Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1105 The most evil young man in the world

Huan Huan walked up to the two of them and said to Wei Long in disbelief: "The one is quite strong and looks quite intimidating, but I wonder if it's just for fun or not?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Whether it works or not, you'll know if you try it."

"Just give it a try. Come on, big guy, let's practice." Hurricane Chong Weilong stretched out his finger provocatively.

"Are you really sure you want to try with me?" Weilong asked.

"Of course I'm sure. Why are you blabbering about a fight? Give me a punch first!" After Hurricane said that, he punched Veyron.

As soon as Weilong moved his feet, Hurricane's fist was empty. Just when he was about to throw the second punch, he suddenly felt a kick on his butt, and then he fell to the ground like a hungry dog.

Before Hurricane could get up, Weilong rushed forward and straddled him, punching and kicking him. Hurricane screamed and was instantly beaten into a pig's head.

After he was satisfied with the beating, Weilong said with satisfaction: "Damn, I've been holding it in for so long, and someone comes here to vent my anger, it's so cool!"

Weilong and Tong Xin have been in seclusion for such a long time, and they are really depressed. Now someone comes to ask him to write, how can he not have a good time?

"Who else wants to try with me? I promise to take good care of him!" Weilong said to Hou Sheng and Xiong Bao again.

The two of them were immediately frightened and took a step back. With one move, they beat the hurricane into a pig's head. If they continued to provoke, weren't they deliberately looking for abuse?

The Black Dragon can run amok, and the eight Tianlong generals under his command are definitely not vegetarians. With Weilong's strength, only Xiao Feng among the four can fight with him!

"What about my mission?" Tong Xin asked.

Weilong was assigned to destroy Tianlongtang, but there was no problem with Tong Xin.

Ji Wufeng said: "If you are a girl, don't fight with these rough men. Otherwise, who will dare to marry you in the future?"

Although Tong Xin is also one of the eight generals of Tianlong, in Ji Wufeng's opinion, women should not be involved in this kind of fighting and killing, especially beautiful women. If they have nothing to do, they should go shopping and fall in love. Why fight? What to do if it gets damaged?

Tong Xin pouted and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Don't follow Weilong anymore, just follow me." Ji Wufeng said.

Tong Xin suddenly blushed and followed him? what does this mean?

Peng Cheng's film has already begun preparations for filming, and Shi Qianying will naturally play an important role in it.

Although Shi Qianying has become popular now, she is still in the early stage of becoming popular. If she can be supported by Peng Cheng's movies, she will become a superstar faster.

Peng Cheng also arranged for Shi Qianying to come to Shanghai early. He had already told Brother Rong and Hongling that he would give Shi Qianying some acting guidance before filming.

Sure enough, before the movie was officially launched, the news had already spread that Shi Qianying was spotted by the great director Peng Cheng, who invited her to play a very important role in the new movie. Suddenly, Shi Qianying's popularity exploded again!

There is usually an idol popularity ranking list on the Internet. In just a few days, Shi Qianying has already entered the top ten of the Asian rankings. She is probably the only idol who has gained so much popularity after just releasing one album. .

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, learn from Qianying

Being so popular now is not necessarily a good thing. I don’t know how many people are jealous and jealous to death.

Once news about Shi Qianying appeared, some people supported her, while others criticized her. As her popularity grew, those trolls became more aggressive, and eventually some rumors started to appear on the Internet.

First, someone revealed Shi Qianying's previous family situation, saying that she was in KT before because she was taken care of by a kid from an aristocratic family, and that's when she got everything she has now. The reason why she is so popular now is Because the kid from that aristocratic family was behind the scenes.

No one may believe it at first, but people’s words are terrible, and the most terrifying thing about rumors is that even if they are false, the more people tell them, the more false they become true.

As a result, some people who paid attention to Shi Qianying were divided into two groups. One group was loyal fans who trusted her, and the other group tried their best to complain, saying that Shi Qianying was just someone else's mistress and someone who was played to death. If a woman doesn't rely on pleasing men, she is nothing.

What's even more outrageous is that someone actually exposed the original photos of her and Ji Yanran, saying that she was Shi Qianying's illegitimate daughter.

After getting the news, Shi Qianying wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. These people were so wicked that they could make up such a thing.

Ji Tianlin rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said: "How can it be an illegitimate daughter? Even if it is an illegitimate child, it must be an illegitimate child like me. It would be a pity to leave a young master like me alone."

Shi Qianying blushed, and Qin Yi on the side suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

Ji Tianlin immediately shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Nothing, nothing, I just think my temperament matches that of Qianying's mother."

Now Ji Tianlin is the Crown Prince at home, but he is only afraid of one person, and that is Qin Yi, the Queen Mother, who will really hurt him if he gets angry.

"Tell me, was there another fight at school today?" Qin Yi shouted.

"Absolutely nothing!" Ji Tianlin agreed neatly.

Qin Yi said angrily: "You still dare to quibble? Your teacher called me just now and said that you had another fight in the toilet today and kicked him into the urinal."

Ji Tianlin immediately became angry, jumped up, and cursed: "That boy is so ignorant. He dares to sue the teacher. Wait, I will give him another beating tomorrow!"

This kid is getting better and better. When he gets to school, he calls himself Young Master Ji. He will beat up any male classmates who don't like him, then force them to call him Boss, and then ask them to call him Aunt Ji Yanran.

Before, he just bullied his classmates. Who knew that in the end, he felt that bullying the children was not enough, so he went to the senior class. He also said that the senior class was bigger, had better fighting skills, and the girls were more mature. , much prettier than those little brats.

Now in Ji Tianlin's school, his reputation is almost unknown to everyone. Everyone knows that there is a bully named Ji Tianlin in the school!

I don't know who told him that Ji Wufeng was a big villain in school, and this kid threatened to be the most evil young master in the world.

Seeing that Ji Tianlin was getting more and more arrogant, Qin Yi suddenly became angry. She stepped forward and grabbed his ears and said, "You little bastard, you are so bad at learning at such a young age. How can you be so good when you grow up? Today I I have to teach you a lesson!" Huan Huan walked up to the two of them and said to Wei Long in disbelief: "The one is quite strong and looks quite bluffing, but I don't know if it's a charm. useless?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Whether it works or not, you'll know if you try it."

"Just give it a try. Come on, big guy, let's practice." Hurricane Chong Weilong stretched out his finger provocatively.

"Are you really sure you want to try with me?" Weilong asked.

"Of course I'm sure. Why are you blabbering about a fight? Give me a punch first!" After Hurricane said that, he punched Veyron.

As soon as Weilong moved his feet, Hurricane's fist was empty. Just when he was about to throw the second punch, he suddenly felt a kick on his butt, and then he fell to the ground like a hungry dog.

Before Hurricane could get up, Weilong rushed forward and straddled him, punching and kicking him. Hurricane screamed and was instantly beaten into a pig's head.

After he was satisfied with the beating, Weilong said with satisfaction: "Damn, I've been holding it in for so long, and someone comes here to vent my anger, it's so cool!"

Weilong and Tong Xin have been in seclusion for such a long time, and they are really depressed. Now someone comes to ask him to write, how can he not have a good time?

"Who else wants to try with me? I promise to take good care of him!" Weilong said to Hou Sheng and Xiong Bao again.

The two of them were immediately frightened and took a step back. With one move, they beat the hurricane into a pig's head. If they continued to provoke, weren't they deliberately looking for abuse?

The Black Dragon can run amok, and the eight Tianlong generals under his command are definitely not vegetarians. With Weilong's strength, only Xiao Feng among the four can fight with him!

"What about my mission?" Tong Xin asked.

Weilong was assigned to destroy Tianlongtang, but there was no problem with Tong Xin.

Ji Wufeng said: "If you are a girl, don't fight with these rough men. Otherwise, who will dare to marry you in the future?"

Although Tong Xin is also one of the eight generals of Tianlong, in Ji Wufeng's opinion, women should not be involved in this kind of fighting and killing, especially beautiful women. If they have nothing to do, they should go shopping and fall in love. Why fight? What to do if it gets damaged?

Tong Xin pouted and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Don't follow Weilong anymore, just follow me." Ji Wufeng said.

Tong Xin suddenly blushed and followed him? what does this mean?

Peng Cheng's film has already begun preparations for filming, and Shi Qianying will naturally play an important role in it.

Although Shi Qianying has become popular now, she is still in the early stage of becoming popular. If she can be supported by Peng Cheng's movies, she will become a superstar faster.

Peng Cheng also arranged for Shi Qianying to come to Shanghai early. He had already told Brother Rong and Hongling that he would give Shi Qianying some acting guidance before filming.

Sure enough, before the movie was officially launched, the news had already spread that Shi Qianying was spotted by the great director Peng Cheng, who invited her to play a very important role in the new movie. Suddenly, Shi Qianying's popularity exploded again!

There is usually an idol popularity ranking list on the Internet. In just a few days, Shi Qianying has already entered the top ten of the Asian rankings. She is probably the only idol who has gained so much popularity after just releasing one album. .

As the saying goes: a big tree attracts the wind, learn from Qianying

Being so popular now is not necessarily a good thing. I don’t know how many people are jealous and jealous to death.

Once news about Shi Qianying appeared, some people supported her, while others criticized her. As her popularity grew, those trolls became more aggressive, and eventually some rumors started to appear on the Internet.

First, someone revealed Shi Qianying's previous family situation, saying that she was in KT before because she was taken care of by a kid from an aristocratic family, and that's when she got everything she has now. The reason why she is so popular now is Because the kid from that aristocratic family was behind the scenes.

No one may believe it at first, but people’s words are terrible, and the most terrifying thing about rumors is that even if they are false, the more people tell them, the more false they become true.

As a result, some people who paid attention to Shi Qianying were divided into two groups. One group was loyal fans who trusted her, and the other group tried their best to complain, saying that Shi Qianying was just someone else's mistress and someone who was played to death. If a woman doesn't rely on pleasing men, she is nothing.

What's even more outrageous is that someone actually exposed the original photos of her and Ji Yanran, saying that she was Shi Qianying's illegitimate daughter.

After getting the news, Shi Qianying wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. These people were so wicked that they could make up such a thing.

Ji Tianlin rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said: "How can it be an illegitimate daughter? Even if it is an illegitimate child, it must be an illegitimate child like me. It would be a pity to leave a young master like me alone."

Shi Qianying blushed, and Qin Yi on the side suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

Ji Tianlin immediately shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Nothing, nothing, I just think my temperament matches that of Qianying's mother."

Now Ji Tianlin is the Crown Prince at home, but he is only afraid of one person, and that is Qin Yi, the Queen Mother, who will really hurt him if he gets angry.

"Tell me, was there another fight at school today?" Qin Yi shouted.

"Absolutely nothing!" Ji Tianlin agreed neatly.

Qin Yi said angrily: "You still dare to quibble? Your teacher called me just now and said that you had another fight in the toilet today and kicked him into the urinal."

Ji Tianlin immediately became angry, jumped up, and cursed: "That boy is so ignorant. He dares to sue the teacher. Wait, I will give him another beating tomorrow!"

This kid is getting better and better. When he gets to school, he calls himself Young Master Ji. He will beat up any male classmates who don't like him, then force them to call him Boss, and then ask them to call him Aunt Ji Yanran.

Before, he just bullied his classmates. Who knew that in the end, he felt that bullying the children was not enough, so he went to the senior class. He also said that the senior class was bigger, had better fighting skills, and the girls were more mature. , much prettier than those little brats.

Now in Ji Tianlin's school, his reputation is almost unknown to everyone. Everyone knows that there is a bully named Ji Tianlin in the school!

I don't know who told him that Ji Wufeng was a big villain in school, and this kid threatened to be the most evil young master in the world.

Seeing that Ji Tianlin was getting more and more arrogant, Qin Yi suddenly became angry. She stepped forward and grabbed his ears and said, "You little bastard, you are so bad at learning at such a young age. How can you be so good when you grow up? Today I I must teach you a lesson!"

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