Since his aura suppression had no effect, Canlong suddenly snorted coldly, and rushed towards Zhao Jiaolong at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye. His palms were glowing with blood, and he went straight for Zhao Jiaolong's throat and... heart.

Su Jianxing had a sneer on his face. He had seen Can Long take action more than once. Whenever Can Long used this move, his opponent would lose half of his life even if he did not die. Zhao Jiaolong was already a cripple in his eyes.

But the results are often unpredictable. When Canlong's claws were about to catch Zhao Jiaolong, Zhao Jiaolong just took a slight step back. With just this small step, Canlong's attack failed, and Su Jianxing's smile also solidified on his face.

Can Long had a look of shock on his face, and moved his body again, this time at a faster speed. He couldn't see the figure clearly at all, and wanted to shoot Zhao Jiaolong away.

He was traveling so fast that he couldn't even see clearly. How could he avoid it?

But Zhao Jiaolong grinned and moved his feet strangely to the left. Can Long's sinister grasp suddenly failed again.

Can Long looked at Zhao Jiaolong with a look of disbelief, and said in surprise: "Who are you? There are many people who can avoid my move, but as young as you, it is impossible to do it."

What shocked Can Long was not Zhao Jiaolong's strength, but that Zhao Jiaolong had such strength at such a young age.

Zhao Jiaolong grinned and said: "You don't care who I am, as long as you defeat me, I will explain all the eighteen generations of my ancestors to you. Hurry up, there is only one move left!"

Canlong was angry and said with a ferocious smile: "Then it depends on whether you can survive my third move."

As soon as he finished speaking, Canlong's figure suddenly faded, and finally it gradually disappeared and turned out to be an afterimage.

This residual dragon is indeed not simple. With his ghostly movements and fierce attacks, it is estimated that even a true innate master will suffer heavy losses if he encounters him without precautions.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiaolong's face became serious, and he could no longer feel the aura of Can Long. This meant that if Can Long attacked him again, it would be difficult for him to avoid it.


The ghastly bloody aura reappeared, and the silhouette of the broken dragon suddenly appeared less than half a meter in front of Zhao Jiaolong. His claws flashed with blood-red light and stabbed Zhao Jiaolong's throat fiercely.

The distance was too close and the speed was too fast. It was impossible for Zhao Jiaolong to escape unscathed this time. A bloody smile appeared on Canlong's face.

Seeing that his throat was about to be scratched, Zhao Jiaolong suddenly stood up on his heels and moved his throat upward, exposing his chest to Canlong's claws.

Can Long sneered, trying to avoid his throat and use his chest to block it? Then today I will disembowel you!


Both claws grabbed Zhao Jiaolong's chest fiercely. Zhao Jiaolong groaned and took several steps back before he could steady his steps. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although Zhao Jiaolong was injured, Canlong's face was full of horror and he shouted loudly: "This is impossible!"

His claws just now would have been scratched to pieces even if they were iron sheets, but Zhao Jiaolong only suffered a little skin injury. Is his chest harder than iron sheets?

What he didn't know was that when Ji Wufeng taught them martial arts, he had tailor-made a technique for each of them that was most suitable for them.

Just like Yuan Dongdong, he is short and fat, but moves quickly.

Ji Wufeng taught him top-notch Qinggong and assassination techniques.

Zhao Jiaolong has rough skin and thick flesh, and his physique is stronger than ordinary people. He naturally has to give full play to his advantages. Ji Wufeng taught him the outer sect of body training. Now his body's ability to withstand blows is several times that of ordinary people. .

Looking down at the bleeding holes on his chest, Zhao Jiaolong became angry, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and cursed: "I bought a watch last year, and I'm going to a party tonight to meet celebrities. You dare to hurt me, if it delays me from picking up a beautiful girl, can you afford this responsibility?"

After Zhao Jiaolong finished speaking, he punched Canlong with a simple punch. The speed and power were ordinary, and it didn't seem to have any lethality at all.

When Can Long saw Zhao Jiaolong throw such a substandard punch, he immediately thought that he just had a tougher system, but his actual combat power was not that good.

Just when Zhao Jiaolong's fist was about to hit Can Long's body, Can Long stretched out his palm and grabbed it. He wanted to cripple Zhao Jiaolong's arm.

Just when his claws were about to collide with his fist, Zhao Jiaolong suddenly shouted loudly, and a violent aura suddenly erupted from his fist. For a moment, the fist seemed to be no longer a fist, but a flying cannonball. With explosive power of destruction.

Can Long was shocked immediately, but it was too late. Zhao Jiaolong's fist hit his paw hard.


Canlong's palm was hit by Zhao Jiaolong's fist, and his fingers turned backwards, causing the bones to shatter.

But the fist did not stop there, it passed over Can Long's palm and hit his chest hard.


The blood from Can Long's mouth spurted out like a fountain, and his body flew out. He lay on the ground covering his wasted hand and did not get up for a long time.

Looking at Canlong on the ground, Zhao Jiaolong retracted his fist and said disdainfully: "Not very strong? The name is quite awesome, Canlong? I still call Tianlong!"

Su Jianxing was a little confused. He knew very well about Can Long's strength and he was very awesome, but why couldn't he be as awesome as someone like Ji Wufeng?

Ji Wufeng walked towards Su Jianxing, frightening Su Jianxing so much that he quickly backed away. Ji Wufeng did not beat him, but whispered: "Boy, this is the last time. If you dare to come back and cause trouble for me, I guarantee that you will be worse than the worst." The fate of the dragon will be even worse!”

Now that the Su family has shown their loyalty, letting Su Jianxing go this time is considered as giving the Su family face.

After Ji Wufeng and others left, Su Jianxing felt more and more aggrieved the more he thought about it, this is the Su family's territory, why are you more arrogant than me?

At this moment, a voice rang out from behind him: "Brother Su Jianxing, you are well."

Looking back, Su Jianxing stared at the visitor, frowned and said in a deep voice, "Is it you? Are you here to see my joke?"

The visitor immediately waved his hand and said: "Brother Su, why are you so hostile to me? The small conflicts we had before are not worth mentioning. Besides, now we have a common enemy. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. I don't think you can Do you mind if we become friends?”

"Common enemy?"

"Haha, do you want to be dominated by a woman all the time? I can tell you very clearly that with Ji Wufeng here, you will never be able to turn around in the Su family for the rest of your life. But if you agree to cooperate with me, I promise, From now on, you, Su Jianxing, have the final say in the Su family!" Since his aura suppression had no effect, Canlong suddenly snorted coldly, and rushed towards Zhao Jiaolong at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye. Only his hand could be seen. There were dots of blood glowing on the palm, going straight for Zhao Jiaolong's throat and heart.

Su Jianxing had a sneer on his face. He had seen Can Long take action more than once. Whenever Can Long used this move, his opponent would lose half of his life even if he did not die. Zhao Jiaolong was already a cripple in his eyes.

But the results are often unpredictable. When Canlong's claws were about to catch Zhao Jiaolong, Zhao Jiaolong just took a slight step back. With just this small step, Canlong's attack failed, and Su Jianxing's smile also solidified on his face.

Can Long had a look of shock on his face, and moved his body again, this time at a faster speed. He couldn't see the figure clearly at all, and wanted to shoot Zhao Jiaolong away.

He was traveling so fast that he couldn't even see clearly. How could he avoid it? ??

But Zhao Jiaolong grinned and moved his feet strangely to the left. Can Long's sinister grasp suddenly failed again.

Can Long looked at Zhao Jiaolong with a look of disbelief, and said in surprise: "Who are you? There are many people who can avoid my move, but as young as you, it is impossible to do it."

What shocked Can Long was not Zhao Jiaolong's strength, but that Zhao Jiaolong had such strength at such a young age.

Zhao Jiaolong grinned and said: "You don't care who I am, as long as you defeat me, I will explain all the eighteen generations of my ancestors to you. Hurry up, there is only one move left!"

Canlong was angry and said with a ferocious smile: "Then it depends on whether you can survive my third move."

As soon as he finished speaking, Canlong's figure suddenly faded, and finally it gradually disappeared and turned out to be an afterimage.

This residual dragon is indeed not simple. With his ghostly movements and fierce attacks, it is estimated that even a true innate master will suffer heavy losses if he encounters him without precautions.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiaolong's face became serious, and he could no longer feel the aura of Can Long. This meant that if Can Long attacked him again, it would be difficult for him to avoid it.


The ghastly bloody aura reappeared, and the silhouette of the broken dragon suddenly appeared less than half a meter in front of Zhao Jiaolong. His claws flashed with blood-red light and stabbed Zhao Jiaolong's throat fiercely.

The distance was too close and the speed was too fast. It was impossible for Zhao Jiaolong to escape unscathed this time. A bloody smile appeared on Canlong's face.

Seeing that his throat was about to be scratched, Zhao Jiaolong suddenly stood up on his heels and moved his throat upward, exposing his chest to Canlong's claws.

Can Long sneered, trying to avoid his throat and use his chest to block it? Then today I will disembowel you!


Both claws grabbed Zhao Jiaolong's chest fiercely. Zhao Jiaolong groaned and took several steps back before he could steady his steps. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although Zhao Jiaolong was injured, Canlong's face was full of horror and he shouted loudly: "This is impossible!"

His claws just now would have been scratched to pieces even if they were iron sheets, but Zhao Jiaolong only suffered a little skin injury. Is his chest harder than iron sheets?

What he didn't know was that when Ji Wufeng taught them martial arts, he had tailor-made a technique for each of them that was most suitable for them.

Just like Yuan Dongdong, he is short and fat, but moves quickly.

Ji Wufeng taught him top-notch Qinggong and assassination techniques.

Zhao Jiaolong has rough skin and thick flesh, and his physique is stronger than ordinary people. He naturally has to give full play to his advantages. Ji Wufeng taught him the outer sect of body training. Now his body's ability to withstand blows is several times that of ordinary people. .

Looking down at the bleeding holes on his chest, Zhao Jiaolong became angry, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and cursed: "I bought a watch last year, and I'm going to a party tonight to meet celebrities. You dare to hurt me, if it delays me from picking up a beautiful girl, can you afford this responsibility?"

After Zhao Jiaolong finished speaking, he punched Canlong with a simple punch. The speed and power were ordinary, and it didn't seem to have any lethality at all.

When Can Long saw Zhao Jiaolong throw such a substandard punch, he immediately thought that he just had a tougher system, but his actual combat power was not that good.

Just when Zhao Jiaolong's fist was about to hit Can Long's body, Can Long stretched out his palm and grabbed it. He wanted to cripple Zhao Jiaolong's arm.

Just when his claws were about to collide with his fist, Zhao Jiaolong suddenly shouted loudly, and a violent aura suddenly erupted from his fist. For a moment, the fist seemed to be no longer a fist, but a flying cannonball. With explosive power of destruction.

Can Long was shocked immediately, but it was too late. Zhao Jiaolong's fist hit his paw hard.


Canlong's palm was hit by Zhao Jiaolong's fist, and his fingers turned backwards, causing the bones to shatter.

But the fist did not stop there, it passed over Can Long's palm and hit his chest hard.


The blood from Can Long's mouth spurted out like a fountain, and his body flew out. He lay on the ground covering his wasted hand and did not get up for a long time.

Looking at Canlong on the ground, Zhao Jiaolong retracted his fist and said disdainfully: "Not very strong? The name is quite awesome, Canlong? I still call Tianlong!"

Su Jianxing was a little confused. He knew very well about Can Long's strength and he was very awesome, but why couldn't he be as awesome as someone like Ji Wufeng?

Ji Wufeng walked towards Su Jianxing, frightening Su Jianxing so much that he quickly backed away. Ji Wufeng did not beat him, but whispered: "Boy, this is the last time. If you dare to come back and cause trouble for me, I guarantee that you will be worse than the worst." The fate of the dragon will be even worse!”

Now that the Su family has shown their loyalty, letting Su Jianxing go this time is considered as giving the Su family face.

After Ji Wufeng and others left, Su Jianxing felt more and more aggrieved the more he thought about it, this is the Su family's territory, why are you more arrogant than me?

At this moment, a voice rang out from behind him: "Brother Su Jianxing, you are well."

Looking back, Su Jianxing stared at the visitor, frowned and said in a deep voice, "Is it you? Are you here to see my joke?"

The visitor immediately waved his hand and said: "Brother Su, why are you so hostile to me? The small conflicts we had before are not worth mentioning. Besides, now we have a common enemy. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. I don't think you can Do you mind if we become friends?”

"Common enemy?"

"Haha, do you want to be dominated by a woman all the time? I can tell you very clearly that with Ji Wufeng here, you will never be able to turn around in the Su family for the rest of your life. But if you agree to cooperate with me, I promise, From now on, you, Su Jianxing, have the final say over the Su family!"

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