I knelt down and kowtowed today. I may have saved myself, but my dignity was gone. I may have to live with other people's strange looks and low self-esteem for the rest of my life.

Ji Wufeng walked towards Liu Wenbo with a smile and said, "You are saying that as long as I am willing to kneel down and kowtow to you, you will let me go, right?"

Liu Wenbo thought Ji Wufeng had compromised, so he raised his head and said, "Not bad."

"Well, I won't take advantage of you. As long as you kneel down and kowtow to me, I will let you go today." Ji Wufeng said.


Liu Wenbo wondered if his ears had heard it wrong. It would be fine if he didn't know his identity. But now that he knew that he was the vice president of the Cultural Association, he still dared to be so arrogant. Did his brain get kicked by a donkey? Already?

But before anyone could react, Ji Wufeng had already rushed to Liu Wenbo and launched a flying kick, hitting Liu Wenbo's thigh.

Liu Wenbo's face instantly turned pale, and then immediately turned livid. After taking a breath of cold air, he squatted on the ground with his hands covered and jumped wildly.

Some people present felt chills running down their spines, and they unconsciously tightened their thighs. Wasn't this kid too cruel?

Even if he didn't explode after this kick, he would probably be sluggish for ten and a half days. If it left any shadow in his heart, he might be useless in the future! ??

But this was just the beginning. Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "Hit me, hit me hard. Even his mother won't recognize him!"

Zhao Jiaolong and others immediately swarmed up and kicked Liu Wenbo to the ground. Then they rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. While beating him violently, they also cursed: "Damn it, I'm here to deal with you for calling you a brat for showing off." All kinds of pretense, brothers, just say hello to his face!"

Liu Wenbo screamed repeatedly, and soon his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His originally handsome face turned into a pig's head. Just like Ji Wufeng said, his mother probably wouldn't recognize him now.

The people watching were all frightened. Damn it, Liu Wenbo would definitely be offended if he played like this. The Liu family would never let Ji Wufeng go. Is he really not afraid of death?

Seeing Liu Wenbo being beaten so hard that he almost lost his temper, Brother Rong also panicked a little and shouted: "Little brother, you can't make this matter worse."

Hong Ling also shouted anxiously: "Young man, you have to keep a tightrope in everything, forget it."

They are all in the film and television industry, and their future can be said to be directly related to the so-called cultural association. If something happens to Liu Wenbo, it is estimated that most of the people present will suffer.

Peng Cheng also frowned. He knew that Ji Wufeng was not afraid of the Liu family, but if Liu Wenbo was really beaten to death, he and the Liu family would be completely broken off. Even if he was not afraid of trouble, there would still be a lot of trouble.

"Forget it, there will be trouble if things get serious." Peng Cheng finally advised.

Ji Wufeng turned his head and sneered: "Brother Peng, you know my temper, will I worry about getting into trouble?"

The so-called cultural association may have a great deterrent effect on these people, but in Ji Wufeng's eyes, it really is nothing. At worst, he will go to Huajing again.

Zi Tong was completely frightened. The conflict between Ji Wufeng and Liu Wenbo seemed to be caused by her. If Liu Wenbo really had something wrong, she couldn't bear it if the Liu family blamed it.

Seeing that Zi Tong was about to cry, Su Danxiao stepped forward and said, "Let's forget it. Today is a happy day, and seeing blood is unlucky."

Shenzhou always pays attention to a good sign when it opens, and today is also the opening of Ji Wufeng Film Company, which is indeed not a good time to see blood.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and Zhao Jiaolong and others stopped. But at this time, Liu Wenbo was no longer human. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was full of peach blossoms, just like the scene of a car accident.

"Hmph, remember, my name is Ji Wufeng. If you are not convinced, just come to me." Ji Wufeng said.

He knew that Liu Wenbo would never give up revenge, so that was just fine, waiting for him. Anyway, he had not had enough today.

Liu Wenbo was taken to the hospital after Peng Cheng called 120, but the reception could not continue. Those who originally missed Peng Cheng found excuses to leave.

In their opinion, Peng Cheng offended Liu Wenbo, and he would definitely have a hard time in the future. It was too late to fawn over him, so it was better to run away quickly to avoid being implicated when the Liu family was investigated.

The originally lively scene suddenly became quiet. Apart from Ji Wufeng and others, only Peng Cheng and his friends were left.

Brother Rong said with blame in his tone: "Peng Cheng, what you did today is really a bit too much."

Hong Ling also sighed and said, "You also know who the Liu family is. What you did today not only offended Liu Wenbo, but also the Liu family."

They all had the same idea as those who left, thinking that Peng Cheng's attitude towards Liu Wenbo just now was very bad. Not only did the Liu family come to deal with Peng Cheng specifically, but they also put him on a blacklist, and Peng Cheng's future in the country would be over.

Peng Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Rong, Sister Hong, I don't want to see things develop like this. I can't help it. I can't go against my boss, right?"

"Your boss?"

Brother Rong and Hongling both looked puzzled. When did Peng Cheng have another boss? You know, Peng Cheng is doing well in Mingzhu's film company, who else is qualified to be his boss?

Peng Cheng turned to look at Ji Wufeng. The two of them immediately widened their eyes and shouted in disbelief: "What? He is your boss?"

Perhaps Ji Wufeng had a profound background, but they didn't think this was the reason why Peng Cheng was willing to serve. They knew very well how arrogant Peng Cheng was, how could he work for others?

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake." Peng Cheng smiled.

Indeed, if it was just for profit, no one was qualified to be his boss, but Ji Wufeng was different, because the relationship between them was by no means as simple as profit.

Brother Rong and Hongling tried hard to accept this fact, but they still had a hundred thousand reasons hidden in their hearts.

"Brother Rong, Sister Hong, do you still remember Huang Junpeng?" Peng Cheng suddenly asked.

Huang Junpeng?

The expressions of the two people changed immediately. They were close friends with Peng Cheng, so they naturally knew what happened to Huang Junpeng.

"Is he that person?"

"Yes, that's him." Peng Cheng nodded.

The two people immediately understood that if Ji Wufeng was really that person, it was indeed worthy of Peng Cheng to step in for him, and they also understood why Ji Wufeng dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that they did not take the Liu family seriously at all. I knelt down and kowtowed today. I may have saved myself, but my dignity was gone. I may have to live with other people's strange looks and low self-esteem for the rest of my life.

Ji Wufeng walked towards Liu Wenbo with a smile and said, "You are saying that as long as I am willing to kneel down and kowtow to you, you will let me go, right?"

Liu Wenbo thought Ji Wufeng had compromised, so he raised his head and said, "Not bad."

"Well, I won't take advantage of you. As long as you kneel down and kowtow to me, I will let you go today." Ji Wufeng said.

What? ??

Liu Wenbo wondered if his ears had heard it wrong. It would be fine if he didn't know his identity. But now that he knew that he was the vice president of the Cultural Association, he still dared to be so arrogant. Did his brain get kicked by a donkey? Already?

But before anyone could react, Ji Wufeng had already rushed to Liu Wenbo and launched a flying kick, hitting Liu Wenbo's thigh.

Liu Wenbo's face instantly turned pale, and then immediately turned livid. After taking a breath of cold air, he squatted on the ground with his hands covered and jumped wildly.

Some people present felt chills running down their spines, and they unconsciously tightened their thighs. Wasn't this kid too cruel?

Even if he didn't explode after this kick, he would probably be sluggish for ten and a half days. If it left any shadow in his heart, he might be useless in the future!

But this was just the beginning. Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "Hit me, hit me hard. Even his mother won't recognize him!"

Zhao Jiaolong and others immediately swarmed up and kicked Liu Wenbo to the ground. Then they rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. While beating him violently, they also cursed: "Damn it, I'm here to deal with you for calling you a brat for showing off." All kinds of pretense, brothers, just say hello to his face!"

Liu Wenbo screamed repeatedly, and soon his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His originally handsome face turned into a pig's head. Just like Ji Wufeng said, his mother probably wouldn't recognize him now.

The people watching were all frightened. Damn it, Liu Wenbo would definitely be offended if he played like this. The Liu family would never let Ji Wufeng go. Is he really not afraid of death?

Seeing Liu Wenbo being beaten so hard that he almost lost his temper, Brother Rong also panicked a little and shouted: "Little brother, you can't make this matter worse."

Hong Ling also shouted anxiously: "Young man, you have to keep a tightrope in everything, forget it."

They are all in the film and television industry, and their future can be said to be directly related to the so-called cultural association. If something happens to Liu Wenbo, it is estimated that most of the people present will suffer.

Peng Cheng also frowned. He knew that Ji Wufeng was not afraid of the Liu family, but if Liu Wenbo was really beaten to death, he and the Liu family would be completely broken off. Even if he was not afraid of trouble, there would still be a lot of trouble.

"Forget it, there will be trouble if things get serious." Peng Cheng finally advised.

Ji Wufeng turned his head and sneered: "Brother Peng, you know my temper, will I worry about getting into trouble?"

The so-called cultural association may have a great deterrent effect on these people, but in Ji Wufeng's eyes, it really is nothing. At worst, he will go to Huajing again.

Zi Tong was completely frightened. The conflict between Ji Wufeng and Liu Wenbo seemed to be caused by her. If Liu Wenbo really had something wrong, she couldn't bear it if the Liu family blamed it.

Seeing that Zi Tong was about to cry, Su Danxiao stepped forward and said, "Let's forget it. Today is a happy day, and seeing blood is unlucky."

Shenzhou always pays attention to a good sign when it opens, and today is also the opening of Ji Wufeng Film Company, which is indeed not a good time to see blood.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and Zhao Jiaolong and others stopped. But at this time, Liu Wenbo was no longer human. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was full of peach blossoms, just like the scene of a car accident.

"Hmph, remember, my name is Ji Wufeng. If you are not convinced, just come to me." Ji Wufeng said.

He knew that Liu Wenbo would never give up revenge, so that was just fine, waiting for him. Anyway, he had not had enough today.

Liu Wenbo was taken to the hospital after Peng Cheng called 120, but the reception could not continue. Those who originally missed Peng Cheng found excuses to leave.

In their opinion, Peng Cheng offended Liu Wenbo, and he would definitely have a hard time in the future. It was too late to fawn over him, so it was better to run away quickly to avoid being implicated when the Liu family was investigated.

The originally lively scene suddenly became quiet. Apart from Ji Wufeng and others, only Peng Cheng and his friends were left.

Brother Rong said with blame in his tone: "Peng Cheng, what you did today is really a bit too much."

Hong Ling also sighed and said, "You also know who the Liu family is. What you did today not only offended Liu Wenbo, but also the Liu family."

They all had the same idea as those who left, thinking that Peng Cheng's attitude towards Liu Wenbo just now was very bad. Not only did the Liu family come to deal with Peng Cheng specifically, but they also put him on a blacklist, and Peng Cheng's future in the country would be over.

Peng Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Rong, Sister Hong, I don't want to see things develop like this. I can't help it. I can't go against my boss, right?"

"Your boss?"

Brother Rong and Hongling both looked puzzled. When did Peng Cheng have another boss? You know, Peng Cheng is doing well in Mingzhu's film company, who else is qualified to be his boss?

Peng Cheng turned to look at Ji Wufeng. The two of them immediately widened their eyes and shouted in disbelief: "What? He is your boss?"

Perhaps Ji Wufeng had a profound background, but they didn't think this was the reason why Peng Cheng was willing to serve. They knew very well how arrogant Peng Cheng was, how could he work for others?

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake." Peng Cheng smiled.

Indeed, if it was just for profit, no one was qualified to be his boss, but Ji Wufeng was different, because the relationship between them was by no means as simple as profit.

Brother Rong and Hongling tried hard to accept this fact, but they still had a hundred thousand reasons hidden in their hearts.

"Brother Rong, Sister Hong, do you still remember Huang Junpeng?" Peng Cheng suddenly asked.

Huang Junpeng?

The expressions of the two people changed immediately. They were close friends with Peng Cheng, so they naturally knew what happened to Huang Junpeng.

"Is he that person?"

"Yes, that's him." Peng Cheng nodded.

The two people immediately understood that if Ji Wufeng was really that person, it was indeed worthy of Peng Cheng to step in for him, and they also understood why Ji Wufeng dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that they did not take the Liu family seriously at all.

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