Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1133 I’m only five minutes full

Ji Wufeng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Of course not, it's because I'm not worthy of you, Miss Ye Linglong!"

Ji Wufeng was telling the truth. Even though Ye Linglong was dressed up like a little girl, if she dressed up with her looks, she would definitely not lose to Lu Shuangshuang and others. It’s just that she was too loli, and everyone usually I only thought she was cute, but I didn't expect her beauty.

And her identity and background are definitely not much worse than those of the Gu family.

Based on these two aspects, there are really not many men in the world who are worthy of her.

But what's more important is Ye Linglong's head. What is a genius? Ye Linglong is like this. Her little head is simply a peerless treasure. Even the super bosses above are amazed by the things she can think of in it.

Although Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang were making a fuss and making a fuss, in the eyes of the super bosses above, the two of them together might not be as important as Ye Linglong alone.

A super boss once said that if one day Ye Linglong calms down and uses her brain with all her strength, the comprehensive combat power of the entire China will at least double, which is enough to illustrate the importance of Ye Linglong.

However, this is not the fundamental reason why Ji Wufeng treats her like a tiger or a wolf. The fundamental reason is the demonic thoughts in Ye Linglong's mind. If any man marries her, he is doomed to face the merciless destruction of this witch for the rest of his life, and his life will be miserable. The water is deep and hot, like hell. .??.

"Hmph, one day I will let you marry me willingly." Ye Linglong snorted coldly.

Ji Wufeng didn't dare to answer, but he was howling at the top of his lungs: You want me to marry you? The mountains have no edges, the sky and the earth are in harmony, that’s pretty much it!

"You just said that Shuangshuang might be saved, is that true?" Ji Wufeng was most concerned about this matter now.

Ye Linglong said: "Her injuries have been cured now. The reason why she couldn't wake up was because her brain was injured. If Luoluo's power can be injected into her body, I think it is very possible to repair her brain." , let her wake up."

Ji Wufeng grabbed her hand and walked out, saying: "Let's go to Yuzhou now."

"It's no use being anxious. You have already seen that the power in Luo Luo's body is beyond her control at all. What I have to do now is how to make the power in Luo Luo's body automatically enter Lu Shuangshuang's body, and I have done experiments before, and except when she herself is hurt, and when Tianlin needs help, it is simply impossible for her to exert her power."

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt disappointed. Ye Linglong's power could only be released on himself and Tianlin, and could not help Lu Shuangshuang at all.

"However, I found that the reason why Luoluo's power was transferred into Tianlin's body was because she felt that Tianlin was the most important person to her. It was her subconscious behavior. If we can make Luoluo fight against Lu Shuangshuang If this subconscious mind also exists, then there is hope for her.”

"But that's simply not possible."

Luo Luo has never met Lu Shuangshuang at all, how could he regard a stranger as a very important person to him?

Ye Linglong suddenly smiled and said, "So, I made a plan."

"Ku Nao said?"

"What if we tell Luoluo that Lu Shuangshuang is actually her mother?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly fainted, damn, what is this?

Hammer's plan? Let Lu Shuangshuang sleep in a daze, and then wake up with such a big daughter?

Ye Linglong continued: "Luoluo has not had a mother since she was a child, but I found that what she envies most is that other children can have their mothers by their side. If we tell her that Lu Shuangshuang is her mother, and she is also seriously ill and comatose, she can only get her help What do you think will happen to Luoluo before she can wake up?"

Ji Wufeng's heart moved. If this was the case, Luo Luo would definitely regard Lu Shuangshuang as his most important person.

Will this plan work? If Luoluo rescued her mother with full hope, but found out that it was all a lie, could her young heart withstand such a blow?

But this was the only possibility for Lu Shuangshuang to wake up, and he couldn't give up this opportunity.

"Think about it." Ye Linglong said.

"Why are you helping me like this?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked.

"Because I know Lu Shuangshuang is very important to you. If I save her, will you be so grateful to me and willing to do anything for me?" Ye Linglong said with a wicked smile.


Indeed, as long as Lu Shuangshuang can wake up, he is willing to do whatever it takes. No matter what Ye Linglong asks for, he will definitely help her complete it unconditionally!

Zhou Lan was very happy when her grandson came back. She cooked a big table of dishes. Ji Wufeng called Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and Huan Huan over. Several foodies sat on the table and stared at the dishes, but Ji Wufeng didn't say anything. They Don't dare to hold chopsticks.

Lin Weiguo brought out a bottle of wine and said happily: "You guys, don't be polite. We are a family when we come here. You can eat whatever you want at home."

This was the first time for Nie Hu, Hui Huan and Yue Kunpeng to eat here, and Lin Weiguo was afraid that they would be restrained.

Seeing that the old man had said this, Huan Huan looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Boss, can I really eat like at home?"

Ji Wufeng was worried and nodded: "Eat it, you can eat whatever you want."

The hurricane burst into cheers, and he grabbed the chopsticks like lightning, and at lightning speed, he put the food into his bowl, and then stuffed it into his big mouth.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt dizzy and suddenly remembered how Hui Huan and the others usually ate, as if they were reincarnated as evil spirits.

"Damn it, you big bear, can you slow down a little? We haven't eaten yet!"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong became anxious when they saw Hu Huan eating too fast. They immediately grabbed their chopsticks and attacked the dining table. Seeing the three rice pails eating faster and faster, Yue Kunpeng also joined the fight.

Immediately, the chopsticks were flying on the dining table, and in just a few minutes at most, a large table of food was wiped out by these four guys.

Lin Weiguo was stunned as he held the wine he had just opened and had not had time to pour out.

Huan Huan took a sip of water, burped, and then said to Lin Weiguo: "Grandpa, have the dishes been served? I'm only five minutes full!"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong also shouted: "Yes, we are only seventy percent full."

People who practice martial arts consume much more than ordinary people, and their appetites are naturally far more than ordinary people. However, Ji Wufeng wants to strangle these bastards, so you should be more reserved. It's so embarrassing. Ji Wufeng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Of course not, it's because I'm not worthy of you, Miss Ye Linglong!"

Ji Wufeng was telling the truth. Even though Ye Linglong was dressed up like a little girl, if she dressed up with her looks, she would definitely not lose to Lu Shuangshuang and others. It’s just that she was too loli, and everyone usually I only thought she was cute, but I didn't expect her beauty.

And her identity and background are definitely not much worse than those of the Gu family.

Based on these two aspects, there are really not many men in the world who are worthy of her.

But what's more important is Ye Linglong's head. What is a genius? Ye Linglong is like this. Her little head is simply a peerless treasure. Even the super bosses above are amazed by the things she can think of in it.

Although Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang were making a fuss and making a fuss, in the eyes of the super bosses above, the two of them together might not be as important as Ye Linglong alone.

A super boss once said that if one day Ye Linglong calms down and uses her brain with all her strength, the comprehensive combat power of the entire China will at least double, which is enough to illustrate the importance of Ye Linglong.

However, this is not the fundamental reason why Ji Wufeng treats her like a tiger or a wolf. The fundamental reason is the demonic thoughts in Ye Linglong's mind. If any man marries her, he is doomed to face the merciless destruction of this witch for the rest of his life, and his life will be miserable. The water is deep and hot, like hell.

"Hmph, one day I will let you marry me willingly." Ye Linglong snorted coldly.

Ji Wufeng didn't dare to answer, but he was howling at the top of his lungs: You want me to marry you? The mountains have no edges, the sky and the earth are in harmony, that’s pretty much it!

"You just said that Shuangshuang might be saved, is that true?" Ji Wufeng was most concerned about this matter now.

Ye Linglong said: "Her injuries have been cured now. The reason why she couldn't wake up was because her brain was injured. If Luoluo's power can be injected into her body, I think it is very possible to repair her brain." , let her wake up."

Ji Wufeng grabbed her hand and walked out, saying: "Let's go to Yuzhou now."

"It's no use being anxious. You have already seen that the power in Luo Luo's body is beyond her control at all. What I have to do now is how to make the power in Luo Luo's body automatically enter Lu Shuangshuang's body, and I have done experiments before, and except when she herself is hurt, and when Tianlin needs help, it is simply impossible for her to exert her power."

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt disappointed. Ye Linglong's power could only be released on himself and Tianlin, and could not help Lu Shuangshuang at all.

"However, I found that the reason why Luoluo's power was transferred into Tianlin's body was because she felt that Tianlin was the most important person to her. It was her subconscious behavior. If we can make Luoluo fight against Lu Shuangshuang If this subconscious mind also exists, then there is hope for her.”

"But that's simply not possible."

Luo Luo has never met Lu Shuangshuang at all, how could he regard a stranger as a very important person to him?

Ye Linglong suddenly smiled and said, "So, I made a plan."

"Ku Nao said?"

"What if we tell Luoluo that Lu Shuangshuang is actually her mother?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly fainted, damn, what is this?

Hammer's plan? Let Lu Shuangshuang sleep in a daze, and then wake up with such a big daughter?

Ye Linglong continued: "Luoluo has not had a mother since she was a child, but I found that what she envies most is that other children can have their mothers by their side. If we tell her that Lu Shuangshuang is her mother, and she is also seriously ill and comatose, she can only get her help What do you think will happen to Luoluo before she can wake up?"

Ji Wufeng's heart moved. If this was the case, Luo Luo would definitely regard Lu Shuangshuang as his most important person.

Will this plan work? If Luoluo rescued her mother with full hope, but found out that it was all a lie, could her young heart withstand such a blow?

But this was the only possibility for Lu Shuangshuang to wake up, and he couldn't give up this opportunity.

"Think about it." Ye Linglong said.

"Why are you helping me like this?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked.

"Because I know Lu Shuangshuang is very important to you. If I save her, will you be so grateful to me and willing to do anything for me?" Ye Linglong said with a wicked smile.


Indeed, as long as Lu Shuangshuang can wake up, he is willing to do whatever it takes. No matter what Ye Linglong asks for, he will definitely help her complete it unconditionally!

Zhou Lan was very happy when her grandson came back. She cooked a big table of dishes. Ji Wufeng called Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and Huan Huan over. Several foodies sat on the table and stared at the dishes, but Ji Wufeng didn't say anything. They Don't dare to hold chopsticks.

Lin Weiguo brought out a bottle of wine and said happily: "You guys, don't be polite. We are a family when we come here. You can eat whatever you want at home."

This was the first time for Nie Hu, Hui Huan and Yue Kunpeng to eat here, and Lin Weiguo was afraid that they would be restrained.

Seeing that the old man had said this, Huan Huan looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Boss, can I really eat like at home?"

Ji Wufeng was worried and nodded: "Eat it, you can eat whatever you want."

The hurricane burst into cheers, and he grabbed the chopsticks like lightning, and at lightning speed, he put the food into his bowl, and then stuffed it into his big mouth.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt dizzy and suddenly remembered how Hui Huan and the others usually ate, as if they were reincarnated as evil spirits.

"Damn it, you big bear, can you slow down a little? We haven't eaten yet!"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong became anxious when they saw Hu Huan eating too fast. They immediately grabbed their chopsticks and attacked the dining table. Seeing the three rice pails eating faster and faster, Yue Kunpeng also joined the fight.

Immediately, the chopsticks were flying on the dining table, and in just a few minutes at most, a large table of food was wiped out by these four guys.

Lin Weiguo was stunned as he held the wine he had just opened and had not had time to pour out.

Huan Huan took a sip of water, burped, and then said to Lin Weiguo: "Grandpa, have the dishes been served? I'm only five minutes full!"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong also shouted: "Yes, we are only seventy percent full."

People who practice martial arts consume much more than ordinary people, and their appetites are naturally far more than ordinary people. However, Ji Wufeng wants to strangle these bastards, so you should be more reserved. It's so embarrassing.

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