Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1090 Your posture is not handsome at all

Zhao Jiaolong immediately became happy when he heard this. He grinned and paid for their supplies, saying, "The service here is very good, and there is a bright future."

Hearing this, the little store manager immediately felt happier than if he had won millions in lottery tickets.

Afterwards, Li Xinquan took Ji Wufeng and the others to visit several specialty stores. After a while, each of them had large and small bags of things in their hands.

Li Xinquan quickly asked a few more waiters to push the shopping cart from the supermarket, put the things they bought on it, and ordered the waiters to follow behind and serve carefully.

They were buying more and more things, and the shopping carts behind them could hardly hold them. Moreover, after Li Xinquan’s promotion, almost all the things they bought were half sold and half given away.

There were even several specialty stores. After hearing about this incident, they found that Ji Wufeng and the others had not come to their stores. In order to curry favor with Li Xinquan and others, they quickly asked their employees to prepare several large bags of clothing and specially delivered them to Ji Wufeng and the others. In the past, the reason was “new products on the market, free trial”.

In the end, even Ji Wufeng, who had no intention of buying anything, accepted several cartloads of "gifts". For a moment, Ji Wufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After almost buying all the things, Ji Wufeng walked up to Li Xinquan and patted him on the shoulder when he got down to the first floor of the mall and said, "You did a good job today. Let's have those things delivered to our residence. I'll talk to Tian Luo Tell me to change your position, you are too humble here."

This Li Xinquan doesn't have any great talents, but he is good at doing some trivial things. Besides, he is also very comfortable serving him today, so I support him.

Just before Li Xinquan could react, a very discordant voice broke in, saying with resentment: "Hey, isn't this Young Master Ji?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that it was Su Jianxing. He didn't expect to meet him here.

I saw Su Jianxing hugging a young woman with fair skin, beautiful face, and voluptuous figure. At first glance, I knew she was a seductive temptress. It seemed that this boy had very special taste and liked this kind of mature woman.

Behind Su Jianxing stood a middle-aged man with a medium build but sharp eyes. He was actually a master of martial arts. Although his cultivation had just reached the innate level, he had a sharp aura about him. This kind of man was already rare among ordinary warriors. He is considered a top master.

"Ah, it turns out it's Young Master Su. I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you lately?" Ji Wufeng greeted with a smile.

Su Jianxing's face was gloomy, with a sneer on his face, and he said, "Thanks to you, I'm doing pretty well."

These words were obviously not sincere. Su Jianxing thought he had seized the opportunity and told Su Yuanqiao immediately about what happened last time. He originally thought that Su Danxiao would be severely reprimanded even if there was no big trouble.

In the end, Su Danxiao did nothing wrong, but Su Yuanqiao scolded him and said not to provoke Ji Wufeng in the future, otherwise he would break his legs.

With this breath of bad breath in his chest, Su Jianxing felt overwhelmed by the many beauties lying on the bed, so he spent a lot of money to hire such a master, just to teach Ji Wufeng a lesson when he met him.

What good luck. Not long after I invited him, I actually met him here. I was finally able to let out this bad breath.

Zhao Jiaolong and others were in a hurry to go back and put on new ones.

As for the clothes, he shouted: "Fengzi, why are you dawdling? Let's go quickly!"

Su Jianxing glanced sideways at Zhao Jiaolong and said coldly: "What kind of friends does Mr. Ji make? Interrupting when others are still talking has no manners at all. If it weren't for your sake, I would Just teach him a lesson.”

Ji Wufeng grinned and said: "It doesn't matter, you can teach me a lesson if you want, no need to be polite to me!"

Su Jianxing said that deliberately to provoke a conflict. He didn't expect that Ji Wufeng not only was not angry, but also readily agreed. He said hypocritically: "Young Master Ji, is this not good? He is also your friend. It will be difficult for my eldest sister and grandpa to explain things at that time."

Although he was specifically looking for trouble, he was still a little wary of Su Yuanqiao and Su Danxiao after all.

"It doesn't matter. He is thick-skinned and can withstand beatings. Besides, he agrees with it himself."

Ji Wufeng pointed at Zhao Jiaolong, and Zhao Jiaolong also guessed that Ji Wufeng wanted him to teach this kid a lesson, so he grinned and patted his chest, stretched out a finger to Su Jianxing, and said with a smile: "Come on. , little baby!”

Su Jianxing was furious at being provoked by Zhao Jiaolong, but when he saw that Zhao Jiaolong agreed, he felt happy again and said, "Since you said that, I'll just teach him a lesson."

"Don't teach them casually, it's best to teach them hard. If you get tired of teaching them later, I'll treat you to dinner!"

What this means is that Zhao Jiaolong and the others, if it were anyone else, would spit on Ji Wufeng's face. Are there any other brothers like you?

Su Jianxing rushed to the master behind him and pointed at Zhao Jiaolong and said: "Come here, Canlong, teach this kid a lesson, but remember, don't hit too hard. It won't be good if someone is killed."

The master understood what Su Jianxing meant. People can't be beaten to death, but they can be maimed. A bloodthirsty cold light immediately appeared in his eyes.

Su Jianxing chuckled and said, "This is my subordinate Can Long. He can do a few three-legged cat moves, but he doesn't know the severity of his attacks. If something happens to your friend later, don't blame me for not warning you."

Ji Wufeng also smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter. My friend is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Nothing serious will happen to him. But if something happens to your men later, don't blame me for not warning you."

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's voice rang in Zhao Jiaolong's ears: "If this kid dares to be cruel, I will destroy him!"

Su Jianxing sneered and winked at Canlong. Canlong walked up to Zhao Jiaolong, gave him a fist, and then made a starting move from an unknown sect.

Zhao Jiaolong said with a smile: "You go ahead and strike first! I will let you take three moves first, and I will start the fight after three moves."

Can Long looked at Zhao Jiaolong coldly, and a gloomy aura suddenly emitted from his body, mixed with a strong smell of blood. It seemed that this guy had a life on his hands.

Being shrouded in the thick bloody aura for a long time, Zhao Jiaolong saw that he still didn't take action, so he shouted impatiently: "Hey, why don't you take action yet? Do you think you can win by just putting on a handsome pose? Besides, yours The posture is not cool at all!”

Canlong's expression froze. Most people would be a little frightened after coming into contact with his aura. It would definitely affect their combat power during the battle, but the guy in front of him seemed not to feel it at all. Zhao Jiaolong immediately became happy when he heard this. He grinned and paid for their supplies, saying, "The service here is very good, and there is a bright future."

Hearing this, the little store manager immediately felt happier than if he had won millions in lottery tickets.

Afterwards, Li Xinquan took Ji Wufeng and the others to visit several specialty stores. After a while, each of them had large and small bags of things in their hands.

Li Xinquan quickly asked a few more waiters to push the shopping cart from the supermarket, put the things they bought on it, and ordered the waiters to follow behind and serve carefully.

They were buying more and more things, and the shopping carts behind them could hardly hold them. Moreover, after Li Xinquan’s promotion, almost all the things they bought were half sold and half given away.

There were even several specialty stores. After hearing about this incident, they found that Ji Wufeng and the others had not come to their stores. In order to curry favor with Li Xinquan and others, they quickly asked their employees to prepare several large bags of clothing and specially delivered them to Ji Wufeng and the others. In the past, the reason was “new products on the market, free trial”.

In the end, even Ji Wufeng, who had no intention of buying anything, accepted several cartloads of "gifts". For a moment, Ji Wufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After almost buying all the things, Ji Wufeng walked up to Li Xinquan and patted him on the shoulder when he got down to the first floor of the mall and said, "You did a good job today. Let's have those things delivered to our residence. I'll talk to Tian Luo Tell me to change your position, you are too humble here."

This Li Xinquan doesn't have any great talents, but he is good at doing some trivial things. Besides, he is also very comfortable serving him today, so I support him.

Just before Li Xinquan could react, a very discordant voice broke in, saying with resentment: "Hey, isn't this Young Master Ji?" .??.

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that it was Su Jianxing. He didn't expect to meet him here.

I saw Su Jianxing hugging a young woman with fair skin, beautiful face, and voluptuous figure. At first glance, I knew she was a seductive temptress. It seemed that this boy had very special taste and liked this kind of mature woman.

Behind Su Jianxing stood a middle-aged man with a medium build but sharp eyes. He was actually a master of martial arts. Although his cultivation had just reached the innate level, he had a sharp aura about him. This kind of man was already rare among ordinary warriors. He is considered a top master.

"Ah, it turns out it's Young Master Su. I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you lately?" Ji Wufeng greeted with a smile.

Su Jianxing's face was gloomy, with a sneer on his face, and he said, "Thanks to you, I'm doing pretty well."

These words were obviously not sincere. Su Jianxing thought he had seized the opportunity and told Su Yuanqiao immediately about what happened last time. He originally thought that Su Danxiao would be severely reprimanded even if there was no big trouble.

In the end, Su Danxiao did nothing wrong, but Su Yuanqiao scolded him and said not to provoke Ji Wufeng in the future, otherwise he would break his legs.

With this breath of bad breath in his chest, Su Jianxing felt overwhelmed by the many beauties lying on the bed, so he spent a lot of money to hire such a master, just to teach Ji Wufeng a lesson when he met him.

What good luck. Not long after I invited him, I actually met him here. I was finally able to let out this bad breath.

Zhao Jiaolong and others were in a hurry to go back and put on new ones.

As for the clothes, he shouted: "Fengzi, why are you dawdling? Let's go quickly!"

Su Jianxing glanced sideways at Zhao Jiaolong and said coldly: "What kind of friends does Mr. Ji make? Interrupting when others are still talking has no manners at all. If it weren't for your sake, I would Just teach him a lesson.”

Ji Wufeng grinned and said: "It doesn't matter, you can teach me a lesson if you want, no need to be polite to me!"

Su Jianxing said that deliberately to provoke a conflict. He didn't expect that Ji Wufeng not only was not angry, but also readily agreed. He said hypocritically: "Young Master Ji, is this not good? He is also your friend. It will be difficult for my eldest sister and grandpa to explain things at that time."

Although he was specifically looking for trouble, he was still a little wary of Su Yuanqiao and Su Danxiao after all.

"It doesn't matter. He is thick-skinned and can withstand beatings. Besides, he agrees with it himself."

Ji Wufeng pointed at Zhao Jiaolong, and Zhao Jiaolong also guessed that Ji Wufeng wanted him to teach this kid a lesson, so he grinned and patted his chest, stretched out a finger to Su Jianxing, and said with a smile: "Come on. , little baby!”

Su Jianxing was furious at being provoked by Zhao Jiaolong, but when he saw that Zhao Jiaolong agreed, he felt happy again and said, "Since you said that, I'll just teach him a lesson."

"Don't teach them casually, it's best to teach them hard. If you get tired of teaching them later, I'll treat you to dinner!"

What this means is that Zhao Jiaolong and the others, if it were anyone else, would spit on Ji Wufeng's face. Are there any other brothers like you?

Su Jianxing rushed to the master behind him and pointed at Zhao Jiaolong and said: "Come here, Canlong, teach this kid a lesson, but remember, don't hit too hard. It won't be good if someone is killed."

The master understood what Su Jianxing meant. People can't be beaten to death, but they can be maimed. A bloodthirsty cold light immediately appeared in his eyes.

Su Jianxing chuckled and said, "This is my subordinate Can Long. He can do a few three-legged cat moves, but he doesn't know the severity of his attacks. If something happens to your friend later, don't blame me for not warning you."

Ji Wufeng also smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter. My friend is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Nothing serious will happen to him. But if something happens to your men later, don't blame me for not warning you."

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's voice rang in Zhao Jiaolong's ears: "If this kid dares to be cruel, I will destroy him!"

Su Jianxing sneered and winked at Canlong. Canlong walked up to Zhao Jiaolong, gave him a fist, and then made a starting move from an unknown sect.

Zhao Jiaolong said with a smile: "You go ahead and strike first! I will let you take three moves first, and I will start the fight after three moves."

Can Long looked at Zhao Jiaolong coldly, and a gloomy aura suddenly emitted from his body, mixed with a strong smell of blood. It seemed that this guy had a life on his hands.

Being shrouded in the thick bloody aura for a long time, Zhao Jiaolong saw that he still didn't take action, so he shouted impatiently: "Hey, why don't you take action yet? Do you think you can win by just putting on a handsome pose? Besides, yours The posture is not cool at all!”

Canlong's expression froze. Most people would be a little frightened after coming into contact with his aura. It would definitely affect their combat power during the battle, but the guy in front of him seemed not to feel it at all.

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