The first thing Ji Wufeng did when he returned to Shanghai was to go to Tianfeng Building. Zhang Zhanpeng came specially to pick them up.

Ji Wufeng seemed to be dissatisfied with Zhang Zhanpeng's address to him. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Call Mao, Mr. Ji, and call me Brother Feng."

Zhang Zhanpeng is a very nice young man, and he also saved Luo Luo. Ji Wufeng does not regard him as his employee, maybe not yet, but at least he is still a friend.

Everyone got in the car and went straight to Tianfeng Building. Ji Wufeng asked Zhang Zhanpeng who was driving: "How are you now? Is there anything you are not used to at work?"

Zhang Zhanpeng suddenly became excited, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Everything is fine, these are all given to me by Master Feng."

"What you said is wrong. What you have now is obtained through your own efforts. I did not give it to you in vain." Ji Wufeng said.

There are many successful people in the world, and there are only two secrets to success. The first is persistence and hard work, and the second is seizing the opportunity in a timely manner.

Zhang Zhanpeng can have everything he has now because he seized the opportunity given to him by Ji Wufeng. Of course, this also has a lot to do with his self-efforts.

Otherwise, even if Ji Wufeng uses him, he will be just a driver or security guard at best.

When he arrived at the Tianfeng Building, looking at the tall building standing proudly through the sky, Ji Wufeng couldn't restrain his excitement. From then on, this was the heart of his Tianfeng Empire.

Time is too tight. Only the exterior of Tianfeng Building has been completed, and inside, only Tianfeng's high-rise offices have been renovated. As for the other places, they are still rough buildings, but they are being worked on urgently day and night.

Walking towards the conference room, I saw four men in black standing at the door. All four of them were masters. When they saw someone approaching, a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies, making Zhang Zhanpeng tremble with fear.

But as soon as they saw Ji Wufeng arriving, the auras on the four of them disappeared instantly.

He knelt on his knees and shouted emotionally: "Master!"

These four people were the elites from the Black Prison who followed Ji Wufeng and others. The high-level meeting of Tianfeng involved too many secrets. The old ghost specially asked people to guard here, and issued an order that if anyone comes close to them, they will be killed without mercy!

Ji Wufeng nodded with satisfaction. Zhang Zhanpeng opened the door of the conference room and saw that the conference table, which was more than ten meters long, was already full of people, but the seat at the end of the conference table was empty.

To the left of the empty position is Lao Gui. Lao Gui has contributed a lot to the development of Tianfeng Group to this point. He is definitely qualified to occupy this position.

Sitting next to the old ghost is Ren Feixing. This kid is also wearing a suit. His hair is combed as if it were licked by a dog, but he looks like an eggplant beaten by frost and lacks energy. On his left, Ji Wufeng I saw an unexpected woman.

She has an almost perfect tall figure, delicate cheeks, a top-notch lady, and especially a voluptuous figure, which is enough to capture the attention of any man with normal physical needs.

The first person on the right side of the empty seat was Chen Shuhuai. He didn't recognize any of the others, including men, women, and children.

Similarly, except for the old ghost, Ren Feixing and Chen Shuhuai, no one else had seen Ji Wufeng. They were all wondering what this yellow-haired boy was doing when he came in. Just when someone was about to call the security guards to drive him away, they saw the old ghost suddenly He suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted respectfully: "Mr. Ji!"


There was an uproar in the conference room. There had been rumors that the real boss of Tianfeng Group was a very young man. At first, they thought that even if he was young, he must be at least thirty years old, but they did not expect that he would be so young. Look. I'm afraid he doesn't even look twenty years old.


Lao Gui and Ren Feixing both stood up. Naturally, the others did not dare to sit down and stood up in a hurry. No matter how young he is, he is his own boss. If he left a bad impression on him the first time they met, What to do with impressions?

You know, although these people are all outstanding elites and talents, the treatment Tianfeng gives is enough to drive them crazy. If the boss doesn't like them and fires them, there will be no place to cry.

Ji Wufeng swaggered to the only empty seat and sat down. He took out a cigarette and lit one, then directly put his legs on the conference table, and then said with a smile: "Stop standing, I'm so tired. You're welcome, please sit down."

After saying that, he stared at the beautiful woman next to Ren Feixing, his eyes flashing green and asked: "Sister, oh, she should be a lady, are you free tonight?"

The name on the beauty's breastplate was Ye Qianxiang. Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. She was really an extraordinary woman. Even giving her a fake name could make a deep impression on people instantly.

Suddenly, most of the people's faces turned green. They originally thought that even if Ji Wufeng was young, he must be a young and promising young talent, but why did he look like a lustful little hooligan no matter how he looked at him? He actually teased his subordinates as soon as he arrived.

The beauty said with a friendly smile, "Hello, Mr. Ji, my name is Ye Qianxiang. Tianfeng has just started. I need to use my time to work, so I'm afraid I won't be free."

"Well, you should work hard, but there is no need to work so hard. I have specially approved that I will give you a day off tonight, and I plan to personally comfort you." Ji Wufeng said with a glaring look.

The corners of the mouths of the people below were twitching, and she was not the only one struggling. Why didn't you come to comfort us? I think you don't want to comfort others at all, but what do you think they are doing?

Ye Qianxiang

He seemed to be in a dilemma and glanced at Ren Feixing with resentment. Ren Feixing was also very cooperative and said indifferently: "I'm very sorry, she doesn't have time at night!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly said with a regretful look on his face: "Well, if we don't have time tonight, we'll have to wait for another day. Then you can't refuse me again."

Ye Qianxiang smiled and nodded, saying, "Definitely not!"

Ji Wufeng gave her a proud look again, then coughed a few times and said seriously: "Don't we all have a meeting? Let's start now."

Everyone immediately sat up straight, and the old ghost said: "Now, please ask Mr. Ji to say a few words."

There was a warm applause immediately below, and Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "I don't have anything to say. I just want everyone to work hard and make money from now on. I'm done!"

The people below suddenly looked confused, including Ye Qianxiang. After all, this was Ji Wufeng's company. If you don't say anything to impress everyone, you should at least say some heroic words to encourage people's hearts.

At this time, a man in a suit stood up and said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Ji, aren't you going to tell us about Tianfeng's future plans?"

"Planning? You just have to plan ahead." Ji Wufeng asked rhetorically.

These people are all talents that the old ghosts poached from major companies at a great cost. They are proud of their talents. Ji Wufeng gave them a very bad first impression, working under such a playboy who molested his subordinates as soon as he came. , it is inevitable that I feel a little unconvinced.

"Mr. Ji, do you plan to do nothing?" A young man asked with a cold face and arrogance.

Unexpectedly, Ji Wufeng's face suddenly turned cold. He stared at the young man with sharp eyes and said, "If I have done everything, what else do I need you to do?"

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