Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1096 Do you have personal dignity?

Ji Wufeng got angry and jumped up. He pointed at Zitong and said, "Don't you just want to go to bed with her because you think I'm in the way? You're talking about private space. I'm going to your uncle's private space!"

Ji Wufeng's voice was so loud that even the noisy noise in the venue could not cover up his voice. The whole audience was stunned and their eyes were focused here.

Liu Wenbo was stared at by everyone, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he almost fainted. He pointed at Ji Wufeng with a trembling finger and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who wants to do that to her?"

"Where am I talking nonsense? If you don't want to go to bed with her, why do you need private space? What I despise the most is people like you. If you want to coax others to go to bed, you have to find any excuse. I despise scum and scum like you, despicable , shameless, obscene..."

Ji Wufeng's expression was impassioned and filled with righteous indignation, but his posture was like a shrew. He pointed at Liu Wenbo and jumped up and down, spitting stars all over his face.

For a moment, everyone present was stunned. This Liu Wenbo was famous for his romantic nature, and he had ruined many newcomers who had just entered the industry.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to do this to Liu Wenbo in front of so many people today. This made many people feel happy, but at the same time they also felt silent condolences for Ji Wufeng.

The reason why Liu Wenbo continues to be so popular in the entertainment industry is not because of his handsomeness and popularity, but because Liu Wenbo has a strong background that ordinary people cannot afford to offend.

There once was a well-known director who couldn't stand Liu Wenbo's lewd behavior and reprimanded him in front of everyone. However, the next day, the director was found lying on the street with scars all over his body and was sent to the hospital. Vegetative state.

Therefore, although everyone is tacitly aware of Liu Wenbo's evil deeds, no one dares to speak out so directly, for fear of being resented by him and suffering retaliation.

They admired Ji Wufeng's "righteous deed", but at the same time they had already foreseen Liu Wenbo's revenge.

Sure enough, Liu Wenbo's eyes were full of evil, and he said coldly: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. I want to sue you for slandering me, and I want to protect my personal dignity!"

"I'm going to sue your mother. I'm slandering your uncle. Do you have the guts to do it or admit it? Look at your stupid look. You can tell at a glance that you're not a good person. You've become a bitch and you still want to build a chastity memorial. , do you have any personal dignity? You are dressed like a beast, bah!"

Ji Wufeng didn't like this kind of sanctimonious hypocrite at all, so naturally he spoke without any emotion, for fear of offending others? There is no one he dares to offend, Mr. Ji!

Everyone was dizzy. Was this guy crazy? What he said was so outrageous that Liu Wenbo would never let him go.

"Okay, okay, you are very good, I want to see why you are so crazy, come here!" Liu Wenbo shouted sharply.

Suddenly, several fat and strong men rushed over fiercely. These were Liu Wenbo's accompanying bodyguards. To put it bluntly, they were Liu Wenbo's thugs.

"Take him out. You know what to do next." Liu Wenbo said with murderous intent on his face.

Several strong men immediately walked towards Ji Wufeng, and the onlookers held a moment of silence for Ji Wufeng. Once he was taken out by Liu Wenbo's bodyguards, there would be no doubt about his miserable end.

"Stop!" A light shout sounded.

The crowd automatically made a way and saw Peng Cheng walking over accompanied by a man and a woman. These two people were the same two people who had been standing next to Peng Cheng before he came out.

The man is about fifty years old, gentle and elegant. He looks like a super handsome guy when he was young, exuding a noble aura.

The woman is no less than fifty years old, but she is still radiant, noble and generous, and has a charm that ordinary women do not possess.

Seeing the two people passing by, everyone's faces showed a hint of respect. As long as anyone is familiar with the film and television industry, there is no one who doesn't know these two people, Brother Rong and Hong Ling.

In the early years when domestic films were just rising, no one will forget that it was these people who relied on their own efforts and talents to push domestic films to the top. It can be said that without the efforts of these people, there would be no domestic films today in the international arena. status, they are the heroes.

These two people are the representatives of that group of heroes. They are not only successful in the film and television industry, but their contributions to domestic films are enough to be respected by any Chinese.

Even if he is a dandy like Liu Wenbo, even if he has no awe in his heart, he does not dare to be too presumptuous in his words.

"Wenbo, what happened?" Brother Rong asked with a frown. Apparently he didn't like Liu Wenbo very much either.

"Uncle Rong, this person slandered me and tarnished my reputation. I just want to seek justice." Liu Wenbo pointed at Ji Wufeng.

Hong Ling had a heroic spirit about her. She looked at Ji Wufeng and smiled lightly: "Young man, what happened, can you tell me?"

Ji Wufeng was also in awe of this kind of veteran actor with good acting skills, good character, and both virtue and art. He said: "Sister Hongling, it's like this. I was having a good chat with Miss Zitong, and this guy suddenly ran away. Come here and tell me to get out, if I say a few words to him, he will find someone to beat me."

As Ji Wufeng spoke, he made an aggrieved expression on his face. He always felt that his acting skills would not be inferior to those of the veteran actors present.

Liu Wenbo's eyes widened and he shouted: "You are talking nonsense. You are slandering me, so I have to teach you a lesson."

Brother Rong ignored him, but turned to Zitong and asked softly: "Miss Zitong, what exactly happened, can you tell me?"

Zi Tong wanted to cry. She couldn't afford to offend Liu Wenbo, but Ji Wufeng seemed to have a powerful background and couldn't afford to offend him. What should she do now?

However, Zi Tong has been in the entertainment industry for a while. After calming down, he said: "Actually, this is just a misunderstanding."

Peng Cheng saw Zi Tong's dilemma and admired this newcomer who had just entered the entertainment industry. Out of a protective mentality, he stepped forward and said: "Since it is just a misunderstanding, let's turn our hostility into friendship and let this matter be over for today." , okay?"

After saying that, he winked at Ji Wufeng, saying that today was the grand day for the establishment of Tianfeng Film Company, so he advised him not to make a big deal out of it.

Ji Wufeng thought about it. Today was the establishment of his own film company. He was the one who was unhappy and suffered losses, so he just wanted to forget it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wenbo sneered and said: "Misunderstanding? I, Liu Wenbo, do not have the word misunderstanding in my dictionary."

Peng Cheng frowned and said, "Liu Wenbo, do you have to cause trouble with me today?" Ji Wufeng got angry and jumped up. He pointed at Zitong and said, "Don't you just want to go to bed with her? Why am I in the way here? What about private space? I'm going to your uncle's private space!"

Ji Wufeng's voice was so loud that even the noisy noise in the venue could not cover up his voice. The whole audience was stunned and their eyes were focused here.

Liu Wenbo was stared at by everyone, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he almost fainted. He pointed at Ji Wufeng with a trembling finger and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who wants to do that to her?"

"Where am I talking nonsense? If you don't want to go to bed with her, why do you need private space? What I despise the most is people like you. If you want to coax others to go to bed, you have to find any excuse. I despise scum and scum like you, despicable , shameless, obscene..."

Ji Wufeng's expression was impassioned and filled with righteous indignation, but his posture was like a shrew. He pointed at Liu Wenbo and jumped up and down, spitting stars all over his face.

For a moment, everyone present was stunned. This Liu Wenbo was famous for his romantic nature, and he had ruined many newcomers who had just entered the industry.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to do this to Liu Wenbo in front of so many people today. This made many people feel happy, but at the same time they also felt silent condolences for Ji Wufeng.

The reason why Liu Wenbo continues to be so popular in the entertainment industry is not because of his handsomeness and popularity, but because Liu Wenbo has a strong background that ordinary people cannot afford to offend.

There once was a well-known director who couldn't stand Liu Wenbo's lewd behavior and reprimanded him in front of everyone. However, the next day, the director was found lying on the street with scars all over his body and was sent to the hospital. Vegetative state.

Therefore, although everyone is tacitly aware of Liu Wenbo's evil deeds, no one dares to speak out so directly, for fear of being resented by him and suffering retaliation.

They admired Ji Wufeng's "righteous deed", but at the same time they had already foreseen Liu Wenbo's revenge.

Sure enough, Liu Wenbo's eyes were full of evil, and he said coldly: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. I want to sue you for slandering me, and I want to protect my personal dignity!"

"I'm going to sue your mother. I'm slandering your uncle. Do you have the guts to do it or admit it? Look at your stupid look. You can tell at a glance that you're not a good person. You've become a bitch and you still want to build a chastity memorial. , do you have any personal dignity? You are dressed like a beast, bah!"

Ji Wufeng didn't like this kind of sanctimonious hypocrite at all, so naturally he spoke without any emotion, for fear of offending others? There is no one he dares to offend, Mr. Ji!

Everyone was dizzy. Was this guy crazy? What he said was so outrageous that Liu Wenbo would never let him go.

"Okay, okay, you are very good, I want to see why you are so crazy, come here!" Liu Wenbo shouted sharply.

Suddenly, several fat and strong men rushed over fiercely. These were Liu Wenbo's accompanying bodyguards. To put it bluntly, they were Liu Wenbo's thugs.

"Take him out. You know what to do next." Liu Wenbo said with murderous intent on his face.

Several strong men immediately walked towards Ji Wufeng, and the onlookers held a moment of silence for Ji Wufeng. Once he was taken out by Liu Wenbo's bodyguards, there would be no doubt about his miserable end.

"Stop!" A light shout sounded.

The crowd automatically made a way and saw Peng Cheng walking over accompanied by a man and a woman. These two people were the same two people who had been standing next to Peng Cheng before he came out.

The man is about fifty years old, gentle and elegant. He looks like a super handsome guy when he was young, exuding a noble aura.

The woman is no less than fifty years old, but she is still radiant, noble and generous, and has a charm that ordinary women do not possess.

Seeing the two people passing by, everyone's faces showed a hint of respect. As long as anyone is familiar with the film and television industry, there is no one who doesn't know these two people, Brother Rong and Hong Ling.

In the early years when domestic films were just rising, no one will forget that it was these people who relied on their own efforts and talents to push domestic films to the top. It can be said that without the efforts of these people, there would be no domestic films today in the international arena. status, they are the heroes.

These two people are the representatives of that group of heroes. They are not only successful in the film and television industry, but their contributions to domestic films are enough to be respected by any Chinese.

Even if he is a dandy like Liu Wenbo, even if he has no awe in his heart, he does not dare to be too presumptuous in his words.

"Wenbo, what happened?" Brother Rong asked with a frown. Apparently he didn't like Liu Wenbo very much either.

"Uncle Rong, this person slandered me and tarnished my reputation. I just want to seek justice." Liu Wenbo pointed at Ji Wufeng.

Hong Ling had a heroic spirit about her. She looked at Ji Wufeng and smiled lightly: "Young man, what happened, can you tell me?"

Ji Wufeng was also in awe of this kind of veteran actor with good acting skills, good character, and both virtue and art. He said: "Sister Hongling, it's like this. I was having a good chat with Miss Zitong, and this guy suddenly ran away. Come here and tell me to get out, if I say a few words to him, he will find someone to beat me."

As Ji Wufeng spoke, he made an aggrieved expression on his face. He always felt that his acting skills would not be inferior to those of the veteran actors present.

Liu Wenbo's eyes widened and he shouted: "You are talking nonsense. You are slandering me, so I have to teach you a lesson."

Brother Rong ignored him, but turned to Zitong and asked softly: "Miss Zitong, what exactly happened, can you tell me?"

Zi Tong wanted to cry. She couldn't afford to offend Liu Wenbo, but Ji Wufeng seemed to have a powerful background and couldn't afford to offend him. What should she do now?

However, Zi Tong has been in the entertainment industry for a while. After calming down, he said: "Actually, this is just a misunderstanding."

Peng Cheng saw Zi Tong's dilemma and admired this newcomer who had just entered the entertainment industry. Out of a protective mentality, he stepped forward and said: "Since it is just a misunderstanding, let's turn our hostility into friendship and let this matter be over for today." , okay?"

After saying that, he winked at Ji Wufeng, saying that today was the grand day for the establishment of Tianfeng Film Company, so he advised him not to make a big deal out of it.

Ji Wufeng thought about it. Today was the establishment of his own film company. He was the one who was unhappy and suffered losses, so he just wanted to forget it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wenbo sneered and said: "Misunderstanding? I, Liu Wenbo, do not have the word misunderstanding in my dictionary."

Peng Cheng frowned and said, "Liu Wenbo, do you have to cause trouble with me today?"

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