The duel became more and more intense, and suddenly a peerless edge shot up into the sky, like a long knife dozens of meters long, slashing across the sky, even the dark clouds above the two of them were split in half.


"Lolo"'s body flew out like a cannonball, hit the mooring bank by the river, and directly hit a huge pit.

Ye Linglong found that "Luo Luo" was not injured, but said with a shocked face: "It's really you!"

"Do you know who he is?" Ye Linglong asked.

"There's no one in my world who doesn't know who he is."

"Luoluo" looked directly at Ji Wufeng, shook his head and sighed: "You were once unparalleled in the world. You have disappeared for thousands of years and the world regrets you. I never thought you would reach this point."

"Who is he?" Ye Linglong asked eagerly.

"Luoluo" smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who he is, what's important is that he is the person you know well."

Ye Linglong looked confused. She wanted to know the answer, but she knew very well that the best result was not knowing the answer.

"Then have you made a choice?" Ye Linglong asked.

"Luo Luo" smiled slightly and said: "You are right. What matters is not who I was before, but who I am now. Jiang Luoshui no longer exists. Now I am Luo Luo, the real Luo Luo."

Ye Linglong's expression suddenly changed and she said, "Can you really let it go?"

"Luoluo" looked at Ji Wufeng who was chasing after him crazily, and said with a smile: "What can't you let go of? Breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn may be the last choice."

This time it was Ye Linglong's turn to look confused. Yes, in comparison, maybe she was the one who couldn't let go.

"As you are also a fallen person from the end of the world, let me help you."

"Luoluo" said lightly, then his body suddenly faced Ji Wufeng. After avoiding the violent attack, he suddenly slapped his palms towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng raised his head and groaned suddenly, with a painful expression on his face.

Ye Linglong was shocked and said: "Why?"

The anger in "Luoluo"'s eyes dissipated, and he said: "Now that I have made a choice, strength is no longer important to me. This will make me take Luoluo's job more seriously, and I believe in his protection." That’s enough.”

In the midst of his madness, Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually became clearer, and finally returned to normal, while Luo Luo's body hanging above his head fell down.

"Luoluo..." Ji Wufeng hugged Luoluo.

"Godfather, where are we? So sleepy..." Luoluo fainted before he finished speaking.

This time Ji Wufeng was frightened. He hurriedly checked on Luo Luo and found that she was just exhausted and nothing serious.

"What on earth is going on?" Ji Wufeng asked Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong shook her head helplessly and said, "There are two pieces of news now, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Say it."

"The good news is that Luoluo has made it possible for you and poured all his power into you." Ye Linglong said.

"What's the bad news?" Ji Wufeng asked.

After Ye Linglong hesitated for a moment, she said: "Maybe Luo Luo has no way to save Lu Shuangshuang now, because she has become an ordinary person now and no longer has the abilities before, and will grow up like an ordinary child. "

Lu Shuangshuang's hope of waking up was shattered, leaving Ji Wufeng extremely disappointed.

But after hearing Ye Linglong's words, Ji Wufeng felt somewhat relieved.

Shao Luoluo will no longer have abnormalities in the future, and will grow up happily like a normal child!

After Ji Wufeng and the others left, two men in black appeared on the riverside and said with resentment on their faces: "Damn it, the master's plans for many years have been ruined like this!"

"We have no chance to take action. That little bitch has always been under Ji Wufeng's protection."

"This matter will definitely make the master furious. All we can do now is to get things done in Shanghai, otherwise you know exactly what will happen to us!"

At this point, both of them couldn't help but tremble. Once the mission failed, death was a gift to them. Hu Hai's plan must not be allowed to go wrong, otherwise they would be a hundred times more miserable than death, and murderous intent would spread all over the place in an instant!

Rushing back to the hospital, Ji Wufeng checked on Hua Yutong, Yu Chuchu and Lu Shuangshuang. Fortunately, they only suffered some shocks and no serious injuries. They would wake up after a short rest.

It was a good thing that Luo Luo was back to normal, but Lu Shuangshuang's matter was like a big stone weighing on Ji Wufeng's heart, and he couldn't relax no matter what.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ye Linglong said: "The method can certainly be found, but it will take time. There is no problem with Lu Shuangshuang's body at all. The problem is with her mind. Her brain is in a deep sleep state now. If she wants to recover, she must be awakened. brain."

"What to do?"

"Spiritual healing!" Ye Linglong said.

Spiritual healing?

Ji Wufeng frowned. He wanted to use his spiritual power, but he couldn't do it with his current cultivation level. He had to improve his cultivation level. To measure it by a warrior, at least the strength of a kingly warrior was required.

Ye Linglong said before that Luo

Luo Luo can save Lu Shuangshuang, which probably means Luo Luo is equivalent to a kingly warrior.

There are too few kingly warriors on earth. Any one of them is either in a high position or has become a wandering cloud and wild crane.

"Then can I do it now?" Ji Wufeng suddenly thought that he had absorbed Luo Luo's skills and should have the strength of a kingly warrior.

Ye Linglong shook her head and said: "It is true that you have the strength of a royal warrior now, but you cannot bear it with your current physical strength. If you take action now, not only will you not be able to save others, but you may also be unable to protect yourself.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Ji Wufeng held his head in pain.

"Of course, the method is, if we can find the relics of Buddhist monks and magical weapons that have been channeled, it may also achieve the same effect." Ye Linglong said.

This is like saying nothing. These things are extremely rare to begin with. Even if they exist, they are probably hidden by some famous sects.

Moreover, those who have these things are not just some small forces, but all famous sects. Just like the Buddhist relics, which are found in Shaolin Temple, should Ji Wufeng snatch them?

If Ji Wufeng's cultivation level returns to its peak, he can just go and grab it, but with his current strength, going there would be like committing suicide.

Ji Wufeng suddenly had an idea, took out something from his body and said, "Can you take a look at it?"

That was the Angel Star that Ji Wufeng bought at the Zhuo Family Auction. Wasn't this thing also transformed into something after the death of a Holy Court master? Presumably it should have the same effect as Buddhist relics, right?

"Angel Star?" Ye Linglong snatched it away with joy on her face.

"Is this thing useful?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"I'm not 100% sure it will work, but it's very possible!"

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