Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1075 Are there really angels?

After the two sat down, they grinned at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng said with a dark face, "Why are you here too?"

"Nonsense, this is my territory, why can't I come?" Tu Antian said.

Only then did Ji Wufeng remember that Tu Antian was indeed the chief elder of the Shanghai Law Enforcement Force, and this was indeed his territory.

Looking at Yuan Tianzong again, the old man also said with a smile: "There are some good things today, of course we have to come and take a look."

At this moment, the lights suddenly dimmed and the auction began. A rich auctioneer slowly walked up to the center of the stage and said: "Dear guests, hello everyone, I am today's auctioneer..."

What follows is a bunch of completely nutritious nonsense that made Nie Hu yawn.

"The items in tonight's auction are all top-notch masterpieces. Now let me introduce to you the first one, the legendary dragon-slaying holy sword used by the dragon-slaying knights of the Western Holy Court to slay dragons!"

As the auctioneer's loud voice sounded, the curtain was opened, and a giant long sword with a wide blade lay quietly on the auction table.

Ordinary people are naturally unable to sense it, but warriors' eyes light up because they can feel the sharp sword energy emanating from the sword.

Nie Hu's eyes gleamed. As a swordsman, such a good sword had an irresistible temptation for him.

"Master, this sword..." Nie Hu's expression was full of anticipation, wanting Ji Wufeng to take the sword.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Can you have some potential? Can you like such a broken sword?"

Nie Hu said: "Master, this is the Dragon Slaying Holy Sword. Why is it a broken sword?"

The sharp edge emanating from the Dragon-Slaying Holy Sword made Nie Hu very dissatisfied with Ji Wufeng's evaluation of the sword.

Tu Antian sneered: "Dragon-slaying Holy Sword? That's a lot of bullshit. Is it worthy?"

\u003e Yuan Tianzong sneered and said: "If it is a real dragon, can it be killed with a sword? I think the so-called dragons in the West are just lizards with wings, right?"

The dragon is sacred to the Chinese people, and it is a supreme totem.

In the West, the so-called dragon is just a lizard with wings, an ugly monster.

"But this sword is really a good sword." Nie Hu said anxiously when he saw that the three people looked down on the sword.

"What the hell, boy, have you ever seen a good sword? Come tomorrow, let me show you what a truly good sword is." Tu Antian said dissatisfied.

Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up and he said: "Ahu, hurry up and thank Senior Tu Antian for the sword!"

Nie Hu was still a little confused, so Ji Wufeng kicked him and cursed: "You idiot? Do you know who he is? He is Tu Antian of the Tu family, how can the sword he took out be bad?"

Nie Hu was born in a martial arts family, so he was certainly familiar with senior geniuses like Tu Antian. When he heard it was Tu Antian, his eyes immediately straightened. After receiving another kick from Ji Wufeng, he immediately kowtowed and said, " Thank you to Senior Tu Antian for giving me the sword!"

Tu An, my God, that is an unrivaled master from the Tu family, one of the eight great families in the martial arts world. His sword must be a peerless sword. He can make a lot of money this way.

Tu Antian's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he said, "Boy, when did I say I would give him a sword?"

"Look at you..."

Ji Wufeng pointed at him and said: "What do you think of a senior master? The juniors have already thanked you. How dare you not reward him?"

Tu An

I want to cry. When I meet this kid, he is definitely up to no good. He just said a word and put a good sword in it.

In the end, that bullshit dragon-slaying holy sword was auctioned off for 30 million. The buyer was just an ordinary person who didn't understand swords at all.

The next few auction items appeared, all of which were rare treasures. Su Danxiao, Gardenia and others were all dazzled by them, but Ji Wufeng and others showed a lack of interest. These things may be of interest to ordinary people. To them they are treasures, but to them they are no different than trash.

"Everyone, this next one is definitely a great treasure. Everyone has heard of Angel, but have you heard of Angel Star?"

The auctioneer excitedly introduced the next item to be auctioned, shouting loudly: "I'd like to invite Angel Star!"

A white jade box was delivered. When the box was opened, brilliant blue light suddenly appeared. The auctioneer gently took out the contents, and saw that it was a blue heart-shaped pendant, which emitted a dazzling blue light. Human eyeball.

There was an exclamation of exclamation immediately from the audience, but they were all women. Things with glittering lights and gems like this are always particularly popular with women. Even Su Danxiao and Gardenia next to Ji Wufeng looked excited. , unable to conceal the excitement in his heart.

Ji Wufeng had no interest in gems at all. He found them useless and could not use them for food when he was hungry. But after seeing the Angel Star, he had a look of astonishment on his face.

This was no ordinary gem, because he actually felt a magical power emitting from the Angel Star.

"What a star of angels!" Tu Antian suddenly shouted. .??.

"What is this?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"The Angel Star is said to be condensed from the hearts of angels."

"Are you talking nonsense?"\u003c


Ji Wufeng shook his head. He would never believe that this thing was really the heart of an angel.

Yuan Tianzong shook his head and said: "This is indeed the star of an angel, but it is indeed not the heart of an angel."

"how to say?"

Tu Antian said: "There are no angels in this world at all, but it can also be said that angels do exist, but they are by no means as powerful as the legends say. They are just like us, they are just a group of deified powerful beings. Just a warrior."

Yes, there are countless powerful gods and demons in the myths and legends of China, and most of them are fabricated. Even if some guests really exist, after historical verification, they are all just ancient warriors, but they are too powerful. It has been infinitely deified by its admirers.

"Who is that angel?"

After all, Nie Hu was too young, and his exposure to secrets was far inferior to that of old guys like Yuan Tianzong and Tu Antian.

"You should have heard about the Holy Court," Tu Antian asked.

Nie Hu nodded. Of course he knew about the largest sect on earth. He also knew that the Holy Court was just like Buddhism in China. There were many powerful believers, but he had never heard anyone call themselves an angel.

"The so-called angels are just a group of founders of the Holy Court, who are respected as angels by the believers who worship them. Not only that, some of the powerful guardians of the Holy Court are still called angels, just like our Buddhist Arhat King Kong. identity."

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly and asked, "Is that angel strong?"

Tu Antian and Yuan Tianzong immediately had a trace of fear in their eyes. Recalling the unforgettable past, they took a deep breath and said, "Strong, very tyrannical!"

To be able to make two top masters show such fearful expressions shows that this angel's combat power must be unparalleled.

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