Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1099 Kong Shaolin of the Kong Family

Peng Cheng smiled and rushed towards Ji Wufeng, saying: "The boss is here."

Ji Wufeng walked over and smiled apologetically at the two of them: "I didn't scare you just now, did I?"

Rong Ge and Hong Ling were also Ji Wufeng's idols when he was a child. Although they are no longer beautiful, their youthful demeanor is still fresh in Ji Wufeng's memory.

After knowing the details of Ji Wufeng, the expressions of the two began to feel a little unnatural. However, Ji Wufeng did not have the slightest arrogance on his body. On the contrary, he was very easy-going, which made them less nervous.

After saying hello, Ji Wufeng suddenly said with a sly smile: "Brother Peng also said just now that the shooting of my new movie will start soon. I wonder if the two bosses are interested in helping me to control the scene. ." ??

Being able to have my childhood idol appear in my own movie is a fulfillment of my dream of chasing stars.

Peng Cheng smiled and said, "It's too late for you to start."

Ji Wufeng was stunned, what do you mean? Don't they have a schedule?

Hong Ling smiled and said: "Peng Cheng has already mentioned this before, and Brother Rong and I also agreed to make a guest appearance."

Based on their friendship with Peng Cheng, when Peng Cheng mentioned this matter to them, they agreed without even thinking.

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Then he thought about it and said, "There is also Zi Tong, I think she is pretty good. If there is another suitable role, let's arrange one for her."

Zi Tong was scared to death just now, so this was a small compensation for her.

The reception has come to an end. Zhao Jiaolong and others gathered around a table and were shouting and drinking. In the corner, Su Danxiao was comforting Zi Tong. Up to now, this little girl was still in shock. She was scared to death, thinking about what might happen to the Liu family. If she blames him too, what should I do then?

"Okay, Zi Tong, I told you everything will be fine." Su Dan smiled.

"Sister Danxiao, are you really okay?" Zi Tong still didn't believe it.

The power of the Liu family is so huge that it is like heaven to people like them who are in the film and television industry.

In desperation, Su Dan smiled and said, "Have you heard of Gu Tianyang?"

"Are you talking about Prince Gu Tianyang? If it is him, I must have heard of him."

Gu Tianyang, the Crown Prince of China, is anyone who has heard of him as long as he has some contact with high-level people.

"Who do you think is better than the Liu family or the Gu family?" Su Danxiao asked.

"Of course it's the Gu family. There's no comparison at all, okay?" Zi Tong said.

If the Liu family stomps their feet, the entertainment industry will tremble, then if the Gu family stomps their feet, the entire China will be shaken.

Su Dan smiled and said, "If that's the case, do you still have to be afraid of the Liu family?"

When Zi Tong learned about Ji Wufeng's power from Su Danxiao's mouth, she was so shocked that she didn't close her mouth for a long time. She never thought that she would come into contact with such a big shot and chat with him for most of the day.

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar outside. Someone went outside to take a look and found that those who had left before had not left yet, but all gathered outside the hotel door.

In the center of the crowd, there was a young man with a group of burly men surrounding a young boy.

The young man was dressed luxuriously and looked arrogant. The group of big men behind him all looked fierce, which proved that the young man had betrayed his identity.

Jing is not simple, he is the kind of domineering and extremely arrogant second generation ancestor.

The guests who had not left stood behind the young man, their faces full of awe. If Gu Tianyang was the prince of Huajing, then the young man in front of him was the prince of Shanghai.

He is Kong Shaolin, the young master of the first Kong family in Shanghai!

Rampant and unbridled, covering the sky with one hand, this is how Kong Shaolin is described.

With his status, Kong Shaolin was naturally invited to today's banquet, but he came a little later.

Looking at the young man surrounded by Kong Shaolin, he looked pretty, but his clothes were ragged, his hair was fluffy, his face was pale, his lips were chapped, and he looked extremely miserable.

Who is this guy? It seemed that he had offended Kong Shaolin, but who else in Shanghai dared to provoke Kong Shaolin?

The young man stared at the young man and laughed ferociously: "Xu Yang, I didn't expect you to dare to show up. I told you that the entire Xu family would be destroyed. Do you think my progress is too slow?"

"Xu Yang? He is the second young master of the Xu family?" Everyone's faces were full of surprise.

Everyone in Shanghai knows what happened half a year ago, that is, Xu Yang, the second young master of the Xu family, offended Kong Shaolin, and then the Kong family launched a crazy revenge on the Xu family.

In just a few months, the Xu family has gone from prosperity to extreme poverty, and even Xu Tianyu, the former fifth son of Shanghai and Hainan, has been removed from the family.

It is not difficult to guess that before long, the entire Xu family may be expelled from Shanghai.

Not long ago, Kong Shaolin broke the legs of Xu Tianyu, the eldest son of the Xu family, stripped Xu Yang naked and dragged him for several streets, and threatened to make it impossible for the Xu family to gain a foothold in Shanghai within a month.

There was such a big commotion outside, and everyone came out to watch the fun. With so many superstars appearing together, passers-by immediately stopped.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​people surrounded the Yunhai Hotel. Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the celebrities.

Kong Shaolin raised his eyebrows and said, "Xu Yang, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Xu Yang asked in a hoarse voice.

"As long as you kneel down to me now, kowtow three times, and bark a few more times like a dog, I will never attack the Xu family again."

Kong Shaolin turned his head and looked at the crowd of people behind him, and said with a smile: "Anyway, your ugliness has been completely disgraced. It doesn't matter if you kneel down and kowtow like a dog, so I will let the Xu family go. It's a good deal for you."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were complicated. Xu Yang was once a young master from an aristocratic family, and he was proud and arrogant. Now he was asked to kneel down and bark like a dog. Such humiliation was more painful than killing him.

But does Xu Yang have any other choice?

Being targeted by the Kong family, it would be a matter of time before the Xu family was expelled. In order to protect the Xu family, no matter who they were, they would have to endure no matter how humiliating they were, right?

Xu Yang's whole body was trembling, his fists were clenched, his nails pricked his palms, blood was dripping continuously, and his face was horribly distorted from enduring the humiliation.

Yes, he has already been so ugly anyway, why would he care about enduring other humiliations?

The Xu family was in this situation because of him. Today, he knelt down and barked like a dog. As long as he could keep the Xu family, he couldn't refuse, because he owed it to the Xu family.

Xu Yang's body was trembling and his legs were bending. There were too many people watching, many of whom were taking pictures with their mobile phones. Peng Cheng smiled and rushed towards Ji Wufeng, saying: "The boss is here."

Ji Wufeng walked over and smiled apologetically at the two of them: "I didn't scare you just now, did I?"

Rong Ge and Hong Ling were also Ji Wufeng's idols when he was a child. Although they are no longer beautiful, their youthful demeanor is still fresh in Ji Wufeng's memory.

After knowing the details of Ji Wufeng, the expressions of the two began to feel a little unnatural. However, Ji Wufeng did not have the slightest arrogance on his body. On the contrary, he was very easy-going, which made them less nervous.

After saying hello, Ji Wufeng suddenly said with a sly smile: "Brother Peng also said just now that the shooting of my new movie will start soon. I wonder if the two bosses are interested in helping me to control the scene. ."

Being able to have my childhood idol appear in my own movie is a fulfillment of my dream of chasing stars.

Peng Cheng smiled and said, "It's too late for you to start."

Ji Wufeng was stunned, what do you mean? Don't they have a schedule?

Hong Ling smiled and said: "Peng Cheng has already mentioned this before, and Brother Rong and I also agreed to make a guest appearance."

Based on their friendship with Peng Cheng, when Peng Cheng mentioned this matter to them, they agreed without even thinking.

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Then he thought about it and said, "There is also Zi Tong, I think she is pretty good. If there is another suitable role, let's arrange one for her."

Zi Tong was scared to death just now, so this was a small compensation for her.

The reception has come to an end. Zhao Jiaolong and others gathered around a table and were shouting and drinking. In the corner, Su Danxiao was comforting Zi Tong. Up to now, this little girl was still in shock. She was scared to death, thinking about what might happen to the Liu family. If she blames him too, what should I do then?

"Okay, Zi Tong, I told you everything will be fine." Su Dan smiled.

"Sister Danxiao, are you really okay?" Zi Tong still didn't believe it.

The power of the Liu family is so huge that it is like heaven to people like them who are in the film and television industry.

In desperation, Su Dan smiled and said, "Have you heard of Gu Tianyang?"

"Are you talking about Prince Gu Tianyang? If it is him, I must have heard of him."

Gu Tianyang, the Crown Prince of China, is anyone who has heard of him as long as he has some contact with high-level people.

"Who do you think is better than the Liu family or the Gu family?" Su Danxiao asked.

"Of course it's the Gu family. There's no comparison at all, okay?" Zi Tong said.

If the Liu family stomps their feet, the entertainment industry will tremble, then if the Gu family stomps their feet, the entire China will be shaken.

Su Dan smiled and said, "If that's the case, do you still have to be afraid of the Liu family?"

When Zi Tong learned about Ji Wufeng's power from Su Danxiao's mouth, she was so shocked that she didn't close her mouth for a long time. She never thought that she would come into contact with such a big shot and chat with him for most of the day.

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar outside. Someone went outside to take a look and found that those who had left before had not left yet, but all gathered outside the hotel door.

In the center of the crowd, there was a young man with a group of burly men surrounding a young boy.

The young man was dressed luxuriously and looked arrogant. The group of big men behind him all looked fierce, which proved that the young man had betrayed his identity.

Jing is not simple, he is the kind of domineering and extremely arrogant second generation ancestor.

The guests who had not left stood behind the young man, their faces full of awe. If Gu Tianyang was the prince of Huajing, then the young man in front of him was the prince of Shanghai.

He is Kong Shaolin, the young master of the first Kong family in Shanghai!

Rampant and unbridled, covering the sky with one hand, this is how Kong Shaolin is described.

With his status, Kong Shaolin was naturally invited to today's banquet, but he came a little later.

Looking at the young man surrounded by Kong Shaolin, he looked pretty, but his clothes were ragged, his hair was fluffy, his face was pale, his lips were chapped, and he looked extremely miserable.

Who is this guy? It seemed that he had offended Kong Shaolin, but who else in Shanghai dared to provoke Kong Shaolin?

The young man stared at the young man and laughed ferociously: "Xu Yang, I didn't expect you to dare to show up. I told you that the entire Xu family would be destroyed. Do you think my progress is too slow?"

"Xu Yang? He is the second young master of the Xu family?" Everyone's faces were full of surprise.

Everyone in Shanghai knows what happened half a year ago, that is, Xu Yang, the second young master of the Xu family, offended Kong Shaolin, and then the Kong family launched a crazy revenge on the Xu family.

In just a few months, the Xu family has gone from prosperity to extreme poverty, and even Xu Tianyu, the former fifth son of Shanghai and Hainan, has been removed from the family.

It is not difficult to guess that before long, the entire Xu family may be expelled from Shanghai.

Not long ago, Kong Shaolin broke the legs of Xu Tianyu, the eldest son of the Xu family, stripped Xu Yang naked and dragged him for several streets, and threatened to make it impossible for the Xu family to gain a foothold in Shanghai within a month.

There was such a big commotion outside, and everyone came out to watch the fun. With so many superstars appearing together, passers-by immediately stopped.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​people surrounded the Yunhai Hotel. Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the celebrities.

Kong Shaolin raised his eyebrows and said, "Xu Yang, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Xu Yang asked in a hoarse voice.

"As long as you kneel down to me now, kowtow three times, and bark a few more times like a dog, I will never attack the Xu family again."

Kong Shaolin turned his head and looked at the crowd of people behind him, and said with a smile: "Anyway, your ugliness has been completely disgraced. It doesn't matter if you kneel down and kowtow like a dog, so I will let the Xu family go. It's a good deal for you."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were complicated. Xu Yang was once a young master from an aristocratic family, and he was proud and arrogant. Now he was asked to kneel down and bark like a dog. Such humiliation was more painful than killing him.

But does Xu Yang have any other choice?

Being targeted by the Kong family, it would be a matter of time before the Xu family was expelled. In order to protect the Xu family, no matter who they were, they would have to endure no matter how humiliating they were, right?

Xu Yang's whole body was trembling, his fists were clenched, his nails pricked his palms, blood was dripping continuously, and his face was horribly distorted from enduring the humiliation.

Yes, he has already been so ugly anyway, why would he care about enduring other humiliations?

The Xu family was in this situation because of him. Today, he knelt down and barked like a dog. As long as he could keep the Xu family, he couldn't refuse, because he owed it to the Xu family.

Xu Yang's body was trembling and his legs were bending. There were too many people watching, many of whom were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

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