With these four guys, and Li Yunxiao's assistance, taking over Shanghai is just around the corner.

But Ji Wufeng always felt that someone was secretly helping him when he came to Shanghai this time. Xiao Feng's surrender seemed too baffling, but who was that person?

Shao Lingxue looked at the four Xiao Feng who had no temper at all, and said with a smile: "How is it? I said you won't regret it."

Hurricane pouted and said: "Aunt Xue, you are clearly playing with us. Do we know he is so powerful? If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant."

When Shao Lingxue mentioned Ji Wufeng to them, none of them were convinced. Damn it, a random kid wants to be our boss? Damn it.

But after Ji Wufeng's fight, they all became honest. They had no choice but to become their little brother if they couldn't beat them.

There was a chill in Xiao Feng's eyes as he said: "It doesn't matter who will be the boss, what matters is who can help us fulfill our wish!"

The faces of the three hurricanes turned cold instantly, with a gloomy coldness in their eyes, and a spine-chilling resentment.

Ji Wufeng left Hongye City with Nie Hu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face. As soon as he walked out of the gate, a car drove over. The window rolled down and Su Danxiao stuck her head out and said, "Are you free to chat?"

Ji Wufeng did not expect that Su Danxiao would come in person. It seemed that the old man of the Su family had intervened. Otherwise, Su Danxiao's arrogance would not have come to him so late.

"You go back first, but I warn you, if you dare to visit the brothel, I will rape you."

Ji Wufeng said something to Nie Hu and got into the car, while Su Danxiao also started the car.

After Su Danxiao's car drove away, Ah Hu immediately became active and cursed: "Damn it, you old bastard, go pick up girls by yourself and leave me alone in the empty room. Damn it!"

After Nie Hu left, a man in black wearing a peaked cap came out of the darkness and called the phone: "Master Su, Ji Wufeng left and drove away with a woman."

Su Jianxing, who was venting his anger on the bed, immediately became excited when he heard this and said, "Follow me closely, I'll take people there now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jianxing immediately called a group of people. He lost a lot of money to Ji Wufeng in Maplewood Bay today. No matter how he thought about it, he felt aggrieved. If he didn't take this tone today, what would happen to him in the future? How can you survive on the ground in Shanghai?

The car drove for a long time and actually left the city and stopped by the river. Although the spring snow is still there, listening to the sound of the flowing water and smelling the moist breath on the river, I can already feel the spring. A taste of what’s to come.

After Ji Wufeng took out his cigarette and lit it, he sat by the river and squinted at the silent Su Danxiao.

Su Danxiao came to see him. As he expected, Ji Wufeng just wanted to know where Su Danxiao got the courage, or what price she was willing to pay.

"How can you forgive the Su family?"

Ji Wufeng's silence finally made Su Danxiao unable to stand it any longer and asked.

"Oh? Forgive your Su family? Did your Su family do anything to apologize to me?"

Ji Wufeng looked confused. After thinking for a while, he slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, someone just wanted to assassinate me. Could it be that someone from your Su family did it?"

"What? Someone just wanted to kill you?"

Su Danxiao's expression immediately changed, and she was anxious

Said: "Impossible, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Su family!"

The purpose of her coming today is to gain Ji Wufeng's trust. If Ji Wufeng puts this shit basin on the Su family's head, then everything will be in vain.

"Oh, you said it's not the Su family if it's not the Su family? What can you prove?" Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"Then why do you say it must be the Su family?" Su Dan smiled angrily.

"Just because I am Ji Wufeng, just because I say it was the Su family who did it, it's not the Su family but also the Su family!"

Ji Wufeng had a sneer on his face, and the coldness in his eyes made Su Danxiao feel cold all over.

Maybe she, Miss Su, was arrogant, but facing Ji Wufeng's cold gaze, she felt so fragile. Su Danxiao was horrified to find that she, the so-called first-time talented girl in Shanghai, was arrogant, complacent and pretentious. The eldest daughter of the Su family felt like she was nothing in front of Ji Wufeng.


Even though I am a woman, I will never lose to any man. Why can't I compare to him?

"Are you unwilling?"

Ji Wufeng stood up and walked behind her, his lips almost touching her ears, exhaling a puff of smoke and saying: "Do you think I'm nothing great at all? I'm not worthy of you begging me at all? And it's still like this So groveling?"

A woman can be talented, wise, and arrogant, but she cannot be arrogant!

Nalan Tianxin is talented, wise, and even more arrogant, but she has the capital, and the most important thing is that she is not arrogant.

But Su Danxiao was far inferior to Nalan Tianxin, but far more arrogant than Nalan Tianxin. Ji Wufeng could tolerate her indifference and rejection, but he would never tolerate her contempt for him.

Because she is not qualified!

Just when Ji Wufeng thought that Su Danxiao would be shocked and left angrily, he didn't expect that she would make an extremely unexpected move. She turned around and suddenly pounced on Ji Wufeng, and her cherry mouth desperately went into Ji Wufeng's mouth. Drill.

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment. Damn it, what does this little girl want to do? The overlord stiffens his bow!

Su Danxiao seemed to be going crazy, kissing him passionately while grabbing Ji Wufeng's big hand and hugging his waist.

A beautiful woman with great talent and a prominent family background, no man may be able to resist her active devotion.

But Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. He didn't believe that Su Danxiao would sacrifice himself so easily with his arrogance, but most self-righteous people only care about their own wisdom, and their bodies are nothing more than a tool.

He felt pitiful for Su Danxiao. In order to maintain his ridiculous dignity, he had to sleep with a man he didn't like and even rejected!

However, while pitying Su Danxiao, Ji Wufeng felt a cold feeling in his heart. For a woman, her own body can be sacrificed easily, so what else can't she do?

Since you want to play with me, let's make it more exciting.

He picked up Su Danxiao and walked to the car. Just when Su Danxiao thought he would open the car door, she saw him stomping on the ground and jumping on the roof of the car.

Pressing Su Danxiao directly on the roof of the car, Su Danxiao immediately panicked and said, "What are you doing?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "I have never played such an exciting game. Today I want to try to see if it is as enjoyable as the legend." With these four guys, plus Li Yunxiao's assistance, we can take down Shanghai. , just around the corner.

But Ji Wufeng always felt that someone was secretly helping him when he came to Shanghai this time. Xiao Feng's surrender seemed too baffling, but who was that person?

Shao Lingxue looked at the four Xiao Feng who had no temper at all, and said with a smile: "How is it? I said you won't regret it."

Hurricane pouted and said: "Aunt Xue, you are clearly playing with us. Do we know he is so powerful? If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant."

When Shao Lingxue mentioned Ji Wufeng to them, none of them were convinced. Damn it, a random kid wants to be our boss? Damn it.

But after Ji Wufeng's fight, they all became honest. They had no choice but to become their little brother if they couldn't beat them.

There was a chill in Xiao Feng's eyes as he said: "It doesn't matter who will be the boss, what matters is who can help us fulfill our wish!"

The faces of the three hurricanes turned cold instantly, with a gloomy coldness in their eyes, and a spine-chilling resentment.

Ji Wufeng left Hongye City with Nie Hu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face. As soon as he walked out of the gate, a car drove over. The window rolled down and Su Danxiao stuck her head out and said, "Are you free to chat?"

Ji Wufeng did not expect that Su Danxiao would come in person. It seemed that the old man of the Su family had intervened. Otherwise, Su Danxiao's arrogance would not have come to him so late.

"You go back first, but I warn you, if you dare to visit the brothel, I will rape you."

Ji Wufeng said something to Nie Hu and got into the car, while Su Danxiao also started the car.

After Su Danxiao's car drove away, Ah Hu immediately became active and cursed: "Damn it, you old bastard, go pick up girls by yourself and leave me alone in the empty room. Damn it!"

After Nie Hu left, a man in black wearing a peaked cap came out of the darkness and called the phone: "Master Su, Ji Wufeng left and drove away with a woman."

Su Jianxing, who was venting his anger on the bed, immediately became excited when he heard this and said, "Follow me closely, I'll take people there now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jianxing immediately called a group of people. He lost a lot of money to Ji Wufeng in Maplewood Bay today. No matter how he thought about it, he felt aggrieved. If he didn't take this tone today, what would happen to him in the future? How can you survive on the ground in Shanghai?

The car drove for a long time and actually left the city and stopped by the river. Although the spring snow is still there, listening to the sound of the flowing water and smelling the moist breath on the river, I can already feel the spring. A taste of what’s to come.

After Ji Wufeng took out his cigarette and lit it, he sat by the river and squinted at the silent Su Danxiao.

Su Danxiao came to see him. As he expected, Ji Wufeng just wanted to know where Su Danxiao got the courage, or what price she was willing to pay.

"How can you forgive the Su family?"

Ji Wufeng's silence finally made Su Danxiao unable to stand it any longer and asked.

"Oh? Forgive your Su family? Did your Su family do anything to apologize to me?"

Ji Wufeng looked confused. After thinking for a while, he slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, someone just wanted to assassinate me. Could it be that someone from your Su family did it?"

"What? Someone just wanted to kill you?"

Su Danxiao's expression immediately changed, and she was anxious

Said: "Impossible, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Su family!"

The purpose of her coming today is to gain Ji Wufeng's trust. If Ji Wufeng puts this shit basin on the Su family's head, then everything will be in vain.

"Oh, you said it's not the Su family if it's not the Su family? What can you prove?" Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"Then why do you say it must be the Su family?" Su Dan smiled angrily.

"Just because I am Ji Wufeng, just because I say it was the Su family who did it, it's not the Su family but also the Su family!"

Ji Wufeng had a sneer on his face, and the coldness in his eyes made Su Danxiao feel cold all over.

Maybe she, Miss Su, was arrogant, but facing Ji Wufeng's cold gaze, she felt so fragile. Su Danxiao was horrified to find that she, the so-called first-time talented girl in Shanghai, was arrogant, complacent and pretentious. The eldest daughter of the Su family felt like she was nothing in front of Ji Wufeng.


Even though I am a woman, I will never lose to any man. Why can't I compare to him?

"Are you unwilling?"

Ji Wufeng stood up and walked behind her, his lips almost touching her ears, exhaling a puff of smoke and saying: "Do you think I'm nothing great at all? I'm not worthy of you begging me at all? And it's still like this So groveling?"

A woman can be talented, wise, and arrogant, but she cannot be arrogant!

Nalan Tianxin is talented, wise, and even more arrogant, but she has the capital, and the most important thing is that she is not arrogant.

But Su Danxiao was far inferior to Nalan Tianxin, but far more arrogant than Nalan Tianxin. Ji Wufeng could tolerate her indifference and rejection, but he would never tolerate her contempt for him.

Because she is not qualified!

Just when Ji Wufeng thought that Su Danxiao would be shocked and left angrily, he didn't expect that she would make an extremely unexpected move. She turned around and suddenly pounced on Ji Wufeng, and her cherry mouth desperately went into Ji Wufeng's mouth. Drill.

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment. Damn it, what does this little girl want to do? The overlord stiffens his bow!

Su Danxiao seemed to be going crazy, kissing him passionately while grabbing Ji Wufeng's big hand and hugging his waist.

A beautiful woman with great talent and a prominent family background, no man may be able to resist her active devotion.

But Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. He didn't believe that Su Danxiao would sacrifice himself so easily with his arrogance, but most self-righteous people only care about their own wisdom, and their bodies are nothing more than a tool.

He felt pitiful for Su Danxiao. In order to maintain his ridiculous dignity, he had to sleep with a man he didn't like and even rejected!

However, while pitying Su Danxiao, Ji Wufeng felt a cold feeling in his heart. For a woman, her own body can be sacrificed easily, so what else can't she do?

Since you want to play with me, let's make it more exciting.

He picked up Su Danxiao and walked to the car. Just when Su Danxiao thought he would open the car door, she saw him stomping on the ground and jumping on the roof of the car.

Pressing Su Danxiao directly on the roof of the car, Su Danxiao immediately panicked and said, "What are you doing?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "I have never played anything so exciting. Today I want to try to see if it is as enjoyable as the legend."

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