Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1108 There is a price to pay for showing off

"Forget it, I, Ji Wufeng, am not that stingy. Let's just let this matter go."

Sooner or later, I will take over Shanghai, so I can't leave such a bad image on the people in front of me, so I might as well be generous.

Zheng Fenghai was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Ji. Zheng Fenghai will definitely come to visit you someday."

After Zheng Fenghai left, everyone was still in a daze without reacting. Suddenly someone pondered and murmured: "Ji Wufeng? Why does this name sound so familiar?" .??.

"Ji Wufeng? Damn it, he must be the one who crippled Yuan Feng!"

At this time, everyone remembered what happened not long ago. Yuan Feng had one of his hands crippled, and all the four young masters in Shanghai were bullied. At that time, this incident was widely spread in Shanghai. It seemed that that person's His name is Ji Wufeng.

At this time, someone else's mouth twitched and said, "That's not all. He was also the one who asked Kong Shaolin, the young master of the Kong family, to kneel down and kowtow and imitate the barking of a dog at the Yunhai Hotel two days ago."

"Also, Liu Wenbo of the Liu family was said to have been deposed and turned into a eunuch. He did it too!"


The whole place exploded immediately. No one thought that this guy was actually the fierce man. Many people couldn't help but take a step back with horror on their faces.

The young man who stood up for Zheng Yuting before turned pale with fright. He turned around and ran away, but there were people around him. He was so anxious that he bumped into the chest of a taller woman behind him.

The woman suddenly screamed, covered her chest and cursed angrily: "You stinky scoundrel, how dare you eat my tofu!"


A big mouth slapped the young man on the face, causing him to spin twice in circles. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At this moment, several figures appeared outside the gate. In the middle was an old man with an old face but a rosy face. On both sides of him were two beautiful girls with the same appearance, and behind him was a young man.

It was the two sisters Su Yuanqiao and Su Danxiao, as well as Su Jianxing.

The old man of the Zhuo family and Su Yuanqiao are of the same generation. Over the past few decades, whether they are enemies or friends, they have accumulated some friendship. This time, it is the eightieth birthday of the old man Zhuo, and Su Yuanqiao will come to congratulate him in person.

Su Yuanqiao's arrival immediately diverted everyone's attention away from Ji Wufeng, and they all stepped forward to say hello. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for one of the most powerful people in the world of Shanghai and Hainan not to flatter him? Can you be a human being?

After finishing flattering some people, Ji Wufeng stepped forward and said, "Lao Su, you are here too."

Now that the relationship between the Su family and himself is clear enough, it is very necessary to properly deepen the relationship.

Hearing Ji Wufeng directly call Su Yuanqiao Lao Su, everyone fainted.

But Su Yuanqiao was not angry at all. Instead, he was happy because Ji Wufeng took the initiative to greet him. He squinted his eyes and said, "Haha, old man Zhuo is having a birthday party today. I have to come and see him no matter what."

Seeing Ji Wufeng and Su Yuanqiao chatting so speculatively, the people next to them were all muttering, "What's going on?" Didn't you hear before that he had a very unpleasant quarrel with the Su sisters?

After chatting with Ji Wufeng for a few words, Su Yuanqiao was invited into the inner hall by servants of the Zhuo family, while the Su sisters and Su Jianxing stayed outside.

Su Jianxing looked at Ji Wufeng with a simple look.

As straight as a poisonous snake, Ji Wufeng smiled at him and said, "Why are you so long-faced? Come on, give me a smile!"

Su Jianxing was so angry that he almost vomited blood. You just bullied me, but now you are addicted to bullying?

After Su Jianxing left angrily, Su Danxiao looked at Tong Xin beside her. She felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and asked with a polite smile: "Who is this lady?"

"Oh, her name is Tong Xin, she is my sister." Ji Wufeng introduced.

After listening to Ji Wufeng's introduction, Su Danxiao suddenly felt much more comfortable, but Tong Xin was completely opposite, and suddenly felt filled with panic.

"Hello, Miss Tong, my name is Su Danxiao, and this is my sister Su Qianxiao." Su Danxiao extended her hand generously to Tong Xin.

"Hello, Miss Su."

Tong Xin responded with a smile, but there was a trace of loss that was hard to detect in her eyes. Did he just treat me as his sister?

At this moment, another tall figure appeared at the door. He was wearing a straight black tunic suit, clean hair, angular cheeks like knives, eyes as sharp as knives, and his whole body exuded a sense of masculinity and prowess. Qi.

The appearance of this person instantly attracted the attention of many people, especially those female friends, whose eyes were full of little stars. This person could not be said to be handsome, but he was extremely handsome.

Even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look sideways, a little envious. This man was really dazzling. No matter where he stood, it would be difficult for people to ignore him.

"Why is he here?" Su Danxiao frowned slightly.

"Who is he?" Ji Wufeng asked curiously.

"His name is Yue Kunpeng!" Su Dan smiled.

"Yue Kunpeng? Does he have a big background?" After Ji Wufeng asked this question, he immediately thought of something.

Long Si told him that the Yue family, the big boss in the Shanghai Navy, this Yue Kunpeng must be from the Yue family. He had just arrived in Shanghai for a short time and had not had the opportunity to contact the Yue family. He did not expect that today Came across here.

From Su Danxiao, I learned that the Yue family has very little communication with the powerful people in Shanghai. Except for the Li family and a few big families, many people can't even come into contact with the Yue family...

Therefore, people from the Yue family rarely attend such gatherings. Therefore, except for people from a few big families, very few people know Yue Kunpeng.

The Yue family has a reputation of being independent. No matter how the situation in Shanghai changes, it seems to have nothing to do with the Yue family. As long as nothing major happens in Shanghai, the Yue family will never interfere.

Maybe this time is the eightieth birthday of the old man of the Zhuo family, which is really rare, so the Yue family will let Yue Kunpeng come.

Yue Kunpeng strode in, his aura as bright as a rainbow. Only then did Ji Wufeng realize that he had tyrannical strength, and he was not even inferior to Xiao Feng.

This made Ji Wufeng even more jealous. He was so handsome, he was good at fighting, and he was also good at showing off.

Finally, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will have to give you a slap in the face and let you know that there is a big price to pay for pretending.

Although there were many eyes on him, Yue Kunpeng turned a blind eye and walked straight into the inner hall. However, he suddenly stopped when he passed by Ji Wufeng.

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" Yue Kunpeng turned around and asked.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy actually knew about him. He nodded and said, "Yes, I am." "Forget it, I, Ji Wufeng, am not that stingy. Let's just let this matter go."

Sooner or later, I will take over Shanghai, so I can't leave such a bad image on the people in front of me, so I might as well be generous.

Zheng Fenghai was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Ji. Zheng Fenghai will definitely come to visit you someday."

After Zheng Fenghai left, everyone was still in a daze without reacting. Suddenly someone pondered and murmured: "Ji Wufeng? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Ji Wufeng? Damn it, he must be the one who crippled Yuan Feng!"

At this time, everyone remembered what happened not long ago. Yuan Feng had one of his hands crippled, and all the four young masters in Shanghai were bullied. At that time, this incident was widely spread in Shanghai. It seemed that that person's His name is Ji Wufeng.

At this time, someone else's mouth twitched and said, "That's not all. He was also the one who asked Kong Shaolin, the young master of the Kong family, to kneel down and kowtow and imitate the barking of a dog at the Yunhai Hotel two days ago."

"Also, Liu Wenbo of the Liu family was said to have been deposed and turned into a eunuch. He did it too!"


The whole place exploded immediately. No one thought that this guy was actually the fierce man. Many people couldn't help but take a step back with horror on their faces.

The young man who stood up for Zheng Yuting before turned pale with fright. He turned around and ran away, but there were people around him. He was so anxious that he bumped into the chest of a taller woman behind him.

The woman suddenly screamed, covered her chest and cursed angrily: "You stinky scoundrel, how dare you eat my tofu!"


A big mouth slapped the young man on the face, causing him to spin twice in circles. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At this moment, several figures appeared outside the gate. In the middle was an old man with an old face but a rosy face. On both sides of him were two beautiful girls with the same appearance, and behind him was a young man.

It was the two sisters Su Yuanqiao and Su Danxiao, as well as Su Jianxing.

The old man of the Zhuo family and Su Yuanqiao are of the same generation. Over the past few decades, whether they are enemies or friends, they have accumulated some friendship. This time, it is the eightieth birthday of the old man Zhuo, and Su Yuanqiao will come to congratulate him in person.

Su Yuanqiao's arrival immediately diverted everyone's attention away from Ji Wufeng, and they all stepped forward to say hello. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for one of the most powerful people in the world of Shanghai and Hainan not to flatter him? Can you be a human being?

After finishing flattering some people, Ji Wufeng stepped forward and said, "Lao Su, you are here too."

Now that the relationship between the Su family and himself is clear enough, it is very necessary to properly deepen the relationship.

Hearing Ji Wufeng directly call Su Yuanqiao Lao Su, everyone fainted.

But Su Yuanqiao was not angry at all. Instead, he was happy because Ji Wufeng took the initiative to greet him. He squinted his eyes and said, "Haha, old man Zhuo is having a birthday party today. I have to come and see him no matter what."

Seeing Ji Wufeng and Su Yuanqiao chatting so speculatively, the people next to them were all muttering, "What's going on?" Didn't you hear before that he had a very unpleasant quarrel with the Su sisters?

After chatting with Ji Wufeng for a few words, Su Yuanqiao was invited into the inner hall by servants of the Zhuo family, while the Su sisters and Su Jianxing stayed outside.

Su Jianxing looked at Ji Wufeng with a simple look.

As straight as a poisonous snake, Ji Wufeng smiled at him and said, "Why are you so long-faced? Come on, give me a smile!"

Su Jianxing was so angry that he almost vomited blood. You just bullied me, but now you are addicted to bullying?

After Su Jianxing left angrily, Su Danxiao looked at Tong Xin beside her. She felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and asked with a polite smile: "Who is this lady?"

"Oh, her name is Tong Xin, she is my sister." Ji Wufeng introduced.

After listening to Ji Wufeng's introduction, Su Danxiao suddenly felt much more comfortable, but Tong Xin was completely opposite, and suddenly felt filled with panic.

"Hello, Miss Tong, my name is Su Danxiao, and this is my sister Su Qianxiao." Su Danxiao extended her hand generously to Tong Xin.

"Hello, Miss Su."

Tong Xin responded with a smile, but there was a trace of loss that was hard to detect in her eyes. Did he just treat me as his sister?

At this moment, another tall figure appeared at the door. He was wearing a straight black tunic suit, clean hair, angular cheeks like knives, eyes as sharp as knives, and his whole body exuded a sense of masculinity and prowess. Qi.

The appearance of this person instantly attracted the attention of many people, especially those female friends, whose eyes were full of little stars. This person could not be said to be handsome, but he was extremely handsome.

Even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look sideways, a little envious. This man was really dazzling. No matter where he stood, it would be difficult for people to ignore him.

"Why is he here?" Su Danxiao frowned slightly.

"Who is he?" Ji Wufeng asked curiously.

"His name is Yue Kunpeng!" Su Dan smiled.

"Yue Kunpeng? Does he have a big background?" After Ji Wufeng asked this question, he immediately thought of something.

Long Si told him that the Yue family, the big boss in the Shanghai Navy, this Yue Kunpeng must be from the Yue family. He had just arrived in Shanghai for a short time and had not had the opportunity to contact the Yue family. He did not expect that today Came across here.

From Su Danxiao, I learned that the Yue family has very little communication with the powerful people in Shanghai. Except for the Li family and a few big families, many people can't even come into contact with the Yue family...

Therefore, people from the Yue family rarely attend such gatherings. Therefore, except for people from a few big families, very few people know Yue Kunpeng.

The Yue family has a reputation of being independent. No matter how the situation in Shanghai changes, it seems to have nothing to do with the Yue family. As long as nothing major happens in Shanghai, the Yue family will never interfere.

Maybe this time is the eightieth birthday of the old man of the Zhuo family, which is really rare, so the Yue family will let Yue Kunpeng come.

Yue Kunpeng strode in, his aura as bright as a rainbow. Only then did Ji Wufeng realize that he had tyrannical strength, and he was not even inferior to Xiao Feng.

This made Ji Wufeng even more jealous. He was so handsome, he was good at fighting, and he was also good at showing off.

Finally, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will have to give you a slap in the face and let you know that there is a big price to pay for pretending.

Although there were many eyes on him, Yue Kunpeng turned a blind eye and walked straight into the inner hall. However, he suddenly stopped when he passed by Ji Wufeng.

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" Yue Kunpeng turned around and asked.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy actually knew about him. He nodded and said, "Yes, I am."

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