Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1056 The witch meets the devil

Lying on the ground were three bloody things that looked like humans. A beautiful girl with a hot and sexy figure was wearing high heels and kicking the thighs of three big men one by one.

Even if these three guys are not defeated by such a kick, they will probably have mental disorders in the future.

"Gardenia, what are you doing?" Li Yunxiao shouted.

"Brother, why are you here?" The girl turned around and smiled. Her smile was as sweet as a child's, and her neat white teeth exuded a pure luster. .??.??

Is this little girl Li Yunxiao's sister? It doesn't quite look like it. That bastard is so wretched, how could he have such a charming girl?

"I came here to take a look. Look at you. I saw you bullying others as soon as I came here. How can I get married in the future?" Li Yunxiao said with a dark face.

"How can you say something like that? It's disgusting. You don't even know how to feel for me."

Gardenia twisted her delicate body, coquettishly making a coquettish voice, and her body kept rising and falling. Ji Wufeng looked at her unceremoniously and was shocked.

When Gardenia saw Ji Wufeng staring at her, and looking so unscrupulously, her pink face immediately turned red, she glared at him fiercely, stepped forward and said with a sweet smile: "Where did this handsome boy come from? I haven't seen him before. I’ve seen it before, oh, this figure, tsk tsk, the golden ratio, one of the best in a hundred, follow me in the future, I guarantee you will become a famous duck."

Ji Wufeng was confused and asked stupidly: "What is a famous duck?"

Gardenia pouted and said: "There is a generation of famous chickens for chickens, and of course there is a generation of famous ducks for ducks!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened and he almost fainted. Nie Hu covered his mouth and laughed. The corners of Lin Tianzhao's mouth twitched, obviously he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"Okay, stop fooling around."

Seeing that Ji Wufeng's face turned dark, Li Yunxiao quickly interrupted Gardenia's desire to continue talking, and then said: "Let me introduce you. This is my brother Ji Wufeng. I have met him before.

One of the most powerful masters, if you piss him off, you won't get the best results. "

One of the most powerful masters Li Yunxiao has ever seen? Ji Wufeng felt that these words were very useful, and he rubbed his hands vigorously, obviously embarrassed by the praise.

Li Yunxiao was surprised, thinking that this guy has always been as thick-skinned as a city wall, what happened today?

"Well, are you still embarrassed? I'm right, you are indeed very powerful!" Li Yunxiao said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I'm not embarrassed, I just want to suggest that you remove that one."

Li Yunxiao's brain was deprived of oxygen for a moment. He was completely defeated by Ji Wufeng's shamelessness.


Gardenia suddenly burst out laughing, her branches trembling with laughter. She pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "How can there be such a shameless person like you?"

Then he said to Li Yunxiao: "Brother, is there a hole in your head, or was it kicked by a donkey? If you accept such an idiot and a psychopath as your brother, I think he may not even be twenty years old, maybe he is still a minor. The little brat."

Li Yunxiao said angrily: "Shut up, you damn girl. How can you behave like this every day?"

He turned to Ji Wufeng and said, "Don't be angry. This girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child. She doesn't understand her. If you want to blame her, just blame my goddaughter for being incompetent."

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "It's okay, am I, Ji Wufeng, such a stingy person? I like such a lively child, he is very energetic. People of my age can no longer find this youthful feeling, alas, Time is so cruel, it is like this in the eyes."

Ji Wufeng looked at Gardenia lovingly, acting like a compassionate old elf.

Gardenia pinched her waist and said angrily: "What kid? Damn, you are a brat. Your fetal hair hasn't even faded yet, and you're just talking nonsense. How old are you?"

Ji Wufeng didn't answer but asked: "What about you?"

"I asked you first." Gardenia said.

"Ladies have priority."

"First come, first served."

"Come from behind."

"Okay, I'm twenty years old this year. Is she older than you? Call me sister and let me know." Finally, Gardenia told her age and looked at Ji Wufeng arrogantly.

Ji Wufeng was definitely no more than twenty years old like this, and Gardenia felt that he was a sure winner. ??

Sure enough, Ji Wufeng immediately became honest. Who told others to be really older than him? Mom, why didn't you give birth to me two years earlier?

But Ji Wufeng didn't like to suffer. He dropped the subject and stared at Gardenia: "Hey, I can't tell. If you didn't tell me, I would have thought you were thirty years old."

Sure enough, Ji Wufeng was extremely successful in changing the subject. Gardenia's face was red and white, her chest was rising and falling, and something was burning in her eyes, it was anger.

What women hate most is being called old. What they care about most is not beauty, but youth.

If you say to a middle-aged woman in her fifties with a surprised look on her face: "Huh? You are fifty, but why do you look like you are in your twenties?" I guarantee that she will be ecstatic.

Now Ji Wufeng deliberately said that Gardenia looked like a thirty-year-old, how could she bear it? What's more, she has never been so angry with anyone in her entire life.

Gardenia's last pretty face was tense, and she spat out a few cold words from her fragrant lips, saying: "Go to hell!"

After saying that, he raised his foot and kicked Ji Wufeng's thigh like lightning. Everyone present did not dare to watch the exact same tragedy happen again. They turned their heads and waited quietly for the screams.

"Hey, where's that bastard?" They didn't hear the screams, only what Gardenia asked.

When Ji Wufeng was less than an inch closer to Gardenia's thigh, he turned around and turned behind her, but at that speed, Gardenia's skill was almost impossible to detect.

Ji Wufeng gently patted Gardenia's smooth and round jade shoulder and said, "Hi, brother, I'm here."

Gardenia was shocked, shook off Ji Wufeng's hand and ran away. Only now did she know that this careless, shameless bastard really had something special about him.

Gardenia is not Li Yunxiao's biological sister, but an orphan he picked up on the street. However, she was adopted as an adopted daughter by the Li family.

As a child who grew up in a Jianghu leading family, Gardenia's behavior and words are easy to explain.

"Brother, he...he bullied me!"

Gardenia suddenly pulled Li Yunxiao's arm and cried out in grievance. She had never been so angry in her whole life. Tears of grievance rolled in her eyes. She was almost crying, and I felt pity for him.

Li Yunxiao secretly sighed in his heart, it's really a little bit of tofu, every thing brings down another thing, this girl is called the little witch, she is afraid of everyone, even he doesn't dare to provoke her on weekdays.

But Ji Wufeng is a devil. How can a little witch meet a big devil? Hehe, if this bastard will discipline this damn girl from now on, I, the elder brother, won’t have to have such a headache, haha.

He suddenly thought that no one would dare to marry this ghost girl anyway, so he might as well just give it to this boy.

Li Yunxiao spread his hands and said helplessly: "Sister, he even bullies me, but I can't beat him, what can I do?"

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