Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1109 There are four good young people in the new society

"It is rumored that you are very powerful. After the birthday banquet, I want to ask you for advice." Yue Kunpeng's eyes became so hot that it was even a bit scary to look directly at him.

"Teach at any time!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

Just now I was thinking about how to find a chance to give this kid Hai Bian a meal, but I didn't expect that he would come to my door automatically. I really wanted to eat water spinach, so I came to a lotus root seller.

"Do you really want to fight him?" Su Danxiao looked at Yue Kunpeng's back and frowned slightly. .??.??

Others don't know, but Su Danxiao has seen Yue Kunpeng take action before, he is very strong!

"I'm no match for him!" Tong Xin said.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, he is no match for me!"

A group of people appeared again. This time there were quite a few people, more than a dozen. Walking in the center were two old men. When they saw the two people walking in, all the guests who were still sitting there immediately became confused. He stood up, his face full of awe, not daring to show any arrogance.

One of the old men was Li Chongwei. Ji Wufeng didn't recognize the old man next to him, but he guessed his identity. There were only a few people who were qualified to walk side by side with Li Chongwei. This old man must be Yuan Qingzheng of the Yuan family.

In addition to Li Chongwei, Yao Tianluo also came together, and Gardenia was also there, but Li Yunxiao was missing. It seemed that this kid would not stand up until Ji Wufeng dominated Shanghai.

Besides, Li Yunxiao is not in Shanghai either!

Yuan Qingzheng was accompanied by several young men, all with unfamiliar faces. One of them looked somewhat similar to Yuan Feng. It seemed that he should be Yuan Feng's brother.

Under the respectful eyes of everyone, Li Chongwei and Yuan Qing were walking towards the inner hall. They also stopped when passing by Ji Wufeng. In the public, they had to give Li Chongwei some face no matter what, and nodded to him.

Li Chongwei nodded and said with a smile: "You came here quite early, you must have caused some trouble again, right?"

Ji Wufeng said with a depressed look: "How can this be possible? I am a good young man in the new society. I only think about how to benefit the public. How can I cause trouble casually?"

The people next to you all have black lines on their faces, you won’t cause trouble casually? Damn, you just got into a fight with someone. I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen such a thick one. The thick city wall has a corner.

But at the same time, they were also very shocked that Ji Wufeng and Li Chongwei had a very close relationship.

Although several big families in Shanghai are now at their peak, those who are truly far-sighted are very powerful. Regardless of how powerful these big families are, Shanghai is still dominated by the Kong family and the Li family. No matter what the wishes of any of these two families are, If so, the names of these major families can be changed at any time.

Gardenia glanced at Tong Xin and Su Danxiao, then rolled her eyes and said: "Huh, you still have four good young people in the new society? I think there are four big hooligans, but you are still thinking about how to benefit the public. I think it’s good if you don’t think about how to harm others.”

Ji Wufeng's face darkened, what happened to this little girl? I can't say anything to save your life, but you don't even think about how to pledge yourself to me, but you are still trying to undermine me here.

Could it be that you are jealous because you saw two beauties around me?

That must be the case!

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" Yuan Qingzheng asked suddenly.

Although there was a smile on his face, Ji Wufeng felt that the old man smiled awkwardly, but this was normal. If someone crippled your grandson, let alone smile in front of him, he would have chopped you off with a kitchen knife. Already very good.

"Yes, I am Ji Wufeng." Ji Wufeng said.

Regardless of whether you are a friend or an enemy, you still need to show some superficial skills. If you reach out and don't hit the smiling person, you can't still call him an old person if he still smiles at you even though he is very old, right?

As soon as he heard Ji Wufeng admitted his identity, the young man standing next to Yuan Qingzheng who looked somewhat similar to Yuan Feng raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

"Yes, didn't I admit it just now?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Good boy, I'm looking for you!"

The young man was furious and wanted to fight Ji Wufeng. Yuan Qingzheng immediately yelled: "Yuan Shan, stop it!"

"But grandpa..."

"shut up!"

Yuan Qingzheng's face darkened, and the young man immediately became honest, but took a step back and stared at Ji Wufeng with eyes full of resentment.

"Haha, it's normal for you young people to have some misunderstandings and conflicts. We are old enough to fight, and we are not suitable to interfere in the affairs of the younger generation. I only hope that you can become friends after you resolve the misunderstanding." Yuan Qingzheng said.

become friends? Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. It seemed that it was no accident that several big families had their current status. Yuan Qingzheng's ability to talk about things and be forbearing was not something ordinary people could possess.

It seems that Yuan Qingzheng has found out the details of Ji Wufeng, and does not pursue Yuan Feng's matter, which shows his magnanimity, and then puts the matter on the young man's head. No matter what happens, his Yuan family will have their own way. Rhetoric is really a good method.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to resolve the misunderstanding." Ji Wufeng said.

There are many ways to resolve misunderstandings, some are gentle and some are violent, it all depends on Ji Wufeng's choice.

Li Chongwei and Yuan Qingzheng both entered the inner hall, but everyone who came with them stayed outside. Yuan Shan stepped forward and sneered: "Just wait for me. People who offend the Yuan family in Shanghai never have a good ending. I hope You can still walk out of Shanghai intact."

Regarding Yuan Shan's threat, Ji Wufeng could only laugh it off. He couldn't even muster the interest to deal with a reckless man like Yuan Shan.

All the people who came to attend the Zhuo family birthday banquet were almost here, and it was time for the birthday banquet to begin. Zhuo Zhiyu and Zhuo Zhihong walked out supporting an old man with a cane. He should be today's birthday banquet. The protagonist Zhuo Fengnian is now in his prime.

The band came up to play music. Zhuo Fengnian cut birthday peaches with the help of Zhuo Zhiyu and Zhuo Zhihong. After that, everyone presented their birthday gifts. Tong Xin said with some worry: "We didn't bring any gifts. It's not good to eat and drink for free like this." Bar?"

"It's okay, my gifts are too valuable, I don't want to give them away."

Ji Wufeng held a roasted leg of lamb and said in a somewhat unclear voice: "Don't be idle, hurry up and eat. This roasted lamb leg tastes good. It almost tastes as good as roasted dog leg."

Tong Xin looked embarrassed as she watched Ji Wufeng drop the mutton leg bone in his hand and grab the next one. Isn't this too embarrassing? "It is rumored that you are very powerful. After the birthday banquet, I want to ask you for advice." Yue Kunpeng's eyes became so hot that it was even a bit scary to look directly at him.

"Teach at any time!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

Just now I was thinking about how to find a chance to give this kid Hai Bian a meal, but I didn't expect that he would come to my door automatically. I really wanted to eat water spinach, so I came to a lotus root seller.

"Do you really want to fight him?" Su Danxiao looked at Yue Kunpeng's back and frowned slightly.

Others don't know, but Su Danxiao has seen Yue Kunpeng take action before, he is very strong!

"I'm no match for him!" Tong Xin said.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, he is no match for me!"

A group of people appeared again. This time there were quite a few people, more than a dozen. Walking in the center were two old men. When they saw the two people walking in, all the guests who were still sitting there immediately became confused. He stood up, his face full of awe, not daring to show any arrogance.

One of the old men was Li Chongwei. Ji Wufeng didn't recognize the old man next to him, but he guessed his identity. There were only a few people who were qualified to walk side by side with Li Chongwei. This old man must be Yuan Qingzheng of the Yuan family.

In addition to Li Chongwei, Yao Tianluo also came together, and Gardenia was also there, but Li Yunxiao was missing. It seemed that this kid would not stand up until Ji Wufeng dominated Shanghai. ??

Besides, Li Yunxiao is not in Shanghai either!

Yuan Qingzheng was accompanied by several young men, all with unfamiliar faces. One of them looked somewhat similar to Yuan Feng. It seemed that he should be Yuan Feng's brother.

Under the respectful eyes of everyone, Li Chongwei and Yuan Qing were walking towards the inner hall. They also stopped when passing by Ji Wufeng. In the public, they had to give Li Chongwei some face no matter what, and nodded to him.

Li Chongwei nodded and said with a smile: "You came here quite early, you must have caused some trouble again, right?"

Ji Wufeng said with a depressed look: "How can this be possible? I am a good young man in the new society. I only think about how to benefit the public. How can I cause trouble casually?"

The people next to you all have black lines on their faces, you won’t cause trouble casually? Damn, you just got into a fight with someone. I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen such a thick one. The thick city wall has a corner.

But at the same time, they were also very shocked that Ji Wufeng and Li Chongwei had a very close relationship.

Although several big families in Shanghai are now at their peak, those who are truly far-sighted are very powerful. Regardless of how powerful these big families are, Shanghai is still dominated by the Kong family and the Li family. No matter what the wishes of any of these two families are, If so, the names of these major families can be changed at any time.

Gardenia glanced at Tong Xin and Su Danxiao, then rolled her eyes and said: "Huh, you still have four good young people in the new society? I think there are four big hooligans, but you are still thinking about how to benefit the public. I think it’s good if you don’t think about how to harm others.”

Ji Wufeng's face darkened, what happened to this little girl? I can't say anything to save your life, but you don't even think about how to pledge yourself to me, but you are still trying to undermine me here.

Could it be that you are jealous because you saw two beauties around me?

That must be the case!

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" Yuan Qingzheng asked suddenly.

Although there was a smile on his face, Ji Wufeng felt that the old man smiled awkwardly, but this was normal. If someone crippled your grandson, let alone smile in front of him, he would have chopped you off with a kitchen knife. Already very good.

"Yes, I am Ji Wufeng." Ji Wufeng said.

Regardless of whether you are a friend or an enemy, you still need to show some superficial skills. If you reach out and don't hit the smiling person, you can't still call him an old person if he still smiles at you even though he is very old, right?

As soon as he heard Ji Wufeng admitted his identity, the young man standing next to Yuan Qingzheng who looked somewhat similar to Yuan Feng raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

"Yes, didn't I admit it just now?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Good boy, I'm looking for you!"

The young man was furious and wanted to fight Ji Wufeng. Yuan Qingzheng immediately yelled: "Yuan Shan, stop it!"

"But grandpa..."

"shut up!"

Yuan Qingzheng's face darkened, and the young man immediately became honest, but took a step back and stared at Ji Wufeng with eyes full of resentment.

"Haha, it's normal for you young people to have some misunderstandings and conflicts. We are old enough to fight, and we are not suitable to interfere in the affairs of the younger generation. I only hope that you can become friends after you resolve the misunderstanding." Yuan Qingzheng said.

become friends? Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. It seemed that it was no accident that several big families had their current status. Yuan Qingzheng's ability to talk about things and be forbearing was not something ordinary people could possess.

It seems that Yuan Qingzheng has found out the details of Ji Wufeng, and does not pursue Yuan Feng's matter, which shows his magnanimity, and then puts the matter on the young man's head. No matter what happens, his Yuan family will have their own way. Rhetoric is really a good method.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to resolve the misunderstanding." Ji Wufeng said.

There are many ways to resolve misunderstandings, some are gentle and some are violent, it all depends on Ji Wufeng's choice.

Li Chongwei and Yuan Qingzheng both entered the inner hall, but everyone who came with them stayed outside. Yuan Shan stepped forward and sneered: "Just wait for me. People who offend the Yuan family in Shanghai never have a good ending. I hope You can still walk out of Shanghai intact."

Regarding Yuan Shan's threat, Ji Wufeng could only laugh it off. He couldn't even muster the interest to deal with a reckless man like Yuan Shan.

All the people who came to attend the Zhuo family birthday banquet were almost here, and it was time for the birthday banquet to begin. Zhuo Zhiyu and Zhuo Zhihong walked out supporting an old man with a cane. He should be today's birthday banquet. The protagonist Zhuo Fengnian is now in his prime.

The band came up to play music. Zhuo Fengnian cut birthday peaches with the help of Zhuo Zhiyu and Zhuo Zhihong. After that, everyone presented their birthday gifts. Tong Xin said with some worry: "We didn't bring any gifts. It's not good to eat and drink for free like this." Bar?"

"It's okay, my gifts are too valuable, I don't want to give them away."

Ji Wufeng held a roasted leg of lamb and said in a somewhat unclear voice: "Don't be idle, hurry up and eat. This roasted lamb leg tastes good. It almost tastes as good as roasted dog leg."

Tong Xin looked embarrassed as she watched Ji Wufeng drop the mutton leg bone in his hand and grab the next one. Isn't this too embarrassing?

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