Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1035 Hot-Blooded Loyal Soul

However, Jun Yaqi also saw that after a fierce fight, the physical strength and power of the Ryuga warriors were extremely exhausted. At this time, they were already at the end of their power, and it was only a matter of time before they were destroyed.

Ji Wufeng saw that there was only one way to die if he continued to fight, so he cut a sneak attack ninja in half with a knife, wiped the blood spattered on his face, and said: "Captain Teng, break out immediately, I will cut off the rear!"

After saying that, he wanted to rush forward with murderous intent, but was held back by Teng Zhenshan, saying: "We want to break out immediately, but it's not us, but you!"

Teng Zhenshan's words stunned Ji Wufeng and only allowed him to break out and leave?

That meant that the remaining people were determined to die. Ji Wufeng immediately shouted: "No, I will stop you. You are no match for the eight masters. I am the only one who still has a chance."

"Yes, just because only you have a chance, only you can break through." Teng Zhenshan said.

Fang Zheng's right chest was pierced by a samurai sword, and he was bleeding profusely. He came to Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother Ji, we have no chance. We can only leave one by one. Otherwise, our dragon teeth will be wiped out, which will be too embarrassing. "


Ji Wufeng roared.

"Listen to me, if you don't leave, none of us will be able to leave. Who will avenge the brothers then?" A little brother stepped forward and shouted.

"Yes, Brother Ji, you want to avenge us!"

"You can only be worthy of us if you avenge us."

"We are brothers if we live and die together. We will be brothers in the next life. No, we will be full brothers!"

"We are brothers now!"

Facing death, these young soldiers did not have the slightest panic, and even had a satisfied smile on their faces.

Ji Wufeng's heart was trembling. He had a dream of being a soldier since he was a child. He dreamed of going into battle to kill the enemy.

There can be a group of brothers who depend on each other for life and death.

Now his dream has come true, but he feels so cruel at this time.

Even though all of these brothers were hard-core warriors who had been on the battlefield for a long time, Ji Wufeng knew that they were all still very young, with the youngest one not even twenty years old.

They joined the dragon group when they were teenagers. They trained every day and went into battle to kill enemies. Many of them had never married, and some of them had never even held a girl's hand.

"Only you can leave with 100% certainty. I am the captain, and now I order you to break out immediately!"

Teng Zhenshan shouted sternly, who doesn’t want to live? But things come as they wish, and only Ji Wufeng present is 100% sure of escaping and avenging everyone.

"Captain Teng..."

Ji Wufeng's face was ferocious, and his eyes were full of madness. Even though he had been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, he had never been touched like this before.

He was deeply touched at this time. It was the first time for him to meet many of the people in front of him, and some of them had not even spoken to each other yet.

But at this time, they have become brothers, brothers who can depend on each other for life and death!

"The Dragon Tooth Brigade has the addresses of our brothers' families. I hope you can take care of them when you are free. Remember, you must find out who betrayed us!"

Teng Zhenshan looked at the brothers beside him with tears in his eyes, full of guilt. As a captain and an elder brother, he could not forgive himself for bringing his brothers into a desperate situation.

"Stop it!" Teng Zhenshan suddenly shouted loudly, like a thunder explosion, causing everyone to pause in their fighting movements.

Teng Zhenshan pointed at Ji Wufeng and said to Baqi Jun: "If I guessed correctly,

, Ji Wufeng is your most important goal today, right? How about we make a deal. "

Baqi Jun glanced at Ji Wufeng full of resentment, and said with a cruel smile: "How to deal?"

"I'll hand Ji Wufeng over to you, and you let us go," Teng Zhenshan said.


Jun Baqi immediately agreed. Just now, he had been worried that Ji Wufeng would take advantage of the chaos to escape. Now both sides have to deal with him, and he has no place to escape even if he wants to.

"You are seeking death!"

Ji Wufeng was furious, but Teng Zhenshan waved his hand, and a group of Longya warriors immediately swarmed up and controlled him firmly.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng could not move, Baqi Jun let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that no matter who he was, he was afraid of death. The same was true for these Longya warriors. It was normal for them to betray Ji Wufeng in order to survive.

"Go and bring him to me!"

Baqi Jun gave the order, and the eight masters who had long been used to deal with Ji Wufeng immediately rushed forward.

But if you want to receive Ji Wufeng from the Dragon Tooth Warrior, you must get close to the Dragon Tooth Warrior. Just when the eight masters were about to encounter Ji Wufeng, half of the Dragon Tooth Warriors immediately spread out and surrounded the eight masters.

The rest of the Dragon Tooth Warriors lifted Ji Wufeng up, roared in unison, and used all their strength to throw Ji Wufeng high into the sky.

Ji Wufeng flew away like lightning and saw the Longya brothers getting smaller and smaller on the ground, with tears falling on the ground.

Teng Zhenshan laughed wildly and shouted: "Brothers are going, see you later, we will still be brothers when we get to Huangquan Road!"

All the dragon teeth warriors surrounded the eight masters.

"Dragon's Fangs, Divine Dragon Soaring!"

boom! boom! boom!


With a loud bang, Ji Wufeng heard a tragic howl in Dongyang dialect coming from behind. Self-explosion to injure the enemy is an essential skill for Dragon Group warriors. He would rather die with the enemy and be shattered into pieces than fall into the hands of the enemy and become a prisoner. .

Dozens of Dragon Tooth masters collectively self-destructed, which was equivalent to a small nuclear bomb. The eight masters surrounded by them were blown into pieces before they even had time to scream.

The power of the powerful impact was far more than that, the crazy power swept away, and a large number of ninja masters were swallowed up, screaming again and again.


Yamata Jun roared crazily. This time, not only all the elites under his command came, but also the eight masters of the Yamata no Orochi family, and now they were all destroyed.

He became a polished commander, and at the same time he had to face punishment from the Baqi family.

However, the soldiers of Longya Brigade stayed here forever.


Ji Wufeng, who was already far away from the battlefield, knelt on the ground, his face twisted like a ghost.

He regretted why he was so arrogant despite knowing that this mission was a conspiracy and a trap. If he had been more careful and explained to Teng Zhenshan earlier, these Predator warriors would not have reached a dead end.

After an unknown amount of time, Ji Wufeng suddenly roared and ran away. At this time, no matter how much guilt he felt, it was useless. There was only one thing he could do.

"Hey, Beichenxue, I want you to help me check immediately..."

"Shangguanyao, I need you to do something for me!"

"Gouhun, pass the order, everyone is dispatched!"

"I'm looking for Ye Linglong..."

After making more than a dozen phone calls, Ji Wufeng lay on the cold shore, lifeless, like a corpse. Sometimes life is more painful than death.

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