Gardenia immediately became angry, pushed him away, and yelled: "Asshole, you guys ganged up to bully me..."

Suddenly, at this moment, Ji Wufeng's expression changed slightly, and the sound of "whooshing" broke through the air was heard endlessly. He reached out and pinched it with his fingers, and it turned out to be a flying knife that shone with cold light.

At this time, Lin Tianzhao and Ahu also reacted, and murderous intent burst out of them.

Gardenia stood there stupidly, not knowing what happened at all. She just felt a crisis coming into her heart and saw a sharp flying knife shooting directly at the tip of her nose.

It's over, it's over, this time it's dead, Gardenia simply doesn't have the ability to catch this flying knife.

But just when she thought she was about to die, she saw two fingers piercing the air like lightning.


The flying knife stopped 0.01 centimeters away from Gardenia's nose.

Looking at the frightened Gardenia, Ji Wufeng held the throwing knife between his two fingers and made an extremely coquettish gesture. "Little girl, do you know what I am capable of?" Are you fascinated by my unparalleled charm?

Sure enough, Gardenia's face was dull, her shoulders were trembling slightly, and she stared at Ji Wufeng for a long time without moving.

Ji Wufeng had a depressed look on his face. He originally thought that Gardenia would plunge into his arms, cry loudly, and then keep talking about how awesome he was, and would eventually commit herself to him, but he didn't expect that she would I was so scared that I turned into a silly girl.

Li Yunxiao's face was ashen. Someone would actually assassinate him in Shanghai. It was so courageous. This was going to disturb Tai Sui.

The door was pushed open, and a short and thin young man walked in. He lowered his head and said, "Young Master, I ran away and I didn't catch him."

Although this young man is short in stature and plain in appearance, he is a real master. His strength is not inferior to that of Lin Tianzhao. He can easily leave under his nose. His strength should not be underestimated.

Now that everyone is fine, Ji Wufeng asked everyone to sit down and said, "Guess who should have done this?"

"Are you still guessing? It must be that bastard Xiao Feng!" Gardenia suddenly gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Xiao Feng?" Ji Wufeng looked confused.

Yao Tianluo said: "There are four major Jianghu forces in Shanghai, namely the Li family, Tianlongtang, Qifeng Pavilion and Maplewood Bay."

Tianlong Hall was founded by the four young masters of Shanghai and Hainan, and the manipulator behind the scenes was Zheng Fenghai, while the masters behind Qifeng Pavilion were the Su sisters. These two families only recruited some masters in the world, and were simply not enough to compete with the Li family.

But this Maplewood Bay is not simple, because Xiao Feng, the president of Maplewood Bay, is not a simple person.

No one knows where Xiao Feng comes from. Although he is not very old, he is very skilled with flying knives. Xiao Li's flying dagger is an example, but it is just a fiction, but Xiao Feng's flying knife is not an example. False hair, but it was witnessed by many people.

Therefore, Gardenia immediately concluded that Xiao Feng did the flying knife that came to assassinate him just now.

Just because, although Tianshang Yunlai is the top nightclub in Shanghai, it is not the only one. The scale of Hongye City in Maplewood Bay is not inferior to Tianshang Yunlai.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, and there will inevitably be some friction between them. Gardenia guessed that it was him, which was completely consistent with common sense.

Li Yunxiao shook his head and said, "It can't be him."

"Brother, why can't it be him? Besides him, who else would use a flying knife to kill people?" Gardenia said.


Yes, his throwing knives are very powerful, but do you dare to conclude that he is the only one in the world who can use flying knives? Li Yunxiao asked rhetorically.

"However, there is a conflict between us. It is normal for him to come to kill me." Gardenia said.

"You are wrong. The target of his assassination this time is not you at all, but me." Ji Wufeng pointed at his nose.

When Li Yunxiao told Gardenia that Ji Wufeng had disabled Yuan Feng's arm, Gardenia's eyes immediately widened.

Darling, where did this kid come from? As soon as they arrived in Shanghai, one of the four young masters lost one of his hands. Was he deliberately seeking death, or was his brain damaged?

Ji Wufeng didn't need to guess who arranged the assassination. It seemed that Zheng Fenghai did have some brains. The controller Tianlongtang didn't need to go to Maplewood Bay.

That's because he knows that Tianlongtang is not strong enough, but Xiao Feng's flying knife is a unique assassination skill.

More importantly, even if the assassination fails, Ji Wufeng will only settle accounts with Xiao Feng and will not think of him.

However, Ji Wufeng became interested in Xiao Feng and asked Li Yunxiao, "Who is this Xiao Feng?"

If such a person appeared in his territory, if Li Yunxiao didn't know his background, he would not have kept him until now. Moreover, Li Yunxiao just insisted that it was not Xiao Feng who did it, so he must have a certain understanding of him.

"Xiao Feng's surname is not Xiao..."

After listening to Li Yunxiao's introduction to Xiao Feng, Ji Wufeng's eyes sparkled, he stood up and said to Nie Hu: "Let's go, Ahu, I will take you to see the world."

Ji Wufeng doesn't care who the person who came to assassinate today is. He can say who he wants to be, Zheng Fenghai means Zheng Fenghai, or Xiao Feng, that's fine!

Red leaf city!

After getting off the bus, Ji Wufeng was in front and Nie Hu was walking behind, preparing to enter this very lively nightclub. However, as soon as he arrived at the door, Nie Hu was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"This distinguished guest, if you want to come in, please hand over your weapon to us for safekeeping. We will return it to you when you leave." The security guard pointed to the long sword at Nie Hu's waist.

These days, even a watermelon knife is a control tool, let alone such a serious weapon. The person holding the sword means that he knows kung fu. If a person who knows kung fu causes trouble, it will be more troublesome.

"The sword is there and the man is here!" Ahu said with a murderous look on his face.

As a sword cultivator, it would be a great shame and humiliation if someone removed his sword.

As if they had expected Nie Hu not to be able to untie the sword, the expressions of the four security guards immediately turned gloomy, and they put their hands on their waists. They clearly had guns. This Maplewood Bay force is not simple. Several security guards actually dared to equip them. gun.

There were people watching the show gloating over the misfortune. This was Maplewood Bay. Back then, a nephew of a big family used his power to injure several security guards here and snatched a girl away. The next morning Someone found him lying outside the gate of Hongye City, but all his limbs were crippled.

Ji Wufeng turned around and patted Nie Hu on the shoulder, telling him to calm down. Then he turned around and asked the security guard with murderous eyes, "Do you have any more questions?"


Looking at Ji Wufeng with murderous eyes, the four security guards suddenly felt as if their chests had been hit by a boulder and couldn't breathe. They replied with difficulty: ""

"Since there is no problem, can we go in?" Ji Wufeng's words caused the four security guards to nod violently in a chain, and all four of them just wanted this scary guy to leave quickly. Gardenia immediately became angry, pushed him away, and yelled: "Asshole, you guys ganged up to bully me..."

Suddenly, at this moment, Ji Wufeng's expression changed slightly, and the sound of "whooshing" broke through the air was heard endlessly. He reached out and pinched it with his fingers, and it turned out to be a flying knife that shone with cold light.

At this time, Lin Tianzhao and Ahu also reacted, and murderous intent burst out of them.

Gardenia stood there stupidly, not knowing what happened at all. She just felt a crisis coming into her heart and saw a sharp flying knife shooting directly at the tip of her nose.

It's over, it's over, this time it's dead, Gardenia simply doesn't have the ability to catch this flying knife.

But just when she thought she was about to die, she saw two fingers piercing the air like lightning.


The flying knife stopped 0.01 centimeters away from Gardenia's nose.

Looking at the frightened Gardenia, Ji Wufeng held the throwing knife between his two fingers and made an extremely coquettish gesture. "Little girl, do you know what I am capable of?" Are you fascinated by my unparalleled charm? .??.

Sure enough, Gardenia's face was dull, her shoulders were trembling slightly, and she stared at Ji Wufeng for a long time without moving.

Ji Wufeng had a depressed look on his face. He originally thought that Gardenia would plunge into his arms, cry loudly, and then keep talking about how awesome he was, and would eventually commit herself to him, but he didn't expect that she would I was so scared that I turned into a silly girl.

Li Yunxiao's face was ashen. Someone would actually assassinate him in Shanghai. It was so courageous. This was going to disturb Tai Sui.

The door was pushed open, and a short and thin young man walked in. He lowered his head and said, "Young Master, I ran away and I didn't catch him."

Although this young man is short in stature and plain in appearance, he is a real master. His strength is not inferior to that of Lin Tianzhao. He can easily leave under his nose. His strength should not be underestimated.

Now that everyone is fine, Ji Wufeng asked everyone to sit down and said, "Guess who should have done this?"

"Are you still guessing? It must be that bastard Xiao Feng!" Gardenia suddenly gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Xiao Feng?" Ji Wufeng looked confused.

Yao Tianluo said: "There are four major Jianghu forces in Shanghai, namely the Li family, Tianlongtang, Qifeng Pavilion and Maplewood Bay."

Tianlong Hall was founded by the four young masters of Shanghai and Hainan, and the manipulator behind the scenes was Zheng Fenghai, while the masters behind Qifeng Pavilion were the Su sisters. These two families only recruited some masters in the world, and were simply not enough to compete with the Li family.

But this Maplewood Bay is not simple, because Xiao Feng, the president of Maplewood Bay, is not a simple person.

No one knows where Xiao Feng comes from. Although he is not very old, he is very skilled with flying knives. Xiao Li's flying dagger is an example, but it is just a fiction, but Xiao Feng's flying knife is not an example. False hair, but it was witnessed by many people.

Therefore, Gardenia immediately concluded that Xiao Feng did the flying knife that came to assassinate him just now.

Just because, although Tianshang Yunlai is the top nightclub in Shanghai, it is not the only one. The scale of Hongye City in Maplewood Bay is not inferior to Tianshang Yunlai.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, and there will inevitably be some friction between them. Gardenia guessed that it was him, which was completely consistent with common sense.

Li Yunxiao shook his head and said, "It can't be him."

"Brother, why can't it be him? Besides him, who else would use a flying knife to kill people?" Gardenia said.


Yes, his throwing knives are very powerful, but do you dare to conclude that he is the only one in the world who can use flying knives? Li Yunxiao asked rhetorically.

"However, there is a conflict between us. It is normal for him to come to kill me." Gardenia said.

"You are wrong. The target of his assassination this time is not you at all, but me." Ji Wufeng pointed at his nose.

When Li Yunxiao told Gardenia that Ji Wufeng had disabled Yuan Feng's arm, Gardenia's eyes immediately widened.

Darling, where did this kid come from? As soon as they arrived in Shanghai, one of the four young masters lost one of his hands. Was he deliberately seeking death, or was his brain damaged?

Ji Wufeng didn't need to guess who arranged the assassination. It seemed that Zheng Fenghai did have some brains. The controller Tianlongtang didn't need to go to Maplewood Bay.

That's because he knows that Tianlongtang is not strong enough, but Xiao Feng's flying knife is a unique assassination skill.

More importantly, even if the assassination fails, Ji Wufeng will only settle accounts with Xiao Feng and will not think of him.

However, Ji Wufeng became interested in Xiao Feng and asked Li Yunxiao, "Who is this Xiao Feng?"

If such a person appeared in his territory, if Li Yunxiao didn't know his background, he would not have kept him until now. Moreover, Li Yunxiao just insisted that it was not Xiao Feng who did it, so he must have a certain understanding of him.

"Xiao Feng's surname is not Xiao..."

After listening to Li Yunxiao's introduction to Xiao Feng, Ji Wufeng's eyes sparkled, he stood up and said to Nie Hu: "Let's go, Ahu, I will take you to see the world."

Ji Wufeng doesn't care who the person who came to assassinate today is. He can say who he wants to be, Zheng Fenghai means Zheng Fenghai, or Xiao Feng, that's fine!

Red leaf city!

After getting off the bus, Ji Wufeng was in front and Nie Hu was walking behind, preparing to enter this very lively nightclub. However, as soon as he arrived at the door, Nie Hu was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"This distinguished guest, if you want to come in, please hand over your weapon to us for safekeeping. We will return it to you when you leave." The security guard pointed to the long sword at Nie Hu's waist.

These days, even a watermelon knife is a control tool, let alone such a serious weapon. The person holding the sword means that he knows kung fu. If a person who knows kung fu causes trouble, it will be more troublesome.

"The sword is there and the man is here!" Ahu said with a murderous look on his face.

As a sword cultivator, it would be a great shame and humiliation if someone removed his sword.

As if they had expected Nie Hu not to be able to untie the sword, the expressions of the four security guards immediately turned gloomy, and they put their hands on their waists. They clearly had guns. This Maplewood Bay force is not simple. Several security guards actually dared to equip them. gun.

There were people watching the show gloating over the misfortune. This was Maplewood Bay. Back then, a nephew of a big family used his power to injure several security guards here and snatched a girl away. The next morning Someone found him lying outside the gate of Hongye City, but all his limbs were crippled.

Ji Wufeng turned around and patted Nie Hu on the shoulder, telling him to calm down. Then he turned around and asked the security guard with murderous eyes, "Do you have any more questions?"


Looking at Ji Wufeng with murderous eyes, the four security guards suddenly felt as if their chests had been hit by a boulder and couldn't breathe. They replied with difficulty: ""

"Since there is no problem, can we go in?" Ji Wufeng's words caused the four security guards to nod violently in a chain, and all four of them just wanted this scary guy to leave quickly.

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