Su Danxiao's expression changed and she said coldly: "Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

In Shanghai, I have never heard of anyone who dared to rob her, Miss Su Daoer. Have these guys taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage?

The head of the bodyguard chuckled and said: "Of course we know that you are the eldest lady of the Su family, but you can rest assured that this time our target is not you, but her."

After saying that, pointing at Zi Tong who was sitting in the passenger seat, Su Danxiao finally found that these people looked familiar. They were Liu Wenbo's bodyguards. His expression changed slightly and he asked, "What do you want to do?"

The head bodyguard said: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask Miss Zitong to come with us. Miss Zitong, our young master has invited us. Do you want to go with us yourself, or do you want us to do it ourselves?"

"How dare you try to touch a hair on her head?" Su Danxiao said sharply.

The head bodyguard smiled coldly and said, "Do it and take her away!"

Several bodyguards came forward and forced Zitong into the car and drove away. Su Danxiao stamped her feet anxiously. If Zitong was taken away by Liu Wenbo, what good ending could there be?

Ji Wufeng, Zhao Jiaolong and the others were still drinking in the Yunhai Hotel. The phone rang. It was Su Danxiao. After answering the call, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Zi Tong was captured by Liu Wenbo's people." Su Danxiao almost burst into tears.

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold. This Liu Wenbo really didn't know how to live or die. He must have just woken up in the hospital right now, so he was so eager to die? Then I will help you.

Although Zi Tong only had a one-time relationship with him and there was no friendship at all, in the final analysis, the offending Liu Wenbo this time was entirely due to Ji Wufeng's implication. No matter what, he could not let her be implicated by him.

But this is not the point. The point is that Zi Tong is also a very beautiful woman. A big cabbage cannot be lost to a pig, right? That would be such a waste of natural resources. Even if it were to be conquered, it would have to be done by such a wise and unparalleled young talent like him.

A group of bodyguards took Zitong and ran back to the hospital happily. Now, they no longer had to arrest Ji Wufeng, and they no longer had to be scolded by the young master.

"Master, look, who did we bring here?" The head of the bodyguard pulled Zi Tong into the ward and shouted, asking for credit.

Sure enough, when Liu Wenbo saw Zi Tong, his eyes immediately straightened. To be honest, the beating was all caused by Zi Tong. Apart from Ji Wufeng, Zi Tong was of course the best person to vent his anger to. Even if she was not captured, Liu Wenbo would Sooner or later I have to find her.

"Hey, bitch, no one can support you now, right?" Liu Wenbo said with a cruel smile.

He instantly felt energetic all over his body. He had been beaten before and his whole body ached, but now he could hardly feel it.

"Liu...Master Liu, what do you want to do?" Zitong was so frightened that she shrank back like a frightened little sparrow.

Liu Wenbo stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and said in a ferocious voice, "What do I want to do? It's all because of you, a bitch, that this young master has suffered so much today. What do you think I want to do?"

With a fierce look in his eyes, he pinched Zitong's chin with his hand and said with a lewd smile: "But you don't have to be afraid. As long as you make me serve you comfortably, I will take you in. Otherwise, I will accept you." , after I finish playing with you, I will reward you to my subordinates, and then take some videos and upload them to the Internet."

Zi Tong was immediately frightened and collapsed on the ground, her face turning pale. If Liu Wenbo really did that, her life would be ruined.

"Master Liu, I beg you to let me go, no matter what you ask me to do, I will do it." Zi Tong held Liu Wenbo's arm and cried.

"Hehe, you don't need to do anything for me. On the contrary, I want to do something for you. Don't worry, my kung fu is very good. I guarantee that you will be in ecstasy and want to die. Come on!"

Liu Wenbo pounced on Zi Tong, who immediately screamed and ran away, but a group of tall bodyguards immediately grabbed her. Liu Wenbo came up and tore off her coat.

Putting it to his nose and smelling it, Liu Wenbo threw his coat on the ground and said: "It smells so good. People outside say you are a beautiful girl or a young child. I don't believe it. I will verify it myself today."

After saying that, he grabbed Zitong's underwear and tore it apart with all his strength, exposing the skin underneath. Liu Wenbo's eyes gleamed when he saw it.

Relying on the background of the Liu family, Liu Wenbo often flirted with female stars, but in fact, all of them pretended to be innocent on the surface, but when they got into bed, they were even crazier than the prostitutes. On the contrary, people like Zitong had a good-looking face and a good figure. Moreover, Liu Wenbo has not met many women who are rumored to be jade girls.

A group of bodyguards saw that Zi Tong's clothes had been stripped off, and her graceful body made them excited, with lewd smiles on their faces.

Su Danxiao's help is only one of the factors why Zitong can keep herself clean in the entertainment industry. The most important factor is that she is a traditional self-loving girl.

If she was raped by Liu Wenbo in front of so many people now, and then gang-raped by his bodyguards, she would feel more painful than death.

Liu Wenbo grabbed Zitong's pants. Zitong screamed and struggled desperately. Liu Wenbo shouted: "Damn, what are you doing standing there? Catch her!"

Two bodyguards stepped forward and pushed Zi Tong to the ground. Liu Wenbo stepped forward to take off Zi Tong's pants.

Zitong was held down by two big men, unable to move. When Liu Wenbo stretched out his hand to her, her whole body was shaking violently, and she closed her eyes in despair. Can anyone come to save her?

Just when Liu Wenbo was about to tear off Zi Tong's last piece of clothing, Zi Tong suddenly heard a scream. After waiting for a long time, Zi Tong seemed to still have his clothes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Liu Wenbo's bodyguards all had frightened faces, while Liu Wenbo ran to the wall for no apparent reason and slumped there motionless, as if he had fainted.

"Hi, beauty, we meet again so soon."

A familiar voice came from above Zitong's head. She looked up and saw Ji Wufeng staring at her with a smile on his face.

Maybe Zitong was already in despair just now. Ji Wufeng's appearance made her feel hope, so she also felt that this person she just met today was extremely kind. She got up from the ground and threw herself into Ji Wufeng's arms and cried loudly.

Ji Wufeng immediately froze. You must know that Zitong didn't have many clothes on his body now. Being held like this, Ji Wufeng could clearly feel the temperature coming from his body.

Your uncle, I am a real man, and a powerful real man. Are you not deliberately trying to tempt me to commit a crime? Su Danxiao's expression changed and she said coldly: "Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

In Shanghai, I have never heard of anyone who dared to rob her, Miss Su Daoer. Have these guys taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage?

The head of the bodyguard chuckled and said: "Of course we know that you are the eldest lady of the Su family, but you can rest assured that this time our target is not you, but her."

After saying that, pointing at Zi Tong who was sitting in the passenger seat, Su Danxiao finally found that these people looked familiar. They were Liu Wenbo's bodyguards. His expression changed slightly and he asked, "What do you want to do?"

The head bodyguard said: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask Miss Zitong to come with us. Miss Zitong, our young master has invited you. Will you go with us yourself, or do you want us to do it ourselves?" .??.

"How dare you try to touch a hair on her head?" Su Danxiao said sharply.

The head bodyguard smiled coldly and said, "Do it and take her away!"

Several bodyguards came forward and forced Zitong into the car and drove away. Su Danxiao stamped her feet anxiously. If Zitong was taken away by Liu Wenbo, what good ending could there be?

Ji Wufeng, Zhao Jiaolong and the others were still drinking in the Yunhai Hotel. The phone rang. It was Su Danxiao. After answering the call, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Zi Tong was captured by Liu Wenbo's people." Su Danxiao almost cried.

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold. This Liu Wenbo really didn't know how to live or die. He must have just woken up in the hospital right now, so he was so eager to die? Then I will help you.

Although Zi Tong only had a one-time relationship with him and there was no friendship at all, in the final analysis, the offending Liu Wenbo this time was entirely due to Ji Wufeng's implication. No matter what, he could not let her be implicated by him.

But this is not the point. The point is that Zi Tong is also a very beautiful woman. A big cabbage cannot be lost to a pig, right? That would be such a waste of natural resources. Even if it were to be conquered, it would have to be done by such a wise and unparalleled young talent like him.

A group of bodyguards took Zitong and ran back to the hospital happily. Now, they no longer had to arrest Ji Wufeng, and they no longer had to be scolded by the young master.

"Master, look, who did we bring here?" The head of the bodyguard pulled Zi Tong into the ward and shouted, asking for credit.

Sure enough, when Liu Wenbo saw Zi Tong, his eyes immediately straightened. To be honest, the beating was all caused by Zi Tong. Apart from Ji Wufeng, Zi Tong was of course the best person to vent his anger to. Even if she was not captured, Liu Wenbo would Sooner or later I have to find her.

"Hey, bitch, no one can support you now, right?" Liu Wenbo said with a cruel smile.

He instantly felt energetic all over his body. He had been beaten before and his whole body ached, but now he could hardly feel it.

"Liu...Master Liu, what do you want to do?" Zitong was so frightened that she shrank back like a frightened little sparrow.

Liu Wenbo stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and said in a ferocious voice, "What do I want to do? It's all because of you, a bitch, that this young master has suffered so much today. What do you think I want to do?"

With a fierce look in his eyes, he pinched Zitong's chin with his hand and said with a lewd smile: "But you don't have to be afraid. As long as you make me serve you comfortably, I will take you in. Otherwise, I will accept you." , after I finish playing with you, I will reward you to my subordinates, and then take some videos and upload them to the Internet."

Zi Tong was immediately frightened and collapsed on the ground, her face turning pale. If Liu Wenbo really did that, her life would be ruined.

"Master Liu, I beg you to let me go, no matter what you ask me to do, I will do it." Zi Tong held Liu Wenbo's arm and cried.

"Hehe, you don't need to do anything for me. On the contrary, I want to do something for you. Don't worry, my kung fu is very good. I guarantee that you will be in ecstasy and want to die. Come on!"

Liu Wenbo pounced on Zi Tong, who immediately screamed and ran away, but a group of tall bodyguards immediately grabbed her. Liu Wenbo came up and tore off her coat.

Putting it to his nose and smelling it, Liu Wenbo threw his coat on the ground and said: "It smells so good. People outside say you are a beautiful girl or a young child. I don't believe it. I will verify it myself today."

After saying that, he grabbed Zitong's underwear and tore it apart with all his strength, exposing the skin underneath. Liu Wenbo's eyes gleamed when he saw it.

Relying on the background of the Liu family, Liu Wenbo often flirted with female stars, but in fact, all of them pretended to be innocent on the surface, but when they got into bed, they were even crazier than the prostitutes. On the contrary, people like Zitong had a good-looking face and a good figure. Moreover, Liu Wenbo has not met many women who are rumored to be jade girls.

A group of bodyguards saw that Zi Tong's clothes had been stripped off, and her graceful body made them excited, with lewd smiles on their faces.

Su Danxiao's help is only one of the factors why Zitong can keep herself clean in the entertainment industry. The most important factor is that she is a traditional self-loving girl.

If she was raped by Liu Wenbo in front of so many people now, and then gang-raped by his bodyguards, she would feel more painful than death.

Liu Wenbo grabbed Zitong's pants. Zitong screamed and struggled desperately. Liu Wenbo shouted: "Damn, what are you doing standing there? Catch her!"

Two bodyguards stepped forward and pushed Zi Tong to the ground. Liu Wenbo stepped forward to take off Zi Tong's pants.

Zitong was held down by two big men, unable to move. When Liu Wenbo stretched out his hand to her, her whole body was shaking violently, and she closed her eyes in despair. Can anyone come to save her?

Just when Liu Wenbo was about to tear off Zi Tong's last piece of clothing, Zi Tong suddenly heard a scream. After waiting for a long time, Zi Tong seemed to still have his clothes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Liu Wenbo's bodyguards all had frightened faces, while Liu Wenbo ran to the wall for no apparent reason and slumped there motionless, as if he had fainted.

"Hi, beauty, we meet again so soon."

A familiar voice came from above Zitong's head. She looked up and saw Ji Wufeng staring at her with a smile on his face.

Maybe Zitong was already in despair just now. Ji Wufeng's appearance made her feel hope, so she also felt that this person she just met today was extremely kind. She got up from the ground and threw herself into Ji Wufeng's arms and cried loudly.

Ji Wufeng immediately froze. You must know that Zitong didn't have many clothes on his body now. Being held like this, Ji Wufeng could clearly feel the temperature coming from his body.

Your uncle, I am a real man, and a powerful real man. Are you not deliberately trying to tempt me to commit a crime?

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