Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1060 The most beautiful woman in Shanghai

Seeing Ji Wufeng's arrogant attitude, the two big men in black behind him had obvious anger in their eyes. On the contrary, the young man did not pay attention. Instead, he nodded in appreciation, then smiled and said: "You are wrong, I'm Xiao Lie, I'm just a part-time worker here, not the boss."

This handsome young man was also an extraordinary character. Ji Wufeng was a little jealous. That guy Xiao Feng really had a lot of talents under his command.

Xiao Lie took a sip of the red wine in front of him and said, "I wonder if you, sir, would like to play a little bigger?"

"How big is it?"

Xiao Lie said with an enigmatic look: "Stull, you can play as much as you want. Many super-rich people in Shanghai will come to play with us, and occasionally international masters will come."

"It's interesting, then you can arrange it."

Ji Wufeng felt that such an opportunity must not be missed. This casino is not bad, very large, and the environmental facilities are also very high-end. When the time comes, he will win all the money here.

"Then I'll help you make arrangements, sir."

Xiao Lie went to make arrangements. It was not interesting for Ji Wufeng to sit alone, so he walked into the bar in Hongye City and walked around.

Different from the usual noisy environment, everyone here seemed quiet in the dark. Only a few cute smiles could be heard occasionally. Judging from the clothes and temperament of the women, they all had a certain status. As for the men, there was something wrong. It just looks like a pretty face, a show-off, and looks good but useless.

Ji Wufeng's arrival attracted the attention of several women. Although Ji Wufeng usually doesn't pay attention to temperament, after all, he still looks like a human. The uncle likes little girls, and the aunt also likes pretty boys.

After Ji Wufeng found a seat at the bar and sat down, the bartender asked with a smile: "Sir, would you like to have something to drink?"

"I want to drink strong liquor. Whatever is the strongest liquor, I will drink that liquor." Ji Wufeng

Putting his hands on the bar, his fingers gently tapped the bar table in accordance with the rhythm of the music.

"Then give this little brother a cup of shockwave, and it's mine."

At this time, a nice voice came in. Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a beautiful middle-aged woman sitting on a high chair next to him. The woman was wearing a tight-fitting long skirt with a high slit, allowing her pair of stockings to Her beautiful white legs are exposed in front of people's eyes, and the high neckline makes her look noble and cool. People can't help but want to conquer and surrender under her skirt.

Hearing the word "shock wave", many people looked at him with gloating eyes. The bartender made a glass of red wine and brought it to Ji Wufeng with a strange smile on his face.


Ji Wufeng thanked him with a smile, took the shock wave from the bartender, and took a small sip first. A fragrance slowly spread in his mouth and down his throat.

“Good wine, very magical feeling.”

Under the astonished gaze of the bartender, Ji Wufeng drank the glass of Shockwave in front of him in one gulp.

It is indeed a good wine, strong but not explosive, but as soon as it enters the stomach, it is raging like a strong wind, and the shock waves hit the brain nerves one after another. Unless you have an extraordinary amount of alcohol, you will not be able to control it.


Ji Wufeng burped and said with a little regret on his face: "Good wine is good wine, but unfortunately it feels too short. It would be nice if it could be longer. Give me ten more glasses."

The onlookers who thought they could see a good show just now had weird looks on their faces, as if they were very surprised by Ji Wufeng's reaction.

Ten Cup Impact

After Bo was served, Ji Wufeng drank one cup after another without pausing in between. The onlookers' faces were full of horror, and their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

This was the first time they had seen someone take down a shock wave in one go without blushing or gasping for breath, and they could take down ten cups in one go, and they never even thought about it.

Only the cold and beautiful woman's expression remained natural, with a faint smile on her face, and she raised the wine glass in her hand to signal to Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng grinned. This old lady was definitely a rare and rare beauty, but he felt that this woman was definitely not seducing him. She seemed to have known him for a long time, but he was sure that he had never seen this woman before.

Ji Wufeng's arrogant and domineering manner in drinking immediately made the eyes of the many middle-aged ladies around him gleam. The masculine pretty boy without losing his domineering attitude was undoubtedly their favorite.

But Ji Wufeng felt uncomfortable being stared at by such eyes. These women may be famous ladies outside, but at this time, they are probably even crazier than the men.

A strong man in black walked over. Ji Wufeng remembered him as one of Xiao Lie's followers. He walked up to the cold and beautiful woman first and greeted her respectfully. .??.??

The cold and beautiful woman smiled at Ji Wufeng and turned away. The man in black came to Ji Wufeng again and said, "Sir, the situation has been arranged. Please come with me."

Ji Wufeng likes this place more and more. He wonders if he can win Hongye City directly at the gambling table.

Under the leadership of the strong man in black, Ji Wufeng came to a luxuriously decorated room. As soon as he saw it, he saw the cold and beautiful woman sitting in it, looking at him with a smile on her face.

In addition to Xiao Lie, there was also a young man present who was not attracted by Ji Wufeng's arrival at all.

His attention, because his attention was all on that cold and beautiful woman, he looked like he wanted to eat her alive.

Xiao Lie said with a smile: "Come, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Miss Shao Lingxue. Sister Xue is the most beautiful woman in Shanghai."

Shao Lingxue?

This name is too ethereal and out-of-this-world. When people say she is the most beautiful woman in Shanghai, Ji Wufeng agrees with both hands. Even though she is now middle-aged, the charm of such a woman breaks the normal categories that people recognize.

"This is Young Master Su Jianxing."

Su Jianxing? Could this guy be from the Su family?

"Who is this……"

Just when Xiao Lie was about to introduce Ji Wufeng, he saw Su Jianxing waving his hands impatiently: "Okay, where are all the nonsense? Let's start quickly. I'm still busy. Hurry up."

Xiao Lie looked embarrassed. Su Jianxing's behavior was extremely disrespectful to Ji Wufeng, but Ji Wufeng didn't mind. He lit a cigarette and said calmly: "Let's get started."

The four people sat in four directions. This time the game was played with Stud, which is usually played by people who gamble big money.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to change the chips, he saw Xiao Lie having someone bring the chips over and said, "Brother Ji, these are 20 million chips. You can use them first. If they are not enough, you can get them later."

This move surprised Ji Wufeng. Xiao Lie seemed to be trying to curry favor with him. At the same time, Su Jianxing couldn't help but glance at Ji Wufeng. Not many people could give Xiao Lie such courtesy.

"It's enough. I'll pay you back twice as much later." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.


Su Jianxing snorted coldly, obviously very dissatisfied with Ji Wufeng's bold words.

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