After chewing on two roasted lamb legs in succession, Ji Wufeng didn't even want to shut up. His greasy hands reached out to other plates on the table.

It took a lot of effort to get the opportunity to eat for free. How could I leave without having a good time?

Zhuo Fengnian received the birthday gift, exchanged greetings with everyone, and then walked towards Ji Wufeng accompanied by a few old men.

From afar, I saw a group of people crowded around Ji Wufeng, wondering what they were doing.

When Yao Tianluo and Gardenia squeezed through the crowd and walked in, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. The table was originally filled with delicacies, enough for more than a dozen people, but now they were all empty plates, with only There was still some soup and water left on a very few plates.

Ji Wufeng was sitting next to the table, holding a big lobster in one hand and a giant bottle of champagne in the other, nibbling and drinking with satisfaction, while everyone around him was pointing at him.

All of a sudden, Yao Tianluo and Gardenia wanted to turn around and run away, but Ji Wufeng had already noticed them and shouted: "Tianluo, Gardenia, why did you come here? I'm full."

The two of them stopped there, feeling their faces burning and uncomfortable. It was so embarrassing. Could it be that you were reincarnated by a starving ghost?

Although Zhuo Fengnian was already eighty, his voice was very loud as he said, "It seems that little brother Ji has a very good appetite." ??

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I didn't eat much, I just ate two roasted lamb legs, one roasted suckling pig, two turkeys, four lobsters..."

At this time, even Li Chongwei was dumbfounded and said: "You still haven't eaten much?"

The people next to me were even more stunned. This was the first time they had seen such a foody person. Are you the reincarnation of the Pig God?

"The main reason is that the food here is so delicious. I couldn't hold it back for a while, so I ate a little more." Ji Wufeng said.

"Haha, if little brother Ji likes it, you can come often in the future!" Zhuo Fengnian said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. When Zhuo Fengnian said this, he was completely different from Yuan Qingzheng just now. He could hear that there was an obviously too good tone in this sentence.

"Can I really come often?" Ji Wufeng asked.


Zhuo Fengnian smiled and said: "I am getting old. I am already eighty this year. I don't know if there will be tomorrow after today. I have no other extravagance. I just hope that you young people will be well."

After saying that, Zhuo Fengnian looked to his side, but he was not looking at Zhuo Zhiyu, but at Zhuo Zhihong.

Zhuo Fengnian is an old man tomorrow, so he probably already knows about the relationship between Zhuo Zhihong and Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Zhuo, please rest assured. If young people today want to live a good life, they must strive for success."

His meaning was also very obvious. If Zhuo Zhiyu failed to live up to his expectations, he would not mind letting Zhuo Zhihong replace Zhuo Zhiyu.


After hearing this, Zhuo Fengnian suddenly let out a hearty laugh and said, "You are right. If young people want to live a good life, they must strive for success. I will definitely tell more young people this truth. "

Hearing this, many people looked confused and didn't understand Master Zhuo's

Why did Zi express such emotion to Ji Wufeng.

But except for Li Chongwei, no one here might have thought that the old man and the young man had reached an agreement in just a few words.

Immediately afterwards, a group of old guys left early one after another, and old man Zhuo also entered the inner hall with a cane. The next time belonged to the young people present. They were older and there was no need to make peace. Even if they wanted to participate, they couldn't participate. ah.

Those young people can get a room if they pick up a beautiful woman, but the old guys can only do it even if they pick up a beautiful woman, right?

In the corner, Zheng Fenghai, Zhuo Zhiyu, and Yuan Shan were sitting together, looking coldly at Ji Wufeng in the distance. Zheng Fenghai asked coldly: "Have things been arranged?"

Zhuo Zhiyu said: "When Yue Kunpeng came in just now, he had already issued a challenge to Ji Wufeng."

Yuan Shan frowned slightly and said, "Will Yue Kunpeng be his opponent?"

They knew that Yue Kunpeng was very powerful, but since Ji Wufeng came into their sight, they dug up all the things about Ji Wufeng in Shanghai and knew that Ji Wufeng was also an awesome guy.

"It doesn't matter whether Yue Kunpeng is his opponent, what's important is that Yue Kunpeng will challenge him!" Zheng Fenghai said.

The invitation letter to Ji Wufeng's birthday banquet was of course Zheng Fenghai's handiwork. Yue Kunpeng, who normally would not attend such banquets, was able to come today because it was naturally Zheng Fenghai's idea.

Others may not understand it, but Zheng Fenghai knows the details of the Yue family very well. The Yue family in Shanghai is actually a branch of the Yue family, the eight most famous families in the martial arts world. The current head of the Yue family, Yue Longhui, who is Yue Kunpeng's grandfather, was expelled by the Yue family back then. door wall.

Therefore, Yue Longhui required all his descendants to be obsessed with martial arts, which resulted in the Yue family being all martial arts idiots. This was also the reason why they seldom communicated with other outside forces.

Yue Kunpeng is the most outstanding person among his peers in the Yue family. Zheng Fenghai only needs to say that Ji Wufeng is a master and that coming to Shanghai is likely to cause chaos, so he is not afraid that Yue Kunpeng will not come.

First of all, Yue Kunpeng would never miss an opportunity to challenge his peers. Secondly, if Ji Wufeng really caused chaos in Shanghai, the Yue family would definitely ask someone to come forward.

Zheng Fenghai did not want Yue Kunpeng to defeat Ji Wufeng, but his purpose was to push Ji Wufeng into the Yue family's opposition.

While Zheng Fenghai was plotting against Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng looked at the time. At this time, Xiao Feng and the others should also start taking action, right?

Although almost everyone in Shanghai knows that the real master of Tianlong Hall is Zheng Fenghai, no one dares to underestimate Qin Long, the master of Tianlong Hall.

When Tianlong Hall was first built, Qin Long slaughtered a gang of hundreds of people with only a few of his men. At that time, it could be said that there were rivers of blood and corpses everywhere. Such a glorious achievement was not just possible because of What can be done with bravery fully demonstrates Qin Long's terrifying strength.

That battle established Qin Long's reputation as a tough butcher. Not only that, but all of his generals were god-killing characters.

Tianlong Hall's current strength is of course inseparable from Zheng Fenghai's support, but Qin Long's strength is also the key.

Although they have never fought against each other, Xiao Feng is certain that he can only fight Qin Long reluctantly, and the outcome is unknown. If hurricanes are added, Hou Sheng and Xiong Bao can win steadily. After chewing on two roasted lamb legs in succession, Ji Wufeng didn't even want to shut up. His greasy hands reached out to other plates on the table.

It took a lot of effort to get the opportunity to eat for free. How could I leave without having a good time?

Zhuo Fengnian received the birthday gift, exchanged greetings with everyone, and then walked towards Ji Wufeng accompanied by a few old men.

From afar, I saw a group of people crowded around Ji Wufeng, wondering what they were doing.

When Yao Tianluo and Gardenia squeezed through the crowd and walked in, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. The table was originally filled with delicacies, enough for more than a dozen people, but now they were all empty plates, with only There was still some soup and water left on a very few plates.

Ji Wufeng was sitting at the table, holding a big lobster in one hand and a giant bottle of champagne in the other, nibbling and drinking with satisfaction, while everyone around him was pointing at him.

All of a sudden, Yao Tianluo and Gardenia wanted to turn around and run away, but Ji Wufeng had already noticed them and shouted: "Tianluo, Gardenia, why did you come here? I'm full."

The two of them stopped there, feeling their faces burning and uncomfortable. It was so embarrassing. Could it be that you were reincarnated by a starving ghost?

Although Zhuo Fengnian was already eighty, his voice was very loud as he said, "It seems that little brother Ji has a very good appetite."

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I didn't eat much, I just ate two roasted lamb legs, one roasted suckling pig, two turkeys, four lobsters..."

At this time, even Li Chongwei was dumbfounded and said: "You still haven't eaten much?"

The people next to me were even more stunned. This was the first time they had seen such a foody person. Are you the reincarnation of the Pig God?

"The main reason is that the food here is so delicious. I couldn't hold it back for a while, so I ate a little more." Ji Wufeng said.

"Haha, if little brother Ji likes it, you can come often in the future!" Zhuo Fengnian said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. When Zhuo Fengnian said this, he was completely different from Yuan Qingzheng just now. He could hear that there was an obviously too good tone in this sentence.

"Can I really come often?" Ji Wufeng asked.


Zhuo Fengnian smiled and said: "I am getting old. I am already eighty this year. I don't know if there will be tomorrow after today. I have no other extravagance. I just hope that you young people can be well."

After saying that, Zhuo Fengnian looked to his side, but he was not looking at Zhuo Zhiyu, but at Zhuo Zhihong.

Zhuo Fengnian is an old man tomorrow, so he probably already knows about the relationship between Zhuo Zhihong and Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Zhuo, please rest assured. If young people today want to live a good life, they must strive for success."

His meaning was also very obvious. If Zhuo Zhiyu failed to live up to his expectations, he would not mind letting Zhuo Zhihong replace Zhuo Zhiyu.


After hearing this, Zhuo Fengnian suddenly let out a hearty laugh and said, "You are right. If young people want to live a good life, they must strive for success. I will definitely tell more young people this truth. "

Hearing this, many people looked confused and didn't understand Master Zhuo's

Why did Zi express such emotion to Ji Wufeng.

But except for Li Chongwei, no one here might have thought that the old man and the young man had reached an agreement in just a few words.

Immediately afterwards, a group of old guys left early one after another, and old man Zhuo also entered the inner hall with a cane. The next time belonged to the young people present. They were older and there was no need to make peace. Even if they wanted to participate, they couldn't participate. ah.

Those young people can get a room if they pick up a beautiful woman, but the old guys can only do it even if they pick up a beautiful woman, right?

In the corner, Zheng Fenghai, Zhuo Zhiyu, and Yuan Shan were sitting together, looking coldly at Ji Wufeng in the distance. Zheng Fenghai asked coldly: "Have things been arranged?"

Zhuo Zhiyu said: "When Yue Kunpeng came in just now, he had already issued a challenge to Ji Wufeng."

Yuan Shan frowned slightly and said, "Will Yue Kunpeng be his opponent?"

They knew that Yue Kunpeng was very powerful, but since Ji Wufeng came into their sight, they dug up all the things about Ji Wufeng in Shanghai and knew that Ji Wufeng was also an awesome guy.

"It doesn't matter whether Yue Kunpeng is his opponent, what's important is that Yue Kunpeng will challenge him!" Zheng Fenghai said.

The invitation letter to Ji Wufeng's birthday banquet was of course Zheng Fenghai's handiwork. Yue Kunpeng, who normally would not attend such banquets, was able to come today because it was naturally Zheng Fenghai's idea.

Others may not understand it, but Zheng Fenghai knows the details of the Yue family very well. The Yue family in Shanghai is actually a branch of the Yue family, the eight most famous families in the martial arts world. The current head of the Yue family, Yue Longhui, who is Yue Kunpeng's grandfather, was expelled by the Yue family back then. door wall.

Therefore, Yue Longhui required all his descendants to be obsessed with martial arts, which resulted in the Yue family being all martial arts idiots. This was also the reason why they seldom communicated with other outside forces.

Yue Kunpeng is the most outstanding person among his peers in the Yue family. Zheng Fenghai only needs to say that Ji Wufeng is a master and that coming to Shanghai is likely to cause chaos, so he is not afraid that Yue Kunpeng will not come.

First of all, Yue Kunpeng would never miss an opportunity to challenge his peers. Secondly, if Ji Wufeng really caused chaos in Shanghai, the Yue family would definitely ask someone to come forward.

Zheng Fenghai did not want Yue Kunpeng to defeat Ji Wufeng, but his purpose was to push Ji Wufeng into the Yue family's opposition.

While Zheng Fenghai was plotting against Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng looked at the time. At this time, Xiao Feng and the others should also start taking action, right?

Although almost everyone in Shanghai knows that the real master of Tianlong Hall is Zheng Fenghai, no one dares to underestimate Qin Long, the master of Tianlong Hall.

When Tianlong Hall was first built, Qin Long slaughtered a gang of hundreds of people with only a few men under his command. At that time, it could be said that there were rivers of blood and corpses everywhere. Such a glorious achievement was not just possible because of What can be done with bravery fully demonstrates Qin Long's terrifying strength.

That battle established Qin Long's reputation as a tough butcher. Not only that, but all of his generals were God of Killers.

Tianlong Hall's current strength is of course inseparable from Zheng Fenghai's support, but Qin Long's strength is also the key.

Although they have never fought against each other, Xiao Feng is certain that he can only fight Qin Long reluctantly, and the outcome is unknown. If hurricanes are added, Hou Sheng and Xiong Bao can win steadily.

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