Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1036: If someone stands in the way of a person, he will kill someone; if someone stands in t

At the door of an abandoned courtyard, a man with a deer head and rat eyes, who could tell at a glance that he was not a good guy, was looking around with a lewd look. He was basically a gangster. After the door opened, a boy of several years old came out.

"Little bastard, is your mother at home?" the second-rate man asked.

The little boy had a look of resentment on his face, glared at him and turned away.

"Damn it, you little bastard is so arrogant." The bastard got angry and kicked the little boy. The little boy fell to the ground and a bunch of things fell out of his hand, including a large handful of change.

The second-rate man's eyes suddenly lit up, he picked up the money and said: "You little bastard, you are quite rich, just in time to buy me a drink."

"Give it back to me. Give it back to me quickly. This is money to buy medicine for mom."

The little boy's eyes were red and he rushed over to get the money back, but the disparity between the two sides was too great. How could he be a match for an adult man? I didn't get the money back, but I got injuries all over my body. .??.

"Buying medicine? Little bastard, as long as you call me daddy and your mother sleeps with me for a while, I will pay to send your mother to the hospital."

Everyone knows that there is a mother and son living in the yard. The woman is beautiful, but she has never seen a man. This second-rate man has always wanted to take advantage of her.

"I have a father, and my mother will not sleep with you." The little boy's face turned red because of anger.

"You are basically a bastard. You have a shitty father, and your mother is a bitch. Since she is a bitch, why can't you sleep with me?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

The little boy was so angry that he rushed over and bit the second-rate man on the leg.

"You bastard, you dare to bite me, you are seeking death!" The second-rate man cried out in pain, and kicked the little boy in anger.


Before the second-rate man could kick the little boy, a figure rushed over and kicked the second-rate man with a flying kick.

The second-rate man groaned, and before he even had time to scream, he was kicked and sent flying several times.

Mi Yuan crawled on the ground several times before he got up, and ran away with a look of horror on his face.

"How are you, little brother?" A young man asked, standing where the second-rate man originally stood.

"Money, my money, that's money to buy medicine for my mother. My mother is going to die of illness, wuwu..." The little boy saw the second-rate man running away with the money. The little boy burst into tears with a look of despair.

"It's okay, it's okay, little brother, don't cry, brother, there is money here, you can take it."

The young man took out a handful of banknotes from his body and put it into the little boy's hand. The little boy was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "No, my mother doesn't allow me to ask for other people's money."

"I ask you about someone as a reward. Do you know an aunt named Cheng Xue?"

The young man summoned him with a look on his face. He had no choice. When he went out, the superiors had already issued an order. If he didn't arrive early, he should take the initiative to go to the execution hall to receive the punishment when he got back.

Thinking of the horror of the Tianmen Punishment Hall, the young man could not help but tremble all over, and his legs shook unconsciously.

"My mother is Cheng Xue. Are you looking for my mother?" the little boy said in shock.

"Cheng Xue is your mother?"

The young man was suddenly excited and grabbed the little boy excitedly. His luck was really good. His kick just now was too timely, otherwise he would be finished.

"Child, take me to see your mother quickly. I am your father's good friend." The young man felt that the God of Luck took great care of him and allowed him to encounter such good luck.

"Are you my dad's best friend?"

The little boy had a look of information on his face, but suddenly lowered his head and said, "But everyone says I don't have a father. I'm a wild...bastard without a father."

The young man looked startled, then he hugged the little boy up in distress and said in a deep voice: "No, you have a father. Not only do you have a father, but your father is also

The greatest warrior in the world is a great hero who fights for his country. Your father’s name is Qin Guozhu. My child, you are Qin Guozhu’s son! "

The little boy cried, and the young man was trembling in his heart. He didn't know how to tell the little boy that his father had died for the country.

In dozens of cities across the country, the same thing happened next.

Ji Wufeng, who was lying on the street, finally waited until the phone rang. After the call was answered, Ji Wufeng's face immediately became ferocious, and he punched the ground, making a big hole in the ground. His fist was full of blood, and he was filled with murderous intent! .??.

The Dragon Tooth Brigade was wiped out, their heads were thrown away, their blood was shed, and their lives were sacrificed, but there was no good result.

Not only did he not get justice, but he was also stigmatized. Jin Yuyang actually cried and complained that the Longya Brigade was arrogant and refused to cooperate, which led to such a result.

Ji Wufeng, on the other hand, was accused of being a deserter and was wanted. He was required to be sent to a military court for trial.

Because only Ji Wufeng survived in the entire Longya Brigade, and Jin Yuyang provided sufficient evidence, the bosses above could only temporarily accept the explanation given by the Jin family.

Ji Wufeng felt like he was going crazy. He didn't care that he was wanted, but was the blood of the Long Ya brothers shed in vain?

No, never!

They sacrifice everything to fulfill their vocation, why are they not even given justice?


If God doesn't give them justice and youth, Ji Wufeng will fight to clear the sky!

The Jin family must pay a bloody price for the deaths of Longya brothers!

The phone rang again, and Ji Wufeng answered the call numbly. It was Yu Wen Zhengming, his tone full of guilt, saying: "I didn't expect such a result, but you must rest assured, justice is in the hearts of the people, and they will never let it happen. Soldiers were wrongly killed!”

"Hahaha, justice is in the heart? Now I just want to know where the justice is?" Ji Wufeng laughed wildly.

Yu Wenzheng clearly knew the Jin family's crimes, but because there was no evidence for the time being, he allowed the dead Long Ya brothers to suffer unjust injustice. Ji Wufeng felt deeply resentful.

Yu Wen Zhengming was silent, maybe he didn't know what to say, right? After a long time, he said: "You have to understand that in our position, many things cannot be based on emotion. I hope you can understand."

"Understood, I understand your uncle, do you want my brothers to die with their eyes open just because they want to understand you old people? I tell you, Yu Wen Zhengming, you are pretending to be cowardly, but I can't do that, I will kill them. It’s settled, if you stand in the way of others, you will kill, if you stand in the way of Buddha, you will kill Buddha!”

After Ji Wufeng said that, he hung up the phone, dialed Guohun's number again, and said in a cold voice: "Send the order, all Tianmen will be dispatched!"

No one can stop him this time!

In addition to Yuwen Zhengming, the Yuwen family, Lei Zhensheng, Hong Feng, Lu Tianyi, and the husband were all present, and all of them had gloomy faces, including the husband, with unconcealed murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

Yu Wen Zhengming held the hung up phone, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "That guy is really not polite at all. He actually scolded me for being old and saying that we are cowardly turtles!"


Hong Feng was a soldier with the hottest temper. He smashed the marble table in front of him with one punch and cracked it. He said coldly: "Isn't he right to scold you? As a soldier, you can bleed and die on the battlefield, but you must not let it go. The slander of a shameless person, the honor of a soldier is more important than life!"

"Hmph, I don't care what your plans are? Are you considering the overall situation? I have decided this matter. Even if I wipe out all the Lu family, I still have to get back one for the twenty-four martyrs of Long Ya. justice!"

Lu Tianyi's entire face became ferocious, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura. This shameless act of slandering a hero made it impossible for him to conceal his anger.

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