Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1074. Is it playing hard to get?

His eyes were staring at Su Danxiao and glowing green, wandering around Su Danxiao's sensitive parts.

Such a wretched look made Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look at him, a little surprised. Although this guy was not old, he was a master, and his strength was not inferior to Nie Hu's. Even though Nie Hu was so incompetent in front of him, he was not as good as Nie Hu. Compared with others of his generation, he is already considered a top master.

Although there was disgust in Su Danxiao's eyes, she flashed it away, forced out a forced smile, turned around and said politely: "We meet again, Master Qi."

"Yes Danxiao, we meet again. It seems that we are very destined. Even for this fate, we have to have a drink to celebrate." After saying this, Master Qi reached out and grabbed Su Danxiao. hand.

Su Danxiao had an angry look on her face, but she didn't seem to dare to get angry. She tried desperately to take out her hand, looked at Ji Wufeng beside her and said, "Master Qi, I'm very sorry. I came here with a friend this time. It seems that We can only wait for the next opportunity.”

"Your friend?"

Master Qi's eyes flashed with fierceness, he looked at Ji Wufeng along Su Danxiao's twilight, and said with a strange smile: "Are you Danxiao's friend?"

Ji Wufeng was very dissatisfied with Su Danxiao's actions, but when he saw Su Danxiao looking at him with pleading eyes, he had to put on a smile and said, "Yes, do you have any objections?"

"No objection. The friend who smiles lightly is my friend. Let's get to know each other, and we will get closer to each other in the future." Master Qi smiled, but his eyes were ferocious, and he extended a "friendly" hand to Ji Wufeng. .??.

Ji Wufeng held his hand generously, and suddenly felt a strong force. Master Qi's palm was like a vise. If an ordinary person's hand was held, the whole hand would be crushed. .

Blood claw skill?

Ji Wufeng recognized Master Qi's kung fu. It was the unique skill of the Kongtong sect, and the direct descendant of the Kongtong clan was named Qi. No wonder Su Danxiao couldn't offend others. No matter how powerful the Su family was in Shanghai, Dare to fight with the Kongtong sect of the six martial arts sects.

Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart, and with a slight exertion of his palm, he heard a crisp sound, and the smile on Master Qi's face immediately solidified, and his face quickly turned red, and then turned pale again.

"We will be good brothers from now on. If something good happens, don't forget us." Ji Wufeng let go of Master Qi's hand, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

After Ji Wufeng left, Master Qi immediately walked to a corner, jumped up suddenly, and shouted in pain at the follower behind him: "Why the hell are you just standing there stupidly? Find a way to relieve my pain!"

The attendant was quite clever. He got an anesthesia needle from somewhere and finally stopped the pain for Master Qi.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Master Qi said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Go and find out the origin of that little bastard immediately. After the auction is over, I want him to kneel at my feet with all his limbs broken!"

After the two found their seats and sat down, Su Danxiao was silent for a long time before saying, "Thank you."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Thank you for what? Thank me for helping you get rid of Master Qi?"

Su Danxiao nodded, Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "If it's because of this, then you don't have to. If I remember correctly, you just said that we are friends. If you really mean this, , I think friends don’t need to be so open to each other.”

Add carrots and sticks, this is the necessary means for the superior to control the inferior, Su

Danxiao is a talented person. Ji Wufeng wants to capture her and give her some friendship after intimidating her. There is no need to worry about her disobedience.

Su Danxiao fell silent. Looking at the smile on Ji Wufeng's face, he suddenly felt that this bastard was not so annoying after all.

Suddenly feeling a little guilty, he said: "Let's leave first. You have offended Qi Yao just now. With his character, I think it is impossible for him to just let it go."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Qi Yao? Who is he?"

"He is the nephew of the leader of the Kongtong Sect. We can't afford to offend him." Su Dan smiled.

If it was yesterday, Su Danxiao would have wished for Ji Wufeng to fight Qi Yao, but now she has an inexplicable sense of belonging to Ji Wufeng and doesn't want Ji Wufeng's side to suffer.


Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "Don't worry, let alone Qi Yao. Even if Qi Wanshan comes in person, he may not be able to do anything to me."

It seemed that he had guessed correctly just now. This Qi Yao was a direct descendant of the Kongtong sect. Ordinary people could not offend him, but it was a pity that he, Young Master Ji, was not an ordinary person.

In the inner room of Juling Building, through the large surveillance screen, Zheng Fenghai and Zhuo Zhiyu watched everything that happened outside, including the conflict between Ji Wufeng and Qi Yao.

"Zhiyu, after the photo session is over, arrange for me to meet Qi Yao."

Su Danxiao took Ji Wufeng and the other three people into the filming venue. The venue was very lively and almost full of people. It must be said that the Zhuo family knew how to do business, so they arranged a young, beautiful and sexy figure every few seats. The waiter is responsible for serving tea and water, which is very impressive. Even if there is no harvest today, teasing a beautiful woman is still a happy thing.

Before the four of them could sit down, they saw someone standing up in the seat next to them and shouted happily: "Sister Danxiao."

When Ji Wufeng saw that person, he immediately laughed. What a coincidence, that person turned out to be Gardenia.

Su Danxiao stepped forward and said with a smile: "Gardenia, are you here too?"

Gardenia held her tongue and said, "I don't want to come, but Zhuo Zhiyu is annoying me, so I came over to join in the fun. Hey, why are you here?"

Only then did Gardenia notice that Ji Wufeng next to Su Danxiao looked like he had seen a ghost.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Why can't I come? Doesn't Sister Gardenia welcome me?"

"Bah, who is your sister Gardenia? Stop trying to get close to your aunt." Gardenia seemed to be very unkind to Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose speechlessly, what's going on with this little girl? I saved her life before, and even if I don't agree with her, I should still admire her. Why do I have such a bad attitude towards me?

Could it be that he is playing hard to get? You have a crush on me in your heart, but you deliberately pretend to be repulsive on your face?

That must be the case!

At this moment, two old guys came over and said to the people in the two seats next to Ji Wufeng: "Please give way, we want to sit in your seats."

Anyone who comes here is not a good person. Those two guys got angry on the spot. When they opened their mouths, they cursed: "Is it your uncle?"

Suddenly, a strong aura burst out, and the two guys were immediately frightened, and said hurriedly with a smile: "There are only two seats, you sit down, you're welcome, you sit down..." He stared at Su Danxiao. Green light emitted and wandered around Su Danxiao's sensitive parts.

Such a wretched look made Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look at him, a little surprised. Although this guy was not old, he was a master, and his strength was not inferior to Nie Hu's. Even though Nie Hu was so incompetent in front of him, he was not as good as Nie Hu. Compared with others of his generation, he is already considered a top master.

Although there was disgust in Su Danxiao's eyes, she flashed it away, forced out a forced smile, turned around and said politely: "We meet again, Master Qi."

"Yes Danxiao, we meet again. It seems that we are very destined. Even for this fate, we have to have a drink to celebrate." After saying this, Master Qi reached out and grabbed Su Danxiao. hand.

Su Danxiao had an angry look on her face, but she didn't seem to dare to get angry. She tried desperately to take out her hand, looked at Ji Wufeng beside her and said, "Master Qi, I'm very sorry. I came here with a friend this time. It seems that We can only wait for the next opportunity.”

"Your friend?"

Master Qi's eyes flashed with fierceness, he looked at Ji Wufeng along Su Danxiao's twilight, and said with a strange smile: "Are you Danxiao's friend?"

Ji Wufeng was very dissatisfied with Su Danxiao's actions, but when he saw Su Danxiao looking at him with pleading eyes, he had to put on a smile and said, "Yes, do you have any objections?"

"No objection. The friend who smiles lightly is my friend. Let's get to know each other, and we will get closer to each other in the future." Master Qi smiled, but his eyes were ferocious, and he extended a "friendly" hand to Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng held his hand generously, and suddenly felt a strong force. Master Qi's palm was like a vise. If an ordinary person's hand was held, the whole hand would be crushed. .

Blood claw skill?

Ji Wufeng recognized Master Qi's kung fu. It was the unique skill of the Kongtong sect, and the direct descendant of the Kongtong clan was named Qi. No wonder Su Danxiao couldn't offend others. No matter how powerful the Su family was in Shanghai, Dare to fight with the Kongtong sect of the six martial arts sects.

Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart, and with a slight exertion of his palm, he heard a crisp sound, and the smile on Master Qi's face immediately solidified, and his face quickly turned red, and then turned pale again.

"We will be good brothers from now on. If something good happens, don't forget us." Ji Wufeng let go of Master Qi's hand, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

After Ji Wufeng left, Master Qi immediately walked to a corner, jumped up suddenly, and shouted in pain at the follower behind him: "Why the hell are you just standing there stupidly? Find a way to relieve my pain!"

The attendant was quite clever. He got an anesthesia needle from somewhere and finally stopped the pain for Master Qi.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Master Qi said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Go and find out the origin of that little bastard immediately. After the auction is over, I want him to kneel at my feet with all his limbs broken!"

After the two found their seats and sat down, Su Danxiao was silent for a long time before saying, "Thank you."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Thank you for what? Thank me for helping you get rid of Master Qi?"

Su Danxiao nodded, Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "If it's because of this, then you don't have to. If I remember correctly, you just said that we are friends. If you really mean this, , I think friends don’t need to be so open to each other.”

Add carrots and sticks, this is the necessary means for the superior to control the inferior, Su

Danxiao is a talented person. Ji Wufeng wants to capture her and give her some friendship after intimidating her. There is no need to worry about her disobedience.

Su Danxiao fell silent. Looking at the smile on Ji Wufeng's face, he suddenly felt that this bastard was not so annoying after all.

Suddenly feeling a little guilty, he said: "Let's leave first. You have offended Qi Yao just now. With his character, I think it is impossible for him to just let it go."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Qi Yao? Who is he?"

"He is the nephew of the leader of the Kongtong Sect. We can't afford to offend him." Su Dan smiled.

If it was yesterday, Su Danxiao would have wished for Ji Wufeng to fight Qi Yao, but now she has an inexplicable sense of belonging to Ji Wufeng and doesn't want Ji Wufeng's side to suffer.


Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "Don't worry, let alone Qi Yao. Even if Qi Wanshan comes in person, he may not be able to do anything to me."

It seemed that he had guessed correctly just now. This Qi Yao was a direct descendant of the Kongtong sect. Ordinary people could not offend him, but it was a pity that he, Young Master Ji, was not an ordinary person.

In the inner room of Juling Building, through the large surveillance screen, Zheng Fenghai and Zhuo Zhiyu watched everything that happened outside, including the conflict between Ji Wufeng and Qi Yao.

"Zhiyu, after the photo session is over, arrange for me to meet Qi Yao."

Su Danxiao took Ji Wufeng and the other three people into the filming venue. The venue was very lively and almost full of people. It must be said that the Zhuo family knew how to do business, so they arranged a young, beautiful and sexy figure every few seats. The waiter is responsible for serving tea and water, which is very impressive. Even if there is no harvest today, teasing a beautiful woman is still a happy thing.

Before the four of them could sit down, they saw someone standing up in the seat next to them and shouted happily: "Sister Danxiao."

When Ji Wufeng saw that person, he immediately laughed. What a coincidence, that person turned out to be Gardenia.

Su Danxiao stepped forward and said with a smile: "Gardenia, are you here too?"

Gardenia held her tongue and said, "I don't want to come, but Zhuo Zhiyu is annoying me, so I came over to join in the fun. Hey, why are you here?"

Only then did Gardenia notice that Ji Wufeng next to Su Danxiao looked like he had seen a ghost.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Why can't I come? Doesn't Sister Gardenia welcome me?"

"Bah, who is your sister Gardenia? Stop trying to get close to your aunt." Gardenia seemed to be very unkind to Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose speechlessly, what's going on with this little girl? I saved her life before, and even if I don't agree with her, I should still admire her. Why do I have such a bad attitude towards me?

Could it be that he is playing hard to get? You have a crush on me in your heart, but you deliberately pretend to be repulsive on your face?

That must be the case!

At this moment, two old guys came over and said to the people in the two seats next to Ji Wufeng: "Please give way, we want to sit in your seats."

Anyone who comes here is not a good person. Those two guys got angry on the spot. When they opened their mouths, they cursed: "Is it your uncle?"

Suddenly, a strong aura burst out, and the two guys were immediately frightened, and said hurriedly with a smile: "It's just two seats, you sit down, you're welcome, you sit down..."

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