The beautiful dealer with a delicate face and voluptuous figure came on the stage, and the gambling game began. After the cards were distributed, Ji Wufeng's card was a K, Su Jianxing's card was an A, Xiao Lie's 10, and Shao Lingxue's card was also an A.

"I'll speak first, one million." Su Jianxing proudly threw out the chips.

Shao Lingxue smiled and said: "Don't lose your momentum in the first round. I'll give you one million."

Ji Wufeng secretly took a look at his hole cards, and suddenly said with great excitement: "Wow, you've dealt me ​​such a big card in the first round?"

Su Jianxing's face darkened. This was a stud game. How big could two cards be?

Who would have thought that Ji Wufeng would push the chips in front of him forward without even thinking about it, and said, "I'll stud."

Shao Lingxue had a faint smile on her face, Xiao Lie had a weird expression, but Su Jianxing curled his lips and played with only two cards. Is this guy mentally ill?

When it was Xiao Lie's turn, he threw away his cards and touched his neck and said, "I won't follow."

"I won't follow either," Shao Lingxue said.

Su Jianxing was not sure anymore and was about to give up. When he stopped playing with this madman, Ji Wufeng seemed to have trouble with him and said with a smile: "Young Master Su is so heroic and has such a big card, he will definitely not do it." You will take a gamble with me, right?" .??.

But after hearing Ji Wufeng's words, Su Jianxing waved his hand and said, "I'm following."

Twenty million is too much, and it's not worth letting him lose face, especially in front of Shao Lingxue.

The beautiful dealer continued to deal the cards. There was no doubt that when all the cards were revealed, Su Jianxing's face became a little ugly. He took out his check book and said, "Exchange for another 20 million chips."

Ji Wufeng acted like a nouveau riche, putting all the chips in front of him, grinning widely and saying: "Oh, you are really lucky, Master Su, you are really lucky, you gave me so much money as soon as you came up, I’m a little embarrassed to continue to win against you.”

Originally losing 20 million, Su Jianxing thought it was nothing. It was normal to lose 100 million in a bet. But after hearing Ji Wufeng's irritating words, he immediately became angry and full of gloom.

Staring at Ji Wufeng.

"Ha, I actually got such a big card this time!"


"Damn it, the God of Wealth is possessed, I'll do it again!"

After a few rounds, almost all of them were performed by Ji Wufeng, and he seemed to be specifically targeting Su Jianxing. Su Jianxing had changed his chips four times, 20 million each time, plus the initial gambling capital, it was already one Hundreds of millions, which was his entire personal worth. Su Jianxing's face turned livid, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Exchange another 20 million, instead of 50 million in chips." Su Jianxing almost roared.

"Master Su, your account is about to be overdrawn. This check of yours may not be redeemable for 50 million." Xiao Lie said very politely while holding the check.

Ji Wufeng said to Su Jianxing very boldly: "Ah, Master Su, is he out of money? It's okay. I'll lend you some chips first. The interest is negotiable."


Su Jianxing slammed the table, glared at Ji Wufeng fiercely, and left angrily.

Ji Wufeng pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "If you don't want to borrow it, just borrow it. You even slapped the table with me. You are really unqualified."

Su Jian left, and the gambling game naturally couldn't go on. Originally, Ji Wufeng was looking for trouble, but now he couldn't find a reason to turn over the table, so he had to leave first. Anyway, he didn't have to worry about finding a fight after leaving this door. beat.

After Ji Wufeng left, a young man with long black hair came out. Xiao Lie immediately stood up respectfully, curled his lips at Shao Lingxue and said: "He is the guy you are talking about? He is just a little brat. What qualifications do he have to deserve you?" this way?"

The young man's tone was full of contempt, and his face was full of disdain.

Shao Lingxue smiled slightly and said: "If you think he is just a little brat, then you are totally wrong. You can use

It took him three years to establish Maplewood Bay, and it only took him half a year to acquire Yuzhou. "


The long-haired young man's face was full of dissatisfaction: "It's useless to say all this, unless he can catch my flying knife."

Ji Wufeng left Hongye City with Nie Hu. Knowing that Ji Wufeng had won 100 million in such a short time, Nie Hu admired this master.

He knows how to pick up girls, fight, and win money. You can't find such an awesome master even if you hold a lantern.

Before the two of them had gone far, a dozen tall and sturdy men suddenly sprang out and surrounded them. The leader was Zhang Wu, who was just as long as a meat ball.

"Little bastards, weren't you crazy just now? Now I'm going to let you know what will happen to me and the Fifth Master. Come on, destroy the hands and feet of these two little bastards."

As soon as Zhang Wu gave the order, a group of big men rushed over with weapons in their hands. Nie Hu drew his sword and rushed forward. After several screams, the group of big men except Zhang Wu all lay on the ground.

Zhang Wu was immediately dumbfounded. These were all masters he had paid a high price for. How come they all turned into paper? .??.??

Nie Hu walked towards Zhang Wu with a sneer on his face. Zhang Wu backed away continuously and said in horror: "What do you want to do? I am from Tianlong Hall, and my brother-in-law is one of the four hall masters of Tianlong Hall."

"Go to your sister's Tianlong Hall."

Nie Hu raised his sword and planned to punch a hole in Zhang Wu's body to show him how powerful he was.

At this moment, Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp and he stood in front of Nie Hu with a single step.

In an instant, an extremely sharp edge came through the air. Looking along the edge, it was a strange cold light that was almost impossible to look directly at, but in the dark night, it carried a gorgeous and stunning light that people could not take their eyes away from. .

It was a short and delicate silver flying knife, like a void

Appeared out of thin air, and then split the space.

"This is……"

Nie Hu, who was locked by the aura, had a look of horror on his face. At that moment, he looked at the flying knife, and a strong sense of despair rose in his heart. A voice shouted in his heart, this flying knife was enough to split this piece of land. Heaven and earth, let alone his flesh and blood?

"What a flying knife!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes sparkled with brilliance and he couldn't help but shout "Hello". Regardless of whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend, this flying knife gave Ji Wufeng a stunning feeling.

Ji Wufeng shouted violently, and before the flying knife could touch him, his body suddenly rose into the air, and a breath so violent that it almost knocked Nie Hu unconscious rose into the sky.


There was a violent explosion, and Nie Hu was thrown away by the raging force of the explosion.

Ji Wufeng used his fingers to pinch the flying knife, but nothing happened as he expected. Although the flying knife stopped after being caught, a terrible explosion suddenly occurred. Fortunately, Ji Wufeng had profound skills, otherwise he would not have been caught. If you are shot with a flying knife, you will also be killed by the explosive force.

In an instant, evil spirits and murderous auras surged from all directions, from heaven to earth.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Wufeng and Nie Hu were surrounded by hundreds of masked people dressed in black. Those people only showed two eyes, and their eyes were emitting a fierce light. They looked directly at Ji Wufeng. It looked like Ji Wufeng was with them. There is a deep hatred and deep hatred.

Ji Wufeng was so fearless. He crossed his arms and said with a smile: "It's so grand that so many people came to welcome me. How can Ji Wufeng be so virtuous?"

A young man with long black hair came out of the air, his eyes full of mockery, as if Ji Wufeng was a clown, and said: "Ji Wufeng, are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid? Do you think so many people are here to welcome you? What?"

"It's hard, isn't it? I thought your way of welcoming guests at Maplewood Bay was unique and different." Ji Wufeng continued to act stupid.

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