearing that Lin Xiaoyu was also going to the Zongheng Club, Ji Wufeng smiled slightly, pulled Jiang Ruoshui and said, "Then let's go first."

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