Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1039 Anyone who commits any injustice will be punished by his own death.

At the same time, he didn't understand why that old ghost Yuan Tianzong handed over the law enforcement order to this god of murder.

"No one can stop me today. If God blocks me, I will kill God. If I block Buddha, I will kill Buddha!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt murderous intent, and Qiu Chengdao couldn't help but take a step back in shock.

He no longer has so much to worry about. Whoever wants to stop him will die!

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and it turned out to be Mr. Ji Wufeng. After Ji Wufeng answered the call, he threw the phone directly to Qiu Chengdao after listening to his words.

After Qiu Chengdao listened on the phone, his face was filled with shock. Finally, he hung up the phone with grief and anger, shook his head and sighed: "That's it, that's it. If you do unjust things, you will be killed. You go ahead. I just hope you won't be implicated." Innocent!"

Ji Wufeng said: "Elder Qiu, since the law enforcement order is in my hands, I can assume the role of law enforcer."

Seeing a group of killing gods leaving like thunder, a law enforcer said: "Elder Qiu, are we just going to let it go?"

With so many masters going to destroy the Jin family, it was a big deal. Even if there was a law enforcement order in hand, Qiu Chengdao couldn't just let it go.

Qiu Chengdao said angrily: "If I were him, I'm afraid I would do the same."

The husband told him all the crimes committed by the Jin family over the phone. He also felt unworthy of those Longya martyrs and was even more indignant towards the Jin family.

Sitting in the car, Ji Wufeng's hands were trembling. The closer he got to Jin's house, the murderous intention in his heart became stronger.

The whole car was filled with strong murderous aura. Looking at the frightened driver who was about to faint at any moment, Gouhun frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Calm down, we will have to walk over when the car explodes."


With a loud noise, a moving taxi suddenly exploded like a bomb and turned into fragments. The driver who had fainted fell to the ground from the air, looking at him with a look of resentment. Ji Wufeng's face was filled with murderous intent.

The motorcade drove until it reached a huge manor before stopping. Everyone left

After getting out of the car, looking at the two characters "Jin Family", Ji Wufeng had a ferocious sneer on his face, "Jin Family, here I come!"


Outside the manor, there were a dozen guards in black from the Jin family holding guns. Looking at the people who were coming to kill them, they immediately pointed their guns at them and shouted questions.


Wu Chang's eyes flashed coldly, he snorted coldly, and in a flash, he appeared behind the guard who shouted the question, and slapped him on the top of his head.


The guard was immediately shot into the ground, with only his head exposed, two eyeballs bursting out, and blood pouring up from the ground around his neck like a fountain.

"There are enemies, there are enemies, sound the alarm!"

A Jin family guard shouted in horror: "Shoot, shoot, kill them!"

More than a dozen Jin family guards raised their guns at the same time and pointed them at Ji Wufeng and the others. Gunshots rang out and bullets were fired like horizontal raindrops.


After Wu Chang finished speaking, the person disappeared, turning into a blurry afterimage that circled around like a gust of wind, then returned to the original place, and all the gunfire stopped.

All the bullets still in the air stopped. After a moment, all the bullets seemed to have been cut by sharp blades, falling into two halves and falling to the ground.


The throats of the Jin family guards suddenly split open, blood gushed out crazily, and all the guards' heads rolled off their shoulders at the same time, but their bodies remained motionless.

The necks of more than a dozen people were like more than a dozen blood-red fountains. Blood was pouring outwards. The whole space was filled with the disgusting smell of blood. A gust of wind blew by, and the whole scene looked extremely terrifying, just like It's a slaughterhouse.


The last Jin family guard in the guard room looked at the scene in front of him, and a cold chill spread directly from the depths of his heart to his whole body.

"Sound the alarm now, otherwise we won't have a chance later."

A terrifying sound rang in his ears, and the Jin family guard suddenly found a young man standing in front of him.

At the young man's reminder, he sounded the alarm, and the alarm rang, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his neck, and then he saw his back.

How can a person see his own back? Finally he realized that his head had fallen to the ground, facing his back.

It seemed that the Jin family had been prepared for a long time. As soon as the siren sounded, the quiet wilderness was immediately broken. Countless powerful auras burst out and rushed towards the gate of the manor.

Since they had done something wrong, how could the Jin family not be prepared at all? Knowing that Ji Wufeng was not dead, he had already summoned a large number of experts to wait for him to surrender.

In the car in the distance, Han Chong frowned and said, "Prince, I don't understand. Now is a good time to kill Ji Wufeng and the Jin family. Why do you do this?"

Ji Wufeng is now wanted by the military. Gu Tianyang holds the dragon group and is fully qualified to arrest Ji Wufeng and even has the power to kill him on the spot.

And the Jin family, there is no smoke without fire. Although there is no evidence, everyone knows that the Jin family is dirty.

If Gu Tianyang takes action here, it can be said that he kills two birds with one stone, and the benefits obtained from it are absolutely immeasurable.

But what Han Chong couldn't figure out was that Ji Wufeng was in conflict with the Jin family. Not only did Gu Tianyang not take action, but he also issued orders to let everyone avoid the fight between Ji Wufeng and the Jin family, intentionally or unintentionally. He actually had a tendency to suit Ji Wufeng. It means a helping hand.

The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit!

If the Jin family is gone, Ji Wufeng's charges will be self-defeating. Not only that

, the Jin family's cake will also fall into Ji Wufeng's hands, and Gu Tianyang won't even be able to get a piece of it by then.

Gu Tianyang shook his head with a helpless smile and said, "Do you think I am willing to spit out what I have swallowed?"

"Then why?" Han Chong still didn't understand.

"Have you forgotten where this place is? This is Huajing, not Yuzhou. Even if Ji Wufeng is brave, he can't be without scruples. Do you think that no one will know that he broke into the Jin family and the big guys above him know about it? Wrong. , they know more and know better than anyone else, but no one intervenes, why do you think this is?"

Han Chong suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "You mean they acquiesced to Ji Wufeng?"

This is Huajing. Even if you are Monkey King, the Monkey King, you have the skills to dig out the palms of those old guys, but no one comes out to take care of Ji Wufeng's ruckus. This is obviously the instructions from those big guys behind the scenes, otherwise If so, if such a group of people swarmed in, someone would probably have come to suppress it with artillery tanks.

"What the Jin family did this time is really too much. Even I didn't expect that they would be so cruel. Ji Wufeng was wronged, so he had to let him vent his anger, and the Jin family would naturally compensate him. ”

Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of resentment. His previous plan was just to let Ji Wufeng have an internal fight with the Jin family so that he could reap the benefits.

But he never thought that the Jin family would be so vicious and let the entire Longya get involved. Those big guys would never tolerate it.

Those old guys wanted to compensate Ji Wufeng. If he interfered again, he would anger them after all. Gu Tianyang might as well be a favor and let them know that he still knew the basics.

"But it's not that easy for Ji Wufeng to easily take over the Jin family. Don't forget Jin Zhengwei's birth." Gu Tianyang said.

Han Chong's eyes lit up and he said, "Are you talking about the Yunchuan Jin family? Will they take action?"

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