Qingfeng's face was full of surprise and she said, "Is it you?"

"Are you surprised to see me?" the middle-aged man chuckled.


Qingfeng's eyes showed murderous intent, a gun appeared in his hand, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation, but unfortunately he missed, his wrist suddenly hurt, and Qingfeng's neck was sealed by a cold hand like an iron pincer. pinch!

"Bitch, you and those two little bitches from the Su family have made me miserable!" the middle-aged man said with a ferocious look on his face.

"What do you want to do?" Qingfeng's eyes were filled with fear. She knew that if the other party wanted to kill her, she would be a corpse now.

"You don't have to worry for the time being. We haven't seen you for such a long time. I really miss your voluptuousness, so I can't bear to kill you."

The middle-aged man smiled evilly and said, "How about a deal with you?"

"Hmph, do you think I will make a deal with you?" Qingfeng said coldly.

"Are you really surprised that you are now the owner of Qifeng Pavilion? You are just a dog raised by those two little bitches from the Su family!" the middle-aged man said sternly.

"So what? Everything I have now was given to me by them, and what can you give me?" Qingfeng said disdainfully.

Indeed, although Qingfeng was full of awe for the Su sisters, she must be a little unwilling in her heart. No one is willing to rely on others, but she was very afraid that she would never have the chance to disobey the Su sisters!


Hearing the movement in the room, Qingfeng's two personal bodyguards immediately broke in and saw Qingfeng being pinched by the neck. They immediately took out their guns and prepared to shoot!

Qingfeng felt her neck loosen, and a figure rushed to the side of the two bodyguards. Two palms slapped their heads, and five fingers were inserted into their skulls.

The two bodyguards suddenly let out shrill screams. Qingfeng was horrified to find that the bodies of the two extremely strong bodyguards were shrinking rapidly, like deflated balloons.

The miserable howling stopped, and the two bodyguards turned into two mummies like dead branches.

"I may not be able to give you what the Su sisters can give you, but I can give you a chance to live!" The middle-aged man gave Qingfeng a sinister smile.

Xiao Feng was as strong as an ox, and his injuries were basically healed within a few days. Shi Qianying also had to undergo training arranged by Peng Cheng before filming started.

Ji Wufeng originally wanted to arrange for Tong Xin and Ling Moran's personal protector Qian Ying, but Xiao Feng was shameless and tried to replace Tong Xin. When Ji Wufeng saw him, he said, "If you don't promise me, I'll just follow him." With the posture of "do your best", knowing that he wanted to have more contact with Ling Moran, I had no choice but to agree to him.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the Kong family, which made Ji Wufeng a little impatient.

He was determined to win Shanghai, but if he didn't get rid of the local emperor of the Kong family, it would have no meaning.

At this moment, he got the news from Lao Gui that Tianfeng Group was about to be launched. As the leader, Ji Wufeng should go back and take charge of the overall situation.

Either way, the reason why the Kong family was silent must be because they were afraid of Ji Wufeng.

Playing hard to get, Ji Wufeng simply left for a while to give the Kong family a chance to attack. By then, he would be considered famous when he went to attack the Kong family.


Danxiao went to Ji Wufeng and asked, "Are you free to come with me?"

"Is something wrong?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Su Danxiao frowned and said, "Qifeng Pavilion is developing very well now. Qingfeng has arranged a meeting and hopes I can attend."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong, but I just feel something is wrong in my heart. Before, Qingfeng was directly responsible to me, and I would never participate in the meetings of Qifeng Pavilion."

In any case, Su Danxiao is also the eldest lady of the Su family in Shanghai. She always needs to pay attention to her own image and is very cautious when interacting with people in the world.

"Okay, I have something important to do and need to go back to Yuzhou, so I'll let Tong Xin accompany you." Ji Wufeng said.

He still knows the details of Qifeng Pavilion. If any accident occurs, Tong Xin can handle it with his strength.

Weilong and Hou Sheng were responsible for staying at Maplewood Bay, while Ling Moran and Xiao Feng protected Qian Ying. Tong Xin happened to have some free time, so they temporarily followed Su Danxiao. Everyone else followed Ji Wufeng back to Yuzhou.

After getting off the plane, Yuan Dongdong said with a depressed look: "It's so unsatisfying. I went home without even dating any of the beauties in Shanghai."

Zhao Jiaolong suddenly looked not far away and shouted in surprise: "Qingqing, Yuanyuan, are you here?"

Yuan Dongdong's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately said: "Who said there are so many beauties in Shanghai? It's all nonsense. I've searched all over Shanghai and I can't find anyone who can compare to our Yuanyuan."

Qingqing and Yuanyuan are the girlfriends Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong chased in school.

After saying this, Yuan Dongdong turned his head and opened his arms and shouted: "Yuanyuan, my dear Yuanyuan, I really miss you. One day is like three autumns. It feels like we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years." Come on, come and kiss...your uncle's balls, you damn loach, I'll fight you!"

Yuan Dongdong said a lot of good things, but who knew that there was no one behind him, and he immediately understood that he had been tricked by Zhao Jiaolong.

"Damn it, you committed suicide by yourself, what does it have to do with me?"

"If you dare to play tricks on me, go to hell!"

"Oh, if you are serious, I will kill you!"

Seeing the two of them fighting, Huan Huan was on the side cheering and shouting: "Fuck him, yes, put it in his eyes, hit his thighs..."

Who would have thought that the two of them stopped while they were squeezing each other, stood up and stared at the hurricane eagerly, saying, "Damn fat man, you're having a lot of fun shouting on the side, aren't you?"

Huan Huan immediately shrank his neck, stepped back and said with a smile: "Brothers, am I not acting as a referee for you just for the sake of fairness and justice? If you don't follow martial arts ethics and use dirty tricks and use hidden weapons, then How fair is the game?"

"A dirty trick? I think you are the most scheming person, so you should flatten him!"

The two of them were furious. They stepped up and kicked Hurricane to the ground. They sat on top of him and punched and kicked him. Hurricane covered his thighs with one hand and his head with the other, screaming in pain.

Two black cars slowly drove over and stopped in front of a few people. After opening the door, Zhang Zhanpeng, who was wearing a crisp suit, got out of the car and respectfully said to Ji Wufeng: "Mr. Ji, I came here to pick you up."

After special special training, Zhang Zhanpeng has changed drastically. He wears a crisp suit, has a clean appearance, and has a stable and mature temperament. He is now a regional manager of Tianfeng. Qingfeng's face was full of surprise and she said, "Is it you?"

"Are you surprised to see me?" the middle-aged man chuckled.


Qingfeng's eyes showed murderous intent, a gun appeared in his hand, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation, but unfortunately he missed, his wrist suddenly hurt, and Qingfeng's neck was sealed by a cold hand like an iron pincer. pinch!

"Bitch, you and those two little bitches from the Su family have made me miserable!" the middle-aged man said with a ferocious look on his face.

"What do you want to do?" Qingfeng's eyes were filled with fear. She knew that if the other party wanted to kill her, she would be a corpse now.

"You don't have to worry for the time being. We haven't seen you for such a long time. I really miss your voluptuousness, so I can't bear to kill you."

The middle-aged man smiled evilly and said, "How about a deal with you?"

"Hmph, do you think I will make a deal with you?" Qingfeng said coldly.

"Are you really surprised that you are now the owner of Qifeng Pavilion? You are just a dog raised by those two little bitches from the Su family!" the middle-aged man said sternly.

"So what? Everything I have now was given to me by them, and what can you give me?" Qingfeng said disdainfully.

Indeed, although Qingfeng was full of awe for the Su sisters, she must be a little unwilling in her heart. No one is willing to rely on others, but she was very afraid that she would never have the chance to disobey the Su sisters!


Hearing the movement in the room, Qingfeng's two personal bodyguards immediately broke in and saw Qingfeng being pinched by the neck. They immediately took out their guns and prepared to shoot!

Qingfeng felt her neck loosen, and a figure rushed to the side of the two bodyguards. Two palms slapped their heads, and five fingers were inserted into their skulls.

The two bodyguards suddenly let out shrill screams. Qingfeng was horrified to find that the bodies of the two extremely strong bodyguards were shrinking rapidly, like deflated balloons.

The miserable howling stopped, and the two bodyguards turned into two mummies like dead branches.

"I may not be able to give you what the Su sisters can give you, but I can give you a chance to live!" The middle-aged man gave Qingfeng a sinister smile.

Xiao Feng was as strong as an ox, and his injuries were basically healed within a few days. Shi Qianying also had to undergo training arranged by Peng Cheng before filming started.

Ji Wufeng originally wanted to arrange for Tong Xin and Ling Moran's personal protector Qian Ying, but Xiao Feng was shameless and tried to replace Tong Xin. When Ji Wufeng saw him, he said, "If you don't promise me, I'll just follow him." With the posture of "do your best", knowing that he wanted to have more contact with Ling Moran, I had no choice but to agree to him.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the Kong family, which made Ji Wufeng a little impatient.

He was determined to win Shanghai, but if he didn't get rid of the local emperor of the Kong family, it would have no meaning.

At this moment, he got the news from Lao Gui that Tianfeng Group was about to be launched. As the leader, Ji Wufeng should go back and take charge of the overall situation.

Either way, the reason why the Kong family was silent must be because they were afraid of Ji Wufeng.

Playing hard to get, Ji Wufeng simply left for a while to give the Kong family a chance to attack. By then, he would be considered famous when he went to attack the Kong family.


Danxiao went to Ji Wufeng and asked, "Are you free to come with me?"

"Is something wrong?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Su Danxiao frowned and said, "Qifeng Pavilion is developing very well now. Qingfeng has arranged a meeting and hopes I can attend."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong, but I just feel something is wrong in my heart. Before, Qingfeng was directly responsible to me, and I would never participate in the meetings of Qifeng Pavilion."

In any case, Su Danxiao is also the eldest lady of the Su family in Shanghai. She always needs to pay attention to her own image and is very cautious when interacting with people in the world.

"Okay, I have something important to do and need to go back to Yuzhou, so I'll let Tong Xin accompany you." Ji Wufeng said.

He still knows the details of Qifeng Pavilion. If any accident occurs, Tong Xin can handle it with his strength.

Weilong and Hou Sheng were responsible for staying at Maplewood Bay, while Ling Moran and Xiao Feng protected Qian Ying. Tong Xin happened to have some free time, so they temporarily followed Su Danxiao. Everyone else followed Ji Wufeng back to Yuzhou.

After getting off the plane, Yuan Dongdong said with a depressed look: "It's so unsatisfying. I went home without even dating any of the beauties in Shanghai."

Zhao Jiaolong suddenly looked not far away and shouted in surprise: "Qingqing, Yuanyuan, are you here?"

Yuan Dongdong's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately said: "Who said there are so many beauties in Shanghai? It's all nonsense. I've searched all over Shanghai and I can't find anyone who can compare to our Yuanyuan."

Qingqing and Yuanyuan are the girlfriends Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong chased in school.

After saying this, Yuan Dongdong turned his head and opened his arms and shouted: "Yuanyuan, my dear Yuanyuan, I really miss you. One day is like three autumns, and it feels like we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years." Come on, come and kiss...your uncle's balls, you damn loach, I'll fight you!"

Yuan Dongdong said a lot of good things, but who knew that there was no one behind him, and he immediately understood that he had been tricked by Zhao Jiaolong.

"Damn it, you committed suicide by yourself, what does it have to do with me?"

"If you dare to play tricks on me, go to hell!"

"Oh, if you are serious, I will kill you!"

Seeing the two of them fighting, Huan Huan was on the side cheering and shouting: "Fuck him, yes, put it in his eyes, hit his thighs..."

Who would have thought that the two of them stopped while they were squeezing each other, stood up and stared at the hurricane eagerly, saying, "Damn fat man, you're having a lot of fun shouting on the side, aren't you?"

Huan Huan immediately shrank his neck, stepped back and said with a smile: "Brothers, am I not acting as a referee for you just for the sake of fairness and justice? If you don't follow martial arts ethics, use dirty tricks and use hidden weapons, then How fair is the game?"

"A dirty trick? I think you are the most scheming person, so you should flatten him!"

The two of them were furious. They stepped up and kicked Hurricane to the ground. They sat on top of him and punched and kicked him. Hurricane covered his thighs with one hand and his head with the other, screaming in pain.

Two black cars slowly drove over and stopped in front of a few people. After opening the door, Zhang Zhanpeng, who was wearing a crisp suit, got out of the car and respectfully said to Ji Wufeng: "Mr. Ji, I came here to pick you up."

After special special training, Zhang Zhanpeng has changed drastically. He wears a crisp suit, has a clean appearance, and has a stable and mature temperament. He is now a regional manager of Tianfeng.

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