Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1135 The ghost is Ji Wufeng

Ji Wufeng chased him all the way to his home in Longtan Township. Perhaps out of awe of Ji Wufeng, Lin Xiaomeng stuck out his tongue and said, "I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed first."

Ji Wufeng was originally very angry, but he couldn't really beat them up, so he had to rush into the bathroom and take a cold shower to suppress the anger that was brewing in his heart.

Vivian said a little uneasily: "Isn't it bad what we did just now?"

Just as Ji Wufeng had guessed, Liu Qingqing had discovered Ji Wufeng a long time ago, and the reason why he and Ye Xixi caught the prostitute just now was on purpose.

"What's not so good? Didn't you see him bullying Sister Tie Nan just now?" Ye Xixi said confidently.

Vivian thought for a moment and said, "Is he bullying Sister Tie Nan?"

"Didn't you see?"

"My brother seemed to have bullied my sister-in-law like this before. I went up to help my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law said that my brother was not bullying her, but wanted to do something very comfortable." Vivian said.

Ye Xixi could talk nonsense, but Liu Qingqing couldn't listen anymore, turned around and ran away with a blushing face.

Ye Xixi continued: "Then your sister-in-law must be lying to you. She is afraid that you will quarrel with your brother. Think about it carefully. Would it be comfortable to hold someone so tightly and bite or scratch her?"

Vivian thought about it again and felt that what Ye Xixi said made sense and said, "You are right. My sister-in-law loves my brother very much. She must be afraid that I will tell my father or that my father will teach my brother a lesson."

Ye Xixi nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, that's it!"

After that, Ye Xixi opened her laptop again. The picture above was the surveillance video picture of the entire villa. Although the lights were not turned on, everything in the picture was clearly visible.

"What are you doing?" Vivian asked.

Ye Xixi said: "That bastard bullied Sister Tie Nan, I want to teach him a lesson."

"Yes, yes, we must teach him a lesson." Vivian nodded in agreement.

Then Ye Xixi clicked on a hidden surveillance screen with a sly smile. It was actually the scene in the bathroom. Ji Wufeng was taking a bath inside and humming a tune: "Don't leave...I won't leave...have a baby." …Get a dog…”

Ye Xixi and Vivian, who were hiding under the quilt, suddenly turned red and closed the computer cover with a snap.

"Bah, this bastard, shameless, lewd, dirty..." Ye Xixi cursed with a red face.

Vivian said weakly: "We are peeking at him, so we must be adulterers, right?"


Ye Xixi glared and said: "How could a noble and generous young lady like us peek at him bathing? I did this just to teach him a lesson."

"Then how do we teach him a lesson? Do you want to record the video and upload it to the Internet?" Vivian said.

"Of course not."

Ye Xixi smiled and said, "We'll find out later."

Of course she could post the video online, but wouldn't it pollute other people's eyes?

I saw Ye Xixi tapping her fingers on the computer, and the bathroom door actually locked automatically. This is a high-end place in Longtan Township, with high technology. Once attacked, you can use the computer to control the mechanisms. With these mechanisms, you can improve the chance of escape. Chance.

However, Longtan Township had not been attacked yet, so these mechanisms were used on Ji Wufeng first.

The door was locked and Ji Wufeng immediately discovered it.

, while wondering what was going on, suddenly the water sprayed from the nozzle changed color, blood red, just like blood.

The toilet suddenly rolled over, overflowing with blood. A green palm stretched out, and black hair floated out.

"Help, there's a ghost!"

Ji Wufeng was so frightened that the hairs on his hair stood up. He rushed out the door, but the door was locked and he couldn't push it open. He was so anxious that he jumped up and down in the bath, fighting with all his strength. Holding the door open, he screamed in a high-pitched voice: "Come here quickly, there's a ghost, my God, help me!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng being so frightened through the computer, Ye Xixi and Vivian were laughing so hard that they almost died, lying on the bed holding their stomachs and rolling around.

"Ouch... I'm laughing so hard... Oh my god... Hahaha... I have a stomachache... Hahaha... I feel so uncomfortable..."

After so many confrontations with Ji Wufeng, Ye Xixi has never taken advantage of her. This time she finally got the better of her, bastard, let's see if you dare to be so arrogant in the future.

Ye Xixi had already imagined what the bastard would look like when she brought the photo she just took in front of Ji Wufeng.

I couldn't laugh anymore, or my stomach would burst. I looked at the phone screen, only to find that the bathroom door had opened and Ji Wufeng had disappeared.

"Where have people gone?"

The door of the entire villa is specially made. Even with a gun, it may not be able to penetrate it. How did Ji Wufeng get out?

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a sharp and harsh sound sounded in their ears. It was so eerie and terrifying that it made people's hair stand on end.

Ye Xixi lifted the quilt and saw Ji Wufeng standing beside the bed. His face was pale and bloodless. His eyes were rolled up. Blood was oozing from his eyes, nose and ears. Under the light of the computer, it was terrifying!

"Mom, there's a ghost..."

Ye Xixi and Vivian jumped out of bed and ran away.

Ji Wufeng wiped off the flour and ketchup on his face, and said with a smile: "Little brat, are you trying to play with me? You're still not good enough!"

Bang bang bang...

Ye Xixi patted Liu Qingqing's door desperately and shouted: "Sister Qingqing, open the door, there is a ghost!"

Liu gently opened the door and said, "Nonsense, where are the ghosts in this world?"

The two rushed into the room, and Vivian shouted: "It's Ji Wufeng, it's Ji Wufeng, the ghost is Ji Wufeng!"

He smiled mercilessly and said: "Don't talk nonsense, how could Ji Wufeng become a ghost?"

"Really, I used a machine to pretend to be a ghost to scare him just now. He must have been so frightened that he died. Now he has turned into a ghost and came to seek revenge on me." Ye Xixi said tremblingly.

Liu Qingqing understood what was going on. How could someone like Ji Wufeng be afraid of ghosts? Ye Xixi and Vivian must be playing tricks on him, and now he is scaring them in turn.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, which made Ye Xixi and Vivian jump up and scream.

Nie Qingcheng opened the door and saw Ji Wufeng standing outside, looking at them with a smile.


Ye Xixi and Vivian were immediately frightened and almost cried, but they heard Ji Wufeng say: "Ghost? Is it a pervert? Don't worry, I'm the most professional in catching perverts!"

The two of them couldn't help but glance at Ji Wufeng. They saw that all the blood and other things on this guy's body were gone. How could he still look like a ghost? Ji Wufeng chased him all the way to his home in Longtan Township. Perhaps out of awe of Ji Wufeng, Lin Xiaomeng stuck out his tongue and said, "I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed first."

Ji Wufeng was originally very angry, but he couldn't really beat them up, so he had to rush into the bathroom and take a cold shower to suppress the anger that was brewing in his heart.

Vivian said a little uneasily: "Isn't it bad what we did just now?"

Just as Ji Wufeng had guessed, Liu Qingqing had discovered Ji Wufeng a long time ago, and the reason why he and Ye Xixi caught the prostitute just now was on purpose.

"What's not so good? Didn't you see him bullying Sister Tie Nan just now?" Ye Xixi said confidently.

Vivian thought for a moment and said, "Is he bullying Sister Tie Nan?"

"Didn't you see?"

"My brother seemed to have bullied my sister-in-law like this before. I went up to help my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law said that my brother was not bullying her, but wanted to do something very comfortable." Vivian said.

Ye Xixi could talk nonsense, but Liu Qingqing couldn't listen anymore, turned around and ran away with a blushing face. .??.??

Ye Xixi continued: "Then your sister-in-law must be lying to you. She is afraid that you will quarrel with your brother. Think about it carefully. Would it be comfortable to hold someone so tightly and bite or scratch her?"

Vivian thought about it again and felt that what Ye Xixi said made sense and said, "You are right. My sister-in-law loves my brother very much. She must be afraid that I will tell my father or that my father will teach my brother a lesson."

Ye Xixi nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, that's it!"

After that, Ye Xixi opened her laptop again. The picture above was the surveillance video picture of the entire villa. Although the lights were not turned on, everything in the picture was clearly visible.

"What are you doing?" Vivian asked.

Ye Xixi said: "That bastard bullied Sister Tie Nan, I want to teach him a lesson."

"Yes, yes, we must teach him a lesson." Vivian nodded in agreement.

Then Ye Xixi clicked on a hidden surveillance screen with a sly smile. It was actually the scene in the bathroom. Ji Wufeng was taking a bath inside and humming a tune: "Don't leave...I won't leave...have a baby." …Get a dog…”

Ye Xixi and Vivian, who were hiding under the quilt, suddenly turned red and closed the computer cover with a snap.

"Bah, this bastard, shameless, lewd, dirty..." Ye Xixi cursed with a red face.

Vivian said weakly: "We are peeking at him, so we must be adulterers, right?"


Ye Xixi glared and said: "How could a noble and generous young lady like us peek at him bathing? I did this just to teach him a lesson."

"Then how do we teach him a lesson? Do you want to record the video and upload it to the Internet?" Vivian said.

"Of course not."

Ye Xixi smiled and said, "We'll find out later."

Of course she could post the video online, but wouldn't it pollute other people's eyes?

I saw Ye Xixi tapping her fingers on the computer, and the bathroom door actually locked automatically. This is a high-end place in Longtan Township, with high technology. Once attacked, you can use the computer to control the mechanisms. With these mechanisms, you can improve the chance of escape. Chance.

However, Longtan Township had not been attacked yet, so these mechanisms were used on Ji Wufeng first.

The door was locked and Ji Wufeng immediately discovered it.

, while wondering what was going on, suddenly the water sprayed from the nozzle changed color, blood red, just like blood.

The toilet suddenly rolled over, overflowing with blood. A green palm stretched out, and black hair floated out.

"Help, there's a ghost!"

Ji Wufeng was so frightened that the hairs on his hair stood up. He rushed out the door, but the door was locked and he couldn't push it open. He was so anxious that he jumped up and down in the bath, fighting with all his strength. Holding the door open, he screamed in a high-pitched voice: "Come here quickly, there's a ghost, my God, help me!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng being so frightened through the computer, Ye Xixi and Vivian were laughing so hard that they almost died, lying on the bed holding their stomachs and rolling around.

"Ouch... I'm laughing so hard... Oh my god... Hahaha... I have a stomachache... Hahaha... I feel so uncomfortable..."

After so many confrontations with Ji Wufeng, Ye Xixi has never taken advantage of her. This time she finally got the better of her, bastard, let's see if you dare to be so arrogant in the future.

Ye Xixi had already imagined what the bastard would look like when she brought the photo she just took in front of Ji Wufeng.

I couldn't laugh anymore, or my stomach would burst. I looked at the phone screen, only to find that the bathroom door had opened and Ji Wufeng had disappeared.

"Where have people gone?"

The door of the entire villa is specially made. Even with a gun, it may not be able to penetrate it. How did Ji Wufeng get out?

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a sharp and harsh sound sounded in their ears. It was so eerie and terrifying that it made people's hair stand on end.

Ye Xixi lifted the quilt and saw Ji Wufeng standing beside the bed. His face was pale and bloodless. His eyes were rolled up. Blood was oozing from his eyes, nose and ears. Under the light of the computer, it was terrifying!

"Mom, there's a ghost..."

Ye Xixi and Vivian jumped out of bed and ran away.

Ji Wufeng wiped off the flour and ketchup on his face, and said with a smile: "You little brat, are you playing with me? You're still not good enough!"

Bang bang bang...

Ye Xixi patted Liu Qingqing's door desperately and shouted: "Sister Qingqing, open the door, there is a ghost!"

Liu gently opened the door and said, "Nonsense, where are the ghosts in this world?"

The two rushed into the room, and Vivian shouted: "It's Ji Wufeng, it's Ji Wufeng, the ghost is Ji Wufeng!"

He smiled mercilessly and said: "Don't talk nonsense, how could Ji Wufeng become a ghost?"

"Really, I used a machine to pretend to be a ghost to scare him just now. He must have been so frightened that he died. Now he has turned into a ghost and came to seek revenge on me." Ye Xixi said tremblingly.

Liu Qingqing understood what was going on. How could someone like Ji Wufeng be afraid of ghosts? Ye Xixi and Vivian must be playing tricks on him, and now he is scaring them in turn.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, which made Ye Xixi and Vivian jump up and scream.

Nie Qingcheng opened the door and saw Ji Wufeng standing outside, looking at them with a smile.


Ye Xixi and Vivian were immediately frightened and almost cried, but they heard Ji Wufeng say: "Ghost? Is it a pervert? Don't worry, I'm the most professional in catching perverts!"

The two of them couldn't help but glance at Ji Wufeng. They saw that all the blood and other things on this guy's body were gone. How could he still look like a ghost?

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