Old Man Lin said: "You probably don't have a car when you first come to Huajing. How about I ask Xiao Yu to give you a ride later?"

Ji Wufeng didn't want to suffer that little bitch's glare, so he said, "No, we can just take a taxi there."

But he didn't expect that he would not escape in the end. Lin Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and said: "It's best not to give it away. I'm afraid it will stain my car."

After being slapped by two loudmouths just now, she now hated Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui to the core of her bones. If it hadn't been for her grandfather, she would have found someone to teach them a lesson.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly. He was completely speechless for such a brainless woman.

After walking out of the door of Lin's house, Ji Wufeng muttered unhappily: "What kind of shabby club did you come to invite me and didn't send a car to pick you up?"

Jiang Ruoshui said speechlessly: "Are you satisfied? Zongheng's willingness to send you an invitation is already a huge favor for you. I have never heard of a car specially sent to pick someone up."

Indeed, Zongheng has never sent a car to pick up anyone since its establishment, but it is not necessary. Which of the people Zongheng invites is an ordinary person? Don't have a car?

Take Ji Wufeng for example, if he didn't want to keep a low profile, it would be impossible to take a taxi when going out.

"Tch, what's so exciting about a broken club? Who's the boss? I'm going to argue with him later." Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Jiang Ruoshui shook his head and said: "Except for the members of Zongheng, no one knows who the real owner of Zongheng is."

At this moment, an extremely cool silver-white Bentley drove over and stopped in front of the two of them. The door opened. The driver was a beautiful short-haired beauty wearing a black tunic suit. She looked very heroic and curved. The lower body said respectfully: "Are these two Mr. Ji Wufeng and Miss Jiang Ruoshui?"

"We are." Ji Wufeng said.

"Hello, two guests. I'm here to pick you up on behalf of the Zongheng Club. Please get in the car." The short-haired beauty made an invitation gesture.

Jiang Ruoshui looked shocked. Zongheng actually sent a car to pick up Ji Wufeng. This was unprecedented.

Ji Wufeng, on the other hand, pulled Jiang Ruoshui into the car with a carefree smile, grinning happily and saying, "Look, he's quite sensible. He knew I was a little unhappy, so he sent a car here."

"Just trust it." Jiang Ruoshui rolled his eyes.

The car drove all the way to the most prosperous area of ​​Huajing, and saw a brightly lit Daxia building in front of it, with forty or fifty floors, and two huge illuminated words hanging on the building...Zongheng!

This is so arrogant. He actually dares to say the word "Zongheng". What is the identity of the owner of this Zongheng Club? Could it be Gu Tianyang? Otherwise, who would have the guts to be so arrogant?

"Beauty, let me ask, who is the owner of your club?" Ji Wufeng finally couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

The short-haired beauty who acted as the driver smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Ji, please rest assured that the owner of Zongheng is definitely not Gu Tianyang. He was still in elementary school when Zongheng was founded."


Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "How did you know that the person I guessed was Gu Tianyang?"

"I don't know. My master Zongheng asked me to tell you this when you asked this question." The short-haired beauty said.

Ji Wufeng became even more curious now. This Zongheng master was really a wonderful person. He actually knew what questions he would ask.

, and also guessed what he was thinking.

The car drove near Zongheng Building, and the short-haired beauty said: "Mr. Ji, do you want me to take you up directly, or do you want to get off at the intersection in front?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a moment and said, "It's better to get off at the intersection ahead."

If others see that he was picked up by a Zongheng car, he will have nothing to do later. He wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger later.

The short-haired beauty smiled slightly, as if she had expected it.

The car stopped at the intersection in front, and the two got out of the car. The short-haired beauty said: "The club is on the top floor. When you get there, please show your invitation letter and you can enter."

At the same time, Lin Xiaoyu drove the car on the way to Zongheng Building. There was a girl in the car. She was young and beautiful, with big eyes, curved eyelashes, and a newly matured body full of vitality.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what's wrong with your face?" the girl asked.

Although Lin Xiaoyu's face had been swollen with ice cubes, it still looked a bit unnatural.

When asked about this, Lin Xiaoyu's eyebrows smoked with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Stop asking, I was bitten by a dog today."

The girl covered her mouth and laughed: "Nonsense, how can your face be swollen after being bitten by a dog?"

Lin Xiaoyu angrily stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's leg, feigning anger and said: "Damn girl, you dare to make fun of your sister-in-law, let your brother deal with you later."

The girl made a face and said, "Are you ashamed? You haven't gotten married yet, so you call me your sister-in-law. Besides, my brother loves me so much that even if you get married, he won't dare to deal with me."

"Hmph, he doesn't dare to deal with you, I will deal with you!" After Lin Xiaoyu said this, he reached out to scratch the girl's waist.

The girl was so tickled that she couldn't stop laughing, so she had to beg for mercy: "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, please spare me, can I call you sister-in-law?"

The two were fighting in the car, and the car inevitably lost control. Suddenly, they found two people in front of them. The girl was so frightened that she screamed. Lin Xiaoyu also panicked and honked the horn desperately.

Ji Wufeng was holding hands with Sailor Jiang Ruo when he suddenly heard the rapid sound of a horn behind him. When he looked back, he saw a car rushing over and hurriedly dodged over.

Damn it, is this murder? Seeing Jiang Ruoshui's frightened face change color, Ji Wufeng got angry and walked over.

The car finally stopped without hitting anyone. The two girls in the car breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the two people who were almost hit running over in anger.

"Hey, how did you drive? Do you know that you almost hit someone?" Ji Wufeng stepped forward and shouted.

Lin Xiaoyu was in a bad mood today and was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger. He immediately bit down on the car window and said, "Are you blind or are you blind? Won't you get out of the way when the car comes? Uh... is it you?"

Ji Wufeng was also stunned. The two of them stared at each other. They didn't expect to meet here. They really weren't enemies who never get together.

Now Ji Wufeng became even more angry and said angrily: "Just because I have eyes and am not blind, I just got out of the way, but it was you who almost hit someone because you are really blind, right?"

"Asshole, if I had known earlier I wouldn't have honked the horn and just bumped into him." Lin Xiaoyu was furious. If she had known earlier that it was Ji Wufeng, she might have actually bumped into him without honking the horn.

"You can crash over now." Ji Wufeng stood in front of the car and said with a sneer. Old Man Lin said: "You probably don't have a car when you first come to Huajing. How about I ask Xiao Yu to give you a ride later?"

Ji Wufeng didn't want to suffer that little bitch's glare, so he said, "No, we can just take a taxi there."

But he didn't expect that he would not escape in the end. Lin Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and said: "It's best not to give it away. I'm afraid it will stain my car."

After being slapped by two loudmouths just now, she now hated Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui to the core of her bones. If it hadn't been for her grandfather, she would have found someone to teach them a lesson.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly. He was completely speechless for such a brainless woman.

After walking out of the door of Lin's house, Ji Wufeng muttered unhappily: "What kind of shabby club did you come to invite me and didn't send a car to pick you up?"

Jiang Ruoshui said speechlessly: "Are you satisfied? Zongheng's willingness to send you an invitation is already a huge favor for you. I have never heard of a car specially sent to pick someone up."

Indeed, Zongheng has never sent a car to pick up anyone since its establishment, but it is not necessary. Which of the people Zongheng invites is an ordinary person? Don't have a car?

Take Ji Wufeng for example, if he didn't want to keep a low profile, it would be impossible to take a taxi when going out.

"Tch, what's so exciting about a broken club? Who's the boss? I'm going to argue with him later." Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Jiang Ruoshui shook his head and said: "Except for the members of Zongheng, no one knows who the real owner of Zongheng is."

At this moment, an extremely cool silver-white Bentley drove over and stopped in front of the two of them. The door opened. The driver was a beautiful short-haired beauty wearing a black tunic suit. She looked very heroic and curved. The lower body said respectfully: "Are these two Mr. Ji Wufeng and Miss Jiang Ruoshui?"

"We are." Ji Wufeng said.

"Hello, two guests. I'm here to pick you up on behalf of the Zongheng Club. Please get in the car." The short-haired beauty made an invitation gesture.

Jiang Ruoshui looked shocked. Zongheng actually sent a car to pick up Ji Wufeng. This was unprecedented.

Ji Wufeng, on the other hand, pulled Jiang Ruoshui into the car with a carefree smile, grinning happily and saying, "Look, he's quite sensible. He knew I was a little unhappy, so he sent a car here."

"Just trust it." Jiang Ruoshui rolled his eyes.

The car drove all the way to the most prosperous area of ​​Huajing, and saw a brightly lit Daxia building in front of it, with forty or fifty floors, and two huge illuminated words hanging on the building...Zongheng!

This is so arrogant. He actually dares to say the word "Zongheng". What is the identity of the owner of this Zongheng Club? Could it be Gu Tianyang? Otherwise, who would have the guts to be so arrogant?

"Beauty, let me ask, who is the owner of your club?" Ji Wufeng finally couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

The short-haired beauty who acted as the driver smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Ji, please rest assured that the owner of Zongheng is definitely not Gu Tianyang. He was still in elementary school when Zongheng was founded."


Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "How did you know that the person I guessed was Gu Tianyang?"

"I don't know. My master Zongheng asked me to tell you this when you asked this question." The short-haired beauty said.

Ji Wufeng became even more curious now. This Zongheng master was really a wonderful person. He actually knew what questions he would ask.

, and also guessed what he was thinking.

The car drove near Zongheng Building, and the short-haired beauty said: "Mr. Ji, do you want me to take you up directly, or do you want to get off at the intersection in front?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a moment and said, "It's better to get off at the intersection ahead."

If others see that he was picked up by a Zongheng car, he will have nothing to do later. He wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger later.

The short-haired beauty smiled slightly, as if she had expected it.

The car stopped at the intersection in front, and the two got out of the car. The short-haired beauty said: "The club is on the top floor. When you get there, please show your invitation letter and you can enter."

At the same time, Lin Xiaoyu drove the car on the way to Zongheng Building. There was a girl in the car. She was young and beautiful, with big eyes, curved eyelashes, and a newly matured body full of vitality.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what's wrong with your face?" the girl asked.

Although Lin Xiaoyu's face had been swollen with ice cubes, it still looked a bit unnatural.

When asked about this, Lin Xiaoyu's eyebrows smoked with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Stop asking, I was bitten by a dog today."

The girl covered her mouth and laughed: "Nonsense, how can your face be swollen after being bitten by a dog?"

Lin Xiaoyu angrily stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's leg, feigning anger and said: "Damn girl, you dare to make fun of your sister-in-law, let your brother deal with you later."

The girl made a face and said, "Are you ashamed? You haven't gotten married yet, so you call me your sister-in-law. Besides, my brother loves me so much that even if you get married, he won't dare to deal with me."

"Hmph, he doesn't dare to deal with you, I will deal with you!" After Lin Xiaoyu said this, he reached out to scratch the girl's waist.

The girl was so tickled that she couldn't stop laughing, so she had to beg for mercy: "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, please spare me, can I call you sister-in-law?"

The two were fighting in the car, and the car inevitably lost control. Suddenly, they found two people in front of them. The girl was so frightened that she screamed. Lin Xiaoyu also panicked and honked the horn desperately.

Ji Wufeng was holding hands with Sailor Jiang Ruo when he suddenly heard the rapid sound of a horn behind him. When he looked back, he saw a car rushing over and hurriedly dodged over.

Damn it, is this murder? Seeing Jiang Ruoshui's frightened face change color, Ji Wufeng got angry and walked over.

The car finally stopped without hitting anyone. The two girls in the car breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the two people who were almost hit running over in anger.

"Hey, how did you drive? Do you know that you almost hit someone?" Ji Wufeng stepped forward and shouted.

Lin Xiaoyu was in a bad mood today and was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger. He immediately bit down on the car window and said, "Are you blind or are you blind? Won't you get out of the way when the car comes? Uh... is it you?"

Ji Wufeng was also stunned. The two of them stared at each other. They didn't expect to meet here. They really weren't enemies who never get together.

Now Ji Wufeng became even more angry and said angrily: "Just because I have eyes and am not blind, I just got out of the way, but it was you who almost hit someone because you are really blind, right?"

"Asshole, if I had known earlier I wouldn't have honked the horn and just bumped into him." Lin Xiaoyu was furious. If she had known earlier that it was Ji Wufeng, she might have actually bumped into him without honking the horn.

"You can crash over now." Ji Wufeng stood in front of the car and said with a sneer.

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