Seeing Tong Xin slap Zheng Yuting hard, everyone present was stunned. I'm a good boy, something big is going to happen now. This unruly young lady was slapped in front of so many people. He has such a big mouth, he has to dig a hole in this day.

Miss Zheng covered her red and swollen face and felt like she was going crazy. She actually got slapped again.

Zheng Yuting always felt that she was a princess in Shanghai, a golden branch and a jade leaf. Today, she was slapped in front of so many people. Isn't this more painful than killing her?

"Bitch, I'll kill you..." Zheng Yuting looked like she was going crazy, and rushed towards Tong Xin with all her teeth and claws...

When Tong Xin was about to take action again, Ji Wufeng was one step ahead of him. He stepped forward and slapped Zheng Yuting hard on the face with a big mouth, which immediately stunned Zheng Yuting completely.

Tong Xin looked surprised, and Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "They wanted to bully me just now, and you helped me stand out. Now that she wants to bully you, naturally I should stand up for you."

"Your Excellency is as knowledgeable as a girl, and you even hit her. Isn't it too humiliating for a man to bully a girl like this?" came an angry voice.

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a well-dressed young man. In Shanghai and Hainan, the Zheng family was very powerful. Besides, Zheng Yuting was not bad looking. Naturally, there were many people who wanted to flatter and curry favor with the Zheng family.

"Which of your eyes saw me bullying girls?" Ji Wufeng asked with an innocent face.

The young man pointed at the onlookers and said, "So many people are bargaining with their own eyes. Do you still want to deny it?"

"But she struck first. Didn't you see that she wanted to hit her just now?" Ji Wufeng pointed at Tong Xin.

"Huh, that's something between girls. If you, a grown man, get involved in it, don't you think it's very ungraceful?" The young man snorted coldly.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "No, not only do I not feel embarrassed, I actually feel it is a supreme honor!"

Everyone was in a daze. They participated in a dispute between women and even hit the woman. They actually felt that it was extremely glorious. Is there such a shameless person in the world?

Ji Wufeng asked the young man, "Could it be that when you saw your woman being bullied, just because the other person was also a woman, you just turned a blind eye and stood by?"

"Of course not. I will pull them away politely and will never hit them," the young man said.

"What if your woman has been bullied? Do you just want to let it go? Just because of your so-called demeanor, even if your woman is beaten, you are not going to pursue it?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly asked with a cold laugh: "You think it's embarrassing to hit a woman, but when your woman is beaten, you shrink your head? Turtle, wouldn't that be even more embarrassing?"

The young man was suddenly speechless and really didn't know how to answer Ji Wufeng's question.

"I only know that whoever dares to bully my woman, I will bully her back. No matter who the other person is, let alone a woman, even if she is an old woman in her seventies or eighties, I will still beat her up!"

Tong Xin suddenly blushed. When did she become his woman?

Ji Wufeng stared coldly

Looking at the young man, he said with disdain: "The reason why I feel that I am supremely glorious is because I protected my woman, but what about you? For your so-called ridiculous demeanor, you let your woman be bullied by others, I I think you are the real shame!"

Originally, when Ji Wufeng hit Zheng Yuting, everyone thought he was worthless. It was really outrageous for a grown man to hit a woman.

But what he said seemed very reasonable. If you saw your woman being bullied by someone else, just because the other person was also a woman, would you just stand by and let your woman be bullied?

Suddenly, some women felt that Ji Wufeng was no longer so annoying. In order to protect his daughter, he did not even have to be a man. Isn't a man who allows others to spurn him a good man?

"Good!" Suddenly someone couldn't help shouting.

The crowd moved out of the way, and a handsome young man walked over. The face of the speechless young man who had been questioned by Ji Wufeng was immediately filled with gloating.

The expressions of a group of onlookers also changed slightly. This kid was going to be in trouble. He beat Zheng Yuting in Shanghai. Didn't Zheng Fenghai peel off his skin?

As soon as Zheng Yuting saw Zheng Fenghai, she immediately rushed over and cried, "Brother, why did you come here just now? I was bullied and beaten."

The young man pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "Young Master Hai, that's him, he's the one who beat Yu Ting!"

I originally thought that Zheng Fenghai would get furious and cut Ji Wufeng into pieces. Who knew what he did next made everyone dumbfounded. He stepped forward to Ji Wufeng and said apologetically: "Brother Ji, I'm very sorry. You blame me for not disciplining my sister-in-law and offending you. Today is Grandpa Zhuo’s happy day. Even if I give Grandpa Zhuo a thin noodle, the matter is over like this?”


Everyone's minds were at a loss for a moment. Ji Wufeng had beaten Zheng Fenghai's sister. Everyone knew that Zheng Fenghai loved Zheng Yuting the most, which was also the reason why Zheng Yuting was lawless in Shanghai.

Now Zheng Fenghai not only refuses to pursue it, but also begs Ji Wufeng not to pursue it anymore. Holy shit, is this a crazy situation?

Zheng Yuting was dumbfounded. She pulled Zheng Fenghai and said, "Brother, are you crazy? He just hit me!"

In the past, even if someone made Zheng Yuting a little unhappy, Zheng Fenghai would help her teach others a lesson. This time she was actually beaten, but Zheng Fenghai asked others for peace.

"shut up!"

Zheng Fenghai suddenly scolded and said: "It's all my fault that I indulge you too much, which makes you so arrogant. Come on, please send her back to me. She is not allowed to leave the Zheng family without my order." step!"

Immediately, two bodyguards of the Zheng family came over and took Zheng Yuting away. Until she was dragged out of the Zhuo family gate, Zheng Yuting had not yet reacted to Zheng Fenghai's abnormality.

At this moment, everyone was a little confused. Everyone knew that Zheng Fenghai loved Zheng Yuting very much, and now he treated Zheng Yuting so harshly for someone who beat his sister. It can be said that he showed no mercy.

Now Ji Wufeng feels even more that Zheng Fenghai is a character, and he can actually achieve this level. A small impatience can ruin a big plan, and Zheng Fenghai has done a very good job. Seeing Tong Xin slap Zheng Yuting hard, everyone present was stunned. I'm a good boy, something big is going to happen now. This unruly young lady was slapped in front of so many people. He has such a big mouth, he has to dig a hole in this day.

Miss Zheng covered her red and swollen face and felt like she was going crazy. She actually got slapped again.

Zheng Yuting always felt that she was a princess in Shanghai, a golden branch and a jade leaf. Today, she was slapped in front of so many people. Isn't this more painful than killing her?

"Bitch, I'll kill you..." Zheng Yuting looked like she was going crazy, and rushed towards Tong Xin with all her teeth and claws...

When Tong Xin was about to take action again, Ji Wufeng was one step ahead of him. He stepped forward and slapped Zheng Yuting hard on the face with a big mouth, which immediately stunned Zheng Yuting completely.

Tong Xin looked surprised, and Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "They wanted to bully me just now, and you helped me stand out. Now that she wants to bully you, naturally I should stand up for you."

"Your Excellency is as knowledgeable as a girl, and you even hit her. Isn't it too humiliating for a man to bully a girl like this?" came an angry voice.

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a well-dressed young man. In Shanghai and Hainan, the Zheng family was very powerful. Besides, Zheng Yuting was not bad looking. Naturally, there were many people who wanted to flatter and curry favor with the Zheng family.

"Which of your eyes saw me bullying girls?" Ji Wufeng asked with an innocent face.

The young man pointed at the onlookers and said, "So many people bargained with their own eyes. Do you still want to admit it?" .??.??

"But she struck first. Didn't you see that she wanted to hit her just now?" Ji Wufeng pointed at Tong Xin.

"Huh, that's something between girls. If you, a grown man, get involved in it, don't you think it's very ungraceful?" The young man snorted coldly.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "No, not only do I not feel embarrassed, I actually feel it is a supreme honor!"

Everyone was in a daze. They participated in a dispute between women and even hit the woman. They actually felt that it was extremely glorious. Is there such a shameless person in the world?

Ji Wufeng asked the young man, "Could it be that when you saw your woman being bullied, just because the other person was also a woman, you just turned a blind eye and stood by?"

"Of course not. I will pull them away politely and will never hit them," the young man said.

"What if your woman has been bullied? Do you just want to let it go? Just because of your so-called demeanor, even if your woman is beaten, you are not going to pursue it?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly asked with a cold laugh: "You think it's embarrassing to hit a woman, but when your woman is beaten, you shrink your head? Turtle, wouldn't that be even more embarrassing?"

The young man was suddenly speechless and really didn't know how to answer Ji Wufeng's question.

"I only know that whoever dares to bully my woman, I will bully her back. No matter who the other person is, let alone a woman, even if she is an old woman in her seventies or eighties, I will still beat her up!"

Tong Xin suddenly blushed. When did she become his woman?

Ji Wufeng stared coldly

Looking at the young man, he said with disdain: "The reason why I feel that I am supremely glorious is because I protected my woman, but what about you? For your so-called ridiculous demeanor, you let your woman be bullied by others, I I think you are the real shame!"

Originally, when Ji Wufeng hit Zheng Yuting, everyone thought he was worthless. It was really outrageous for a grown man to hit a woman.

But what he said seemed very reasonable. If you saw your woman being bullied by someone else, just because the other person was also a woman, would you just stand by and let your woman be bullied?

Suddenly, some women felt that Ji Wufeng was no longer so annoying. In order to protect his daughter, he did not even have to be a man. Isn't a man who allows others to spurn him a good man?

"Good!" Suddenly someone couldn't help shouting.

The crowd moved out of the way, and a handsome young man walked over. The face of the speechless young man who had been questioned by Ji Wufeng was immediately filled with gloating.

The expressions of a group of onlookers also changed slightly. This kid was going to be in trouble. He beat Zheng Yuting in Shanghai. Didn't Zheng Fenghai peel off his skin?

As soon as Zheng Yuting saw Zheng Fenghai, she immediately rushed over and cried, "Brother, why did you come here just now? I was bullied and beaten."

The young man pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "Young Master Hai, that's him, he's the one who beat Yu Ting!"

I originally thought that Zheng Fenghai would get furious and cut Ji Wufeng into pieces. Who knew what he did next made everyone dumbfounded. He stepped forward to Ji Wufeng and said apologetically: "Brother Ji, I'm very sorry. You blame me for not disciplining my sister-in-law and offending you. Today is Grandpa Zhuo’s happy day. Even if I give Grandpa Zhuo a thin noodle, the matter is over like this?”


Everyone's minds were at a loss for a moment. Ji Wufeng had beaten Zheng Fenghai's sister. Everyone knew that Zheng Fenghai loved Zheng Yuting the most, which was also the reason why Zheng Yuting was lawless in Shanghai.

Now Zheng Fenghai not only refuses to pursue it, but also begs Ji Wufeng not to pursue it anymore. Holy shit, is this a crazy situation?

Zheng Yuting was dumbfounded. She pulled Zheng Fenghai and said, "Brother, are you crazy? He just hit me!"

In the past, even if someone made Zheng Yuting a little unhappy, Zheng Fenghai would help her teach others a lesson. This time she was actually beaten, but Zheng Fenghai asked others for peace.

"shut up!"

Zheng Fenghai suddenly scolded and said: "It's all my fault that I indulge you too much, which makes you so arrogant. Come on, please send her back to me. She is not allowed to leave the Zheng family without my order." step!"

Immediately, two bodyguards of the Zheng family came over and took Zheng Yuting away. Until she was dragged out of the Zhuo family gate, Zheng Yuting had not yet reacted to Zheng Fenghai's abnormality.

At this moment, everyone was a little confused. Everyone knew that Zheng Fenghai loved Zheng Yuting very much, and now he treated Zheng Yuting so harshly for someone who beat his sister. It can be said that he showed no mercy.

Now Ji Wufeng feels even more that Zheng Fenghai is a character, and he can actually achieve this level. A small impatience can ruin a big plan, and Zheng Fenghai has done a very good job.

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