Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1132. Am I not good enough for you?

Sure enough, Tianlin's shadow disappeared in front of him in a whoosh, but Ji Wufeng stepped forward, grabbed the little cub in his hand with a claw in the air, raised his palm and slapped him hard on the buttocks, He raised his eyebrows and cursed: "You little brat, you dare to hide such a big thing from me. I have to deal with you today, otherwise you won't be able to go to heaven?"

After receiving a heavy slap on his butt, Tianlin immediately grinned in pain and shouted to Qin Yi: "Grandma, please save me quickly, dad is crazy, he will beat me as soon as he comes back!"

Qin Yi stepped forward and snatched Tianlin from Ji Wufeng's hand. She glared and said, "What are you doing? You don't care about your son on weekdays, but now you beat him when you come back. How did you become a father?" ?”

Ji Wufeng pointed at the little kid and said, "Mom, do you know what this little beast did in school? He bullied his classmates. If I hadn't been here today, I'm afraid he would have died. If you continue to protect him, , sooner or later something will cause serious trouble."

Ji Wufeng has experienced too much. He doesn't want Tianlin to be exposed to violence and blood at such a young age. He even hopes that Tianlin can have an innocent childhood like ordinary children.

"If you have anything to say, you can talk to him carefully. He can't hit anyone. He's still so young. If you hit him lightly or hard, what should you do if you hit him badly?"

Qin Yi stared at Ji Wufeng like an old hen protecting her chicks. Her attitude was as if she would peck Ji Wufeng if he dared to touch her chicks!

Ji Wufeng was angry and funny. This little kid was protected by Mrs. Qin, and he really couldn't deal with him for a while. .??.

At this moment, Luoluo suddenly rushed out of the door and shouted in surprise: "Aunt Linglong."

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw Ye Linglong walking in. Ye Linglong stepped forward to hug Luo Luo, took out a lollipop and said, "Luo Luo, be good, Aunt Linglong will give you candy."

"Thank you Aunt Linglong." Luoluo took the candy and kissed Ye Linglong hard on the face.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect Luo Luo to know Ye Linglong, and they were very familiar with him.

"What are you doing here?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ye Linglong glanced at Tianlin and said, "Isn't it because of your precious son and your precious daughter?"

"For them?" Ji Wufeng looked confused. Did Ye Linglong discover something?

Ye Linglong said: "Actually, the Dragon Group noticed Luo Luo a long time ago and did some research on it without her knowledge."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed, and a cold evil aura spread out.

Ye Linglong immediately waved her hand and said: "Don't be so nervous. If I wanted to harm Luo Luo, I would have done it long ago and wouldn't wait until now."

Luoluo's situation is too weird. Not only is a mysterious person chasing her, but the Dragon Group has also noticed it and wants to do some research, but to no avail.

Ye Linglong took the initiative to contact Luo Luo, hoping to find out something.

"Hmph, she is my goddaughter now. No matter who it is, if they want to use their brains, they must get past me first." Ling Lie said coldly.

He would never allow Luoluo to become a guinea pig.

"You're saying this as if I'm a bad person, but you also have to figure it out. If you don't figure out her situation, will you feel at ease?" Ye Linglong rolled her eyes.

Ji Wufeng for a while

Silence, it's true. The power in Luoluo's body is too terrifying. If it's not controlled, big things will happen.

"Do you already know about the two of them?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tianlin, who was still nestling in Qin Yi's arms, said quickly: "Yes, Aunt Linglong has known about it for a long time. She even taught me how to fight. Aunt Linglong, the martial arts you taught me are so powerful. Today I defeated all those big bears." Beat the shit out of you!"

Now besides grandma, the little boy has another person to support him, and he no longer has to worry about Ji Wufeng beating him.

Ji Wufeng's face turned dark immediately. No wonder Tianlin used so many dirty tricks in fights. Ye Linglong taught him after a long time. It seems that Tianlin must be kept away from this little witch in the future, otherwise, sooner or later, He will become a little devil.

It turns out that Luo Luo has always been in Ye Linglong's sight. What happened to Tianlin recently made her think it was possible to figure out the secret of Luo Luo, so she has been coming to Guangzhou for a while.

"Mom, please bring them in first."

Since Ye Linglong has been observing for so long, she must have discovered something that is not suitable for children to hear.

After Qin Yi took the two little guys away, Ye Linglong said: "I think you already know that the problem is all with Luo Luo, and I have also done measurements. If all the power hidden in Luo Luo's body is released, If we come out, even king-level warriors will probably have to step aside."

A king-level warrior, a strong man who surpasses the realm of a grand master.

Ji Wufeng was shocked. Luo Luo was actually a king-level master?

"But it's a pity that Luoluo has no ability to control those powers at all. She can only release them when she is in crisis, but she can automatically release energy to Tianlin, so I have a guess!"

"What do you think."

"If my guess is correct, her power will only be subconsciously released when she encounters danger. In Tianlin's case, it is because she has established a very close relationship with Tianlin. Subconsciously, she feels that Tianlin is a very important person to me, her importance is almost the same as mine, so her power will be automatically transferred to Tianlin."

What Ye Linglong said was a bit too bizarre, but if you think about it carefully, this conjecture is not nonsense.

When Luoluo encountered a crisis before, she sucked the people who wanted to harm her into mummies. That was a subconscious act, and her conveying energy to Tianlin must also be subconscious.

Ye Linglong's expression suddenly became a little excited and said: "After comprehensive analysis, I think Lu Shuangshuang may be saved."

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng jumped up and grabbed Ye Linglong's hand.

Lu Shuangshuang is still lying on the hospital bed, with no sign of waking up. This is also a thorn in Ji Wufeng's heart, and it is painful every time he thinks about it.

"When you grab my hand, do you want to eat my tofu?" Ye Linglong said lightly.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly let go of his hand, but Ye Linglong suddenly said with a smile: "If you want to eat, just eat it, the worst I can do is marry you!"

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng seemed to be frightened. He suddenly jumped out and stayed far away from Ye Linglong. Marry this little witch? Making an international joke, no, making a cosmic joke!

Ye Linglong immediately became angry and said, "What? Isn't this lady good enough for you?" Sure enough, Tianlin's shadow disappeared in front of him in a swish, but Ji Wufeng stepped forward, and with a claw of his big hand, he lifted the little girl into the air. The bastard caught it in his hand, raised his palm and slapped him hard on the buttocks. He raised his eyebrows and cursed: "You little bastard, you dare to hide such a big thing from me. I have to take care of you today." You can’t stop, otherwise you won’t be able to go to heaven?”

After receiving a heavy slap on his butt, Tianlin immediately grinned in pain and shouted to Qin Yi: "Grandma, please save me quickly, dad is crazy, he will beat me as soon as he comes back!"

Qin Yi stepped forward and snatched Tianlin from Ji Wufeng's hand. She glared and said, "What are you doing? You don't care about your son on weekdays, but now you beat him when you come back. How did you become a father?" ?”

Ji Wufeng pointed at the little kid and said, "Mom, do you know what this little beast did in school? He bullied his classmates. If I hadn't been here today, I'm afraid he would have died. If you continue to protect him, , sooner or later something will cause serious trouble."

Ji Wufeng has experienced too much. He doesn't want Tianlin to be exposed to violence and blood at such a young age. He even hopes that Tianlin can have an innocent childhood like ordinary children.

"If you have anything to say, you can talk to him carefully. He can't hit anyone. He's still so young. If you hit him lightly or hard, what should you do if you hit him badly?"

Qin Yi stared at Ji Wufeng like an old hen protecting her chicks. Her attitude was as if she would peck Ji Wufeng if he dared to touch her chicks!

Ji Wufeng was angry and funny. This little kid was protected by Mrs. Qin, and he really couldn't deal with him for a while.

At this moment, Luoluo suddenly rushed out of the door and shouted in surprise: "Aunt Linglong."

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw Ye Linglong walking in. Ye Linglong stepped forward to hug Luo Luo, took out a lollipop and said, "Luo Luo, be good, Aunt Linglong will give you candy."

"Thank you Aunt Linglong." Luoluo took the candy and kissed Ye Linglong hard on the face.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect Luo Luo to know Ye Linglong, and they were very familiar with him.

"What are you doing here?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ye Linglong glanced at Tianlin and said, "Isn't it because of your precious son and your precious daughter?"

"For them?" Ji Wufeng looked confused. Did Ye Linglong discover something?

Ye Linglong said: "Actually, the Dragon Group noticed Luo Luo a long time ago and did some research on it without her knowledge."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed, and a cold evil aura spread out.

Ye Linglong immediately waved her hand and said: "Don't be so nervous. If I wanted to harm Luo Luo, I would have done it long ago and wouldn't wait until now."

Luoluo's situation is too weird. Not only is a mysterious person chasing her, but the Dragon Group has also noticed it and wants to do some research, but to no avail.

Ye Linglong took the initiative to contact Luo Luo, hoping to find out something.

"Hmph, she is my goddaughter now. No matter who it is, if they want to use their brains, they must get past me first." Ling Lie said coldly.

He would never allow Luoluo to become a guinea pig.

"You're saying this as if I'm a bad person, but you also have to figure it out. If you don't figure out her situation, will you feel at ease?" Ye Linglong rolled her eyes.

Ji Wufeng for a while

Silence, it's true. The power in Luoluo's body is too terrifying. If it's not controlled, big things will happen.

"Do you already know about the two of them?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tianlin, who was still nestling in Qin Yi's arms, said quickly: "Yes, Aunt Linglong has known about it for a long time. She even taught me how to fight. Aunt Linglong, the martial arts you taught me are so powerful. Today I defeated all those big bears." Beat the shit out of you!"

Now besides grandma, the little boy has another person to support him, and he no longer has to worry about Ji Wufeng beating him.

Ji Wufeng's face turned dark immediately. No wonder Tianlin used so many dirty tricks in fights. Ye Linglong taught him after a long time. It seems that Tianlin must be kept away from this little witch in the future, otherwise, sooner or later, He will become a little devil.

It turns out that Luo Luo has always been in Ye Linglong's sight. What happened to Tianlin recently made her think it was possible to figure out the secret of Luo Luo, so she has been coming to Guangzhou for a while.

"Mom, please bring them in first."

Since Ye Linglong has been observing for so long, she must have discovered something that is not suitable for children to hear.

After Qin Yi took the two little guys away, Ye Linglong said: "I think you already know that the problem is all with Luo Luo, and I have also done measurements. If all the power hidden in Luo Luo's body is released, If we come out, even king-level warriors will probably have to step aside."

A king-level warrior, a strong man who surpasses the realm of a grand master.

Ji Wufeng was shocked. Luo Luo was actually a king-level master?

"But it's a pity that Luoluo has no ability to control those powers at all. She can only release them when she is in crisis, but she can automatically release energy to Tianlin, so I have a guess!"

"What do you think."

"If my guess is correct, her power will only be subconsciously released when she encounters danger. In Tianlin's case, it is because she has established a very close relationship with Tianlin. Subconsciously, she feels that Tianlin is a very important person to me, her importance is almost the same as mine, so her power will be automatically transferred to Tianlin."

What Ye Linglong said was a bit too bizarre, but if you think about it carefully, this conjecture is not nonsense.

When Luoluo encountered a crisis before, she sucked the people who wanted to harm her into mummies. That was a subconscious act, and her conveying energy to Tianlin must also be subconscious.

Ye Linglong's expression suddenly became a little excited and said: "After comprehensive analysis, I think Lu Shuangshuang may be saved."

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng jumped up and grabbed Ye Linglong's hand.

Lu Shuangshuang is still lying on the hospital bed, with no sign of waking up. This is also a thorn in Ji Wufeng's heart, and it is painful every time he thinks about it.

"When you grab my hand, do you want to eat my tofu?" Ye Linglong said lightly.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly let go of his hand, but Ye Linglong suddenly said with a smile: "If you want to eat, just eat it, the worst I can do is marry you!"

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng seemed to be frightened. He suddenly jumped out and stayed far away from Ye Linglong. Marry this little witch? Making an international joke, no, making a cosmic joke!

Ye Linglong immediately became angry and said, "What? Isn't this young lady good enough for you?"

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