Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1069 Are you playing with me?

Su Danxiao's expression changed immediately, what? What does this bastard want to do with him on the roof of the car?

Since Su Danxiao can lead the Su family to where it is today, she cannot be an ignorant woman. Since she wants to get close to Ji Wufeng, of course she will understand Ji Wufeng.

She knew that there were many women around Ji Wufeng, which showed that Ji Wufeng was a lustful man. A lustful man is the easiest to be manipulated by others, and lust has a knife in his head.

If she can make Ji Wufeng fascinated by her, she won't worry about Ji Wufeng not being submissive to her, because she is very confident in her own charm.

So, she wanted to conquer Ji Wufeng. She felt that if Ji Wufeng could protect the Su family from now on, what would it mean to sacrifice her own body?

But she never expected that Ji Wufeng was not only lustful, but also so obscene. It was already the limit to be able to suppress the disgust in his heart and sleep with Ji Wufeng, and now he would do such a shameful thing on the roof of the car.

"No, let me go!"

Su Danxiao struggled desperately, but how could she be Ji Wufeng's opponent? She could only let him be a prey to him, and said with fierce eyes: "Aren't you afraid of the Su family's revenge?"


Ji Wufeng had a disdainful sneer on his face and said, "If the Su family had the guts to retaliate against me, you wouldn't come to me in person to beg me today, and you wouldn't even hesitate to give yourself to me."

Su Danxiao trembled. She felt that Ji Wufeng was simply a devil, because everything Ji Wufeng said was true.

After finishing speaking, Ji Wufeng arranged his clothes and jumped on the roof of the car, saying: "Don't worry, I'm not that interested in you yet."

It's true that Su Danxiao is a beauty, but Ji Wufeng doesn't like her personality too much. If Su Danxiao sells her body to please him today, she can sell herself to a more powerful backer tomorrow.

For such a person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goal, Ji Wufeng is not even interested in playing games.


Su Danxiao's face was immediately filled with astonishment. It was unbearable for her to sleep with Ji Wufeng, but Ji Wufeng's current behavior made her even more intolerable. He took off his clothes and now said he was not interested in her. Are you kidding me?

Just before Su Danxiao could burst into anger, several dazzling sports cars sped over and parked roughly on the side of the road. Su Jianxing walked out of the car angrily, followed by more than a dozen people holding murderous weapons. Strong man.

Su Jianxing naturally came to trouble Ji Wufeng. He casually glanced at Su Danxiao, who was disheveled on the roof of the car. Before he could see clearly, he smiled ferociously at Ji Wufeng and said, "You little bastard, you are quite good at playing with cars." Get busy at the top!"

Su Danxiao, who was still lying on the roof of the car, turned pale when she saw Su Jianxing. She hurriedly turned her back and put her clothes on haphazardly, for fear of being discovered by Su Jianxing.

Ji Wufeng chuckled. It seemed that his guess was correct. This Su Jianxing was indeed the eldest son of the Su family. Maybe he and Su Danxiao were siblings. Otherwise, Su Danxiao wouldn't be so nervous.

Let his brother see his sister and a man on the roof of the car, and she will not be ashamed and angry and run to commit suicide?

Seeing Su Jianxing leading a group of people in a menacing manner, holding swords, guns and sticks, Ji Wufeng immediately took a step back in panic and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Little bastard, weren't you very cool in Hongye City today? Why are you scared now?" Su Jianxing said with a cruel smile.

In Shanghai, this was the first time Su Jianxing lost so much money, because no one had the guts to let him lose so much money.

One hundred million is nothing to Su Jianxing, but it is embarrassing. He finally had the opportunity to play with Shao Lingxue today.

, but it was all messed up by this little brat.

If he didn't teach this guy a lesson today, how could he, Su Jianxing, hang out in Shanghai? Where to put the Su family’s face?


Ji Wufeng spoke in a weird voice, pointed at Su Jianxing with his finger and said, "I know, you must have lost money and you feel unconvinced, so you came to trouble me, right?" .??.

In any case, this is something that cannot be brought to the table. Su Jianxing said with a livid face: "Give it to me. First, I'll cripple this little bastard's hands, and then cut out his tongue."

Not only his two hands, but also his tongue, it was such a cruel method. The dozen strong men stepped forward with a ferocious smile. Apparently, they had done such things with Su Jianxing many times before.

Ji Wufeng was frightened and hurriedly backed away, saying: " you still have Wang Fa? I'm warning you, don't come over. I'm going to call the police. The police will come and arrest you all. Then you will be jailed for the rest of your life." ."

It has to be said that Ji Wufeng's acting skills are really impressive. His expressions and movements are perfectly coordinated, just like a young girl being targeted by a group of gangsters, with a police officer look on her face and a slight trembling in her body.

Seeing Ji Wufeng being scared like a chicken, the group of people laughed. Su Jianxing looked satisfied. What he enjoyed most was seeing the people who had offended him scared in front of him, which made him feel The thrill of being in control.

"Wang Fa? Let me tell you, in Shanghai, I, Su Jianxing, am Wang Fa!"

Su Jianxing stared at Ji Wufeng arrogantly and said, "Call the police? You can ask the police to try and see if they can do anything to me?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly stood up straight, glanced at the roof of the car, and said with a smile: "Really? But I think you not only dare not touch me today, but you even want to apologize to me!"


Su Jianxing laughed

He shouted even louder, looking at Ji Wufeng as if he were an idiot, and said, "I wonder if you went out without taking your medicine? I will apologize to you?"

Ji Wufeng raised his arms and said, "If you don't believe it, just give it a try."

"Stop talking nonsense and come to me. If I don't destroy him today, my surname will not be Su!"

Su Jianxing waved his hand, and a group of strong men behind him immediately pounced on him like wolves and tigers.

Perhaps because he was used to being domineering, Su Jianxing brought people here without even knowing the details of Ji Wufeng. In his eyes, Young Master Su, in Shanghai, anyone he had never seen before was considered a minor role. Clean it up however you want.

Seeing a group of people rushing towards them, Ji Wufeng was too lazy to move. He didn't believe that Su Dan couldn't smile, otherwise it might be too late by the time he took action.

Su Danxiao, who was lying on the roof of the car, was about to burst into tears. She never thought that Su Jianxing would conflict with Ji Wufeng, and that he would come to look for trouble at this juncture.

She had come to surrender today, and she must not let Su Jianxing offend Ji Wufeng again.

But if she jumps out to dissuade him at this time, she will lose all her face. Where will her dignity be in the Su family in the future?

You know, among the younger generation of the Su family, Su Danxiao's prestige is extremely high. Even men like Su Jianxing cannot compare to her.

But if she didn't stand up, once she really took action, Ji Wufeng would be really offended.

Seeing that the knife was about to hit Ji Wufeng, Su Danxiao didn't care whether he was embarrassed or not. He stood up from the roof of the car and shouted loudly: "Jianxing, stop it!"

Su Danxiao's shout diverted everyone's attention. When they turned around, everyone except Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded.



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