Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1111 The first person to grab the sign

But if Qin Long's generals go into battle, they will have no choice but to run away, and it is unknown whether they can run away.

Regarding his nemesis, Xiao Feng would of course always pay attention to Qin Long's movements. He knew that Qin Long was very cautious and would never spend the night outside. As long as he was in Shanghai, he would definitely go back to the Century Nightclub under Tianlongtang to sleep every day.

Century Nightclub is the headquarters of Tianlong Hall and the most powerful place. In addition to Qin Long, there must be more than two generals there every night.

And tonight, not only Qin Long, but also several generals are all in the Century Nightclub, so it is a good time to make a move.

It would undoubtedly be wisest to wait until they are alone, but Ji Wufeng said that they must be killed. The only way is to wait for them all to get together.

"Boss Weilong, are you sure?" Hou Sheng asked in a murmur, while Huan Huan and Xiong Bao also looked worried.

They wanted to kill Qin Long and several of his generals in one go. If Weilong failed, their lives might all depend on this.

Weilong squinted his eyes and said, "If you think I'm not good enough, Qin Long will leave it to you to deal with it."

Guiying immediately shut his mouth obediently. Although they usually act like the boss and the second child, they are actually not idiots. They ask themselves that they are not Qin Long's opponents. .??.

"Qin Long is mine, none of you can compete with me!" Xiao Feng said with gleaming eyes.

After waiting for about two hours, several cars drove to the entrance of Century Nightclub. Eight people got out of the car. The one walking in the front was Qin Long, and the rest of them all had stern expressions on their faces. Exuding a fierce and terrifying aura, they are none other than the seven generals of Tianlong Hall.

Xiao Feng was a little confused. Although they had made plans to kill them all, how could Qin Long and others get together so coincidentally?

Although it feels a little weird, there is no need to think about it anymore, just do it!

The moment Qin Long walked into the door, a cold light came through the air, and the sharp breath seemed to pierce the void, heading towards Qin Long!

Qin Long, who was unaware at first, suddenly grabbed the driver next to him and blocked him in front of him. He only heard the sound of the sharp blade passing through flesh and blood, and the flying knife went directly through Qin Long's driver's chest.


"Hahaha, the flying knife in the wind is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

Qin Long grabbed the greatly weakened flying knife with his bare hands, threw away the driver's body in his hand, laughed in the direction of Xiao Feng and shouted: "Xiao Feng, come out, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Suddenly, a group of people appeared around where Xiao Feng and others were, holding weapons and surrounding them.

Xiao Feng immediately knew that Qin Long had already made arrangements and was waiting for them here, trying to catch a turtle in a jar.

Xiong Bao immediately shrank his neck and said with a cry: "Boss Weilong, we have fallen into a trap, I think we should run away quickly? There are so many people, I'm scared!"

But before Weilong could reply, Xiao Feng had already rushed out, stood in front of Qin Long, and said loudly: "Qin Long, do you dare to fight me!"

"Hmph, what's the harm in a fight?"

Qin Long yelled loudly, and the flying knife struck again. Qin Long's body suddenly rose up, and the violent momentum swept away in an instant, overwhelming Xiao Feng.

Seeing that Xiao Feng has already started to attack others, Xiong Bao and others dare not leave even if they want to. Isn't that too unloyal? I had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward.

A great war has begun. Regardless of the outcome, this battle is destined to change the landscape of Shanghai and Haijiang.

At the same time at Zhuo's house, Ji Wufeng finally felt that he had eaten and drank enough, so there was no need to stay here anymore, so he left the resort with Tong Xin and drove away.

When passing a remote place, Ji Wufeng suddenly smiled and said, "This kid is here after all."

A body came through the air and landed in front of the fast-speeding car. Just as the car was about to hit it, the person shouted loudly, raised his fist and hit the front hood hard.


The luxury car worth tens of millions was directly hit by the punch, and then stopped. The burly body standing proudly in front of Ji Wufeng was none other than Yue Kunpeng.

Ji Wufeng got out of the car angrily, saw the hood of the car emitting black smoke, pointed at Yue Kunpeng's nose with a painful look on his face and cursed: "Damn it, you prodigal son, do you know how much this car costs? It’s tens of millions, if it’s damaged by you, can you afford to pay for it?”

"I can't afford to pay," Yue Kunpeng said.

"How dare you attack if you can't afford to pay?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Yue Kunpeng said calmly: "I defeated you, do you dare to ask me to compensate?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face. If he won the fight and broke something, wouldn't he have to pay for it? Is there any heavenly principle? Is there any royal law?

"If you hit me just as you say, wouldn't that make me lose face?" Ji Wufeng said.

"You just promised me, so you have to fight me."

"Can I regret it now?" Ji Wufeng said.


Yue Kunpeng got angry and said, "Then what conditions do you want before you are willing to fight me?"

Ji Wufeng walked around with his hands behind his back and said: "Tell me, I am a person of status and status. If you win, you will be famous all over the world. If you lose, you will not lose anything. No one will know about it anyway. But what about me? If you win, people will say I bullied you. If you lose, it will be even more embarrassing. I can’t even beat you. I’m too worthless, right?"

Yue Kunpeng's face twitched. He had a lot of information about Ji Wufeng, but he seemed to have ignored this guy's shamelessness.

"If I lose, I'm willing to pay any price!" Yue Kunpeng suddenly said this.


Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up and he said, "I remember these words. Don't deny it when the time comes."

"I have never regretted anything I promised, unlike you." Yue Kunpeng said coldly.

Ji Wufeng's face darkened. Why did he feel that he often regretted it and was shameless when he said this?

"But if you lose, I also want something from you." Yue Kunpeng said.


"The identity of the seed contestant in the martial arts conference!"

Good guy, no wonder this brat wanted to fight with me. It turned out that the fight was about the seed token of the martial arts conference, but someone came to grab the token. Ji Wufeng had already expected it. He was still wondering why no one came, but he didn't expect it. One came today.

"no problem."

Ji Wufeng readily agreed. It was just a broken iron sign. If he lost it, he would just grab another one. What's more, he didn't think Yue Kunpeng could take the sign from him.

"Stop talking nonsense and take action." But if Qin Long's several battles are about to go into battle, they will have no choice but to run away, and it is unknown whether they can run away.

Regarding his nemesis, Xiao Feng would of course always pay attention to Qin Long's movements. He knew that Qin Long was very cautious and would never spend the night outside. As long as he was in Shanghai, he would definitely go back to the Century Nightclub under Tianlongtang to sleep every day.

Century Nightclub is the headquarters of Tianlong Hall and the most powerful place. In addition to Qin Long, there must be more than two generals there every night.

And tonight, not only Qin Long, but also several generals are all in the Century Nightclub, so it is a good time to make a move.

It would undoubtedly be wisest to wait until they are alone, but Ji Wufeng said that they must be killed. The only way is to wait for them all to get together.

"Boss Weilong, are you sure?" Hou Sheng asked in a murmur, while Huan Huan and Xiong Bao also looked worried.

They wanted to kill Qin Long and several of his generals in one go. If Weilong failed, their lives might all depend on this.

Weilong squinted his eyes and said, "If you think I'm not good enough, Qin Long will leave it to you to deal with it."

Guiying immediately shut his mouth obediently. Although they usually act like the boss and the second child, they are actually not idiots. They ask themselves that they are not Qin Long's opponents.

"Qin Long is mine, none of you can compete with me!" Xiao Feng said with gleaming eyes.

After waiting for about two hours, several cars drove to the entrance of Century Nightclub. Eight people got out of the car. The one walking in the front was Qin Long, and the rest of them all had stern expressions on their faces. Exuding a fierce and terrifying aura, they are none other than the seven generals of Tianlong Hall.

Xiao Feng was a little confused. Although they had made plans to kill them all, how could Qin Long and others get together so coincidentally?

Although it feels a little weird, there is no need to think about it anymore, just do it!

The moment Qin Long walked into the door, a cold light came through the air, and the sharp breath seemed to pierce the void, heading towards Qin Long!

Qin Long, who was unaware at first, suddenly grabbed the driver next to him and blocked him in front of him. He only heard the sound of the sharp blade passing through flesh and blood, and the flying knife went directly through Qin Long's driver's chest.


"Hahaha, the flying knife in the wind is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

Qin Long grabbed the greatly weakened flying knife with his bare hands, threw away the driver's body in his hand, laughed in the direction of Xiao Feng and shouted: "Xiao Feng, come out, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Suddenly, a group of people appeared around where Xiao Feng and others were, holding weapons and surrounding them.

Xiao Feng immediately knew that Qin Long had already made arrangements and was waiting for them here, trying to catch a turtle in a jar.

Xiong Bao immediately shrank his neck and said with a cry: "Boss Weilong, we have fallen into a trap, I think we should run away quickly? There are so many people, I'm scared!"

But before Weilong could reply, Xiao Feng had already rushed out, stood in front of Qin Long, and said loudly: "Qin Long, do you dare to fight me!"

"Hmph, what's the harm in a fight?"

Qin Long yelled loudly, and the flying knife struck again. Qin Long's body suddenly rose up, and the violent momentum swept away in an instant, overwhelming Xiao Feng.

Seeing that Xiao Feng has already started to attack others, Xiong Bao and others dare not leave even if they want to. Isn't that too unloyal? I had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward.

A great war has begun. Regardless of the outcome, this battle is destined to change the landscape of Shanghai and Haijiang.

At the same time at Zhuo's house, Ji Wufeng finally felt that he had eaten and drank enough, so there was no need to stay here anymore, so he left the resort with Tong Xin and drove away.

When passing a remote place, Ji Wufeng suddenly smiled and said, "This kid is here after all."

A body came through the air and landed in front of the fast-speeding car. Just as the car was about to hit it, the person shouted loudly, raised his fist and hit the front hood hard.


The luxury car worth tens of millions was directly hit by the punch, and then stopped. The burly body standing proudly in front of Ji Wufeng was none other than Yue Kunpeng.

Ji Wufeng got out of the car angrily, saw the hood of the car emitting black smoke, pointed at Yue Kunpeng's nose with a painful look on his face and cursed: "Damn it, you prodigal son, do you know how much this car costs? It’s tens of millions, if it’s damaged by you, can you afford to pay for it?”

"I can't afford to pay," Yue Kunpeng said.

"How dare you attack if you can't afford to pay?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Yue Kunpeng said calmly: "I defeated you, do you dare to ask me to compensate?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face. If he won the fight and broke something, wouldn't he have to pay for it? Is there any heavenly principle? Is there any royal law?

"If you hit me just as you say, wouldn't that make me lose face?" Ji Wufeng said.

"You just promised me, so you have to fight me."

"Can I regret it now?" Ji Wufeng said.


Yue Kunpeng got angry and said, "Then what conditions do you want before you are willing to fight me?"

Ji Wufeng walked around with his hands behind his back and said: "Tell me, I am a person of status and status. If you win, you will be famous all over the world. If you lose, you will not lose anything. No one will know about it anyway. But what about me? If you win, people will say I bullied you. If you lose, it will be even more embarrassing. I can’t even beat you. I’m too worthless, right?"

Yue Kunpeng's face twitched. He had a lot of information about Ji Wufeng, but he seemed to have ignored this guy's shamelessness.

"If I lose, I'm willing to pay any price!" Yue Kunpeng suddenly said this.


Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up and he said, "I remember these words. Don't deny it when the time comes."

"I have never regretted anything I promised, unlike you." Yue Kunpeng said coldly.

Ji Wufeng's face darkened. Why did he feel that he often regretted it and was shameless when he said this?

"But if you lose, I also want something from you." Yue Kunpeng said.


"The identity of the seed contestant in the martial arts conference!"

Good guy, no wonder this brat wanted to fight with me. It turned out that the fight was about the seed token of the martial arts conference, but someone came to grab the token. Ji Wufeng had already expected it. He was still wondering why no one came, but he didn't expect it. One came today.

"no problem."

Ji Wufeng readily agreed. It was just a broken iron sign. If he lost it, he would just grab another one. What's more, he didn't think Yue Kunpeng could take the sign from him.

"Stop talking nonsense and take action."

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