Gouhun threw away the two heads in his hands, and his body rose into the air. Everyone in the Yunchuan Jin family suddenly felt as if a huge mountain was about to crush them, and they were suddenly frightened and crazy.

"you wanna die!"

The masters of the Jin family in Yunchuan were furious, roared, and rushed forward. They never expected that just one person could kill the Jin family and defeat them.

On Ji Wufeng's side, no one made any move except for Seduction. Since the Yunchuan Jin family is known as the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, there is no way that they only have this little rubbish that cannot be put on the stage. .??.

The two Yunchuan Jin family masters who were the first to bear the brunt were struck by Gouhun's single palm on Tianling Gai in the blink of an eye. With a series of crashing sounds, more than a dozen palms were slapped on Gouhun's back almost at the same time.

However, their hands were like being slapped on thousands of steel needles. The true energy in Gouhun's body burst out of his body, immediately pricking everyone's palms with blood holes, the flesh and blood were blurred, and several extremely sharp forces burst out. After it was shot out, all those who attacked the soul were thrown away and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"evil creature!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, and five figures appeared out of thin air. Each of them exuded a terrifying aura, and an extremely violent attack rolled towards Guhun like a violent storm!


Gouhun's body retreated violently, leaving two deep scratches on the ground with his feet. After he stabilized his body, a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the arrogant Gouhun was finally injured, all the masters of the Yunchuan Jin family breathed a sigh of relief. Although this god of death was terrifying, he was still no match for the five masters of the Yunchuan Jin family.

These five people are the elders of the Yunchuan Jin family, top masters, and the weakest one is also a grand master.

These five elders were the main force supporting Jin Zhengwei. The young masters of the Yunchuan Jin family were all excited when they saw that Guhun was repulsed.

The five people looked at the corpses on the ground and suddenly became furious. One of them shouted sternly: "How dare you come to Jin's house to act wild. You should die!"

Immediately, the five people regained their momentum. Although Gou Hun managed to hold them back with a single blow, he was already injured. In the eyes of the five masters, Gou Hun was already meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by them.

One of the Tianmen brothers shouted angrily: "Damn it, Boss Guhun is under siege. There are many people bullying the few!"

"Hmph, there are more people than there are people? Brothers, if they want to outnumber us, we will outnumber people!"

Wu Chang pulled out the long sword from his waist, and suddenly sword energy came out, sweeping around him, but it automatically bypassed his companions. The nearby buildings were destroyed one after another as if they had been cut by sharp blades. Destroy, collapse.

Suddenly, everyone's body burst out with a horrifying and terrifying momentum, and the cold murderous intention spread and rose, intertwined and hovered over the Jin family. Suddenly, the situation changed, and everyone in the Jin family was shrouded in fear.

Countless Jin family juniors were frightened, their legs were trembling, and they cursed in their hearts: "Damn, who are these people? How can they be so scary!"

These people are all young disciples of the Yunchuan Jin family. They believe that they are arrogant because of the reputation of the Yunchuan Jin family, but now they feel that they are weaker than ants compared to this group of terrifying people in front of them.

The younger generation just knew that the group of people in front of them were very strong, but the older generation almost lost their balance and fell to the ground. Even the five elders of the Yunchuan Jin family had cold sweat on their faces.

Especially the one standing in the front looks the most

Most of them were handsome, one-eyed young men in their teens, with a long sword in their hands and a sharp edge. The five elders all felt like someone was holding a sword on their necks, and their heads might fall to the ground at any time.

The Jin family may have been domineering for too long and did not pay attention to the world's heroes. Only now did they realize that they underestimated Ji Wufeng and dared to break into the Jin family. How could it be Yi Yu?

The hearts of the five elders fell to the bottom, and their faces were extremely pale. They originally thought that supporting Jin Zhengwei this time would be a great achievement, but now they even regretted it.

"Brothers, destroy the entire family of Zhengwei, leaving no one behind!" He pointed his sword at him and shouted cold-bloodedly.

The Jin family is one of the dignified and wealthy families in Huajing. It has deep roots in the Yunchuan Jin family, one of the eight aristocratic families. Who dares to say that they want to destroy the entire Jin family? If you tell me, you will definitely get laughed out of your mouth.

But at this time, the Jin family's faces were ashen, because they knew that this group of people had the strength to do it.

Wu Chang swung out his sword, and the sword energy was like dense raindrops, falling all over the sky towards everyone in the Jin family. Suddenly, several guards standing at the front were the first to bear the brunt, as if they were hit by sharp blades. Neat wounds appeared all over their bodies, and they were painful and miserable. Screaming to die.

At this time, the younger generation who arrived from the Yunchuan Jin family finally realized that there are people outside the world. The Yunchuan Jin family is a giant, but it is not invincible. At this moment, they encountered more powerful enemies, and they all started timidly. move back.

The five elders raised their skills to the extreme at the same time, and their aura erupted like a violent storm. They immediately dispersed the impermanent sword energy and shouted sternly: "Disciples of the Yunchuan Jin family, whoever dares to take a step back will be killed without mercy!"

They intend to retreat, but the reputation of the Yunchuan Jin family cannot be insulted!

The young people who were about to retreat suddenly stopped and looked at the five elders in fear.

Gouhun sneered and said: "Hey, you really have a lot of backbone. I want to see how long a person's backbone can last when facing real death? Kill!"

With an order, the Tianmen disciples rushed forward crazily.

Seeing these people who were about to pounce on them like gods of murder, the younger generation of the Yunchuan Jin family finally collapsed. What kind of death order did the elders have? It was better to save their own lives first, and they all ran away crying.

"I haven't killed anyone for a long time, and today I will sacrifice the sword with a master from the Yunchuan Jin family!" Wu Chang shouted coldly, and his body was like a stream of light shining directly at the five elders.

The five elders of the Yunchuan Jin family suddenly felt an extremely sharp and indestructible energy pushing towards them, and their expressions suddenly became frightened.

Wu Chang was guided by Ji Wufeng to become the Grand Master. He majored in swordsmanship and had reached the advanced level of integrating the human sword with the sword. Once he made a move, he would be invincible and was definitely unmatched by masters of the same level.


A ray of silver light struck, hitting Wu Chang's body, making a harsh sound of metal collision. Wu Chang's figure suddenly appeared, and he took a few steps back before stopping. The palm holding the sword trembled slightly.

All the Tianmen disciples who were about to rush forward shot down a beam of silver light, and with a bang, a deep ravine appeared on the ground as if they were hit by a sharp weapon. Suddenly everyone was frightened and stopped.

"Who is blocking me!" Wu Chang shouted loudly.

A middle-aged man in black clothes floated between Wu Chang and the six elders. He was tall and handsome, with extraordinary appearance. His long flowing hair was blowing in the wind, and he had a faint smile on his face. Gouhun threw away the two heads in his hands, and his body rose into the air. Everyone in the Yunchuan Jin family suddenly felt as if a huge mountain was about to crush them, and they were suddenly frightened and crazy.

"you wanna die!"

The masters of the Jin family in Yunchuan were furious, roared, and rushed forward. They never expected that just one person could kill the Jin family and defeat them.

On Ji Wufeng's side, no one made any move except for Seduction. Since the Yunchuan Jin family is known as the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, there is no way that they only have this little rubbish that cannot be put on the stage.

The two Yunchuan Jin family masters who were the first to bear the brunt were struck by Gouhun's single palm on Tianling Gai in the blink of an eye. With a series of crashing sounds, more than a dozen palms were slapped on Gouhun's back almost at the same time. .??.

However, their hands were like being slapped on thousands of steel needles. The true energy in Gouhun's body burst out of his body, immediately pricking everyone's palms with blood holes, the flesh and blood were blurred, and several extremely sharp forces burst out. After it was shot out, all those who attacked the soul were thrown away and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"evil creature!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, and five figures appeared out of thin air. Each of them exuded a terrifying aura, and an extremely violent attack rolled towards Guhun like a violent storm!


Gouhun's body retreated violently, leaving two deep scratches on the ground with his feet. After he stabilized his body, a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the arrogant Gouhun was finally injured, all the masters of the Yunchuan Jin family breathed a sigh of relief. Although this god of death was terrifying, he was still no match for the five masters of the Yunchuan Jin family.

These five people are the elders of the Yunchuan Jin family, top masters, and the weakest one is also a grand master.

These five elders were the main force supporting Jin Zhengwei. The young masters of the Yunchuan Jin family were all excited when they saw that Guhun was repulsed.

The five people looked at the corpses on the ground and suddenly became furious. One of them shouted sternly: "How dare you come to Jin's house to act wild. You should die!"

Immediately, the five people regained their momentum. Although Gou Hun managed to hold them back with a single blow, he was already injured. In the eyes of the five masters, Gou Hun was already meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by them.

One of the Tianmen brothers shouted angrily: "Damn it, Boss Guhun is under siege. There are many people bullying the few!"

"Hmph, there are more people than there are people? Brothers, if they want to outnumber us, we will outnumber people!"

Wu Chang pulled out the long sword from his waist, and suddenly sword energy came out, sweeping around him, but it automatically bypassed his companions. The nearby buildings were destroyed one after another as if they had been cut by sharp blades. Destroy, collapse.

Suddenly, everyone's body burst out with a horrifying and terrifying momentum, and the cold murderous intention spread and rose, intertwined and hovered over the Jin family. Suddenly, the situation changed, and everyone in the Jin family was shrouded in fear.

Countless Jin family juniors were frightened, their legs were trembling, and they cursed in their hearts: "Damn, who are these people? How can they be so scary!"

These people are all young disciples of the Yunchuan Jin family. They believe that they are arrogant because of the reputation of the Yunchuan Jin family, but now they feel that they are weaker than ants compared to this group of terrifying people in front of them.

The younger generation just knew that the group of people in front of them were very strong, but the older generation almost lost their balance and fell to the ground. Even the five elders of the Yunchuan Jin family had cold sweat on their faces.

Especially the one standing in the front looks the most

Most of them were handsome, one-eyed young men in their teens, with a long sword in their hands and a sharp edge. The five elders all felt like someone was holding a sword on their necks, and their heads might fall to the ground at any time.

The Jin family may have been domineering for too long and did not pay attention to the world's heroes. Only now did they realize that they underestimated Ji Wufeng and dared to break into the Jin family. How could it be Yi Yu?

The hearts of the five elders fell to the bottom, and their faces were extremely pale. They originally thought that supporting Jin Zhengwei this time would be a great achievement, but now they even regretted it.

"Brothers, destroy the entire family of Zhengwei, leaving no one behind!" He pointed his sword at him and shouted cold-bloodedly.

The Jin family is one of the dignified and wealthy families in Huajing. It has deep roots in the Yunchuan Jin family, one of the eight aristocratic families. Who dares to say that they want to destroy the entire Jin family? If you tell me, you will definitely get laughed out of your mouth.

But at this time, the Jin family's faces were ashen, because they knew that this group of people had the strength to do it.

Wu Chang swung out his sword, and the sword energy was like dense raindrops, falling all over the sky towards everyone in the Jin family. Suddenly, several guards standing at the front were the first to bear the brunt, as if they were hit by sharp blades. Neat wounds appeared all over their bodies, and they were painful and miserable. Screaming to die.

At this time, the younger generation who arrived from the Yunchuan Jin family finally realized that there are people outside the world. The Yunchuan Jin family is a giant, but it is not invincible. At this moment, they encountered more powerful enemies, and they all started timidly. move back.

The five elders raised their skills to the extreme at the same time, and their aura erupted like a violent storm. They immediately dispersed the impermanent sword energy and shouted sternly: "Disciples of the Yunchuan Jin family, whoever dares to take a step back will be killed without mercy!"

They intend to retreat, but the reputation of the Yunchuan Jin family cannot be insulted!

The young people who were about to retreat suddenly stopped and looked at the five elders in fear.

Gouhun sneered and said: "Hey, you really have a lot of backbone. I want to see how long a person's backbone can last when facing real death? Kill!"

With an order, the Tianmen disciples rushed forward crazily.

Seeing these people who were about to pounce on them like gods of murder, the younger generation of the Yunchuan Jin family finally collapsed. What kind of death order did the elders have? It was better to save their own lives first, and they all ran away crying.

"I haven't killed anyone for a long time, and today I will sacrifice the sword with a master from the Yunchuan Jin family!" Wu Chang shouted coldly, and his body was like a stream of light shining directly at the five elders.

The five elders of the Yunchuan Jin family suddenly felt an extremely sharp and indestructible energy pushing towards them, and their expressions suddenly became frightened.

Wu Chang was guided by Ji Wufeng to become the Grand Master. He majored in swordsmanship and had reached the advanced level of integrating the human sword with the sword. Once he made a move, he would be invincible and was definitely unmatched by masters of the same level.


A ray of silver light struck, hitting Wu Chang's body, making a harsh sound of metal collision. Wu Chang's figure suddenly appeared, and he took a few steps back before stopping. The palm holding the sword trembled slightly.

All the Tianmen disciples who were about to rush forward shot down a beam of silver light, and with a bang, a deep ravine appeared on the ground as if they were hit by a sharp weapon. Suddenly everyone was frightened and stopped.

"Who is blocking me!" Wu Chang shouted loudly.

A middle-aged man in black clothes floated between Wu Chang and the six elders. He was tall and handsome, with extraordinary appearance. His long flowing hair was blowing in the wind, and he had a faint smile on his face.

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