Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1101 Barking like a real dog

You know, this is Shanghai. Even if the Kong family is not as good as the Gu family, in Shanghai, I am afraid that Gu Tianyang will be wary of doing anything to Kong Shaolin, right?

"What kind of score do you want to settle?" Kong Shaolin glared.


Unprepared, everyone was startled. Ji Wufeng rushed to Kong Shaolin with a single stride and slapped him with a big mouth.

Kong Shaolin was suddenly slapped with stars in his eyes, and he lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.


There was a gasp of air-conditioning, oh my god, how dare you punch Shaolin? Aren't you afraid of the Kong family's pursuit?

Kong Shaolin raised his head with a fierce look on his face: "You..."


Ji Wufeng stomped on Kong Shaolin's head, his cheek hit the ground, and his face was covered with blood. Ji Wufeng sneered: "What am I? If you are not afraid of having to settle the account today, you can walk out of here, and I will follow you Your last name!”

The expressions of everyone present changed, and some even couldn't help but their legs began to tremble.

Oh my god, where did this guy come from? Dare to treat Kong Shaolin like this, you are trying to break the sky in Shanghai!

"What do you want?" Kong Shaolin's voice was trembling, not because of fear, but because of anger.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Xu Yang and said: "It's very simple. Don't you want my brother to kneel down to you and imitate a dog barking? Now I want you to kneel down to him and imitate a dog barking, and I will let you go..."

"I don't care who you are, I guarantee you will die. No, your fate will only be worse than death..." Kong Shaolin said sternly.


Ji Wufeng laughed, turned to Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong and said, "How should we deal with such a disobedient person?"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong smiled coldly, stepped forward and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? If he doesn't obey me, I'll beat him until he obeys me!"

The two men rushed forward and punched and kicked Kong Shaolin. The attacks were not fatal, but

But he was extremely cunning, and Kong Shaolin was beaten into a pig's head in a few strokes, his clothes were in rags, and he was crying like a ghost.

This scene made everyone present terrified, but no one dared to step forward, for fear that they would be affected and bear the wrath of the Kong family.

Kong Shaolin, who had been pampered since childhood, could not withstand such ravage. Seeing that he was almost out of breath, he finally surrendered and shouted: "I kneel, I kneel...stop now..."

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong stopped, spit, and cursed: "It's enough if you didn't obey me earlier. You have to be beaten. You are so mean!"

There was no choice but to kneel down, so Kong Shaolin could only crawl at Xu Yang's feet.

Click, click...

There was a continuous sound of mobile phones pressing the shutter button, and everyone was holding their mobile phones to take pictures of Kong Shaolin frantically.

The eldest son of the Kong family actually knelt down and imitated the barking of a dog. This was definitely big news in Shanghai.

Kong Shaolin's eyes were red, and his face, which was already full of blood, became even more ferocious and terrifying due to the impact of anger. His scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings, and those who were filming were immediately frightened and stepped back.

After today's incident spreads, Kong Shaolin will become a laughing stock, and even the Kong family will lose face.


Yuan Dongdong rushed over, raised his hand and shouted loudly: "You are still confronting me at this time? Kowtow to me quickly!"

Kong Shaolin was about to go crazy, but a good man would not suffer the immediate consequences. He finally lowered his proud head and knelt down to kowtow to Xu Yang.

"Woof woof woof..."

Kong Shaolin learned how to bark like a dog, Zhao Jiaolong smiled and said: "Ah, what I learned is quite similar."

Yuan Dongdong said: "It seems that you are still a real dog, barking

Just like a real dog. "

It was funny, very funny, but no one dared to laugh.

Kong Shaolin suffered such a shameful humiliation, which was tantamount to offending the Kong family to death, and what followed was the Kong family's crazy revenge.

But Ji Wufeng didn't care about this at all. After Kong Shaolin left like a lost dog, the brothers ran to a table, twisted the wine bottles and started fucking.

Previously, because of Liu Wenbo, most of the guests present had left, but now all of them had left.

If you offend the Liu family, your future may be bleak and your life will not be in danger, but if you offend the Kong family, your life may not be guaranteed.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Xu Yang's eyes turned red again. Zhao Jiaolong suddenly said viciously: "Damn it, if you dare to spill cat urine again, I will kill you!"

Xu Yangqiang held back the tears and sighed: "You are so reckless today. The Kong family's power in Shanghai is too huge. I think we should run away first." .??.

He knew that Ji Wufeng was powerful, but this was Shanghai after all, and the Kong family was the king in Shanghai. No matter how strong a person was, how could he win?

"What are you afraid of? Even if the sky falls, we will carry it together." Ji Wufeng said with squinting eyes.

Yuan Dongdong patted his shoulders and said, "That's right, even if you die, you will still have my brothers with you. Are you afraid of something?"


Xu Yang's nose felt sore again. He really wanted to cry, but he couldn't help it. He was touched by how considerate the brothers were, but he didn't dare to cry for fear that Zhao Jiaolong would really beat him.

Liu Wenbo was sent to the hospital, and he didn't wake up until the next day. This was the first time in his life that he was beaten, and he was beaten so badly!

With nowhere to vent his resentment, Liu Wenbo slapped the bodyguard who was serving him on the face with a big mouth and yelled

Said: "Trash, you are a bunch of trash, get out of here and catch all those little bastards. If you can't catch them, you don't have to come back!"

A group of bodyguards immediately dispersed and ran out. If they stayed any longer, they would be beaten to death by this living ancestor.

A group of bodyguards were wandering around on the street. Liu Wenbo just said that he wanted them to arrest Ji Wufeng, but he didn't dare to beat them to death. They had already experienced the skills of those bastards. It was not intentional to arrest them. Looking for death?

But if they don't go, they can't afford it if Liu Wenbo gets angry.

So a group of bodyguards were anxious like ants on a hot pot. They didn't have the courage to catch Ji Wufeng, but they didn't dare to go back and bear Liu Wenbo's anger.

A clever bodyguard rolled his eyes and said: "Boss, didn't the young master want to take a breath? But there is no need to arrest the man named Ji. We just need to find a way to help him take a breath, right?"

The head of the bodyguard glared and said, "Damn, of course I know what's going on, but if we don't catch Ji, how can the young master vent his anger?"

"Hey, it doesn't necessarily have to be Ji who can make the young master vent his anger. Can't we just find a substitute? I think if we catch that little bitch Zitong and let the young master have a good time, I think he will be angry That’s about it.”

The head of the bodyguard suddenly brightened up. The trouble was all caused by Zi Tong. Liu Wenbo probably hated Zi Tong as well. If Zi Tong was captured, although the effect would be less effective, it would certainly make Liu Wenbo a little bit more angry. .

Zi Tong was really frightened today. In desperation, Su Danxiao had no choice but to take her home in person. After leaving the Yunhai Hotel, two cars followed her quietly.

After passing through a remote section of road, two cars suddenly accelerated and stopped Su Danxiao's car on the side of the road. A group of men in black came forward fiercely, knocked on the car windows and shouted: "Everyone, get out of the car!"

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