"Hello, Mr. Qi Tianyu." Zi Tong smiled.

Qi Tianyu turned to look at Ji Wufeng, chuckled, and said, "Do Miss Zitong and Mr. Feng know each other?"

Looking at Su Danxiao next to him, Qi Tianyu was also thinking in his heart, Young Master Feng is Young Master Feng. He has only been in Shanghai for a few days and he actually hooked up with two beautiful women.

This Su Danxiao is a golden flower in Shanghai. He is a combination of talent, beauty, and power, and cannot be offended by ordinary people.

And this Zitong is also a top performer, the latest newcomer in the film and television industry. Her delicate and sweet appearance is very popular, and she is also famous for being clean and self-respecting, which is very rare in the film and television industry.

Zi Tong couldn't hold back her curiosity and whispered to Qi Tianyu: "Mr. Qi Tianyu, what is your relationship with Mr. Ji?"

Qi Tianyu said with admiration: "Without Mr. Feng, Qi Tianyu would not be what he is today."

He was not referring to his own achievements in music, but to the transformation that Ji Wufeng had brought to him. Compared with the powerful force, those achievements in music seemed too insignificant to him.

Even now, he is still a plaything in the hands of those powerful people.

But Zitong couldn't understand the meaning of his words, and immediately misunderstood that Ji Wufeng must have a very deep background. The reason why Qi Tianyu is so popular now is that Ji Wufeng created it behind the scenes.

An idea suddenly came to Zitong, and even she was shocked by this sudden idea. If she got Ji Wufeng's help, would it be easier to develop in the entertainment industry in the future? Woolen cloth?

At this moment, music suddenly started playing, a spotlight lit up in the center of the square, and Peng Cheng, wearing a crisp suit, walked out accompanied by a man and a woman.

Everyone in the audience suddenly fell silent and focused their attention on Peng Cheng. Peng Cheng walked to the microphone, bowed deeply to everyone, and then said loudly: "Everyone can be here today, this is Peng Cheng." It is a great honor in this life, and Peng Cheng would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all!"

The whole audience burst into fierce applause, some applauded heartily, but most of them applauded fawningly.

It is true that many of these people came to express their congratulations because of their friendship with Peng Cheng, but too many of them were really here to curry favor with Peng Cheng and want to establish a relationship with him.

There is only one reason. Peng Cheng's works must be high-quality, and the actors who play the leading roles in Peng Cheng's works will all become famous and popular!

There were several movie kings and queen-level superstars present. Many of them were recognized for their acting skills because of their roles in Peng Cheng's works, and gained their current fame and status.

"Everyone, I am here to announce that Tianfeng Film Company has been established."

After another warm applause, Peng Cheng added: "In addition, Tianfeng Film Company is already preparing for the first movie..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the audience was crazy. No one wanted to participate in Peng Cheng's movie. The superstars wanted to reach a higher level, but the young stars couldn't hold back their excitement and wanted to rise to the top.

All of a sudden, everyone with this idea was glaring and thinking hard about how to get a role in Peng Cheng's new movie.

However, Peng Cheng did not announce the cast of the new movie, but directly announced the start of tonight's cocktail party, leaving a suspense and at the same time giving everyone hope.

Looking at the extremely expectant expressions below and the calm expressions of Peng Cheng, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but want to curse the old fox secretly.

The filming team for the new movie has actually been decided internally a long time ago. These people have no hope at all, but Peng Cheng didn't announce it. Isn't this deliberately trying to whet people's appetite?

But this is one of Peng Cheng's methods. It is estimated that those people have been fighting openly and secretly since the beginning of the assassins, thinking about how to squeeze out the opponents they consider to be strong, so as to gain Peng Cheng's favor.

In this way, before the filming of the new movie has started, the competition between these big stars has invisibly provided free publicity for the new movie. Don’t underestimate the influence of these big stars. The influence they bring The publicity effect is huge.

The reception started. Su Danxiao and Qi Tianyu both got up and entered the venue. One was the host, and the other was a new star who had just entered the film industry. There were still some social interactions and entertainments that were required.

Zi Tong also planned to go up and have a relationship. Just when she was about to stand up, a voice came over and said: "Zi Tong, do you mind if I sit down?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that he was a standard handsome guy. Whether it was his temperament or his gestures, he was the kind that would fascinate countless girls.

But Ji Wufeng felt a sneer in his heart. He couldn't ignore the extremely hidden lust in this man's eyes when he looked at Zi Tong.

Seeing this man, Zi Tong frowned slightly, then said with a slightly stiff smile: "Of course."

A hint of joy appeared on the man's face, and then he said to Ji Wufeng: "Sir, could you please step aside? I want to have some private space with Miss Zitong."

There was a hint of disdain in Ji Wufeng's eyes and he was too lazy to talk to him. This guy clearly thought he was in the way and wanted to get rid of him.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of giving up my position to others." Ji Wufeng said calmly.

The man's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he forced a smile and said: "Sir, I don't mean to offend you, just treat it as a favor for me, Liu Wenbo, okay?"

"Liu Wenbo? Are you famous?" Ji Wufeng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"You..." Liu Wenbo's face suddenly turned very ugly.

Zi Tong was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to laugh. This Liu Wenbo was not just a cat or a dog. Although he was not very old, he was already a domestic first-line idol star. The women who were obsessed with him were probably from Shanghai to Beijing.

How could Ji Wufeng not know him? He was clearly teasing Liu Wenbo.

However, Zi Tong had wronged Ji Wufeng. He really didn't know who Liu Wenbo was. If we were talking about Brother Rong, Sister Hongling, Feihong, Brother Long Fei... he was very familiar with these people. After all, he had been watching them since he was a child. I grew up on movies.

I have been away from the earth for a thousand years and have hardly watched any movies since I came back. Of course I don’t know the newly rising stars like Liu Wenbo.

"Brother, are you deliberately trying to get into trouble with me? I advise you to think about the consequences of doing this."

There was a hint of cruelty in Liu Wenbo's eyes. With his current reputation and his strong background, this was the first time that someone was so disrespectful to him.

"Trouble with you? Who the hell are you? Are you worthy of letting me have trouble with you? I think you really want to have trouble with me, right?" "Mr. Qi Tianyu, hello." Zi Tong said with a smile.

Qi Tianyu turned to look at Ji Wufeng, chuckled, and said, "Do Miss Zitong and Mr. Feng know each other?"

Looking at Su Danxiao next to him, Qi Tianyu was also thinking in his heart, Young Master Feng is Young Master Feng. He has only been in Shanghai for a few days and he actually hooked up with two beautiful women.

This Su Danxiao is a golden flower in Shanghai. He is a combination of talent, beauty, and power, and cannot be offended by ordinary people.

And this Zitong is also a top performer, the latest newcomer in the film and television industry. Her delicate and sweet appearance is very popular, and she is also famous for being clean and self-respecting, which is very rare in the film and television industry.

Zi Tong couldn't hold back her curiosity and whispered to Qi Tianyu: "Mr. Qi Tianyu, what is your relationship with Mr. Ji?"

Qi Tianyu said with admiration: "Without Mr. Feng, Qi Tianyu would not be what he is today."

He was not referring to his own achievements in music, but to the transformation that Ji Wufeng had brought to him. Compared with the powerful force, those achievements in music seemed too insignificant to him.

Even now, he is still a plaything in the hands of those powerful people.

But Zitong couldn't understand the meaning of his words, and immediately misunderstood that Ji Wufeng must have a very deep background. The reason why Qi Tianyu is so popular now is that Ji Wufeng created it behind the scenes.

An idea suddenly came to Zitong, and even she was shocked by this sudden idea. If she got Ji Wufeng's help, would it be easier to develop in the entertainment industry in the future? Woolen cloth?

At this moment, music suddenly started playing, a spotlight lit up in the center of the square, and Peng Cheng, wearing a crisp suit, walked out accompanied by a man and a woman.

Everyone in the audience suddenly fell silent and focused their attention on Peng Cheng. Peng Cheng walked to the microphone, bowed deeply to everyone, and then said loudly: "Everyone can be here today, this is Peng Cheng." It is a great honor in this life, and Peng Cheng would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all!"

The whole audience burst into fierce applause, some applauded heartily, but most of them applauded fawningly.

It is true that many of these people came to express their congratulations because of their friendship with Peng Cheng, but there were really too many who came here to curry favor with Peng Cheng and want to establish a relationship with him.

There is only one reason. Peng Cheng's works must be high-quality, and the actors who play the leading roles in Peng Cheng's works will all become famous and popular!

There were several movie kings and queen-level superstars present. Many of them were recognized for their acting skills because of their roles in Peng Cheng's works, and gained their current fame and status.

"Everyone, I am here to announce that Tianfeng Film Company has been established."

After another warm applause, Peng Cheng added: "In addition, Tianfeng Film Company is already preparing for the first movie..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the audience was crazy. No one wanted to participate in Peng Cheng's movie. The superstars wanted to reach a higher level, but the young stars couldn't hold back their excitement and wanted to rise to the top.

All of a sudden, everyone with this idea was glaring and thinking hard about how to get a role in Peng Cheng's new movie.

However, Peng Cheng did not announce the cast of the new movie, but directly announced the start of tonight's cocktail party, leaving a suspense and at the same time giving everyone hope.

Looking at the extremely expectant expressions below and the calm expressions of Peng Cheng, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but want to curse the old fox secretly.

The filming team for the new movie has actually been decided internally a long time ago. These people have no hope at all, but Peng Cheng didn't announce it. Isn't this deliberately trying to whet people's appetite?

But this is one of Peng Cheng's methods. It is estimated that those people have been fighting openly and secretly since the beginning of the assassins, thinking about how to squeeze out the opponents they consider to be strong, so as to gain Peng Cheng's favor.

In this way, before the filming of the new movie has started, the competition between these big stars has invisibly provided free publicity for the new movie. Don’t underestimate the influence of these big stars. The influence they bring The publicity effect is huge.

The reception started. Su Danxiao and Qi Tianyu both got up and entered the venue. One was the host, and the other was a new star who had just entered the film industry. There were still necessary social interactions and entertainments.

Zi Tong also planned to go up and have a relationship. Just when she was about to stand up, a voice came over and said: "Zi Tong, do you mind if I sit down?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that he was a standard handsome guy. Whether it was his temperament or his gestures, he was the kind that would fascinate countless girls.

But Ji Wufeng felt a sneer in his heart. He couldn't ignore the extremely hidden lust in this man's eyes when he looked at Zi Tong.

Seeing this man, Zi Tong frowned slightly, then said with a slightly stiff smile: "Of course."

A hint of joy appeared on the man's face, and then he said to Ji Wufeng: "Sir, could you please step aside? I want to have some private space with Miss Zitong."

There was a hint of disdain in Ji Wufeng's eyes and he was too lazy to talk to him. This guy clearly thought he was in the way and wanted to get rid of him.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of giving up my position to others." Ji Wufeng said calmly.

The man's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he forced a smile and said: "Sir, I don't mean to offend you, just treat it as a favor for me, Liu Wenbo, okay?"

"Liu Wenbo? Are you famous?" Ji Wufeng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"You..." Liu Wenbo's face suddenly turned very ugly.

Zi Tong was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to laugh. This Liu Wenbo was not just a cat or a dog. Although he was not very old, he was already a first-line idol star in the country. The women who were obsessed with him were probably from Shanghai to Beijing.

How could Ji Wufeng not know him? He was clearly teasing Liu Wenbo.

However, Zi Tong had wronged Ji Wufeng. He really didn't know who Liu Wenbo was. If we were talking about Brother Rong, Sister Hongling, Feihong, Brother Long Fei... he was very familiar with these people. After all, he had been watching them since he was a child. I grew up on movies.

I have been away from the earth for a thousand years and have hardly watched any movies since I came back. Of course I don’t know the newly rising stars like Liu Wenbo.

"Brother, are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me? I advise you to think about the consequences of doing this."

There was a hint of cruelty in Liu Wenbo's eyes. With his current reputation and his strong background, this was the first time that someone had not given him face like this.

"Trouble with you? Who the hell are you? Are you worthy of making me have trouble with you? I think you really want to make trouble with me, right?"

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