Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1104 The place where dragon teeth rise

Li Chongwei's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Boy, what do you want to do? Are you thinking..."

Ji Wufeng blew out a smoke ring and said with a cold look in his eyes: "You guessed it right, my idea is to kill them all!"

"I think you are just messing around. It would be fine if it was just these families, but you are seeking death and provoking the Kong family. Do you think they will let you go?" Li Chongwei said with a blushing face.

That's right, if it were just the Zheng family, the Yuan family and the Zhuo family, there would be nothing to worry about. The Li family could destroy them all.

But Ji Wufeng was so stubborn that he dealt with Kong Shaolin so hard that the Kong family would definitely not let him go.

However, Li Chongwei, who knows the strength of the Kong family best, knows very well that even the Zheng family, the Zhuo family and the Yuan family combined are no match for the Kong family.

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and said, "If I don't take care of them first, what will I do to deal with the Kong family?"

It has been a while since Ji Wufeng came to Shanghai. The reason why Ji Wufeng did not rush to take action was first of all because he was afraid that Shanghai would become chaotic. Another important reason was that he wanted to catch all the opponents in one fell swoop. He did not have time to play with them slowly.

Because he knew that the Kong family was his biggest rival in Shanghai.

When he deposed Yuan Feng, he wanted to force the Yuan family to take action. Then he took the opportunity to wipe out Zheng, Yuan, Zhuo, and the other three families in one fell swoop. However, after only one assassination, nothing happened.

"No, this is too unreliable, I object!" Li Chongwei shouted.

Li Chongwei almost spit out blood. Even in ancient times, he would recruit troops and prepare supplies in advance. But this bastard had to do everything ready-made.

Moreover, if Ji Wufeng wanted to swallow three families in one go, his move would be too big. It would be impossible for Ji Wufeng not to make any movement at all.

Ji Wufeng said: "Old Li, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Don't you understand this principle? Do you want to wait until their strength reaches a certain level before eating them? I'm afraid that not only will you not be able to eat them, but you will also eat them. Got eaten by them!”

"Just them?" Li Chongwei looked disdainful.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "They didn't have anything to worry about before, but it's different now. You know, they have a common enemy with the Kong family now. What if they unite with the Kong family?"

Li Chongwei frowned. If it were just Zheng, Yuan, and Zhuo, he didn't take it seriously at all. If they weren't all under control, he would have nipped these three families in the bud.

But the difference now is that because of Ji Wufeng, the Kong family is very likely to get involved. When they unite and become stronger and stronger, it will be a big trouble to clean up.

Li Chongwei sat down on the sofa. After a moment of silence, he said, "Can you guarantee that the situation will be stable when the time comes?"

Since he chose to support Ji Wufeng, this battle must be fought, but it must be under the premise of ensuring a stable situation in Shanghai.

Ji Wufeng showed a sinister smile on his face and said: "My Longya Special Forces have just been reorganized. Do you think we should pull them out for training?"

Li Chongwei's face suddenly darkened and he said, "Damn it, you are too dark-hearted, aren't you? Despicable and shameless!"

This move is indeed despicable and shameless, but it is a very effective method. Ji Wufeng is not a gentleman. As long as he can achieve

What's wrong with being despicable and shameless for your own purposes?

"Gungun, don't let me see you if you have nothing to do, otherwise I will be so angry that I will have a cerebral hemorrhage." Li Chongwei kicked Ji Wufeng out, out of sight and out of mind.

After Ji Wufeng left, the phone rang. After the call was answered, Li Chongwei smiled bitterly and said, "You have given me a difficult problem. This kid is even more thorny than you were back then!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very indifferent and said: "I'm sorry for you, but you can rest assured that there will be no chaos in Shanghai and I will remember this favor."

Li Chongwei looked solemn and said: "Old Ji, you are out of touch when you say this. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead for decades. As long as you say a word, I will give you Shanghai and the sea without his own hands."

"No need, only a tiger that knows how to hunt is qualified to step into the Ji family's door. A dog that eats food that comes from outside is not worthy!"

After leaving the Li family, Ji Wufeng climbed to the highest point of Shanghai. After making a phone call, he lit a cigarette and looked at the Shanghai under the dawn. This is the place where Longya rises again!


Four figures quickly arrived in front of Ji Wufeng, it was Xiao Feng and others.

Ji Wufeng said: "If I let you win Tianlong Hall, how confident are you?"

Ji Wufeng decided to start with the Jianghu forces. Apart from the leading Li family, there were only Tianlong Hall, Qifeng Pavilion and Maplewood Bay, not to mention Qifeng Pavilion. Ji Wufeng's current plan was to capture Tianlong Hall.

Upon hearing Ji Wufeng's words, the expressions of the four of them immediately changed. Damn it, what does the boss want to do? Want to kill Tianlongtang?

Xiao Feng frowned slightly and said: "Tianlong Hall not only has many experts, but also has the deepest background. Behind them are the Zheng family, Zhuo family and Yuan family. However, it is not difficult to win Tianlong Hall, but it may require a high price."

With the support of three major families behind Tianlong Hall, there will naturally be no shortage of masters. If you want to take down Tianlong Hall, you must not only deal with the masters of Tianlong Hall, but also withstand the retaliation of these three forces.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "I don't want to hear such words. I just want to know how much time you need."

Xiao Feng was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "It will take at least half a month."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "It's too long. I will only give you one week. By then, Tianlong Hall will either surrender or disappear."

The four of them were immediately shocked. Taking down Tianlong Hall in a week? Boss, don't you have a fever?

When Maplewood Bay first emerged, there were many conflicts with Tianlongtang. They all knew the strength of Tianlongtang, and it was almost impossible to win it within a week!

At this moment, two more figures approached and respectfully said to Ji Wufeng, "Young Master."

The visitors turned out to be Tong Xin, the former Black Dragon's Weilong Envoy and Snow Dragon Envoy. Ji Wufeng had let them go at first and had been using them as secret weapons until now.

Ji Wufeng said to Weilong: "The mission for you this time is to assist Maplewood Bay in eradicating Tianlong Hall."

Now that we have decided to attack Tianlongtang, of course we need to have some understanding in advance. It is indeed difficult to use Maplewood Bay's own power to destroy Tianlongtang. But if Weilong and Tong Xin are added to it, it will be different.

"Promise to complete the mission!" Li Chongwei's heart jumped fiercely and said: "Boy, what do you want to do? Are you thinking..."

Ji Wufeng blew out a smoke ring and said with a cold look in his eyes: "You guessed it right, my idea is to kill them all!"

"I think you are just messing around. It would be fine if it was just these families, but you are seeking death and provoking the Kong family. Do you think they will let you go?" Li Chongwei said with a blushing face.

That's right, if it were just the Zheng family, the Yuan family and the Zhuo family, there would be nothing to worry about. The Li family could destroy them all.

But Ji Wufeng was so stubborn that he dealt with Kong Shaolin so hard that the Kong family would definitely not let him go.

However, Li Chongwei, who knows the strength of the Kong family best, knows very well that even the Zheng family, the Zhuo family and the Yuan family combined are no match for the Kong family.

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and said, "If I don't take care of them first, what will I do to deal with the Kong family?"

It has been a while since Ji Wufeng came to Shanghai. The reason why Ji Wufeng did not rush to take action was first of all because he was afraid that Shanghai would become chaotic. Another important reason was that he wanted to catch all the opponents in one fell swoop. He did not have time to play with them slowly.

Because he knew that the Kong family was his biggest rival in Shanghai.

When he deposed Yuan Feng, he wanted to force the Yuan family to take action. Then he took the opportunity to wipe out Zheng, Yuan, Zhuo, and the other three families in one fell swoop. However, after only one assassination, nothing happened.

"No, this is too unreliable, I object!" Li Chongwei shouted.

Li Chongwei almost spit out blood. Even in ancient times, he would recruit troops and prepare supplies in advance. But this bastard had to do everything ready-made.

Moreover, if Ji Wufeng wanted to swallow three families in one go, his move would be too big. It would be impossible for Ji Wufeng not to make any movement at all.

Ji Wufeng said: "Old Li, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Don't you understand this principle? Do you want to wait until their strength reaches a certain level before eating them? I'm afraid that not only will you not be able to eat them, but you will also eat them. Got eaten by them!”

"Just them?" Li Chongwei looked disdainful.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "They didn't have anything to worry about before, but it's different now. You know, they have a common enemy with the Kong family now. What if they unite with the Kong family?"

Li Chongwei frowned. If it were just Zheng, Yuan, and Zhuo, he didn't take it seriously at all. If they weren't all under control, he would have nipped these three families in the bud.

But the difference now is that because of Ji Wufeng, the Kong family is very likely to get involved. When they unite and become stronger and stronger, it will be a big trouble to clean up.

Li Chongwei sat down on the sofa. After a moment of silence, he said, "Can you guarantee that the situation will be stable when the time comes?"

Since he chose to support Ji Wufeng, this battle must be fought, but it must be under the premise of ensuring a stable situation in Shanghai.

Ji Wufeng showed a sinister smile on his face and said: "My Longya Special Forces have just been reorganized. Do you think we should pull them out for training?"

Li Chongwei's face suddenly darkened and he said, "Damn it, you are too dark-hearted, aren't you? Despicable and shameless!"

This move is indeed despicable and shameless, but it is a very effective method. Ji Wufeng is not a gentleman. As long as he can achieve

What's wrong with being despicable and shameless for your own purposes?

"Gungun, don't let me see you if you have nothing to do, otherwise I will be so angry that I will have a cerebral hemorrhage." Li Chongwei kicked Ji Wufeng out, out of sight and out of mind.

After Ji Wufeng left, the phone rang. After the call was answered, Li Chongwei smiled bitterly and said, "You have given me a difficult problem. This kid is even more thorny than you were back then!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very indifferent and said: "I'm sorry for you, but you can rest assured that there will be no chaos in Shanghai and I will remember this favor."

Li Chongwei looked solemn and said: "Old Ji, you are out of touch when you say this. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead for decades. As long as you say a word, I will give you Shanghai and the sea without his own hands."

"No need, only a tiger that knows how to hunt is qualified to step into the Ji family's door. A dog that eats food that comes from outside is not worthy!"

After leaving the Li family, Ji Wufeng climbed to the highest point of Shanghai. After making a phone call, he lit a cigarette and looked at the Shanghai under the dawn. This is the place where Longya rises again!


Four figures quickly arrived in front of Ji Wufeng, it was Xiao Feng and others.

Ji Wufeng said: "If I let you win Tianlong Hall, how confident are you?"

Ji Wufeng decided to start with the Jianghu forces. Apart from the leading Li family, there were only Tianlong Hall, Qifeng Pavilion and Maplewood Bay, not to mention Qifeng Pavilion. Ji Wufeng's current plan was to capture Tianlong Hall.

Upon hearing Ji Wufeng's words, the expressions of the four of them immediately changed. Damn it, what does the boss want to do? Want to kill Tianlongtang?

Xiao Feng frowned slightly and said: "Tianlong Hall not only has many experts, but also has the deepest background. Behind them are the Zheng family, Zhuo family and Yuan family. However, it is not difficult to win Tianlong Hall, but it may require a high price."

With the support of three major families behind Tianlong Hall, there will naturally be no shortage of masters. If you want to take down Tianlong Hall, you must not only deal with the masters of Tianlong Hall, but also withstand the retaliation of these three forces.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "I don't want to hear such words. I just want to know how much time you need."

Xiao Feng was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "It will take at least half a month."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "It's too long. I will only give you one week. By then, Tianlong Hall will either surrender or disappear."

The four of them were immediately shocked. Taking down Tianlong Hall in a week? Boss, don't you have a fever?

When Maplewood Bay first emerged, there were many conflicts with Tianlongtang. They all knew the strength of Tianlongtang, and it was almost impossible to win it within a week!

At this moment, two more figures approached and respectfully said to Ji Wufeng, "Young Master."

The visitors turned out to be Tong Xin, the former Black Dragon's Weilong Envoy and Snow Dragon Envoy. Ji Wufeng had let them go at first and had been using them as secret weapons until now.

Ji Wufeng said to Weilong: "The mission for you this time is to assist Maplewood Bay in eradicating Tianlong Hall."

Now that we have decided to attack Tianlongtang, of course we need to have some understanding in advance. It is indeed difficult to use Maplewood Bay's own power to destroy Tianlongtang. But if Weilong and Tong Xin are added to it, it will be different.

"Promise to complete the mission!"

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