Yuan Tianzong turned to Ji Wufeng and said: "A master of Angel's level usually does not appear easily, but the Holy Court will be present at every martial arts conference, and you will have a chance to see it."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, a martial arts conference?

"Then what's going on with this Angel Star?" Nie Hu, who was getting more and more confused as he listened, couldn't help but ask.

Yuan Tianzong said: "This angel star has the same concept as the relics of our Buddhist eminent monks. It is the crystallization of the power of the strong after death. The Holy Court has a secret method that can pass on this power."

"What? Are you saying that with the Angel Star, the Holy Court can create another angel-level master?" Nie Hu exclaimed.

Tu Antian shook his head and said: "Of course it's not that simple. The power stored in the Angel Star is no longer the entire power of an angel, and it cannot be passed down all. So creating an angel-level master out of thin air is It's impossible, but if a master uses it when his cultivation reaches a bottleneck, it will have a very magical effect."

"Does that mean this Angel Star is very valuable?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Yuan Tianzong shook his head and said: "It is priceless to the Holy Court, but to outsiders it is just a piece of broken stone. Without the secret method, it is impossible to obtain the power inside. Once, a senior of our China got an angel star. There was an explosion while researching and I almost died.”

Ji Wufeng immediately shrank his neck. He originally wanted to get one to study, but now it seems that it is not necessary. Otherwise, what if it blows him up too? I still have so many beauties to support.

Tu Antian said: "The purpose of our coming this time is because of the Angel Star. The Holy Court is bound to win, and the Holy Court's archenemy, the Dark Holy See, will never let them succeed easily, so there must be many masters here. We are I’m afraid they will cause trouble in China’s territory.”

Ji Wufeng's heart moved. He glanced around and his eyes suddenly focused. There was actually a master hidden in the corner of the lobby.

And their strength is actually on par with Yuan Tianzong and Tu Antian. It would be difficult to find out if it wasn't intentional.

"This Angel Star is a priceless treasure. Legend has it that it has a mysterious connection with the Holy Court Angels in the West and contains magical and powerful power. The starting price is 20 million!"

The auctioneer surprisingly didn't make any drunken boasts this time. After a few simple words, he announced the bidding directly.

"Twenty-five million!"

A rich man shouted out the price in the excited and eager eyes of the beautiful woman next to him. He didn't understand what the value of this so-called angel star was, as long as his woman liked it.

"thirty million!"

"Thirty-five million!"

The fierce bidding began, and the price soon soared to 50 million. Most people chose to remain silent and spend 50 million to buy a stone to make a woman happy. Are you smart?

At the same time, they were also very surprised. It was just a piece of broken stone. How could someone be so crazy?

"Okay, fifty million once, fifty million twice, fifty million three times, done..."

"Sixty million!"

Just when the auctioneer was about to make the final decision, a voice suddenly sounded from a corner. The accent sounded a bit awkward, and he was obviously not from China.

The whole place was silent. Was this man's brain kicked out, or was he trapped by the door? Spend 60 million to buy a broken stone?

"Seventy million!"

Before anyone could react, a voice sounded from another corner, and the accent didn't sound like it was from China.

Everyone was stunned, holy shit,

There are idiots every year, why are there so many today?

Tu Antian and Yuan Tianzong all looked sideways. Ji Wufeng looked around and saw that the bidder was the master hidden in the venue.

The Holy Court and the Dark Holy See are the two most powerful forces in the West. Ji Wufeng has never had a chance to collide with each other, so he doesn't know how strong they are.

"Eighty million!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly shouted loudly, opening his mouth to ask for a sky-high price of 80 million, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience. Is this kid also a fool?

"Master!" Nie Hu shouted in shock.

Yuan Tianzong said: "Didn't I tell you already? This Angel Star is of no use to us, why did you buy him?"

Ji Wufeng said with a mean smile on his face: "But I think she's quite beautiful. If I buy it as a gift to a beautiful woman, wouldn't I be able to pick up anyone with the same accuracy?"

Everyone's faces were filled with black lines. Su Danxiao and Gardenia were both angry. Spending so much money to buy a broken stone to pick up girls was really shameful, regardless of the cost.

However, the effect was obvious. They had already seen many beauties at the scene looking at Ji Wufeng, their eyes full of heat.

Ji Wufeng originally thought that the Holy Court and the Dark Holy See would continue to increase the price, but what he didn't expect was that another voice suddenly appeared and shouted arrogantly: "I have 100 million!"

Ji Wufeng followed the voice and laughed. He saw that the person bidding was actually Qi Yao, holding a beautiful woman with a hot figure in one hand and holding a wine glass in the other.

His two eyes looked at Ji Wufeng like poisonous snakes, full of cold murderous intent and resentment.

This kid was clearly going against Ji Wufeng, and he was determined not to let Ji Wufeng take away the Angel Star easily.

"One hundred and twenty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!"


"Two hundred million!"

The Holy Court and the Dark Holy See also bid, and the price was also very high, directly bidding a sky-high price of 200 million.

"Three hundred million!" Ji Wufeng shouted calmly.

"Four hundred million!" Qi Yao's voice was very gloomy.

Suddenly, two terrifying forces burst out. It seemed that both the Holy Court and the Dark Holy See were angry. They were very dissatisfied with the two bastards who appeared out of thin air to cause trouble and wanted to intimidate them.

"Hmph, do you want to run wild in China?"

Tu Antian and Yuan Tianzong snorted coldly and released their violent auras, and the two terrifying powers disappeared immediately.

"Five hundred million!"

"Six hundred million!"

Both parties shouted out the price again, but the anger in their voices was obvious. They did not dare to push forward here, but they had already recorded the amount.

Qi Yao was finally moved. In fact, he had no idea what the use of this piece of broken stone called Angel Star was. He just wanted to cause trouble with Ji Wufeng, but the price was now too high, so high that he was not even qualified to cause trouble. But he also believed that Ji Wufeng couldn't get it either.

At the same time, the entire venue was silent for such a sky-high price. Are there such idiots in the world? But such rich idiots are rare.

"Hey, 800 million!"

Ji Wufeng raised the wine glass next to him and gestured to Qi Yao, and then said the bidding price as if he dropped a bomb.

In an instant, there was no more noise in the scene. Everyone looked at Ji Wufeng blankly. Eight hundred million, what a huge amount of money this is. Too many people struggle all their lives and cannot earn even a fraction.

Crazy, this guy is really crazy, a prodigal, spending 800 million for a piece of rubble, what is a prodigal if not crazy?

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