Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1138 You are also a cultivator

"Luoluo"'s aura became more and more violent, his hair spread out, his eyes turned blood red, and his face became extremely ferocious. He was obviously a child, but now he looked like a crazy demon.

Being constantly hit by the extremely violent aura, Ji Wufeng almost fainted. Ye Linglong's face changed and said: "It's not good, she is too out of control soon, and all her power may burst out. By then, Luo Luo's body It’s very possible that it won’t be bearable.”

"What will happen if she can't bear it?" Ji Wufeng asked nervously.

Ye Linglong said: "What do you think will happen if a balloon is inflated to the limit?" .??.

Of course it will explode. Will Luoluo explode and die?

Ji Wufeng's expression changed drastically, he rushed forward to hug Luo Luo and shouted loudly: "Luo Luo, wake up quickly, I am your godfather!"

If something happened to Luo Luo, how would he explain it to Peng Cheng? At that time, many people, even himself, will not forgive himself.

"Despicable weakling, you are looking for death!"

"Luoluo" was suddenly hugged by Ji Wufeng, staring at Ji Wufeng with flashing blood eyes, and slapped him with a palm.


Ji Wufeng suddenly felt as if he was made of paper. He was slapped away by "Luoluo", blood spurted out, and his body hit the wall hard, making a big hole in the wall!

Ji Wufeng felt like his internal organs were being burned by fire, and the bones in his body were about to fall apart. Fortunately, it was him. If it had been anyone else, even the Grand Master would have gone to see the King of Hell.

Before Ji Wufeng could get up, Luo Luo's thin body appeared in front of him again, and said with a ferocious smile: "You are proud enough that you survived my slap, but you still can't escape death in the end! "

Before he finished speaking, a small palm slapped Ji Wufeng's head. Ji Wufeng suddenly felt as if his flesh and blood were about to be sucked away. The pain made him almost faint.

Ji Wufeng had never felt that he was so close to death. "Luoluo" was right, he was in front of her

A despicable weakling indeed.

He raised his head and glanced at "Luoluo", and found that the innocent smile that usually hung on "Luoluo's" face was no longer there. There was no emotion in the blood-red eyes, only endless indifference and murderous intent. She was not Luoluo. , she really wanted to kill herself.

Ji Wufeng felt desperate. Was he going to die? And he still died at the hands of his goddaughter.

At this moment, Ye Linglong's cold voice came to my ears, saying: "Ji Wufeng, are you planning to give up just like that? If you die like this, then I will be really disappointed in you."

Ye Linglong's words were like a fuse, and Ji Wufeng's heart suddenly trembled.

If he didn't want to die, there was another choice, a choice he didn't want to make, but at this time he had no choice.


Something seemed to explode inside Ji Wufeng's body, and a terrifying aura full of extinction and death suddenly burst out from his body.

The surrounding space seemed to have changed, becoming cold and gloomy, filled with endless blood and madness, as if death was about to come.

Ji Wufeng didn't want to die, so his only option was to use his true power.

After rebirth, his memory is still there, so his Immortal King cultivation is still there, but his physical body is that of a thousand years ago and cannot bear the power of his Immortal King.

Once he made a move, just like the last time he was attacked by Qianye Ming, his strength increased sharply, but he went berserk and lost control. Although he killed the enemy, it also caused Lu Shuangshuang to fall asleep.

The power of the Immortal King is too powerful. Once out of control, serious consequences will inevitably occur. Ji Wufeng is unwilling to use it, but now he has no choice.

"Luoluo"'s expression finally turned pale.

He said in shock: "You are also a it you?"

In an instant, "Luoluo" looked confused again and said, "But who are you?"

She seemed to know Ji Wufeng, but she couldn't remember who Ji Wufeng was?


The corners of Ji Wufeng's pale mouth curled up with a strange arc, and he slowly raised his head with a weird and harsh laugh. He saw that the black in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a pale white, covered with horrible bloodshot eyes.

No, that's not a blood streak, that's a bloody mist that's slowly overflowing.

Facing the death pressure of "Lolo", Ji Wufeng's strong sense of crisis made Ji Wufeng go crazy again.

"Roar!" ??

Ji Wufeng roared, shook "Luo Luo"'s hand away, and punched "Luo Luo".


With one punch in the air, "Luoluo" disappeared in front of Ji Wufeng's eyes. The terrifying punch hit the wall, creating a big crater in the wall.

Ye Linglong frowned immediately. This level of disease must not spread, otherwise the hospital will be destroyed, and no one in the hospital may survive.

There are several people in this ward, let alone dead, even if they hurt a hair, Ji Wufeng will probably have to fight her to the death!

"You can't use it here. If you want to have a real duel, just follow me!" Ye Linglong suddenly jumped out of the window.

This is the eighth floor. An ordinary person would definitely not survive if he jumped. But the strange thing is that Ye Linglong's body did not fall quickly, but slowly fell in the air like a feather.

"Luoluo" frowned slightly and jumped out of the window. Ye Linglong suddenly accelerated and flew through the air. "Luoluo" followed closely, and Ji Wufeng also roared and chased after him.

After leaving Lose and coming to the river, Ye Linglong finally

Stopped. Since there are no people around here, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Who are you?" "Luoluo" asked coldly.

Ye Linglong smiled slightly, with a hint of loneliness on her face, and said, "I've already said, you don't need to know who I am, it's enough for you to figure out who you are now."

"But who am I?" "Luoluo" said with a painful look on his face.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, what matters is who do you want to be?”

Ye Linglong looked into the distance and said: "I used to be the same. I didn't know who I was? But is that important? It's not important at all. I only know who I am now. I am Ye Linglong and I am the Ye family. Ye Linglong!"


Ji Wufeng chased after him, his body flew through the air like lightning, and punched "Luoluo".


The entire river surface seemed to be trembling, and the moorings on the riverside began to crack and tremble. Cracks slowly appeared and spread to the ground, extending continuously.

At this time, "Lolo" had appeared several hundred meters away.

"Luoluo"'s eyes were filled with blood, and he said coldly: "Maybe you are right, it doesn't matter who I am now, then today is the last battle!"

Before he finished speaking, "Luoluo"'s thin body rushed towards Ji Wufeng, and the two figures collided with each other.

Huge waves rolled up on the river. The originally clear sky over the river turned into dark clouds and a biting cold wind in an instant.

The figures of the two people kept flashing in the huge waves, colliding wildly, bombarding each other, and the violent power raged, splitting the river surface, splitting the moorings next to the river, and countless soil, rocks, flowers, plants and trees. It turned into fly ash, floated up, and finally sank into the stormy waves!

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely think that it was two gods fighting. The power they inspired was really terrifying.

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