Lin Weiguo put down the wine bottle and said, "Your grandma said there are still a few more dishes, but don't worry yet. I'll let your grandma cook some more."

"Hehe, okay, I can finally eat enough today."

Hurricane looked forward to it when he suddenly noticed a look full of murderous intent. He turned his head and saw Ye Linglong glaring at him with her chopsticks in hand. These bastards had eaten everything before she even took down her chopsticks.

"Hey, little girl, why are you looking at me so affectionately?" Hurricane asked with a smile.

Such a pretty beauty doesn't stare at me like that. Could it be that she appreciates me? I mean, there must be beauties in the world who like my rugged style.

Seeing the angry expression on Ye Linglong's face, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong, who had suffered losses, immediately trembled. Damn it, how could they forget this little witch?

Who knew that Ye Linglong suddenly smiled at Hurricane and said, "It's nothing, I just thought the way you were eating just now was so handsome."

"You also think I'm handsome?" Huan Huan immediately puffed up his chest.

"Yeah, he's so handsome. I like him very much." Ye Linglong nodded her head, her expression clearly showing that of a nymphomaniac girl who was fascinated by the handsome boy.

Hurricane said proudly: "Since you like it, sister, I'll show you a more handsome way of eating it later!"

At this time, his tail was raised to the sky, and he couldn't see Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong looking at him with sympathetic faces. "Big bear, how dare you pretend to be in front of Miss Ye Linglong, a witch? I will let you know later what it means to be miserable."

The food was served again. Huan Huan held up his chopsticks as if he was going to fight with the food. However, he found that Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong put down their chopsticks and said with a smile: "Brother Huan Huan, if you are hungry, just eat first. We are full." ”

Didn’t you just say that you were only seventy percent full after eating? Why are you full now? But as luck would have it, no one would snatch it from him.

Huan Huan quickly picked up a chicken leg, and with lightning speed, the chicken leg turned into a chicken bone. When he was about to take off the chopsticks again, his movements suddenly stopped, and there was only a cooing sound, Huan Huan's face turned big.

He changed, put down the chopsticks in his hand, covered his butt and rushed into the bathroom.

Ji Yanran asked strangely: "Sister Linglong, what's wrong with Brother Huanran?"

Ye Linglong took the chopsticks and said with a smile: "It's okay. I just let him take a little laxative and keep him on for two or three days. Come on, let's eat."

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong immediately turned green. Damn it, how about two or three days?

Ye Linglong put a piece of braised pork into a bowl, and then asked Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong: "Didn't you just say you weren't full? Continue."

The faces of the two changed greatly, and they hurriedly waved their hands and said with a smile: "We are full, we are all full, and now we can't eat anything."

Still eating? joke? If you let us stay for two or three days, would you still be alive?

Hui Huan never came out after entering the bathroom, and Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were too afraid to take off their chopsticks. It wasn't until Zhou Lan started clearing the table that Hu Hui crawled out of the bathroom and howled: "Boss, help me quickly!"

Not bad at all. It took three days for the hurricane to stop, and he suffered a total of thirty kilograms of flesh. When he knew that Ye Linglong had given him laxatives, he ran away whenever he saw Ye Linglong. She is a witch, and she is also an inhumane and extremely cruel witch!

After eating, Ji Wufeng left Guangzhou overnight and rushed to Yuzhou alone. When he came to the door of Lu Shuangshuang's ward, he found someone inside. He thought it was the nurse responsible for taking care of Lu Shuangshuang. When he opened the door, he found that it was Jiang Ruoshui.

She was seen carefully washing Lu Shuangshuang's feet, and Lu Shuangshuang's clothes were also changed into clean clothes. Jiang Ruoshui must have just wiped her body.

Jiang Ruoshui was obviously a little tired. Now that Tianfeng Group has started, Tianxiang Group has also entered into intense development.

Jiang Ruoshui definitely had a lot to do, but he still found time to take care of Lu Shuangshuang.

Seeing Ji Wufeng come in, Jiang Ruoshui's eyes were filled with joy, but he did not stop moving his hands and said: "Although there is a nurse, I still don't feel at ease, so I came over to take a look when I have time."

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "We are so lucky to have a sister like you."

Even if they are biological sisters, not many can do this.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the ward, and then Hua Yutong's voice came, saying: "Ruoshui, are you there? I'm here to replace you."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. Hearing Hua Yutong's tone, it sounded like he was here to change shifts. Is this how they took turns taking care of Lu Shuangshuang during this period?

Jiang Ruoshui said: "Sister Yutong, I'm here."

The door was pushed open, and Hua Yutong walked in. When he saw Ji Wufeng, he was stunned for a moment, with a hint of joy in his eyes, and said, "When did you come back?"

"Just arrived."

Ji Wufeng asked: "Have you two always taken turns to take care of Shuangshuang like this?"

Hua Yutong smiled and said, "It's not just the two of us."

Immediately afterwards, someone else came. Yu Chuchu walked in, and Jiang Ruoshui said: "Chu Chu, why are you here now? It's your turn tomorrow."

Yu Chuchu glanced at Ji Wufeng and said, "Anyway, I have a day off tomorrow and I have nothing to do, so I will come over and talk to you."

Ji Wufeng didn't expect that even Yu Chuchu would come to arrange the shift. It must be more than just the three of them who come here every day.

Because today happens to be the weekend, everyone came over to see Lu Shuangshuang.

Sure enough, someone else came, it was Chen Tienan. Like the others, she also took turns taking care of Lu Shuangshuang during Ji Wufeng's absence.

We only saw each other briefly when we went back during the Chinese New Year. I miss you very much. From Lu Shuangshuang

After coming out of the ward, Ji Wufeng hugged Chen Tienan in the deserted corridor.

Chen Tienan said angrily: "What are you doing? It would be embarrassing if others saw it!"

"What's there to be ashamed of? Whose business am I interfering with by hugging my wife!"

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he opened his bloody mouth and prepared to kiss Chen Tienan wildly.

At this moment, four figures suddenly appeared. The corridor was a little dim, but Ji Wufeng still recognized Liu Qingqing, Vivian, Ye Xixi and Lin Xiaomeng.

Before Ji Wufeng could speak, Ye Xixi and Liu Qingqing were seen holding mops and brooms, cursing: "You are so bold, you dare to be frivolous with my iron man sister, you go to hell!"

After saying that, the mop and broom attacks fell on Ji Wufeng like raindrops.

The fire that rose up in Ji Wufeng's heart was immediately washed away by the flood, and he was completely wilted. If they weren't two delicate little bitches, he would have to beat them up, let you ruin my good deeds?

Finally, just when Ji Wufeng could no longer hold back his anger, the two men's attacks stopped. Liu Qingqing looked at Ji Wufeng and said with wide eyes: "You bastard, why is it you? We misunderstood, the light was too dark and we didn't see clearly, retreat." !”

After saying that, Liu Qingqing laughed dryly, waved his hand, and walked away with the three of them with their weapons in their hands.

Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth angrily. If the other three couldn't see clearly, he had to forget it. But with Liu Qingqing's current cultivation level, she could still recognize him even if the light was dimmed.

Deliberately, this little bitch must have done it on purpose, deliberately trying to ruin my good deeds!

"Asshole, it's all your fault!" Chen Tienan's face turned red with embarrassment and he stomped away.

Ji Wufeng's teeth were so angry that they were itching. He originally thought that he would be full of passion tonight, but now he is all yellow and can only stay in the empty room alone.

"Come back here!" Ji Wufeng angrily chased Liu Qingqing and the others.

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