But what's strange is that this man looks like he's in his thirties, or in his forties, or even in his fifties.

"It's you?"

Wu Chang's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Seeing the person coming, the descendants of the Jin family looked confused, but the five elders were stunned for a moment, and they were overjoyed. They all knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "I have seen Elder Tianming!"

The other young juniors didn't know what was going on, but when they saw their father and grandfather kneeling down, they didn't dare to stand there, so they quickly fell to the ground.

At the same time, they were extremely shocked. The youngest of the five elders was over fifty years old, and he actually knelt down to the person in front of them. Who was he?

Except for Huohun and Wu Chang, the other Tianmen disciples were also full of shock. The appearance of the visitor was completely silent. Even if he was standing in front of him now, he still couldn't feel the slightest breath. How far is his strength?

Jin Tianming is a member of the Yunchuan Jin family, but he also has another identity, that is, the great elder of the law enforcer, who is at the same level as Yuan Tianzong!

"You came out after all!" Ji Wufeng stood up.

Although I have never met Jin Tianming, I have heard it from Yuan Tianzong, because the two are not only the elders of the law enforcers, but they are also close friends.

This time he wanted to deal with the Jin family, and he also guessed that Jin Tianming would definitely intervene.

When Jin Tianming saw Ji Wufeng, he immediately opened his mouth. He came up and put his arm around Ji Wufeng's neck and said, "Wow, brother, you are here. How can I, the elder brother, not come to meet you? Let's go, my brother." Let’s go have a drink first.”

"It's okay to drink, but you have to let me kill someone first." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

"Damn, it's the first time for us friends to meet on such a festive day. How unlucky is it to fight and kill each other? I think it's better to drink. How about my brother finding you two pretty little girls to drink with you later? "Jin Tianming took Ji Wufeng's arm and wanted to leave.

Ji Wufeng remained motionless and said calmly: "Are you going to take charge of the Jin family's affairs?"

Jin Tianming's face immediately fell, he scratched his head and said with a bitter smile: "Brother, can you just treat this as a favor for me?"

"I can give you face. Now take the Yunchuan Jin family and get out of here. I'll let bygones be bygones, but Jin Zhengwei must die!"

Now that Jin Tianming is here, let alone the Yunchuan Jin family, he does not have to be the enemy of the Yunchuan Jin family, but Long Ya's revenge must be avenged, so the Jin Zhengwei line must be destroyed.

Some people in the Yunchuan Jin family who knew the person were a little confused. Ji Wufeng was now the great enemy of the Yunchuan Jin family. Since Jin Tianming was the elder of the Yunchuan Jin family, wasn't it because he had a fight with Ji Wufeng? Why are we still chatting shoulder to shoulder?

One of the Jin family elders was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He finally couldn't help but said: "Elder Tianming, this person killed a disciple of my Yunchuan Jin family. You have to make the decision for us. Kill him." he!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Tianming glared and said sternly: "Shut up! Kill, kill, kill, I'll kill your mother's head. You bastards have been doing nothing all day long, and you have caused such a big problem for the Yunchuan Jin family." Woe, if it weren't for the sake of my fellow clansmen, I would have killed you guys first without him taking action, so as not to embarrass the Jin family outside!"

After saying that, he smiled coquettishly at Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother Ji, look at me.

I've taught them a lesson and they know they were wrong. I think let it go and don't waste time here. Let's go see beautiful women and eat dog meat together, good friends, okay? "

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "If you want to just let it go, it's not impossible. As long as you can take three of my moves, I'll turn around and leave immediately."

Jin Tianming immediately took a step back in fear and said: "Boy, if you want me to die, just tell me. There is no need to play tricks on me like this. I heard from Lao Yuan how perverted your kid really is."

Even without Yuan Tianzong telling him, Jin Tianming knew Ji Wufeng's strength clearly based on the law enforcer's information.

Ji Wufeng said with disdain on his face: "Jin Tianming, no matter what, you are a rare genius in the Jin family. Can you make a difference?"

Jin Tianming?

Now the younger generations of the Yunchuan Jin family finally knew who this person was, and they were all shocked. Is this person the legendary Jin Tianming, the number one genius of the Yunchuan Jin family in a hundred years?

They have never met Jin Tianming, but they have all heard that Jin Tianming is the number one genius of the Yunchuan Jin family. However, for some unknown reason, Jin Tianming rarely appears in the Yunchuan Jin family.

After listening to Ji Wufeng's sarcastic words, Jin Tianming not only did not blush at all, but said confidently: "If you are promising, you will be useful. Is your life worth anything?"

"Then there's nothing more to say. Just wait and collect the bodies for the Jin family!" Ji Wufeng changed the topic and became murderous.

Jin Tianming's expression suddenly changed, he stamped his feet on the ground anxiously, and cursed loudly: "You old bastard Yuan hasn't come out yet, do you have to kill all the Yunchuan Jin family before you stop?"


With a cold snort, a tall and tall body strode out, his face full of anger, and his body boiling with murderous intent. He said in a cold voice: "Just kill them all. Leaving them behind will be a disaster sooner or later. Even if he doesn't take action, I will kill him too."

When Ji Wufeng saw the person coming, a light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

When Yuzhou was attacked by monsters and Yuan Tianzong and other law enforcers disappeared, Ji Wufeng once suspected that he had been poisoned.

In any case, there was some friendship between the two. Seeing that Yuan Tianzong was fine, Ji Wufeng felt relieved.

When Yuan Tianzong saw Ji Wufeng, he sighed and said, "If you believe me, let me handle this matter, okay?"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "Okay, but the revenge of Brother Longya must be avenged!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After Yuan Tianzong made the promise, he said to Jin Tianming: "Don't blame me for not giving you face. This matter has nothing to do with the Yunchuan Jin family. The rest of the Jin family does not need to pursue it, but Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang must be handed over."

After Jin Tianming hesitated for a moment, he said, "I promise you."

He also knew that if he did not give an explanation today, Ji Wufeng would not be able to give up. Not to mention that the Jin family was going to be wiped out, even the masters from the Yunchuan Jin family would not be able to survive.

What's more, when Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang did such inhumane things, as long as their lives were not implicated in the rest of the Jin family, Ji Wufeng was already extremely merciful.

Ji Wufeng was quite satisfied with the result. Killing Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang was an explanation to the Longya brothers. The Jin family would not be able to cause any big troubles in the future, so why not just let him manipulate them? But what's strange is that this man looks like he's in his thirties, or in his forties, or even in his fifties.

"It's you?"

Wu Chang's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Seeing the person coming, the descendants of the Jin family looked confused, but the five elders were stunned for a moment, and they were overjoyed. They all knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "I have seen Elder Tianming!"

The other young juniors didn't know what was going on, but when they saw their father and grandfather kneeling down, they didn't dare to stand there, so they quickly fell to the ground.

At the same time, they were extremely shocked. The youngest of the five elders was over fifty years old, and he actually knelt down to the person in front of them. Who was he?

Except for Huohun and Wu Chang, the other Tianmen disciples were also full of shock. The appearance of the visitor was completely silent. Even if he was standing in front of him now, he still couldn't feel the slightest breath. How far is his strength?

Jin Tianming is a member of the Yunchuan Jin family, but he also has another identity, that is, the great elder of the law enforcer, who is at the same level as Yuan Tianzong!

"You came out after all!" Ji Wufeng stood up.

Although I have never met Jin Tianming, I have heard it from Yuan Tianzong, because the two are not only the elders of the law enforcers, but they are also close friends.

This time he wanted to deal with the Jin family, and he also guessed that Jin Tianming would definitely intervene.

When Jin Tianming saw Ji Wufeng, he immediately opened his mouth. He came up and put his arm around Ji Wufeng's neck and said, "Wow, brother, you are here. How can I, the elder brother, not come to meet you? Let's go, my brother." Let’s go have a drink first.”

"It's okay to drink, but you have to let me kill someone first." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

"Damn, it's the first time for us friends to meet on such a festive day. How unlucky is it to fight and kill each other? I think it's better to drink. How about my brother finding you two pretty little girls to drink with you later? "Jin Tianming took Ji Wufeng's arm and wanted to leave.

Ji Wufeng remained motionless and said calmly: "Are you going to take charge of the Jin family's affairs?"

Jin Tianming's face immediately fell, he scratched his head and said with a bitter smile: "Brother, can you just treat this as a favor for me?"

"I can give you face. Now take the Yunchuan Jin family and get out of here. I'll let bygones be bygones, but Jin Zhengwei must die!"

Now that Jin Tianming is here, let alone the Yunchuan Jin family, he does not have to be the enemy of the Yunchuan Jin family, but Long Ya's revenge must be avenged, so the Jin Zhengwei line must be destroyed.

Some people in the Yunchuan Jin family who knew the person were a little confused. Ji Wufeng was now the great enemy of the Yunchuan Jin family. Since Jin Tianming was the elder of the Yunchuan Jin family, wasn't it because he had a fight with Ji Wufeng? Why are we still chatting shoulder to shoulder?

One of the Jin family elders was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He finally couldn't help but said: "Elder Tianming, this person killed a disciple of my Yunchuan Jin family. You have to make the decision for us. Kill him." he!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Tianming glared and said sternly: "Shut up! Kill, kill, kill, I'll kill your mother's head. You bastards have been doing nothing all day long, and you have caused such a big problem for the Yunchuan Jin family." Woe, if it weren't for the sake of my fellow clansmen, I would have killed you guys first without him taking action, so as not to embarrass the Jin family outside!"

After saying that, he smiled coquettishly at Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother Ji, look at me.

I've taught them a lesson and they know they were wrong. I think let it go and don't waste time here. Let's go see beautiful women and eat dog meat together, good friends, okay? "

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "If you want to just let it go, it's not impossible. As long as you can take three of my moves, I'll turn around and leave immediately."

Jin Tianming immediately took a step back in fear and said: "Boy, if you want me to die, just tell me. There is no need to play tricks on me like this. I heard from Lao Yuan how perverted your kid really is."

Even without Yuan Tianzong telling him, Jin Tianming knew Ji Wufeng's strength clearly based on the law enforcer's information.

Ji Wufeng said with disdain on his face: "Jin Tianming, no matter what, you are a rare genius in the Jin family. Can you make a difference?"

Jin Tianming?

Now the younger generations of the Yunchuan Jin family finally knew who this person was, and they were all shocked. Is this person the legendary Jin Tianming, the number one genius of the Yunchuan Jin family in a hundred years?

They have never met Jin Tianming, but they have all heard that Jin Tianming is the number one genius of the Yunchuan Jin family. However, for some unknown reason, Jin Tianming rarely appears in the Yunchuan Jin family.

After listening to Ji Wufeng's sarcastic words, Jin Tianming not only did not blush at all, but said confidently: "If you are promising, you will be useful. Is your life worth anything?"

"Then there's nothing more to say. Just wait and collect the bodies for the Jin family!" Ji Wufeng changed the topic and became murderous.

Jin Tianming's expression suddenly changed, he stamped his feet on the ground anxiously, and cursed loudly: "You old bastard Yuan hasn't come out yet, do you have to kill all the Yunchuan Jin family before you stop?"


With a cold snort, a tall and tall body strode out, his face full of anger, and his body boiling with murderous intent. He said in a cold voice: "Just kill them all. Leaving them behind will be a disaster sooner or later. Even if he doesn't take action, I will kill him too."

When Ji Wufeng saw the person coming, a light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

When Yuzhou was attacked by monsters and Yuan Tianzong and other law enforcers disappeared, Ji Wufeng once suspected that he had been poisoned.

In any case, there was some friendship between the two. Seeing that Yuan Tianzong was fine, Ji Wufeng felt relieved.

When Yuan Tianzong saw Ji Wufeng, he sighed and said, "If you believe me, let me handle this matter, okay?"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "Okay, but the revenge of Brother Longya must be avenged!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After Yuan Tianzong made the promise, he said to Jin Tianming: "Don't blame me for not giving you face. This matter has nothing to do with the Yunchuan Jin family. The rest of the Jin family does not need to pursue it, but Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang must be handed over."

After Jin Tianming hesitated for a moment, he said, "I promise you."

He also knew that if he did not give an explanation today, Ji Wufeng would not be able to give up. Not to mention that the Jin family was going to be wiped out, even the masters from the Yunchuan Jin family would not be able to survive.

What's more, when Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang did such inhumane things, as long as their lives were not implicated in the rest of the Jin family, Ji Wufeng was already extremely merciful.

Ji Wufeng was quite satisfied with the result. Killing Jin Zhengwei and Jin Yuyang was an explanation to the Longya brothers. The Jin family would not be able to cause any big troubles in the future, so why not just let him manipulate them?

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