This is quite true. Take horror movies as an example. Filming of ghosts and ghosts is expressly prohibited in China. Therefore, no matter how you shoot it or how terrifying the plot and atmosphere are, it will become a suspense film by the end. And it must be a suspense film with great educational significance.

This is a pain for those horror movie lovers. One movie is like this, and two movies are still like this. No matter how scary the name is, it will inevitably end in the same way... There is no ghost in this movie!

Therefore, as long as it is a domestic horror movie, no matter how exquisite the production is, it will end dismally in the end. On the other hand, horror movies imported from abroad, even if they are only small-scale productions, can achieve good box office revenue.

Zi Tong nodded and said: "Although there are too many factors of official interference, the purpose is to regulate the film and television market, which is not enough to hinder the development of domestic films."

"The reason is of course not conclusive, but it is undeniable that it is a crucial factor. For example, if you have a child, you want this child to achieve something beyond yourself, but But you let this child grow up according to the route you designed, and you didn't allow him to make a wrong step. Do you think about the final result?"

"What will it be like?"

"As a result, you will create a younger version of yourself, one that is exactly the same as yourself, but one that can never surpass yourself." Ji Wufeng said with a slight smile.

Zi Tong thought about it carefully and felt that Ji Wufeng's words did make some sense, and said, "Do you think there is no way out for domestic films?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I didn't say that. In fact, there are too many themes in our country, especially the development of online literature is now at its peak. If you want to make a classic, the themes you need can be said to be taken from It’s inexhaustible.”

"But you also said just now that it is too limited due to official interference. No matter how many themes are included, what use will it be?"

"So, domestic films now need someone who dares to break the shackles of the bureau and has the ability to break the shackles of the bureau, a savior!"

This was once a topic that Peng Cheng and Ji Wufeng discussed. Peng Cheng's achievements have now reached their peak. Due to limitations, it is too difficult to make new breakthroughs.

Therefore, Peng Cheng needs someone who has the ability to help him break the constraints, and Ji Wufeng is such a person.

"Oh, do you think such people exist now?" Zi Tong asked.



"Peng Cheng!"

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "So far, I have only seen Peng Cheng with such talent and courage. As for the others, they are just lingering in shackles and cages."

Hearing Ji Wufeng's grand remarks, Zitong felt a little disdainful. First of all, Ji Wufeng was undoubtedly not from the film and television industry. Secondly, judging from his clothes, he didn't look like a powerful person. What qualifications did he have to say such a thing? ?

Just when she was about to say something sarcastic, a graceful figure approached and asked with a smile: "Zi Tong, why are you here alone?"

This gathering not only brought celebrities from the film and television industry, but also many powerful people from Shanghai and Shanghai. Naturally, Miss Su Danxiao, the spokesperson of the Su family, was indispensable.

\u003e Zi Tong curled her lips and looked at Ji Wufeng, and said: "It's nothing, it's just that those people were too bored, so they hid in this deserted place for a while."

Ji Wufeng looked depressed. In a place with no one, am I no longer a human being?

Su Danxiao finally spotted Ji Wufeng and said in shock: "Why are you here too?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Do you two know each other?"

Su Dan smiled and said: "Zi Tong was the top star of our Shanghai TV station before."

It turns out that Zi Tong was a celebrity on Shanghai TV before entering the film and television industry, and had a very good relationship with Su Danxiao. Zi Tong was able to successfully enter the entertainment industry because of Su Danxiao's efforts, and Zi Tong was able to avoid being Unspoken rules also require the protection of the Su family.

Zi Tong did not expect that Ji Wufeng would actually know Su Danxiao, and asked curiously: "Sister Danxiao, do you know each other?"

Su Danxiao smiled and said, "Of course I know him, he is my boss now."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Danxiao. What he said made sense, boss? Does this mean she has made a decision?

Zi Tong was stunned. She knew all about Su Danxiao's background. The eldest lady of the Su family of Shanghai Family, who was qualified to be her boss?

Is this a joke? But it is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is very close.

"Master Feng, is it really you? Director Peng said you were here just now, but I still don't believe it."

At this time, a handsome young man with a dignified appearance but a masculine aura ran over and shouted to Ji Wufeng in surprise.

The person who came was none other than Qi Tianyu. Ji Wufeng said, "How is it? Has Peng Cheng made it clear to you?"

The male lead in the new movie has been confirmed to be Qi Tianyu. When Ji Wufeng informed him, he immediately rejected all the announcements and rushed to Shanghai without stopping.

"Well, you've made it clear to me." Qi Tianyu nodded.

Ji Wufeng glared and said, "You kid, please cooperate with me, but I'm warning you, if your performance fails, I will skin you!"

This is Tianfeng Film Company's first film, so it must be an instant hit. If it gets off to a bad start, it will have a lot of negative impacts on future development.

Qi Tianyu said with a smile: "Young Master Feng, don't worry. You personally gave the order, how dare I not work hard?"

Although Qi Tianyu has never been involved in the entertainment industry, his popularity in the music industry has been unprecedented in the past two years. At such a young age, he is already known as the little king of Asia.

With his handsome appearance, masculine temperament, and solid singing skills, he combines idolatry and ability. Everyone thinks that Qi Tianyu may be the most promising musician in the music industry in the past two years.

When Zi Tong was still at Shanghai TV Station, she had a brief encounter with Qi Tianyu. Although he was gentle and humble on the surface, the arrogance buried deep in his bones was still very obvious.

But Zitong was surprised to find that Qi Tianyu was so familiar with Ji Wufeng, and there was a kind of awe in his words and deeds, and it definitely came from the heart.

This made her full of curiosity about Ji Wufeng. Who is this guy?

"Hey, isn't this Miss Zitong? Long time no see." Qi Tianyu also spotted Zitong and said hello with a smile. This is quite true. Take horror movies as an example. Filming of ghosts and ghosts is expressly prohibited in China. Therefore, no matter how you shoot it or how terrifying the plot and atmosphere are, it will become a suspense film by the end. And it must be a suspense film with great educational significance.

This is a pain for those horror movie lovers. One movie is like this, and two movies are still like this. No matter how scary the name is, it will inevitably end in the same way... There is no ghost in this movie!

Therefore, as long as it is a domestic horror movie, no matter how exquisite the production is, it will end dismally in the end. On the other hand, horror movies imported from abroad, even if they are only small-scale productions, can achieve good box office revenue.

Zi Tong nodded and said: "Although there are too many factors of official interference, the purpose is to regulate the film and television market, which is not enough to hinder the development of domestic films."

"The reason is of course not conclusive, but it is undeniable that it is a crucial factor. For example, if you have a child, you want this child to achieve something beyond yourself, but But you let this child grow up according to the route you designed, and you didn't allow him to make a wrong step. Do you think about the final result?" ??

"What will it be like?"

"As a result, you will create a younger version of yourself, one that is exactly the same as yourself, but one that can never surpass yourself." Ji Wufeng said with a slight smile.

Zi Tong thought about it carefully and felt that Ji Wufeng's words did make some sense, and said, "Do you think there is no way out for domestic films?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I didn't say that. In fact, there are too many themes in our country, especially the development of online literature is now at its peak. If you want to make a classic, the themes you need can be said to be taken from It’s inexhaustible.”

"But you also said just now that it is too limited due to official interference. No matter how many themes are included, what use will it be?"

"So, domestic films now need someone who dares to break the shackles of the bureau and has the ability to break the shackles of the bureau, a savior!"

This was once a topic that Peng Cheng and Ji Wufeng discussed. Peng Cheng's achievements have now reached their peak. Due to limitations, it is too difficult to make new breakthroughs.

Therefore, Peng Cheng needs someone who has the ability to help him break the constraints, and Ji Wufeng is such a person.

"Oh, do you think such people exist now?" Zi Tong asked.



"Peng Cheng!"

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "So far, I have only seen Peng Cheng with such talent and courage. As for the others, they are just lingering in shackles and cages."

Hearing Ji Wufeng's grand remarks, Zitong felt a little disdainful. First of all, Ji Wufeng was undoubtedly not from the film and television industry. Secondly, judging from his clothes, he didn't look like a powerful person. What qualifications did he have to say such a thing? ?

Just when she was about to say something sarcastic, a graceful figure approached and asked with a smile: "Zi Tong, why are you here alone?"

This gathering not only brought celebrities from the film and television industry, but also many powerful people from Shanghai and Shanghai. Naturally, Miss Su Danxiao, the spokesperson of the Su family, was indispensable.

\u003e Zi Tong curled her lips and looked at Ji Wufeng, and said: "It's nothing, it's just that those people were too bored, so they hid in this deserted place for a while."

Ji Wufeng looked depressed. In a place with no one, am I no longer a human being?

Su Danxiao finally spotted Ji Wufeng and said in shock: "Why are you here too?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Do you two know each other?"

Su Dan smiled and said: "Zi Tong was the top star of our Shanghai TV station before."

It turns out that Zi Tong was a celebrity on Shanghai TV before entering the film and television industry, and had a very good relationship with Su Danxiao. Zi Tong was able to successfully enter the entertainment industry because of Su Danxiao's efforts, and Zi Tong was able to avoid being Unspoken rules also require the protection of the Su family.

Zi Tong did not expect that Ji Wufeng would actually know Su Danxiao, and asked curiously: "Sister Danxiao, do you know each other?"

Su Danxiao smiled and said: "Of course I know him, he is my boss now."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Danxiao. What he said made sense, boss? Does this mean she has made a decision?

Zi Tong was stunned. She knew all about Su Danxiao's background. The eldest lady of the Su family of Shanghai Family, who was qualified to be her boss?

Is this a joke? But it is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is very close.

"Master Feng, is it really you? Director Peng said you were here just now, but I still don't believe it."

At this time, a handsome young man with a dignified appearance but a masculine aura ran over and shouted to Ji Wufeng in surprise.

The person who came was none other than Qi Tianyu. Ji Wufeng said, "How is it? Has Peng Cheng made it clear to you?"

The male lead in the new movie has been confirmed to be Qi Tianyu. When Ji Wufeng informed him, he immediately rejected all the announcements and rushed to Shanghai without stopping.

"Well, you've made it clear to me." Qi Tianyu nodded.

Ji Wufeng glared and said, "You kid, please cooperate with me, but I'm warning you, if your performance fails, I will skin you!"

This is Tianfeng Film Company's first film, so it must be an instant hit. If it gets off to a bad start, it will have a lot of negative impacts on future development.

Qi Tianyu said with a smile: "Young Master Feng, don't worry. You personally gave the order, how dare I not work hard?"

Although Qi Tianyu has never been involved in the entertainment industry, his popularity in the music industry has been unprecedented in the past two years. At such a young age, he is already known as the little king of Asia.

With his handsome appearance, masculine temperament, and solid singing skills, he combines idolatry and ability. Everyone thinks that Qi Tianyu may be the most promising musician in the music industry in the past two years.

When Zi Tong was still at Shanghai TV Station, she had a brief encounter with Qi Tianyu. Although he was gentle and humble on the surface, the arrogance buried deep in his bones was still very obvious.

But Zitong was surprised to find that Qi Tianyu was so familiar with Ji Wufeng, and there was a kind of awe in his words and deeds, and it definitely came from the heart.

This made her full of curiosity about Ji Wufeng. Who is this guy?

"Hey, isn't this Miss Zitong? Long time no see." Qi Tianyu also spotted Zitong and said hello with a smile.

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