Ji Wufeng immediately ordered the pursuit of Jin Yuyang. Without the blessing of the Yunchuan Jin family, Jin Yuyang would have died even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

Next was the old dog Jin Zhengwei, but suddenly he heard a gunshot from the manor, and a servant of the Jin family ran out in panic, shouting: "It's not good, it's not good, old man, he is Shot himself."

Without the backing of the Yunchuan Jin family, the Jin family was doomed, and Jin Zhengwei simply committed suicide to make a clean break.

"Hmph, old dog Jin is lucky." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

If Jin Zhengwei does not die, falling into his hands will make him suffer a thousand times more than death.

"Grandpa..." A cry came out, the voice of a girl.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but sigh. This girl should be Jin Ling, the girl from the Jin family who had a relationship with him at the Zongheng Club. She was originally a pure and kind girl, but now she is heading for an unknown fate because of the decline of the Jin family. .

The matter has come to an end, and at the same time it also heralds the demise of the Jin family. Without Jin Zhengwei, it will be difficult for the Jin family to gain a foothold in Huajing.

With the Jin family gone, the charges against Ji Wufeng and Long Teng disappeared automatically. The news spread quickly, causing a shock and anger among the people. No one could stand this extremely bad behavior of framing heroes.

All of a sudden, everyone condemned the Huajing Jin family and asked the Jin family to pay a price of blood to pay homage to the spirit of the martyr Long Ya in heaven.

All Longya martyrs were awarded additional honorary titles of martyrs, their names were engraved on the Heroes Monument, and they were promised to make proper arrangements for their families.

After learning that the names of Martyrs Longya were engraved on the Heroes Monument, countless people came to pay homage. As long as they were patriots, they all wanted to pay homage to the loyal souls who sacrificed their lives for the country.

When it was time to go to pay homage, Ji Wufeng was dressed in white linen, accompanied by Gouhun and Wuchang. Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong also came together.

Behind him were a group of Tianmen disciples and a group of Yunchuan Jin family disciples, all wearing white linen clothes, holding colorful wreaths, and carrying black and white mourning flags, flying in the wind.

This group of people are all top masters. Due to their heavy moods, they all exude a fierce and violent aura, creating a terrifying aura that ordinary people simply cannot bear.

The security brigade captain who rushed over after receiving the news saw the scene in front of him, which was considered an illegal parade and assembly, but he just frowned slightly and silently saluted with a solemn expression!

When Ji Wufeng arrived, he saw that the names of the twenty-four heroes of Long Teng were indeed engraved on the monument, and the name of Teng Zhenshan was engraved on the top.

"Brother Teng Zhenshan, Fang Zheng, Zhang Zhen... brothers, I'm here to see you."

Ji Wufeng fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed three times to the monument.

There is gold under the man's knees, but Ji Wufeng's kneeling still cannot resolve the guilt in his heart. The bodies of the twenty-four Longya heroes have not been found until now.

"Brothers, we are here to see you."

With a wave of Gouhun's hand, everyone in Tianmen fell to their knees on the ground. They were all arrogant and supreme killing gods, but the loyal soul of the hero in front of them was worthy of their kneeling.

"They are glorious. They sacrificed for the country and the nation. They have set an example for us. It is the obligation of every Chinese citizen to protect their country and to commemorate the fallen martyrs.


Not to be outdone, Jin Tianming waved his hand and all the Yunchuan Jin family disciples fell to their knees.

Looking at the group of fierce-looking people in front of them, it turns out that they all came to pay homage to the martyrs. The people on one side automatically lowered their heads to express their silence. Martyrs are always worthy of everyone's respect.

Ji Wufeng, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly felt a hint of anger between his eyebrows. He sneered and said something that everyone present was baffled by: "How dare you come here, you bastards."


Ji Wufeng's body suddenly exploded, and he dodged into the crowd, picked out a person from among them, and slapped him down with his palm. With a bang, the person's head was smashed to pieces, and blood sprayed on the Monument to Heroes.

Horrified screams immediately rang out from the crowd. The security captain looked helpless and had no choice but to order: "Get them all!"

Yigan's men rushed forward immediately. When they arrived, they had been told by their superiors that they were not allowed to interfere with Ji Wufeng's worship, but they were also absolutely not allowed to cause any disturbance.

"Please stop your current behavior immediately. Your behavior has violated the laws of China." The security captain said.


Ji Wufeng took action again, grabbed a short man, squeezed hard with his palm, and broke the man's neck.

The security captain's expression changed and he shouted: "Raise the gun!"

With an order, hundreds of security policemen all raised their self-equipped guns, as if they would fire thousands of guns at a single order.

Ji Wufeng threw away the body in his hand and said: "The people I killed were not humans, just animals. You can check the information on these people. They are not humans, but Dongyang dogs, so I did not violate the laws of China."

The aura of Dongyang Ninja has long been engraved in Ji Wufeng's mind. The murderous intention is so strong, how could he let them go?

"Baga! Shenzhou Pig, today I, Baki, will show you how powerful I am!"

Suddenly, a short, lean man jumped out from the crowd, holding a strange long knife. His strong murderous intent terrified everyone present. The security captain looked gloomy and could not say a word.

"Damn, it's really a Dongyang dog!"

Jin Zhengwei and Yuan Tianzong were both furious, and punched and slapped him respectively.


Jin Zhengwei smashed the head of that eight-kiddy beast with one palm, and his chest was punched through by Yuan Tianzong.

Looking at the stunned security brigade, Ji Wufeng silently took a bloody sack and placed it in front of the Heroes Monument, saying: "Brothers, all the traitors have been killed by me, this is their dog head, you can rest in peace. "

He said that he must use the heads of these traitors to pay tribute to his dead brothers.

He originally wanted to rip out Jin Mingdao's heart and lungs in public, but seeing so many people present, including many old people and children, he gave up the idea. He didn't want ordinary people to see such a bloody side.

What happened to the Jin family quickly spread throughout Huajing. No one expected that the Jin family, which was so arrogant just a few days ago, would end up in such a miserable end in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's evil reputation spread even more widely in Beijing.

Now, no matter which family you belong to, as long as you have sons or daughters at home, you must be warned repeatedly. It’s okay to go out and act cool, but you must not provoke this evil star. Otherwise, the Jin family will be a role model! Ji Wufeng immediately ordered the pursuit of Jin Yuyang. Without the blessing of the Yunchuan Jin family, Jin Yuyang would have died even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

Next was the old dog Jin Zhengwei, but suddenly he heard a gunshot from the manor, and a servant of the Jin family ran out in panic, shouting: "It's not good, it's not good, old man, he is Shot himself."

Without the backing of the Yunchuan Jin family, the Jin family was doomed, and Jin Zhengwei simply committed suicide to make a clean break.

"Hmph, old dog Jin is lucky." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

If Jin Zhengwei does not die, falling into his hands will make him suffer a thousand times more than death. .??.

"Grandpa..." A cry came out, the voice of a girl.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but sigh. This girl should be Jin Ling, the girl from the Jin family who had a relationship with him at the Zongheng Club. She was originally a pure and kind girl, but now she is heading for an unknown fate because of the decline of the Jin family. .

The matter has come to an end, and at the same time it also heralds the demise of the Jin family. Without Jin Zhengwei, it will be difficult for the Jin family to gain a foothold in Huajing.

With the Jin family gone, the charges against Ji Wufeng and Long Teng disappeared automatically. The news spread quickly, causing a shock and anger among the people. No one could stand this extremely bad behavior of framing heroes.

All of a sudden, everyone condemned the Huajing Jin family and asked the Jin family to pay a price of blood to pay homage to the spirit of the martyr Long Ya in heaven.

All Longya martyrs were awarded additional honorary titles of martyrs, their names were engraved on the Heroes Monument, and they were promised to make proper arrangements for their families.

After learning that the names of Martyrs Longya were engraved on the Heroes Monument, countless people came to pay homage. As long as they were patriots, they all wanted to pay homage to the loyal souls who sacrificed their lives for the country.

When it was time to go to pay homage, Ji Wufeng was dressed in white linen, accompanied by Gouhun and Wuchang. Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong also came together.

Behind him were a group of Tianmen disciples and a group of Yunchuan Jin family disciples, all wearing white linen clothes, holding colorful wreaths, and carrying black and white mourning flags, flying in the wind.

This group of people are all top masters. Due to their heavy moods, they all exude a fierce and violent aura, creating a terrifying aura that ordinary people simply cannot bear.

The security brigade captain who rushed over after receiving the news saw the scene in front of him, which was considered an illegal parade and assembly, but he just frowned slightly and silently saluted with a solemn expression!

When Ji Wufeng arrived, he saw that the names of the twenty-four heroes of Long Teng were indeed engraved on the monument, and the name of Teng Zhenshan was engraved on the top.

"Brother Teng Zhenshan, Fang Zheng, Zhang Zhen... brothers, I'm here to see you."

Ji Wufeng fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed three times to the monument.

There is gold under the man's knees, but Ji Wufeng's kneeling still cannot resolve the guilt in his heart. The bodies of the twenty-four Longya heroes have not been found until now.

"Brothers, we are here to see you."

With a wave of Gouhun's hand, everyone in Tianmen fell to their knees on the ground. They were all arrogant and supreme killing gods, but the loyal soul of the hero in front of them was worthy of their kneeling.

"They are glorious. They sacrificed for the country and the nation. They have set an example for us. It is the obligation of every Chinese citizen to protect their country and to commemorate the fallen martyrs.


Not to be outdone, Jin Tianming waved his hand and all the Yunchuan Jin family disciples fell to their knees.

Looking at the group of fierce-looking people in front of them, it turns out that they all came to pay homage to the martyrs. The people on one side automatically lowered their heads to express their silence. Martyrs are always worthy of everyone's respect.

Ji Wufeng, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly felt a hint of anger between his eyebrows. He sneered and said something that everyone present was baffled by: "How dare you come here, you bastards."


Ji Wufeng's body suddenly exploded, and he dodged into the crowd, picked out a person from among them, and slapped him down with his palm. With a bang, the person's head was smashed to pieces, and blood sprayed on the Monument to Heroes.

Horrified screams immediately rang out from the crowd. The security captain looked helpless and had no choice but to order: "Get them all!"

Yigan's men rushed forward immediately. When they arrived, they had been told by their superiors that they were not allowed to interfere with Ji Wufeng's worship, but they were also absolutely not allowed to cause any disturbance.

"Please stop your current behavior immediately. Your behavior has violated the laws of China." The security captain said.


Ji Wufeng took action again, grabbed a short man, squeezed hard with his palm, and broke the man's neck.

The security captain's expression changed and he shouted: "Raise the gun!"

With an order, hundreds of security policemen all raised their self-equipped guns, as if they would fire thousands of guns at a single order.

Ji Wufeng threw away the corpse in his hand and said: "The people I killed were not humans, just animals. You can check the information on these people. They are not humans, but Dongyang dogs, so I did not violate the laws of China."

The aura of Dongyang Ninja has long been engraved in Ji Wufeng's mind. The murderous intention is so strong, how could he let them go?

"Baga! Shenzhou Pig, today I, Baki, will show you how powerful I am!"

Suddenly, a short, lean man jumped out from the crowd, holding a weird long knife. His strong murderous intent terrified everyone present. The security captain looked gloomy and could not say a word.

"Damn, it's really a Dongyang dog!"

Jin Zhengwei and Yuan Tianzong were both furious, and punched and slapped him respectively.


Jin Zhengwei smashed the head of that eight-kiddy beast with one palm, and his chest was punched through by Yuan Tianzong.

Looking at the stunned security brigade, Ji Wufeng silently took a bloody sack and placed it in front of the Heroes Monument, saying: "Brothers, all the traitors have been killed by me, this is their dog head, you can rest in peace. "

He said that he must use the heads of these traitors to pay tribute to his dead brothers.

He originally wanted to rip out Jin Mingdao's heart and lungs in public, but seeing so many people present, including many old people and children, he gave up the idea. He didn't want ordinary people to see such a bloody side.

What happened to the Jin family quickly spread throughout Huajing. No one expected that the Jin family, which was so arrogant just a few days ago, would end up in such a miserable end in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's evil reputation spread even more widely in Beijing.

Now, no matter which family you belong to, as long as you have sons or daughters at home, you must be warned repeatedly. It’s okay to go out and act cool, but you must not provoke this evil star. Otherwise, the Jin family will be a role model!

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