Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1038 I want the Jin family, leaving no chickens or dogs behind

Ji Wufeng roared violently and slapped down a traitor with his big hand. The head of a traitor was smashed into a meat pie, and the dragon's tooth blade was slashed out. The traitor behind him was cut in half directly from the waist. His internal organs and blood flowed all over the floor. His upper body was still injured. Crawling on the ground.

Bang bang bang!

Ji Wufeng took action with hatred, and all the other traitors flew out, hitting the wall, making a big hole in the wall, and fell to the ground expiring.

Jin Mingdao's face changed drastically. He couldn't care so much anymore. He stamped his foot on the ground, raised his body and flew out the door.

Ji Wufeng's eyes burst with murderous intent, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand shot towards Jin Mingdao's back like lightning.


The dragon's tooth blade penetrated directly into Jin Mingdao's back, nailing him to the pillar outside the door.

Jin Yufei was frightened and fainted. He fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Please, spare me. As long as I have it, you can take it all, as long as you spare my life."

He originally thought that Jin Yuyang asked him to take over Jin Mingdao this time because he wanted to give him a share of credit, but he never expected that it would be such a result. I'm afraid he didn't know that Jin Yuyang himself had already gone abroad. went.

"You can indeed give me what I want, but I don't need you to give it to me. I can take it myself."

Ji Wufeng said coldly, grabbed his neck with his big hands and pulled hard, blood spurted out, and he tore off Jin Yufei's head and threw it to the ground.


The few remaining women and the Jin family couldn't stand it anymore, and screamed wildly and ran outside. Ji Wufeng frowned slightly and rushed forward like lightning.

After several screams, all the living people in the room turned into mutilated corpses. Ji Wufeng was furious. None of these corpses were complete. There were pieces of meat, internal organs, and blood everywhere...

However, there was one person present who was still alive, and that was Lin Xiaoyu. She had been frightened to the point of peeing. She collapsed on the ground, her legs were numb, and she couldn't move to escape at all, so she escaped.

Ji Wufeng lazily looked at her again, then tore off the traitor's heads one by one with his bare hands and threw them all together. Lin Xiaoyu was so frightened that he almost fainted several times.

After piling the heads into a pile, Ji Wufeng said coldly to Lin Xiaoyu: "You will definitely die, but I won't kill you yet. I will kill you in front of the Lin family, but now I need you to do something. "

He no longer cares about his grandfather's feelings. Lin Xiaoyu will undoubtedly die, but he will kill Lin Xiaoyu in front of the Lin family as an explanation to the Lin family.

"What...what happened?"

Lin Xiaoyu was going crazy, but her instinctive desire to survive made her very clear that obeying Ji Wufeng was her only hope now.

"Give me all these heads."

Ji Wufeng wants to take these heads back to pay homage to the dead Long Ya brothers.

While Lin Xiaoyu was vomiting, he found something to collect the heads. Ji Wufeng walked up to Jin Mingdao, pulled out the Dragon Tooth Blade, and said in a cold voice: "Don't worry, you won't die just yet, I will use your heads to kill my heart." , come to pay homage to the spirits of our brothers!”

After Ji Wufeng left, Jin Yufei's grandfather Jin Zhengwei finally arrived with the guards. When the guards opened the door and saw the scene in the room, six of the eight guards were vomiting wildly, one was frightened and passed out, and another One was so frightened that he fell to the ground, vomited yellow water, and died.

That night, a large number of mysterious masters sneaked into Huajing. Qiu, the law enforcement elder in charge of Huajing,

Chengdao hurriedly summoned Huajing law enforcement officers to intercept, but was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

The murderous aura in this group of people was unprecedented in Qiu Chengdao's life, and the two leaders were even more frightening, with a terrifying aura of death all over their bodies.

Qiu Chengdao cursed in his heart, where did such a group of monsters come from, and any one of them would be destroyed. If they all swarmed up, wouldn't they be torn to pieces immediately?

Especially the leader, fighting alone, he didn't even think he was sure of winning. .??.

"Be bold, Qiu Chengdao is here, who dares to be bold!"

Qiu Chengdao shouted loudly. He really wanted to turn around and leave. He didn't want to become enemies with these perverts, but as a law enforcement elder, it was his responsibility and he couldn't back down.

A handsome young man jumped up, showed a black iron plate, and said loudly: "Where is Qiu Chengdao?"

Qiu Chengdao stared at the iron sign, his expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "Law enforcement order?"

The existence of a law enforcement order proves that the law enforcement elders are involved in the matter, or that these people directly work for the law enforcement officers.


Qiu Chengdao's first reaction was the authenticity of the law enforcement order. How could it be in the hands of this group of murderous people?

"You read that right, this is a law enforcement order!"

A voice full of murderous intent cut in, and a young man strode over covered in blood, followed by a girl, trembling all over, carrying a sack behind her, with red mucus dripping down. , exudes a strong smell of blood, it is blood.

With a plop, everyone present kneeled on the ground.

Ji Wufeng nodded slightly, with sharp eyes, and said: "Very good, today I want the Jin family, no chickens or dogs left!"

"As you command!"

Suddenly, murderous intent surged into the sky, Qiu Chengdao's brows twitched, and the law enforcers standing behind him were so frightened that their legs weakened.

When he heard that Ji Wufeng wanted to keep the Jin family's chickens and dogs alive, Qiu Chengdao immediately thought of something. Could it really be that kid?

"Who are you?" Qiu Chengdao asked Ji Wufeng.

The corners of Ji Wufeng's lips raised slightly and he said, "Didn't you already guess it?"

"Is it really you? What do you want to do?"

Qiu Chengdao was frightened, and Ji Wufeng was murderous. It was clear that he was not up to no good. If they were allowed to continue making trouble, wouldn't this place become a river of blood?

"Destroy the Jin family!" Ji Wufeng spit out three words.

"Which Jin family?"

"Is there any other Jin family in Huajing that I should take action against?"

Qiu Chengdao almost jumped up. This kid actually wanted to destroy the Jin family. Is he crazy?

"No, I will never let you do this!"

Who are the Jin family? There are many princes in Huajing, and there are too many forces involved. If Ji Wufeng destroys the Jin family, it will not be as simple as just killing a few people. Hundreds of people will die, and Huajing will not be overturned by then. sky?

"I have a law enforcement order, you have no right to stop me!" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

He had already guessed that law enforcers would come to intercept him, so he specifically asked Gou Hun to come with a law enforcement order. Only in this way could he successfully enter Huajing without conflicting with the law enforcers.


Qiu Chengdao hesitated. Logically speaking, if there was a law enforcement order in hand, he should not interfere. However, Ji Wufeng's actions were so big that he was trying to break the sky. He didn't know whether he should comply with the law enforcement order or stop it. Ji Wufeng's crazy behavior.

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