Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1103 Rectifying the situation in Shanghai and Shanghai

Ji Wufeng quickly took off his coat and put it on Zi Tong. He was afraid that after a while he would really be unable to resist and execute this little beauty on the spot.

"Okay, if you want to cry, wait until we get back and cry properly, okay?"

Ji Wufeng took Zi Tong's hand and left the ward. The kick just now had already broken Liu Wenbo. If he wanted to harm a woman again, he would probably have no hope in this life.

Wearing Ji Wufeng's coat and being held by his warm hands, Zitong felt a strange feeling in her heart. This kind of security was something she had never felt before.

When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Su Danxiao's car was already waiting there. After getting in the car and seeing that Zitong was fine, Su Danxiao breathed a sigh of relief. After comforting her, she asked, "Where is Liu Wenbo?"

She was a little worried that Ji Wufeng would kill Liu Wenbo. No matter what, the Liu family had great say in the entertainment industry and controlled huge media power. Never underestimate the power of the media. It would definitely kill people without blood.

"Don't worry, that kid won't die yet. We just gave him a small surgery for free." Ji Wufeng said hehely.

"What kind of minor surgery?" Su Danxiao asked curiously.

"After sex reassignment surgery, he looks fair and delicate. If he wears women's clothes in the future, I'm sure no one will know he was a man before." Ji Wufeng said with a smirk on his face.

"What? You castrated him?"

Su Danxiao almost jumped out of the cab. She didn't expect that although Ji Wufeng didn't kill Liu Wenbo, it would be worse than killing him.

A man, and a lustful man at that, has no life left. No matter how many beauties stand in front of him in the future, he can only look at them and cannot do anything. This kind of torture is not more painful than killing him directly.

"What are you making all the fuss about? It's not the first time I've had such an operation. Don't worry, I guarantee he won't have any sequelae." Ji Wufeng said lightly.

Su Danxiao was speechless for a while. Indeed, before she made the decision to follow Ji Wufeng, she carefully investigated Ji Wufeng. It was indeed not the first time that Ji Wufeng had beaten someone into a eunuch.

"Zi Tong, let me take you back first." Su Dan smiled.


Ji Wufeng said: "It would be a bit dangerous for her to leave alone now. I think it's better to let her go to Su's house to live for a while. I'll talk about it after I've settled everything."

No one would tolerate being beaten into an eunuch, so Liu Wenbo would definitely take revenge. Ji Wufeng didn't have time to protect Zitong, so he simply let him live in the Su family.

After hearing Ji Wufeng's suggestion, Zitong felt warm in her heart. Is he caring about me?

Since her debut, Zi Tong has many fans and admirers. Naturally, many people have shown extremely caring gestures towards her, but they have never felt such a sincere feeling.

When they arrived at Su's house, before getting out of the car, Zi Tong whispered to Ji Wufeng, "Thank you."

"You're welcome if you're a member of your own family."

Ji Wufeng smiled. The entertainment industry is so chaotic now. There are not many girls like Zitong who know how to keep themselves private.

When Liu Wenbo woke up from coma again, he suddenly felt that the sky was falling. What? He became a eunuch?

For any normal man, such a result is unbearable. It not only loses male function, but also means that he will never

No longer a man.

"Ji Wufeng, I want to kill you, I must kill you!" Liu Wenbo roared crazily as he collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, a young man walked into the ward. Liu Wenbo was in a state of madness and shouted sternly: "Who are you? Get out of here right now!"

The young man smiled slightly and said: "Young Master Liu, why are you so angry? Instead of getting angry in vain here, you should think about how to use the right method to retaliate against Ji Wufeng!"

"It's you?"

Liu Wenbo recognized the person who came in and said sternly: "What do you mean by this?"

"There is no other meaning. I just feel that we all have a common enemy and feel that if we cooperate, it will be very happy." The young man said.

"I don't care who you are or what methods you use, as long as you can kill Ji Wufeng, I'm willing to pay any price!"

After becoming an eunuch, Liu Wenbo felt that he had lost everything. As he said, he was willing to pay any price as long as he could kill Ji Wufeng.

After sending Su Danxiao and Zitong to Su's house, Ji Wufeng's phone rang. It was Li Yunxiao, saying, "Come to my house right away."

Ji Wufeng chuckled. The matter was so big, Old Man Li probably couldn't sit still, right?

Arriving straight to Li's house, Li Chongwei was sitting in the living room. When he saw Ji Wufeng, he cursed angrily: "You bastard, if I had known that you were going through so much trouble, I should have kicked you out of Shanghai."

Ji Wufeng took out a cigarette and lit it, and said with an innocent face: "I didn't provoke you, why are you scolding me?"

Li Chongwei glared and said, "Didn't you provoke me? Damn it, you just crippled the boy from the Yuan family a few days ago and now he's still lying in the hospital. It's a good day, you little bastard beat the boy from the Liu family into a eunuch again. Do you have to cause chaos in Shanghai to provoke me?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Are they planning to take action?"

"Nonsense, what do you think?" Li Chongwei's eyebrows almost stood up.

No matter what, Shanghai was relatively peaceful before. At least the major families were getting along harmoniously. Although there were secret fights from time to time, at least they didn't start overt fights, which was harmless.

Since Ji Wufeng came, the balance among the several major families was immediately broken. Now they are basically divided into two camps, the Zheng family, the Yuan family, the Zhuo family, and on this side are Ji Wufeng, the Su family and Maplewood Bay.

Although there is no big news yet, Li Chongwei's eyes will not be able to escape the big things happening on the ground in Shanghai. Previously, the Zheng family kept silent, but now there is another Liu Wenbo, and Zheng Fenghai will take action soon. .

If the two sides start fighting in a big way, it will be strange if Shanghai and Hainan don't overturn.

"Old man, are you in a hurry? This is not a bad thing, but it is a good thing." Ji Wufeng said.

"I'm sorry, don't blame me. I'm warning you. If chaos breaks out in Shanghai and Hainan, I will be the first to spare you!" Li Chongwei simply got more and more angry as he spoke. It looked like he was going to give Ji Wufeng a beating. Relieve anger.

The Li family is the number one leader in Shanghai and Shanghai, controlling the greatest power in the world. If chaos breaks out in Shanghai and the sea, the Li family will bear the heavy responsibility. It's no wonder that Li Chongwei is not in a hurry.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Don't you think now is the best time to rectify the situation in Shanghai?" Ji Wufeng quickly took off his coat and put it on Zitong. He was afraid that he would really be unable to resist it after a while. , execute this little beauty on the spot.

"Okay, if you want to cry, wait until we get back and cry properly, okay?"

Ji Wufeng took Zi Tong's hand and left the ward. The kick just now had already broken Liu Wenbo. If he wanted to harm a woman again, he would probably have no hope in this life.

Wearing Ji Wufeng's coat and being held by his warm hands, Zitong felt a strange feeling in her heart. This kind of security was something she had never felt before.

When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Su Danxiao's car was already waiting there. After getting in the car and seeing that Zitong was fine, Su Danxiao breathed a sigh of relief. After comforting her, she asked, "Where is Liu Wenbo?" ??

She was a little worried that Ji Wufeng would kill Liu Wenbo. No matter what, the Liu family had great say in the entertainment industry and controlled huge media power. Never underestimate the power of the media. It would definitely kill people without blood.

"Don't worry, that kid won't die yet. We just gave him a small surgery for free." Ji Wufeng said hehely.

"What kind of minor surgery?" Su Danxiao asked curiously.

"After sex reassignment surgery, he looks fair and delicate. If he wears women's clothes in the future, I'm sure no one will know he was a man before." Ji Wufeng said with a smirk on his face.

"What? You castrated him?"

Su Danxiao almost jumped out of the cab. She didn't expect that although Ji Wufeng didn't kill Liu Wenbo, it would be worse than killing him.

A man, and a lustful man at that, has no life left. No matter how many beauties stand in front of him in the future, he can only look at them and cannot do anything. This kind of torture is not more painful than killing him directly.

"What are you making all the fuss about? It's not the first time I've had such an operation. Don't worry, I guarantee he won't have any sequelae." Ji Wufeng said lightly.

Su Danxiao was speechless for a while. Indeed, before she made the decision to follow Ji Wufeng, she carefully investigated Ji Wufeng. It was indeed not the first time that Ji Wufeng had beaten someone into a eunuch.

"Zi Tong, let me take you back first." Su Dan smiled.


Ji Wufeng said: "It would be a bit dangerous for her to leave alone now. I think it's better to let her go to Su's house to live for a while. I'll talk about it after I've settled everything."

No one would tolerate being beaten into an eunuch, so Liu Wenbo would definitely take revenge. Ji Wufeng didn't have time to protect Zitong, so he simply let him live in the Su family.

After hearing Ji Wufeng's suggestion, Zitong felt warm in her heart. Is he caring about me?

Since her debut, Zi Tong has many fans and admirers. Naturally, many people have shown extremely caring gestures towards her, but they have never felt such a sincere feeling.

When they arrived at Su's house, before getting out of the car, Zi Tong whispered to Ji Wufeng, "Thank you."

"You're welcome if you're a member of your own family."

Ji Wufeng smiled. The entertainment industry is so chaotic now. There are not many girls like Zitong who know how to keep themselves private.

When Liu Wenbo woke up from coma again, he suddenly felt that the sky was falling. What? He became a eunuch?

For any normal man, such a result is unbearable. It not only loses male function, but also means that he will never

No longer a man.

"Ji Wufeng, I want to kill you, I must kill you!" Liu Wenbo roared crazily as he collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, a young man walked into the ward. Liu Wenbo was in a state of madness and shouted sternly: "Who are you? Get out of here right now!"

The young man smiled slightly and said: "Young Master Liu, why are you so angry? Instead of getting angry in vain here, you should think about how to use the right method to retaliate against Ji Wufeng!"

"It's you?"

Liu Wenbo recognized the person who came in and said sternly: "What do you mean by this?"

"There is no other meaning. I just feel that we all have a common enemy and feel that if we cooperate, it will be very happy." The young man said.

"I don't care who you are or what methods you use, as long as you can kill Ji Wufeng, I'm willing to pay any price!"

After becoming an eunuch, Liu Wenbo felt that he had lost everything. As he said, he was willing to pay any price as long as he could kill Ji Wufeng.

After sending Su Danxiao and Zitong to Su's house, Ji Wufeng's phone rang. It was Li Yunxiao, saying, "Come to my house right away."

Ji Wufeng chuckled. The matter was so big, Old Man Li probably couldn't sit still, right?

Arriving straight to Li's house, Li Chongwei was sitting in the living room. When he saw Ji Wufeng, he cursed angrily: "You bastard, if I had known that you were going through so much trouble, I should have kicked you out of Shanghai."

Ji Wufeng took out a cigarette and lit it, and said with an innocent face: "I didn't provoke you, why are you scolding me?"

Li Chongwei glared and said, "Didn't you provoke me? Damn it, you just crippled the boy from the Yuan family a few days ago and now he's still lying in the hospital. It's a good day, you little bastard beat the boy from the Liu family into a eunuch again. Do you have to cause chaos in Shanghai to provoke me?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Are they planning to take action?"

"Nonsense, what do you think?" Li Chongwei's eyebrows almost stood up.

No matter what, Shanghai was relatively peaceful before. At least the major families were getting along harmoniously. Although there were secret fights from time to time, at least they didn't start overt fights, which was harmless.

Since Ji Wufeng came, the balance among the several major families was immediately broken. Now they are basically divided into two camps, the Zheng family, the Yuan family, the Zhuo family, and on this side are Ji Wufeng, the Su family and Maplewood Bay.

Although there is no big news yet, Li Chongwei's eyes cannot escape the big things happening on the ground in Shanghai and Hainan. Previously, the Zheng family kept silent, but now there is another Liu Wenbo, and Zheng Fenghai will take action soon. .

If the two sides start fighting in a big way, it will be strange if Shanghai and Hainan don't overturn.

"Old man, are you in a hurry? This is not a bad thing, but it is a good thing." Ji Wufeng said.

"I'm sorry, don't blame me. I'm warning you. If chaos breaks out in Shanghai and Hainan, I will be the first to spare you!" Li Chongwei simply got more and more angry as he spoke. It looked like he was going to give Ji Wufeng a beating. Relieve anger.

The Li family is the number one leader in Shanghai and Shanghai, controlling the greatest power in the world. If chaos breaks out in Shanghai and the sea, the Li family will bear the heavy responsibility. It's no wonder that Li Chongwei is not in a hurry.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Don't you think now is the best time to rectify the situation in Shanghai and Hainan?"

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