Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1058 Aren’t we here to cause trouble?

"Damn it, why should we let them in first after we've been waiting in line for so long?"

At this time, someone made an angry sound. It turns out that Hongye City is not like an ordinary nightclub where you can enter casually. In addition to booking private rooms, guests in the lobby must buy tickets one by one to enter.

"Ahu, tell him why we can come in first."

After giving Nie Hu the task, Ji Wufeng put his hands in his pants pockets and walked up to the waiter at the door and said in an irresistible tone: "Open a luxurious box and lead the way."

Since you are deliberately looking for trouble, you must show off your momentum to cause trouble.

"Distinguished guest, please follow me."

A sweet smile appeared on the waiter's face. The waiters here have also been carefully trained. Based on her reception experience, it is definitely not easy to know the identity of the person in front of her.

After Ji Wufeng left, Nie Hu immediately stared at the guy who just scolded him with a grin.

"Damn it, what are you looking at? Do you think you are great just because you carry a broken sword? I am from Tianlong Hall..."

The guy who was scolding him just now saw Nie Hu staring at him and immediately screamed crazily, but he closed his mouth before he finished speaking.

I saw a cold light flashing from the long sword in Nie Hu's hand, turned around and left.


The guy who was halfway through the call suddenly stood there motionless. His companion reached out and patted him. His body suddenly fell backward, with a terrible gash in his neck and blood spurting out.

The four security guards at the door were immediately frightened. It was not that they had never seen murder before, but this was the first time they saw such a terrible killing method.

Ji Wufeng was led by the waiter to a room. What he saw in Ji Wufeng's eyes was a private room of about one hundred square meters. The three walls were connected to the leather sofa. In the middle of the sofa was a large glass coffee table. Under the tabletop of the coffee table There is a touch controller on the edge of the table.

In front of the coffee table is an open space of about 40 to 50 square meters. There is a flexible springboard, which is the so-called "high board". There is also a metal disc stereoscopic projection machine in the middle of the high board.

"A bottle of red wine, two large portions of barbecue, and a fruit plate."

Ji Wufeng sat in the middle of the sofa and randomly selected a popular song. The music sounded, and the stereoscopic projector in the middle of the entertainment board projected two grown men in perverted clothes hugging each other.

"I bought a watch last year, and it blinded me."

The hair on Ji Wufeng's body stood up and goosebumps fell to the ground. He immediately switched to a song. This one was okay. A sexy beauty appeared in the middle of the forum, dancing with a pole. A dance that excites men.

Nie Hu completed his task and arrived at the private room. At this time, a beautiful waiter wearing a revealing cheongsam came in holding a silver tray and said: "Sir, here is your red wine and fruit plate."

Ji Wufeng smiled mischievously and said, "No, I wonder if you have any special services here?"

"Haha, sir, do you need a beautiful woman to accompany you? They are all very expensive."

With a sweet smile, the charming waitress rolled her eyes at Ji Wufeng with her big watery eyes. This was the first time she had seen such a special man.

"Oh, fortunately, I'm not too poor. Then please help me call some beauties to come in. Of course, if they are beauties, it would be better for you to accompany me." Ji Wufeng raised the chin of the beautiful waiter and said. \u003c


"Okay sir, I'll go make arrangements for you right away."

After the waiter left, Nie Hu became a little restless and said, "Master, aren't we here to cause trouble? Why are we visiting the brothel again?"

He was thinking that he had not yet entered the Grand Master and had to keep his virginity, but what if a beautiful woman tried to tease him later? What should he do if he couldn't hold it back?

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes at him and said, "I didn't let you play. Just wait and watch me play."

Nie Hu's face immediately darkened. Damn it, how can a master visit a kiln with his disciples observing? Is there a master who bullies others like you?

The beauties arrived quickly. I have to say that the quality of the beauties in Hongye City is indeed very good, even higher than that in Guanfang Garden. It seems that Shanghai really does produce beauties.

But of course Ji Wufeng didn't really come to visit the brothel, but came to see the place. Just when he was about to find an excuse to stir up trouble, the door was suddenly kicked open violently.

"Damn, isn't that little bitch Sydney sick today? Look what we found here."

A fat man with a big head and big ears walked in with several fierce-looking men. The girl who was sitting next to Ji Wufeng obviously trembled when she saw the person coming in. She thought she was that Xue Li.

"I don't know what you dare to do, sir? It doesn't seem very polite to barge into my box like this."

Ji Wufeng held the wine glass in his hand and squinted his eyes. Astonishing murderous intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of Nie Hu beside him.

After the fat man heard Ji Wufeng's words and saw Ji Wufeng's weird face, he was so frightened that he immediately took a step back, but he seemed to have someone to rely on and shouted arrogantly: "This bitch is obviously receiving guests, but those people outside say she is sick, Xueli." , now that your wings are hardened, you actually dare to play tricks on me."

After hearing what Fatty said, Xue Li immediately defended with a sad expression: "Fifth Master, I... um..."

But as soon as she said four words, Ji Wufeng stopped her and held her in his arms.

This hot and passionate scene made Fifth Master angry. He didn't expect that this boy would dare to ignore his existence so much. He said to the two big men behind him in a commanding tone: "Teach this little bastard a lesson and let him know that he should be respected." elder."

Ji Wufeng didn't pay any attention to the two strong men behind the Fifth Master. They were considered masters among ordinary people, but that was only in relative terms.

Although Master Wu gave the order, the two strong men behind him did not act immediately. One of the burly men said coldly: "Zhang Wu, we are just ordered by the elder brother to protect you, not your dogs." ."

Another man also continued: "This is Maplewood Bay. Have you forgotten that Xiao Feng hates people making trouble here the most?"

Hearing the two words "Xiao Feng", which seemed to have infinite demons, Zhang Wu suddenly lost his courage, and his eyes were full of jealousy and fear. As long as people who were hanging around in the Jianghu in Shanghai, no one did not know Xiao Feng's vicious methods.

It is rumored that Xiao Feng has a kind of torture that can insert hundreds of flying knives into a person's body, and the person is not completely dead. It is equivalent to the ancient super torture of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives.

"Sir, please leave this private room immediately. Your current behavior has seriously affected our guests."

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind the two men. They were shocked and their vests were dripping with cold sweat. They didn't even know they were being so close. "Damn it, why should we let them in first after we've been waiting in line for so long?"

At this time, someone made an angry sound. It turns out that Hongye City is not like an ordinary nightclub where you can enter casually. In addition to booking private rooms, guests in the lobby must buy tickets one by one to enter.

"Ahu, tell him why we can come in first."

After giving Nie Hu the task, Ji Wufeng put his hands in his pants pockets and walked up to the waiter at the door and said in an irresistible tone: "Open a luxurious box and lead the way."

Since you are deliberately looking for trouble, you must show off your momentum to cause trouble.

"Distinguished guest, please follow me."

A sweet smile appeared on the waiter's face. The waiters here have also been carefully trained. Based on her reception experience, it is definitely not easy to know the identity of the person in front of her.

After Ji Wufeng left, Nie Hu immediately stared at the guy who just scolded him with a grin.

"Damn it, what are you looking at? Do you think you are great just because you carry a broken sword? I am from Tianlong Hall..."

The guy who was scolding him just now saw Nie Hu staring at him and immediately screamed crazily, but he closed his mouth before he finished speaking.

I saw a cold light flashing from the long sword in Nie Hu's hand, turned around and left.


The guy who was halfway through the call suddenly stood there motionless. His companion reached out and patted him. His body suddenly fell backward, with a terrible gash in his neck and blood spurting out.

The four security guards at the door were immediately frightened. It was not that they had never seen murder before, but this was the first time they saw such a terrible killing method.

Ji Wufeng was led by the waiter to a room. What he saw in Ji Wufeng's eyes was a private room of about one hundred square meters. The three walls were connected to the leather sofa. In the middle of the sofa was a large glass coffee table. Under the tabletop of the coffee table There is a touch controller on the edge of the table.

In front of the coffee table is an open space of about 40 to 50 square meters. There is a flexible springboard, which is the so-called "high board". There is also a metal disc stereoscopic projection machine in the middle of the high board.

"A bottle of red wine, two large portions of barbecue, and a fruit plate."

Ji Wufeng sat in the middle of the sofa and randomly selected a popular song. The music sounded, and the stereoscopic projector in the middle of the entertainment board projected two grown men in perverted clothes hugging each other.

"I bought a watch last year, and it blinded me."

The hair on Ji Wufeng's body stood up and goosebumps fell to the ground. He immediately switched to a song. This one was okay. A sexy beauty appeared in the middle of the forum, dancing with a pole. A dance that excites men.

Nie Hu completed his task and arrived at the private room. At this time, a beautiful waiter wearing a revealing cheongsam came in holding a silver tray and said: "Sir, here is your red wine and fruit plate."

Ji Wufeng smiled mischievously and said, "No, I wonder if you have any special services here?"

"Haha, sir, do you need a beautiful woman to accompany you? They are all very expensive."

With a sweet smile, the charming waitress rolled her eyes at Ji Wufeng with her big watery eyes. This was the first time she had seen such a special man.

"Oh, fortunately, I'm not too poor. Then please help me call some beauties to come in. Of course, if they are beauties, it would be better for you to accompany me." Ji Wufeng raised the chin of the beautiful waiter and said. \u003c


"Okay sir, I'll go make arrangements for you right away."

After the waiter left, Nie Hu became a little restless and said, "Master, aren't we here to cause trouble? Why are we visiting the brothel again?"

He was thinking that he had not yet entered the Grand Master and had to keep his virginity, but what if a beautiful woman tried to tease him later? What should he do if he couldn't hold it back?

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes at him and said, "I didn't let you play. Just wait and watch me play."

Nie Hu's face immediately darkened. Damn it, how can a master visit a kiln with his disciples observing? Is there a master who bullies others like you?

The beauties arrived quickly. I have to say that the quality of the beauties in Hongye City is indeed very good, even higher than that in Guanfang Garden. It seems that Shanghai really does produce beauties.

But of course Ji Wufeng didn't really come to visit the brothel, but came to see the place. Just when he was about to find an excuse to stir up trouble, the door was suddenly kicked open violently.

"Damn, isn't that little bitch Sydney sick today? Look what we found here."

A fat man with a big head and big ears walked in with several fierce-looking men. The girl who was sitting next to Ji Wufeng obviously trembled when she saw the person coming in. She thought she was that Xue Li.

"I don't know what you dare to do, sir? It doesn't seem very polite to barge into my box like this."

Ji Wufeng held the wine glass in his hand and squinted his eyes. Astonishing murderous intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of Nie Hu beside him.

After the fat man heard Ji Wufeng's words and saw Ji Wufeng's weird face, he was so frightened that he immediately took a step back, but he seemed to have someone to rely on and shouted arrogantly: "This bitch is obviously receiving guests, but those people outside say she is sick, Xueli." , now that your wings are hardened, you actually dare to play tricks on me."

After hearing what Fatty said, Xue Li immediately defended with a sad expression: "Fifth Master, I... um..."

But as soon as she said four words, Ji Wufeng stopped her and held her in his arms.

This hot and passionate scene made Fifth Master angry. He didn't expect that this boy would dare to ignore his existence so much. He said to the two big men behind him in a commanding tone: "Teach this little bastard a lesson and let him know that he should be respected." elder."

Ji Wufeng didn't pay any attention to the two strong men behind the Fifth Master. They were considered masters among ordinary people, but that was only in relative terms.

Although Master Wu gave the order, the two strong men behind him did not act immediately. One of the burly men said coldly: "Zhang Wu, we are just ordered by the elder brother to protect you, not your dogs." ."

Another man also continued: "This is Maplewood Bay. Have you forgotten that Xiao Feng hates people making trouble here the most?"

Hearing the two words "Xiao Feng", which seemed to have infinite demons, Zhang Wu suddenly lost his courage, and his eyes were full of jealousy and fear. As long as people who were hanging around in the Jianghu in Shanghai, no one did not know Xiao Feng's vicious methods.

It is rumored that Xiao Feng has a kind of torture that can insert hundreds of flying knives into a person's body, and the person is not completely dead. It is equivalent to the ancient super torture of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives.

"Sir, please leave this private room immediately. Your current behavior has seriously affected our guests."

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind the two men. They were shocked and their vests were dripping with cold sweat. They didn't even know they were being so close.

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